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我的儿子虽然乖巧听话,让人喜欢,但也有一些缺点。于是,我就采用一些方法,慢慢地教他改掉这些毛病,使他能够健康成长。给孩子一个宽松的学习环境我对孩子的学习要求是,既严又不过分,语文、数学两科,我要求他一定要学会学懂。会做会算,但我从未要求他打双百分,不给他增加压力。一旦考得不太好,我也不打不骂,而是帮助他分析  相似文献   

在我还是小孩子的时候,我有一个老邻居叫吉布斯医生。他不像我所认识的任何一个医生。我们在他的院子里玩耍,他从不对我们大喊大叫。我记得他是一个非常和蔼的人。  相似文献   

孩子今年10岁了,在班上学习中等。他似乎也不像别的同学那样努力学习,总跟我说:“妈妈,我觉得开心最重要。”我承认儿子的想法对,但是我不希望他因为这种想法而失去本应该属于他的好成绩。毕竟,在学习上落后将会让他不快乐。可我怎样和他谈呢?  相似文献   

刘召宁 《班主任》2014,(10):56-56
小飞各科学习都很差,课堂上很少发言,下课也几乎不与别人交流,而我也往往是因为他打人了或是不交作业了才会注意到他。今天,他的表现再次让我注意到他。我把他叫到办公室,决定与他进行一次深入的沟通交流。可是无论我说什么,他的回应都是沉默。我心里开始着急,可又不能就此放弃,于是,我提议听听歌曲来缓和一下沉闷的气氛。  相似文献   

学校食堂里,我看到菲尔向我走来,顿时心里一沉。我低声对我的朋友莉娜和艾丽莎说:“他可千万别是来找我的。”“你可没那么走运,”莉娜答道。“看他那一本正经的样子。”  相似文献   

正9月13日晴每天走进教室,就能看到他亲切的面孔,这就是我亲爱的汪老师,我非常喜欢他。老师上课十分用心,当我们学习进步的时候,他会笑着夸我们,当我们不好好学习的时候,他就会像个父亲似地给我们讲道理。我的老师就是这么好的老师,我一定努力学习,用好的成绩来报答他。  相似文献   

第一次见到张良时,我实在不能将面前这个阳光活泼的小伙子与他母亲口中的厌学孩子给联系起来。可是,一问起他的学习状况,我却从他不经意  相似文献   

西子姐姐,我的妈妈对我要求很严格,假期的时候总是让我先把作业做完才安排我出去玩。我爸爸呢,正好相反,他说假期就是要多玩,否则就不叫假期。所以他一有空就带我出去玩。还对妈妈说,作业如果做不完。他来帮我做。  相似文献   

学生:丁杰。情况:又黑又小,没有上过幼儿园,基础差,内向少语,凡事慢三拍,没有什么朋友,较孤僻,父母没有文化。一年级时,我利用每天放学时间为其补习,成绩能考到及格了。但是每天上课提问时,他的眼光中总是充满了恐慌的神情,我只好打消让他回答问题的念头,即使有时叫了他,他也总  相似文献   

我曾经是个特别爱听故事的人,故事的主讲人是我的哥哥。哥哥从小学习吹长号,底气十足乐感很好,我小的时候很怕他,他生气的时候会无缘无故地欺负我,可一旦讲起故事来,他就会变得慈眉善目和蔼亲切。讲故事是我们音乐大院的传统,那时没有什么娱乐,  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether differences in social support, submissive behaviors, and loneliness existed among Turkish university students who had had premarital sexual intercourse and those who had not. Using self-reported questionnaires, students who had experienced sexual intercourse were contrasted with those who had not. Data were gathered on 420 university students in Ankara, Turkey. MANOVA statistics were used in the data analysis. Results indicated that more than 75?% of the total respondents reported that they had never had sexual intercourse; the frequency of sexual intercourse was higher among males than females. It was found that students who had had sexual intercourse reported less perceived support from family. The two groups were not significantly different, however, in perceived support from friends, submissive behaviors and loneliness. Possible interpretations of these data and implications for future study are suggested.  相似文献   

斯大林时期,尽管中苏关系中存在着若干摩擦与不愉快,但却没有发生大的冲撞。赫鲁晓夫主政后,中苏关系进入了蜜月时期。但也正是赫鲁晓夫的主政,开启了中苏论战的闸门。当然,这决不是说双方争吵的责任应该由赫鲁晓夫个人来承担。中苏双方都曾为阻止相互关系的日益恶化进行过艰苦努力,但结果往往适得其反。在历史的关键时期,中苏两个世界上最大的社会主义国家和两个最大的共产党终究没能在社会主义改革和建设的探索中形成良性互动。  相似文献   

