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This paper argues for a renewed focus on statistical reasoning in the beginning school years, with opportunities for children to engage in data modelling. Results are reported from the first year of a 3-year longitudinal study in which three classes of first-grade children (6-year-olds) and their teachers engaged in data modelling activities. The theme of Looking after our Environment, part of the children’s science curriculum, provided the task context. The goals for the two activities addressed here included engaging children in core components of data modelling, namely, selecting attributes, structuring and representing data, identifying variation in data, and making predictions from given data. Results include the various ways in which children represented and re-represented collected data, including attribute selection, and the metarepresentational competence they displayed in doing so. The “data lenses” through which the children dealt with informal inference (variation and prediction) are also reported.  相似文献   

This article reports outcomes of a quasi-experimental evaluation of Success for All (SfA), a comprehensive school reform program that has recently been introduced in the Netherlands. The Response to Intervention framework is used to describe how SfA supports students at different Tiers. The effects of SfA on five reading subskills were investigated for first-grade students at risk of reading problems. 299 students from two different cohorts were involved. Multilevel analyses demonstrated a significant effect of SfA on reading comprehension (ES = +0.26) in the first cohort. For the second cohort and the other reading subskills, mostly small positive effects of SfA were found, though these effects were not statistically significant. Furthermore, the relationship between tutoring intensity and reading achievement was examined. In the second cohort, a significant negative association of tutoring intensity with word and text reading skills was found. Implementation issues that may have impacted the outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生在个案研究时,应着重解决六个方面的问题:一是如何建立研究关系;二是如何增强角色意识;三是如何控制过程;四是如何更好理解被访者;五是要注意发挥社会学的想像力;六是要注意把握研究的真实性。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,英语口语表达的应用范围日益扩大,频率日益增加。而非英语专业专科学生往往忽略语音方面的提高,所以在英语教学实践中,需特别关注学生们在语音上的失误,帮助他们形成良好的发音习惯,拥有较为标准的英语语音.本文从普遍原因和专业原因两个方面分析了非英语专业专科学生在语音上存在的问题,同时提出了解决方法.  相似文献   

First-grade students (N = 221) were individually tested on a battery of cognitive and achievement measures of verbal fluency, visual attention, phonological awareness, orthographic recognition, rapid automatized naming (RAN) of letters and objects, and reading. All tests were subjected to postacquisition scoring, and all RAN measures were segregated into measures of articulation time, pause time, and consistency of the pause time. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that word reading was directly and significantly predicted by RAN letter naming and general RAN cognitive processing time of objects. Moreover, RAN letter reading constructs were significantly and directly predicted by the latent variables of phonological awareness, orthographic recognition, and general RAN object articulation and cognitive processing times. RAN letter naming constructs were also significantly and indirectly predicted by visual attention. The reading model was found to be consistent with a total mediation of the relation of phonological awareness and reading through RAN letter naming and supported the validity of the RAN letter naming subtest as a basic letter reading test. These findings supported the double-deficit hypothesis for letter reading. We suggest that phonological memory is a basic factor underlying general RAN cognitive processing time of objects and domain-specific information associated with phonemes and their graphic representations.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to explore the relations between coping styles and emotional and behavioural problems among adolescent students. The study was conducted as a survey among a representative sample of 2006 Norwegian 9th graders. The results show that emotional problems are associated with self-blaming as well as aggressive coping. Off-task orientation was associated with little use of planning and frequent use of aggressive coping. Finally, aggressive coping was the main predictor of externalizing problems, with infrequent use of planning and frequent use of behavioural disengagement as other significant predictors.  相似文献   

The Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) is a teacher–student relationship measure whose underlying two-dimensional structure is represented in a circumplex model with eight sectors. Using Smallest Space Analysis (SSA), this study examined the circumplex structure of the Chinese version of the QTI among a convenience sample of 731 primary-school students in Hong Kong. The study revealed that the SSA solution fits the circumplex structure of the Model for Interpersonal Teacher Behavior and uncovered a two-dimensional solution yielding five sectors in a clockwise direction: Strict, Leadership-Helpful/Friendly-Understanding, Student Responsibility/Freedom, Uncertain, and Admonishing-Dissatisfied. While the Leadership-Helpful/Friendly-Understanding sector was the largest, the Student Responsibility/Freedom sector was the smallest, with few items constituting it. For the two dimensions, the vertical dimension was named Structure Clarity, with adherence to external structure (Strict sector) at one extreme and lack of structure (Uncertain sector and Student Responsibility/Freedom sector) at the other extreme. The horizontal axis was labelled Attitude Valence, with benevolent valence (Leadership sector, Helpful/Friendly sector and Understanding sector) at one end and malevolent valence (Admonishing sector and Dissatisfied sector) at the other end of the axis. The positioning of the five sectors in the present study is in line with the factor structure that was often found in previous research on the circumplex model. By presenting a somewhat different interpretation of the two dimensions and some additional items, we hope that future research will verify our suggestions across different sociocultural settings.  相似文献   

