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在小学中进行“数学情境与提出问题”教学是十分必要、可行的。在教学中教师要注意:从具体情境导入,促使学生由感性认识到理性思考过渡;引导学生提出探索性问题,拓广学生的思维空间和学习视野;要学会创造性地处理教材,在具体教学中还要注意充分调动学生的积极性与创造性。  相似文献   

小学生在具体的数学问题情境中可以发现、提出一些有价值的问题,并能够创造性地解决问题;在数据的收集、整理过程中可以获得一定的数学经验.创设数学问题情境要能激发学生的学习兴趣,增强学生的问题意识。在“数学情境与提出问题”的教学中也要关注学习困难生的发展.  相似文献   

“设置教学情境-提出数学问题-解决数学问题-注重数学应用”是“数学情境-提出问题”教学的主线,“数学情境-提出问题”教学可以促使学生自主探究,促进学生主体地位的实现;促进学生问题意识的培养;促进教师提高业务素质,转变教学观念。  相似文献   

在高中阶段进行“数学情境与提出问题”研究是十分必要的。围绕“数学情境与提出问题”进行课堂教学应注意:(1)创设好的情境是进行课堂教学的基础;(2)恰当引导学生提出数学;(3)以单元大情境带动数学教学。  相似文献   

小学数学教师在教学过程中,要精心设计问题,而且还要鼓励学生“敢问”,创设学生熟悉的感兴趣的生活情境,引导学生从中发现数学问题,创设一个宽松和谐的教学环境,使学生敢于发问,教学生“会问”。教师要充分保护和尊重学生闪现出来的问题意识,培养学生提问的勇气和兴趣。导学生转换角色,自觉提出问题。找准质疑端口,便于学生提出好问题。  相似文献   

学生产生自己的学习问题,是主动学习的表现。教学实践中,教师期待学生提出有质量的数学问题。在小学数学教学中引发学生提出有价值的学习问题,要从创设情境、帮扶训练、创新载体、积极评价四个方面加以引导,帮助学生实现“我的问题我做主”,不断提高学习提问的能力。  相似文献   

学生产生自己的学习问题,是主动学习的表现.教学实践中,教师期待学生提出有质量的数学问题.在小学数学教学中引发学生提出有价值的学习问题,要从创设情境、帮扶训练、创新载体、积极评价四个方面加以引导,帮助学生实现“我的问题我做主”,不断提高学习提问的能力.  相似文献   

在新课程教学中,教师要以学生的发展为本,充分调动学生学习有价值的数学,根据不同的教学内容设计不同的情境,让学生在情境中发现问题,提出问题,解决问题。针对这一要求,我在教育教学中不断地探索,改革课堂教学,积累了点滴经验。一、科学地使用教材目前,走进新课程离不开课堂教学这块阵地。要将新课标中提出的基本理念转化为教师的教学行为,我觉得教师要在教学中扮演好“引路人”的角色,引导学生积极主动地参与学习,以学生发展为本,灵活地使用教材,科学地设计教学程序。教材是一成不变的,只有在充分理解编者意图的基础上结合学生的具体情况,…  相似文献   

创设数学情境是“情境-问题”教学的基础环节,“情境-问题”教学模式上主张以问题为“红线”组织教学活动,以学生作为提出问题的主体,教师在创设数学情境时,必须对学生的身心特点,知识水平,教学内容,教学目标,教学需要等因素进行综合考虑,“正弦定理”具有广泛的应用价值,在教学中,应从应用需要出发创设所适用的数学情境。  相似文献   

一、案例背景 《数学课程标准》在第一学段要求学生:“能在教师指导下,从日常生活中发现并提出简单的数学问题。”在使用青岛版教材进行教学的过程中,我们常常听到教师这样引导学生:“仔细观察这幅图,你发现了什么?你能提出什么问题?”意在引导学生从生活情境中收集数学信息,并能根据数量之间的内在联系提出数学问题。那么,如伺引导学生根据数量之间的内在联系,提出有价值的数学问题呢?下面结合两个教学片断,谈谈笔者粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

This paper dealt with composite scheduling problems which combine manufacturing scheduling problems and/or transportation routing problems.Two scheduling models were formulated as the elements of the composite scheduling model,and the composite model was formulated composing these models with indispensable additional constraints.A hybrid genetic algorithm was developed to solve the composite scheduling problems.An improved representation based on random keys was developed to search permutation space.A genetic algorithm based dynamic programming approach was applied to select resource.The proposed technique and a previous technique are compared by three types of problems.All results indicate that the proposed technique is superior to the previous one.  相似文献   