先秦时期,各种法律制度都在酝酿形成当中,其中对后世影响至深的婚姻家庭方面的法律制度在这一时期就已初具规模。但“男尊女卑”的传统在先秦时期并不是象后世那样被严格遵守,先秦妇女在婚姻家庭中的法律地位虽不能完全与男子相比,但也并非是全然没有权利和地位。从历史的角度来看,先秦妇女在婚姻家庭中的法律地位呈现出过渡性的特点。  相似文献   

革命派对于民主问题的理解显得较为简单,他们在论战中更多地关注“排满”,将政治制度的民主化视作“排满”的必然结果,因而对民主问题准备不足。立宪派对于民主问题及民族革命与政治革新之间关系的认识上虽然也不尽完整,但关注国民素质在民主政治进程中的作用又有一定程度的合理性。尽管双方在论战中多有差异,但对于以政治制度民主化为核心的现代化的强烈诉求又在深层次上显示出了较大的同一性。两派的政治理想在某种程度上都没有能得到实现,说明胜利并非革命派所独有,而失败也并非只属于立宪派。  相似文献   

李清照是中国学史上的杰出词人,不仅在创作方面成绩卓,以独具一格的“易安体”擅名词坛,而且在理论建树方面亦有辉煌成就,其《词论》堪称词学丰碑。然而,在其家学之中却并无词学渊源。对李清照产生重大影响的词家当是晁补之。晁补之评词的理论观点,对李清照词学理论的形成有所启发;晁补之的词作,对“易安体”的美学风范也有相当的影响。  相似文献   

近年来,有关甘肃永昌县发现“罗马城”的报道接连不断,而这实际上并不存在。从西方古典文献来看,克拉苏之子及罗马远征军残部的下落均有明确的记载,且罗马没有木城,罗马军团的乌龟阵也不是什么“鱼鳞阵”;从中国古代典籍来看,陈汤所获的百余名战俘并不是什么“罗马战俘”,而是北匈奴人,且已分给西域15国,并没有带回。  相似文献   

李贺的诗歌,在艺术上存在明显的缺陷:一是感情不动人,二是意境不完整,三是风格幽冷险怪。究其原因。是由于他在诗歌创作中,颠倒了生活和艺术的关系,本末倒置,使其诗歌产生了形式主义和唯美主义倾向。  相似文献   


Two groups of high school seniors were selected for study. One group had mothers who were college graduates and fathers who had not finished high school. The second group had fathers who were college graduates and mothers who had not finished high school. The Incidence of these patterns of parental education In urban and non-urban populations was noted. Several hypotheses regarding the relationship between ability and school achievement for these groups were tested. Expected differences between these groups of students and their peers were not found. Results suggested that family educational status is more related to plans to attend college than is family economic status. No evidence was found to support the picture of the all-powerful maternal Influence In the American family.  相似文献   

The social acceptance of a group of Zambian primary school children with intellectual disabilities by two groups of nondisabled children was examined. One group were in direct contact with the children with disabilities over a period of six months while the other was not. Nondisabled boys who had been in contact with children with disabilities had more positive attitudes than boys who had no direct contact, while no exposure effects were observed amongst girls. Gender differences amongst nondisabled children who had contact with peers with disabilities were not significant. Amongst the nondisabled children who had no contact with children with disabilities, girls had more positive attitudes than boys. The findings are preliminary, but offer directions for further research and have some implications for integrating children with disabilities into mainstream schools.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, it was found that 5-year-oldnew school entrants taught by a syntheticphonics method had better reading, spelling andphonemic awareness than two groups taughtanalytic phonics. The synthetic phonicschildren were the only ones that could read byanalogy, and they also showed better reading ofirregular words and nonwords. For one analyticphonics group the programme was supplemented byphonological awareness training; this led togains in phonemic awareness but not reading orspelling compared with the other analyticphonics group. The synthetic phonics programmewas taught to the analytic phonics groups aftertheir initial programmes had been completed andpost-tested. The group that had hadphonological awareness training did not performbetter than the other two groups when tested 15months later; this was also the case when thesame comparison was made for the the subset ofchildren that had started school with weakphonological awareness skill. Speed of letterlearning was controlled for in Experiment 2; itwas found that the synthetic phonics groupstill read and spelt better than the analyticphonics group. It was concluded that syntheticphonics was more effective than analyticphonics, and that with the former approach itwas not necessary to carry out supplementarytraining in phonological awareness.  相似文献   

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