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计算机的窗口管理、虚拟技术、变形、递归等概念都是一些实际的叙事策略。传统叙事学只有向计算机学习才能展示出无与伦比的隐喻创造力以及自身的活力。  相似文献   

Recursion is a central concept in computer science, yet it is difficult for beginners to comprehend. Israeli high-school students learn recursion in the framework of a special modular program in computer science (Gal-Ezer & Harel, 1999). Some of them are introduced to the concept of recursion in two different paradigms: the procedural programming paradigm and the logic programming (LP) paradigm. Here we discuss the implication of first learning recursion in LP on the students’ understanding of the concept. The declarative approach for teaching recursion in logic programming seems to enhance students’ recursion comprehension. We found that students who learned recursion in LP before learning it in a procedural paradigm differed, in terms of their mental models of recursion, from those who were acquainted with recursion in procedural programming only. More of the LP students possessed an adequate model of recursion as a process than did the non-LP students. Moreover, the LP students also attained a unique conception of recursion as a tool for knowledge representation.  相似文献   

递归调用的实质是返回地址及参数不断进栈过程,本文结合汉诺塔问题制作进出栈的动态演示程序,应用到VB教学中,从而使学生对递归调用有了更深刻的理解。  相似文献   

While recursion is a useful programming technique, there are times when it can be very expensive in terms of execution. This idea was demonstrated in a classroom exercise involving an analysis of a particular recursive algorithm for computing binomial coefficients.  相似文献   

递归(Recursion)问题是计算机程序设计语言软件教学中的一个重要内容,也是教学难点之一.其教法对学生正确理解和应用递归解决实际问题是一个关键,这是许多教师探讨的问题.结合递归问题教法中的一个典型实例进行分析,以数学归纳法思想讲解递归问题,可以取得较好的教学效果.  相似文献   


Industrial software development today requires a fundamental education in computer science as well as the ability to work productively and collaboratively in a team environment. Employers will therefore favor graduates who have mastered computer science and software engineering concepts and can apply them while developing a software system. To produce computer science graduates possessing the skills necessary to succeed in the workplace, team‐oriented software engineering courses with real projects (and with real clients) are increasingly emphasized. It is, however, difficult to successfully present a software engineering course that covers software engineering concepts and offers opportunities to apply them during a project in a team environment. The difficulties lie in project selection, team formation, team and project organization, process management, and, finally, grading. The objective of this article is to discuss these difficulties and provide suggestions for alleviating or avoiding them.  相似文献   

This article focuses on ion and ways in which students cope with abstraction. The article has two goals: first, it illustrates how the theme of reducing abstraction (Hazzan, 1999) is useful for analyzing students' thinking about abstract concepts in mathematics and in computer science; second, it demonstrates how theories based on mathematics education research can be applied to analyzing students' understanding of computer science concepts. The main section of the article analyzes the understanding of concepts from four fields – abstract algebra, computability, data structures and differential equations – through the lens of reducing abstraction. The analysis shows that a wide range of cognitive phenomena can be explained by one theoretical framework.  相似文献   

网页设计是计算机专业教学中一门实用性、综合性很强的课程,该课程理论与实践紧密结合,对学生的实践能力要求很高,因此上机课对学生掌握这门技术至关重要。针对学生在网页制作过程中如何妥善解决遇到的困难和问题,最终制作出优秀的网页,根据笔者多年的教学和实践经验,总结出教师在上机指导过程中需重点把握的几个问题。  相似文献   

The final report of the Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula (CC2001) suggests that an updated computer science curricula must reflect the broadening nature of our discipline. Two areas that are included in the CC2001 are software engineering (SE) and human-computer interaction (HCI). While the first inclination might be to incorporate HCI concepts into a traditional SE course, we propose a different approach. This paper outlines a project-oriented HCI course in which we are able to emphasize some SE notions in the context of HCI concepts. Our course is also a maturation class for our students because they are exposed to a number of non-programming computer science activities, including project specification, software and interface design, user testing, prototyping and use of guidelines. We include an overview of course content that illustrates our approach. We also describe our coverage of specific CC2001 knowledge units and provide some feedback data for our course.  相似文献   