In this meta-analysis of 34 clinical studies on attachment the hypothesis is tested that maternal problems such as mental illness lead to more deviating attachment classification distributions than child problems such as deafness. A correspondence analysis on 21 North American studies with normal subjects produced a baseline against which the clinical samples could be evaluated. Separate analyses were carried out on studies containing the traditional A, B, C classifications and on studies that also included the recently discovered D or A/C category. Results show that groups with a primary identification of maternal problems show attachment classification distributions highly divergent from the normal distributions, whereas groups with a primary identification of child problems show distributions that are similar to the distributions of normal samples. The introduction of the D or A/C classifications (about 15% in normal samples) reveals an overrepresentation of D or A/C in the child problem groups, but the resulting distribution still is much closer to the normal distributions compared to the samples with maternal problems. In clinical samples, the mother appears to play a more important role than the child in shaping the quality of the infant-mother attachment relationship.  相似文献   

讨论了一类带根号的Riemann边值逆问题,通过对未知函数的结构分析,再消去参变未知函数,把问题转化为典型的Riemann边值问题,利用已知的结论,给出了该问题在正则型和非正则型情况下的解.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine what sort of problems beset college students and whether they select different helpers for different problems. A two page questionnaire listing 20 common problems, and 18 different helpers was administered to 80 male and 155 female students at Kuwait University. It was found that males and females differed significantly on six problems (family, self-confidence, behavior, death, work and grades). Different helpers were selected for different types of problems, and for 18 of the 20 problems, males and females chose a same-sex helper. The results are explained within the context of the Arab culture and the implications for counseling are discussed.Paper presented at the meeting of the Fourteenth International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, Helsinki, Finland, July 1–5, 1990.  相似文献   

引进了拟单调变分不等式组问题,把变分不等式问题推广到了变分不等式组问题,讨论了该拟单调变分不等式组具有非空无界解的强制性条件,建立强制性条件与变分不等式组问题解集的关系.  相似文献   

A key factor identified in friendship formation and stability is similarity. Homophily of externalizing problems has been reported frequently, but less attention has been directed at homophily of internalizing problems. Whether young children who are friends resemble each other in their internalizing problems is thus largely unknown. In order to increase understanding of the social risk factors implicated in the etiology of internalizing problems, it is important to establish whether internalizing problems cluster in friendships. The present study examines homophily of internalizing problems while controlling for externalizing problems in a sample of children aged 4–8.  相似文献   


Around the world, there is a growing interest in integrated STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education. Many of the calls for integrated STEM emphasize the need for students to engage with complex STEM problems that cut across multiple fields. Yet there is a need to clarify the nature of those problems and differentiate STEM problems from those of different kinds. This conceptual work examines the nature of STEM problems in order to inform pre-college educational efforts in STEM. A typology is introduced that situates STEM problems within a broader space of problems within STEM and non-STEM fields, and the characteristics of STEM problems are described. The typology and characteristics are then applied to different approaches to STEM instruction. A key conclusion is that many integrated STEM education efforts tend to focus on STEM problems that are narrowly framed and that do not include attention to social, cultural, political, or ethical dimensions. However, alternative instructional approaches exist that re-introduce those missing dimensions. If STEM education is to prepare students to grapple with complex problems in the real world, then more attention ought to be given to approaches that are inclusive of the non-STEM dimensions that exist in those problems.


将非线性规划问题中的Frank-Wolfe方法应用于二级价格控制问题中,给出了一种求解二级价格控制问题的Frank-Wolfe方法。此法通过数值实验表明方便、快捷、简单与实用.  相似文献   

问题驱动的数学教育观是以分析问题、应用问题和计算问题为驱动进行数学课程教学、教学内容和教学方法的研究,提高学生学习的主动性,促进创新人才的培养。文章结合数值分析课程和大学数学公共课程的教学,给出了一些教学实践的内容和方法,论述了现有教学研究的发展和值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

针对目前日益活跃的企业并购现象,本文分别从企业并购的发展历程、立法情况及目前存在的问题等几方面进行论述,并把并购分为三个阶段,就并购中涉及到的各方权益的法律保护问题做了专门探讨。经过十几年的发展,关于企业并购这一问题无论在法律建设、理论研究还是实践操作中都取得了很大成绩,但仍存在着许多问题。  相似文献   

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