从调查看,教育专业的教育实习存在着实习时间短、实习点部分指导老师责任意识薄弱、师范生实习态度不端正、学校与实习基地沟通合作不足等问题。针对这些问题,所采取的解决对策应该是:1.适当延长教育实习的时间;2.提高教育实习基地指导教师的素质,增强对学生的责任心;3.强化师范生的思想认识,端正实习态度;4.重视教育实习基地建设,实现互惠双赢。  相似文献   

目前国内高等教育的发展趋势逐渐大众化,高校的扩招导致大学生数量逐年递增,高校毕业生面临的就业压力也越来越大。解决这一问题的根本在于让大学生提早认清外部环境,树立正确的就业职业观,提高自身素质与能力。因此,职业辅导在促进大学生就业工作中显得极为重要,本文主要探讨职业辅导的必要性、目前职业辅导存在的问题及如何更好地开展高校职业辅导的问题,让大学生更好地就业、择业。  相似文献   


This study compared discrepancies between children’s academic and social self-perceptions and parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of children’s academic and social competence among 89 first-grade children: 45 children at risk for learning disabilities (RLD) and 44 of typically developing peers (TD). The relationship between self-perceptions among the two groups of children and their significant adults‘ perceptions were compared. The children with RLD reported lower academic self-perception, but did not report lower social self-concept. The discrepancies between students’, parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of students’ academic and social competence were found only for the RLD group. Parents and teachers rated children with RLD as demonstrating lower levels of academic competence. Only teachers rated children with RLD as demonstrating lower levels of social competence. No significant differences were found among children and their significant adults for the comparison group. A serial-multiple mediation analysis presented the relationship model and emphasized the critical mediating role of teachers and parents in predicting children’s academic self-concept. The educational implications of the results call for sensitizing teachers and parents to their perceptions, and to develop empowering intervention with a focused awareness to the impact of their perceptions.  相似文献   

随着毕业生人数逐年增多,大学生就业已成为全社会关注的热点,但同时,大学生在就业过程中不诚信现象时有发生。诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德,也是社会道德规范的基础,更是个人立身、立行、立业的发展前提和品质保障。因此,高校要把毕业生诚信问题作为毕业生教育的重要内容,这是提高毕业生就业竞争力的有力措施之一。  相似文献   

In this study of deaf college students' performance solving compare word problems, relational statements were either consistent or inconsistent with the arithmetic operation required for the solutions. The results support the consistency hypothesis Lewis and Mayer (1987) proposed based on research with hearing students. That is, deaf students were more likely to miscomprehend a relational statement and commit a reversal error when the required arithmetic operation was inconsistent with the statement's relational term (e.g., having to add when the relational term was less than). Also, the reversal error effect with inconsistent word problems was magnified when the relational statement was a marked term (e.g., a negative adjective such as less than) rather than an unmarked term (e.g., a positive adjective such as more than). Reading ability levels of deaf students influenced their performance in a number of ways. As predicted, there was a decrease in goal-monitoring errors, multiple errors, and the number of problems left blank as the reading levels of students increased. Contrary to expectations, higher reading skills did not affect the frequency of reversal errors.  相似文献   

Vision problems are more common among deaf people than among the general population. Eight percent of the students in schools and programs for deaf children can be expected to have vision problems. We sent questionnaires to institutions and programs for deaf children, requesting information about the extent of vision problems among their students and about their teachers' levels of preparation in the area of vision impairment. Responses were received from 490 teachers. The data confirm that significant numbers of deaf students also have vision problems, and that teachers do not receive adequate training and information to meet the needs of this population.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to qualitatively investigate secondary students' interpretations and experiences of bullying (and victimization) in Greek schools, with a focus on gender similarities and differences. Overall, 95 students (50 boys and 45 girls), 15 or 16 years old, participated in focus group interviews that were homogeneous in terms of grade and gender. Data analysis, using the interpretative phenomenological approach, showed that different interpretations and meanings of bullying between genders have important consequences on actual behavior. Furthermore, students do not reveal bullying and victimization to either parents or teachers, who are described as indifferent and ineffective. Results are indicative of a school culture that is conducive to bullying behaviors and have important implications for antibullying interventions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

在社会转型时期的高职院校校园里,不少学生变得浮躁和困惑,甚至产生多种心理问题。如:人际关系敏感症等。如何让大学生走出心理阴霾,本文对大学生心理问题表现、成因、校正途径作了较深入的探讨。  相似文献   

大学生档案是个人档案的基础,是大学生就业、择业、用人单位筛选人才的重要依据。笔者根据高校学生档案工作的现状及存在问题,对高校学生档案管理方法进行初步探讨,旨在提高大学生档案管理的工作效率,促进大学生的就业。  相似文献   

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