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This article will begin by examining the extent to which R. S. Peters merited the charge of analytic philosopher. His background in social psychology allowed him to become more pragmatic and grounded in social conventions and ordinary language than the analytic philosophers associated with empiricism, and his gradual shift from requiring internal consistency to developing a notion of ‘reasonableness’, in which reason could be tied to passion, grounded him in an idiosyncratic notion of ethics which included compassion and virtue as well as reason. I describe his position on ethics as a systemic one of principled pragmatism.  相似文献   

20世纪以来 ,作为哲学重要组成部分的科学哲学得到了迅速发展。通过比较研究可以发现 ,前苏联和西方国家在科学哲学的发展道路上有着极大的不同。前苏联科学哲学的兴起是对“科学危机”的“哲学拯救” ,带有强烈的政治色彩。而西方科学哲学的兴起则是对科学发展的哲学反思 ,是为科学发展寻找认识论上的哲学依据。  相似文献   


In 1964, Richard Peters examined the place of philosophy in the training of teachers. He considered three things: Why should philosophy of education be included in the training of teachers; What portion of philosophy of education should be included; How should philosophy be taught to those training to be teachers. This article explores the context of the time when Peters set out his views, describes philosophy of education at the London Institute of Education at one period in Peters’ time there, and then discusses the current state of philosophy of education, using New Zealand as an example of opportunities and challenges. Finally, asking whether Peters was nearly right about the place of philosophy in the training of teachers, it is concluded that he was right about its importance but got it wrong about his conception of philosophy.  相似文献   

美苏《雅尔塔秘密协定》满足了苏联在远东的利益要求,换得苏联出兵东北,消灭了日本关东军。可以说,苏军进入东北与美苏黑幕交易有直接关系。战后,因美国插手中国事务,美苏冷战已露端倪,苏联从东北撤军问题一波三折,这也与美国的态度和做法有关。美国的压力又是苏联最终实现撤军的重要原因之一。  相似文献   


R. S. Peters never explicitly talks about wisdom as being an aim of education. He does, however, in numerous places, emphasize that education is of the whole person and that, whatever else it might be about, it involves the development of knowledge and understanding. Being educated, he claims, is incompatible with being narrowly specialized. Moreover, he argues, education enables a person to have a different perspective on things, ‘to travel with a different view’ [Peters, R. S. (1967). What is an educational process? In R. S. Peters (Ed.), The concept of education (pp. 1–23). Routledge and Kegan Paul]. In asserting this about education, Peters has more in common with another great English educator, John Henry, Cardinal Newman, than one might expect, given they are separated by about a century and start from different philosophical perspectives, namely Kant to a significant degree in the former and Aristotle in the latter. Both nevertheless acknowledge the importance of reason and its development in any education worthy of the name. I will argue that in describing the ‘educated person’ Peters is not far from the view of Newman, who saw education as being about the ‘enlargement of mind’. Although Newman hesitates to call ‘enlargement of mind’ wisdom, and Peters does not use either term, there are good grounds for proposing that in distinguishing between education and training, and in asserting education is moral education because it is concerned to improve persons, Peters acknowledges the higher purposes of education and hence, we can add, its connection with wisdom. Significantly, what such a reading of Peters emphasizes is his insistence on the intrinsic value of education, a view seemingly lost in modern market-driven conceptions of education.  相似文献   

本文分析了三种不同的教育公正观.自由平等主义主张教育资源在所有人中的平等分配;自由至上主义主张教育资源的分配要依据个人的天赋进行选择,不能为了平等而牺牲个人自由.德沃金的"钝于禀赋,敏于志向"主张在公共教育的基础上,尊重人们的教育选择.三种公正观为我们构建理性的教育公正观提供了积极的思路.  相似文献   

阮冈纳赞的图书馆学五定律被认为是图书馆的最经典的理论.本文以阮冈纳赞的图书馆学五个定律为理论背景,论述了它在泉州师院图书馆现代化建设工作中的实际应用情况,以此说明阮氏的图书馆学五定律在今天仍具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

美国高等教育营销行为的形成、发展及其影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等教育营销行为随着现代高等教育竞争的加剧而越来越受到相关高校和管理部门的重视。旱在上世纪60年代末,美国高等教育就开始策划实施其营销战略。本文试图分析美国高等教育营销行为产生和发展的动因,概括美国高等教育营销行为发展的历程,并进一步阐述美国高等教育营销行为对其管理、招生以及服务和效益所产生的重大影响。  相似文献   


