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Epilepsy raises special concern in women during pregnancy. Antiepileptic drugs are known to induce major and minor malformations in the foetus. Aim of the study was to find an association between maternal serum alpha fetoprotein levels, foetal abnormalities and antiepileptic drugs mediated teratogenicity. Maternal serum alpha feto protein levels, kidney and liver function tests in age matched normal pregnant women and seizure free epileptic pregnant women during 12–14 weeks of gestation were estimated. Cases were subjected to ultrasonography at 11th–14th week of pregnancy and again at 20th week of pregnancy. maternal serum alfa feto protein was assayed by a specific Electro Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay test. There was no significant difference in kidney and liver function tests in cases as compared to controls. There were elevated levels of alpha feto protein in cases as compared to controls but this was not statistically significant. No anomalies were detected in ultrasound reports. Most women had normal full term delivery with healthy children but of low birth weight. No correlation was seen between maternal serum alfa feto protein levels and antiepileptic drug leading to teratogenesis.  相似文献   

The level of seven acute phase proteins was estimated together with copper and zinc in two groups of 15 children each suffering from hepatitis A (HAV) or Hepatitis B (HBV). The mean concentration of α-1 antitrypsin, α-2 macroglobulin, ceruloplasmin, C3 and copper was increased uniformly in both the types of viral hepatitis. α-1 acid glycoprotein, haptoglobin and zinc levels were decreased in both the infections. A significant decrease in albumin level was observed in HAV while the decrease was not significant in HBV. All the paramenters were repeated after one month on the day of discharge following the disappearance of clinical signs and symptoms wherein the haptoglobin level returned to normal in HAV. No change was observed in the level of other acute phase proteins. The level of the trace elements returned to normal. The observed increase in the levels of acute phase proteins at the onset does not seem to have any significant relation to the subsequent course of the disease. However, the level of acute phase proteins and other biochemical parameters may indicate a delayed biochemical recovery phase in conjunction with the underlying hepatic pathological changes in the course of viral hepatitis in spite of clinical recovery.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that antioxidant systems are impaired in pregnancy induced hypertension and hence patients are exposed to oxidative stress. In order to investigate the relationship between lipid peroxidation and certain antioxidant parameters in blood of pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) cases, 25 normotensive and 23 PIH samples were studied. In the present study, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances showed a tendency to increase, however the increase remained statistically insignificant. Plasma ascorbic acid level remained unaltered and Vitamin E showed a tendency to increase in the study group. The findings implicate oxidative stress in the disease and cite the biochemical rationale for clinical trials of antioxidants to prevent and treat pregnancy induced hypertension.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects are congenital structural abnormalities of the brain and vertebral column resulting from improper or non-timely closure of the neural tube. Prevalence of neural tube defects is reported to be higher among women with diabetes mellitus and obesity. This study was designed to investigate the relation between the presence of dyslipidemia in antenatal patients and the risk of fetal neural tube defects. The present study was an observational, cross-sectional study involving 129 pregnant women in 16 to 18 weeks gestation period. Of these, 80 women had normal pregnancies and 49 were clinically high-risk cases for neural tube defects. Fasting blood samples were analyzed for blood sugar and lipid profile by enzymatic assay and alpha-fetoprotein levels using Enzyme Immunoassay. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) values were converted to Multiples of Median (MoM) appropriate for the gestational age. Based on AFP values, women were labeled as screen negative (AFP <2 MoM, n= 102) and screen positive (AFP > 2 MoM, n =27). Screen positive women were further evaluated by ultrasound and 21 women were found to carry a neural tube defects positive pregnancy. Statistical analysis was done on SPSS software. Body weight of the women showed a significant positive correlation with serum triglycerides, plasma sugar and AFP MoM values. A significant difference was observed in serum cholesterol levels (p= 0.038), triglycerides (p=0.001) and plasma sugar levels (p=0.002) between normal women and those with neural tube defects positive pregnancy. The Odds ratio for neural tube defects risk in dyslipidemic cases was 24.23 (CI 4.73 − 148.60) with a relative risk of 12.12. Dyslipidemia especially hypertriglyceridemia was found to be significantly associated with fetal neural tube defects.  相似文献   

在成功建立稳定分泌鼠抗人B7-2杂交瘤细胞株基础上,扩增并克隆出该单克隆抗体的重链(VH)和轻链(VL)可变区基因。通过重叠延伸PCR(SOE-PCR)方法,在VH和VL可变区基因之间引入连接肽(Gly4Ser)3,体外构建抗人B7-2单链抗体(B7-2 ScFv)基因。为便于表达产物的纯化,在抗人B7-2 ScFv的C端增加了6×His tag序列。将其克隆至表达载体pET32a并在大肠杆菌中进行原核表达。SDS-PAGE和Western-blot分析结果表明,抗人B7-2 ScFv在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)菌中获得表达,重组融合蛋白的相对分子量约为43 kD,表达产物以不溶性包涵体形式存在,经溶解包涵体,体外复性和Ni-NTA亲和柱纯化,获得了高纯度的抗人B7-2 ScFv,纯化蛋白得率约16.2%。成果为抗人B7-2单链抗体的生物学活性研究和抗肿瘤药物开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Aqueous extract of the wood ofPterocarpus marsupium, commonly known as ‘bijasar’, is used in Indian Ayurveda system of medicine for treatment of diabetes. The active anti-diabetic principle in its aqueous extract has been found to be (-)epicatechin, a flavonoid. The present work was undertaken to study the effect of (-)epicatechin on erythrocyte membrane Ca++-ATPase from type 2 diabetic patients. The activity of erythrocyte Ca++-ATPase was significantly lower in type 2 diabetics.In vitro insulin treatment of erythrocyte ghosts, resulted in the increase of Ca++-ATPase activity in diabetic patients. Treatment with (-)epicatechin (1mM) resulted in an increase in the activity of erythrocyte Ca++-ATPase in both normal individuals and type 2 diabetic patients. The insulin like effect of (-)epicatechin on erythrocyte membrane Ca++-ATPase in type 2 diabetics is an interesting finding. Further work is needed to elucidate the mechanism of action of (-)epicatechin on modulation of erythrocyte membrane bound enzymes.  相似文献   

The plasma concentrations of total protein, albumin, immunoglobulins IgG, IgA and IgM and urinary protein were assayed in 250 pregnant Nigerian women with malaria and compared with 250 healthy pregnant women which served as controls. The mean values of plasma total proteins, albumin, IgG and IgA were significantly lowered (P<0.05) while a slight increase in IgM was observed in the malaria patients. Urinary proteins value of 23.10±0.50 mg/dl was obtained for the pregnant women with malaria, this was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of the controls with the corresponding value of 15.32±0.09 mg/dl. This study has therefore demonstrated elevations of the urinary and decrease in plasma proteins in gestational malaria. These findings suggest that the protein profile should be considered in the diagnosis and treatment of malaria.  相似文献   

一种同步脱氮脱硫并回收单质硫的新工艺初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
依据脱氮硫杆菌(Thiobacillus denitrificans)在厌氧(或兼性厌氧)条件具有脱硫反硝化的生理特性,采用分离筛选的脱氮硫杆菌,通过间歇试验考察了同步脱氮脱硫技术的关键因素。试验结果证明了同步脱氮脱硫技术的可行性,提出硫氮比(S2-/NO3-)和硫化物浓度是同步脱氮脱硫技术的主要因素,两者分别控制在5/3和低于300mg/L的水平可以获得较好的脱硫和反硝化效果,在此条件下,单质硫转化率最高达94%。  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in diabetes mellitus induce increased lipid peroxidation and peroxyl radical formation, an important mechanism in genesis of microangiopathy. We took up a study on oxidative stress, measured by plasma MDA and antioxidant vitamin status in type − 2 DM patients with and without retinopathy and compared them with a control non-diabetic group. Lipid peroxidation marker MDA was significantly elevated (p < 0.001) in both the diabetic groups whereas, serum vitamin E and vitamin C registered a significant fall (p<0.001) as compared to controls. Our correlation study revealed a significant positive association between plasma MDA with both fasting and 2hr post prandial plasma glucose (r=0.81, p < 0.001, r=0.92, p <0.001) suggesting the role of hyperglycemia in free radical production. Plasma MDA also depicted significant positive relation (p< 0.001) with all lipid parameters except serum HDLc pointing the role of dyslipidemia towards lipid peroxidation. Plasma MDA level was also found to be negatively correlated with both the vitamins (p<0.001, p<0.001) in the study group explaining their protective consumption in the oxidative process prevailing in diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   