Originating from philosophy and science, many different ideas have made their way into educational policies. Educational policies often take such ideas completely out of context, and enforce them as general norms to every aspect of education; even opposing ideals make their way into school’s curricula, teaching techniques, assignments, and procedures. Meanwhile, inside the actual classrooms, teachers and students are left in limbo, trying to comply with, techniques, evaluation forms and a growing technical educational vocabulary. Here I would like to propose an antidote to this absurdity by reminding us what teachers and students already know. Such an antidote can be found in J. L. Austin’s speech act theory. In this paper, I propose we revisit speech act theory and treat it as an educational theory. That might help us dismantle false dichotomies troubling education for decades. The point is not that the discussion over educational policies and priorities should stop, but that it should be kept in appropriate perspective. A modified speech act theory can help us facilitate such a perspective.  相似文献   

当前我国教育领域的改革和讨论越来越激烈,而教育研究和实践之间的"沟壑"仍然没有减缓,这种局面如何才能打破,教育专业人士如何参与到公众的讨论中,如何在大众的教育导向中发挥作用,这些都是当前亟待解决的问题.美国学者索尔蒂斯为我们提供了有益的启示.本文从他的"公共教育哲学"观出发,以分析和实践为线索,介绍这一思想形成的背景、基础和图景,寻找其对我国教育发展可能产生的影响.  相似文献   

以阮冈纳赞的分面分类理论为切入点,阐述分面组配式分类法的特性、主题法及整个情报检索语言的发展趋势等问题。  相似文献   

中美两国数学教育界对学生数学思维的发展都非常重视。我国学者从形象思维、抽象思维、直觉思维等角度对之进行研究和探索;美国学者从儿童生活实际出发,认为学生数学思维包括:匹配与区分、分类、排序、顺序、建模。在论述思维发展时,都结合学生的实际,以案例的方式进行描述。两国在研究的逻辑方法上存在显著差异。我国研究体现出从一般到特殊的特点,而美国的研究则体现出从特殊到一般的特点。比较两国的研究,吸取各自所长,有利于促进我国基础教育数学课程改革的健康发展。  相似文献   

美军法制教育的成功做法对我军的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美军把法制教育纳入军队教育训练计划,注重院校法学教学以提高军官法律素质,强调有效消灭军队中"违法乱纪的愿望",面向战争强化军人的相关法律意识,采取多种形式开展法制教育等成功做法,启示我军应进一步提高法制教育的地位,调整充实院校法学教学,强化教育的针对性,拓展教育的内容,积极探索教育的新形式和新途径。  相似文献   

This short text provides an introduction to the five papers that follow, all of which reflect on R.S. Peters, his founding importance for contemporary philosophy of education, and his continuing relevance. It sets the scene by referring to Peters’ early and important encounter with Israel Scheffler before going on briefly to acknowledge other work published over the past decade that examines Peters’ achievement. In addition, it explains the background to the fifth paper in this suite. This is Ieuan Lloyd's record, posthumously published, of conversations about the philosophy of education with Rush Rhees, in which Peters’ work is considered.  相似文献   

巴赫钢琴《^bA大调前奏曲》是巴赫为拨弦古钢琴而作,因此在演奏技法上和现代钢琴有所不同。演奏中把握恰当的触键以及作品风格是合理诠释作品内涵的核心。学习和研究这首前奏曲,可以了解和把握演奏巴赫钢琴音乐作品的一些基本原则。  相似文献   

美国全年制学校教育是有别于一学年两个学期、三个月暑假的传统学制的教育教学组织形式.全年制教育的共同特点是将三个月暑假分散在全学年中,以期达到提高教育教学质量的目的.本文在追溯全年制教育历史发展的基础上,介绍了其主要类型和运行模式,探讨了其利弊并分析了实施全年制教育对学生、学校管理者、教师、家长及社区的影响.  相似文献   

立足史料,旨在挖掘陈省身在数学研究与教学方面的思想方法,认为陈省身在数学事业上表现出的远见卓识、抱负雄心、不畏艰难和开拓进取的治学精神,以及在数学传播与教育方面表现出的不计名利。乐于奉献的情怀,是其取得巨大成就的思想基础.陈省身对“学徒制”的反对很具现实意义,他对数学史研究在数学研究中地位的肯定和看重很有启发意义.  相似文献   

演奏约翰.塞巴斯蒂安.巴赫《b小调长笛与助奏拨弦古钢琴奏鸣曲》(BWV1030)应把握好呼吸换气的不同处理;另外演奏应尽可能再现巴洛克时期的演奏风格;同时了解该音乐作品的创作背景。  相似文献   

抗美援朝战争是二战后规模最大的一场国际性局部战争。它的爆发主要是在美苏冷战思维的支配下各种矛盾的集合和演化的结果。美苏大国插手朝鲜事务 ,朝鲜南北冲突扩大化 ,并严重威胁中国的安全和民族利益 ,中国被迫卷入这场战争  相似文献   

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