Serum and amniotic fluid mucoprotein concentrations were estimated in normal and toxaemic pregnant women. The levels were found to be higher in preeclampsia and eclampsia than the normal controls. Comparatively higher concentrations were observed in amniotic fluid than serum. Data suggest that the estimation of serum and amniotic fluid mucoproteins may be useful in assessing the severity of toxaemia of pregnancy and fetal well being.  相似文献   

Hyperkalemia is a life threatening electrolyte derangement that must be recognized and treated quickly. Pseudohyperkalemia is defined as a difference between serum and plasma potassium concentration of more than 0.4 meq/L with serum values on the higher side when both the samples are obtained at the same time, remain at room temperature and are tested within 1 h of sample collection. Given the implication of basing medical decisions on falsely elevated potassium levels, timely identification of the entity of pseudohyperkalemia and differentiating it from true hyperkalemia becomes utmost important. Here we present a case report of a 36 year old female admitted with a provisional diagnosis of pyrexia of unknown origin with hepatosplenomegaly and anaemia under evaluation. During hospital stay her potassium levels in whole blood, serum and plasma reportedly differed significantly. An abnormal WBC count beyond assay range was reported and during subsequent investigations this lead to a peripheral smear being advised and diagnosis revealed chronic lymphoblastic leukaemia with blast crisis and 86% blast cells. In patients with leukocytosis and thrombocytosis, pseudohyperkalemia may exist in the absence of electrocardiogram changes or other clinical manifestations of true hyperkalemia thus leading to reevaluation of potassium values in serum, plasma and whole blood to arrive at the true picture.  相似文献   

Plasma and erythrocyte magnesium levels were estimated in preeclampsia and eclampsia. Mean plasma as well as erythrocyte magnesium concentrations were found to be significantly lowered than the controls. Hypomagnesemia was directly related with the severity of the disease. Plasma calcium concentration however, was not significantly altered.  相似文献   

三峡库区消落带保护利用模式及生态健康评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
三峡库区消落带的开发保护和生态健康将是三峡水库正常蓄水后的一个非常复杂的生态环境问题。三峡库区消落带形成后,可能的利用保护模式主要有四种:直接利用模式、生态保护区模式、生态试验示范区建设模式、消落带护理建设模式。不同的消落带利用(保护)模式显著地影响消落带系统健康状态的发展趋势。本文简要分析了三峡库区消落带各种利用保护模式,在生态系统健康概念的基础上,筛选并建立了消落带宏观生态系统健康评价指标体系,确定三大类指标,即消落带生态特征指标、功能整合性指标和外部环境指标,在三大类指标内又分别建立具有可操作性的亚指标。利用这个评价体系,对三峡库区消落带的四种可能利用保护模式对三峡库区消落带健康状况的影响进行了预测评价。  相似文献   

以美国和欧盟为标尺,分析中国和东盟在1990—2012年间的能源消费和CO2排放情景,并利用ARIMA模型预测2040年中国与东盟的能源消费量和CO2排放量。根据分析和预测结果提出了一些关于中国—东盟区域发展的建议。考虑到中国与东盟国家的现实国情,未来中国—东盟自贸区的发展应致力于提高能源效率,发展清洁能源,走注重实体经济的低碳发展道路;并以"携手建设中国—东盟命运共同体"为契机,加强该区域在能源与环境领域的合作,共同应对挑战。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to evaluate the lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic antioxidants in pregnancyinduced hypertension (PIH) compared with healthy normal pregnant and non-pregnant as controls. 75 cases were studied of which 25 were normal healthy controls (Group A), 25 healthy pregnant women (Group B) of third trimester and 25 were PIH (Group C) of the same trimester. In PIH, malondialdehyde a lipid peroxidation product was significantly increased as compared to normal pregnant and non-pregnant controls. The nonenzymatic antioxidants like reduced glutathione, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-C and Vitamin-A were significantly decreased in normal pregnants as compared to controls. A further significant decrease was noticed in PIH compared to normal pregnants. A significant negative correlation was detected between lipid peroxidation and non-enzymatic antioxidant levels. Our study clearly indicates a relationship between elevated lipid peroxidation, decreased non-enzymatic antioxidant in PIH. The measurement of non-enzymatic antioxidants in plasma may be useful predictor of the likely development of PIH.  相似文献   

投入产出分析框架下的产业结构协调发展测度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
产业结构是国民经济结构的重要组成部分,产业结构的协调发展有助于国民经济的稳定增长.本文在投入产出分析框架下对产业结构的协调发展提出了新的理论方法测度,并采用2002年中国非竞争型投入产出表26个部门作了相关计算,指出了4个影响CO_2减排的能源部门的优先调整顺序,以实现产业结构协调发展达到CO_2减排.同时研究发现,我国2002年整个产业结构的协调度并不高,需要加大调整力度推进产业结构优化升级,这为我国在制定产业政策提供了参考借鉴.  相似文献   

本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对豹子花属Nomocharis 6种植物和百合属Lilium 4   种植物的花粉形态与外部特征作了较系统的比较研究,其结果如下:  1.豹子花属植物花粉的   萌发孔均为单沟(远极)型,根据其外壁结构及表面纹饰的特点,可分为基柱网纹型和网纹   型,结合外部形态特征推断,可能存在由基柱网纹→网纹的进化趋势。 2.百合属植物花粉   的萌发孔多为单沟(远极)型,稀为2一3孔型,然而,其中外部形态极为相近的小百合集合群与   尖被百合在花粉形态上表现出较大的差异,这一事实为研究百合科花粉的演化提供了线索。豹   子花属与百合属花粉虽在表面纹饰上存在区别,但从外部形态上,该属的一些种类与百合属极  为相近,反映出二属之间存在着较为紧密的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Background  Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) contributes to 15.6% maternal mortality in India. In Behrampur, Orissa, maternal deaths due to PIH was 32%, which is twice the national incidence. Hence in this population, some factors associated with severity of PIH were studied. Serum lipid concentrations and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were correlated with severity of PIH and birth weight of the neonate. Patients & Methods  70 primiparous PIH patients and 20 healthy controls were studied. Serum lipids and MDA were estimated. Maternal blood pressures and birth weights of the neonate were recorded. Results and Conclusion  Serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, VLDL and MDA were significantly elevated in primiparous PIH patients when compared to control subjects. Average birth weight of babies born to mothers with PIH was less than those born to control subjects. The most significant factor was that in this geographical area, 26% of the primiparous patients with PIH were below 20 years of age while only 15% of the controls were less than 20 years, indicating that younger maternal age was a contributing factor to PIH.  相似文献   

目的 探讨血浆可溶性血栓调节蛋白(Soluble thrombmodulin,sTM)与脑梗塞和脑出血患者小血管损伤、动脉粥样硬化的关系。方法 应用酶联免疫吸附方法(Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays,ELISA),检测60例脑梗塞患者、56例脑出血患者和64例健康对照的sTM水平,并分析sTM与血脂、血压的关系。结果 脑梗塞和脑出血的甘油三脂、舒张期血压明显高于对照组;脑梗塞和脑出血的高密度脂蛋白显著低于对照组;脑出血组的收缩期血压明显高于其他两组;脑梗塞的 胆固醇水平显著高于其他两组;脑出血的sTM显著高于脑梗塞和对照组,而脑梗塞的sTM显著高于对照组。sTM与总胆固醇、甘油三脂、收缩和舒张期血压水平显著正相关;sTM与高密度脂蛋白水平成显著负相关。结论 脑梗塞和脑出血存在由高血压和动脉粥样硬化导致的小血管损伤。sTM是脑卒中的独立危险因子。  相似文献   

建立了单个液滴在高频感应热等离子体中内部传热传质的数学模型,考虑了希尔球形涡的影响,模拟了液滴在不同入射尺寸下的内部传热传质变化过程。结果表明,随着液滴入射尺寸的增大,液滴表面溶质质量分数到达饱和状态所需时间缩短,且其内部环流的对流作用占主导因素,使得溶质在液滴表面集中,易形成浓度集中的表面薄层。  相似文献   

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