计算机数学,又称离散数学,是计算机学科的重要专业基础课程。在实际教学中发现,计算机科学专业的学生对该课程感兴趣的不多,多数畏惧其概念多、理论强且抽象。利用一种函数式程序设计语言(Haskell)辅助学生进行计算机数学中相关概念理解及其实际编程实验,主要针对课程教学中代数系统(如群)知识点,通过群定义及其性质验证实验来介绍函数编程技术,可以帮助计算机专业学生更好地学习理解计算机数学课程,并能充分调动其学习积极性和主动性,还可培养学生接受新知识的能力。  相似文献   

Success skills have been ranked as the most important core competency for new food science professionals to have by food science graduates and their employers. It is imperative that food science instructors promote active learning in food science courses through experiential learning activities to enhance student success skills such as oral and written communication, critical thinking, problem solving, and team work. The aim of this study was to incorporate “real‐world” experiential learning into a food product development course. Undergraduate students enrolled in a food product development course worked on a semester‐long product development case study developed by the Instructor of the course and the Manager from ACH Food Companies, Inc. The case study was presented to students in the form of a product development competition. Students were placed into groups and given the task to develop a cake mix with specified parameters. At the end of the semester, student groups participated in a case study competition to showcase their product concepts. Each student group gave a PowerPoint presentation and was evaluated using selected criteria. Students rated the course overall as being very good. Students perceived the case study to be beneficial and informative regarding employer (ACH's) expectations. Students recommended that the Instructor minimize restrictions/specifications for product concepts and increase the quantity of course/laboratory meetings per week. This approach will continue to be used and further evaluated as an approach to incorporate active learning and provide food science undergraduates with a sense of employer expectations.  相似文献   

Understanding science involves the mastery of complex networks of concepts. To design effective computer based systems for learning science it is essential to adequately characterize the nature of those conceptual networks, so that clear and appropriate instructional goals can be defined and fed into the design process. This paper considers a novel class of representations for science instruction — Law Encoding Diagrams (LEDs) — and describes the nature of scientific understanding based on these representations. A framework of four classes of schemas has been proposed to characterizes problem solving and learning with LEDs. How the framework encompasses complex networks of concepts is discussed and the implications for the design of computer based learning environments based on LEDs are considered.  相似文献   

针对农科“生物统计学”教学中存在的问题,对农科“生物统计学”课程的教学内容和教学方法进行了改革,使之既能够避开高等数学知识,又不失统计学本身的思想性和严密性;既能够满足现代农业和生物科学研究对统计方法和运用计算机处理数据能力的要求,又能够适应农科学生高等数学学得不够深入的实际情况。改革措施包括精简授课内容、舍弃数学证明和公式推导、加强统计学概念直观含义和统计方法背后逻辑的介绍、按试验设计方法组织统计方法教学、结合统计学原理介绍SPSS统计软件、增加案例教学等。  相似文献   

Our catchy title is intended to be controversial, provoking thought upon the impact (or lack of any) that a programming language has on the curriculum for a software engineering course. Our view on the subject is from both directions, as indicated by the title. As educators, we argue that the language issues are secondary to the fundamental concern of understanding software engineering concepts, specifically object‐oriented concepts. However, we appreciate that expertise in a widely accepted object‐oriented language may be essential towards the more practical aspect of building a critical mass of software engineers versed in object‐oriented techniques. This reflects upon the maturing nature of computer science and engineering as a science, which is evolving its fundamental principles, while at the same time recognizing its impact as an engineering discipline sensitive to practical applications. The evolution of our primary software engineering course, CS250 Introduction to Software Engineering, has been influenced by our own reflections on the state of software engineering in the 1990s, industrial requirements for expertise by our graduates, and the needs of accreditation. We present the internal and external factors that have guided our course design. This process reflects our own experiences in academia and industry. We present this process as a representative model of a sound approach, but make no claims that it is the optimal approach.  相似文献   

计算机网络课程实验教学探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
"计算机网络"作为信息类课程的一门重要专业核心课,是计算机科学与技术专业基础知识体系的重要组成部分。实验教学环节是理论教学的重要补充,实验教学环节的创新与突破,将是高校教育教学方式及人才培养模式改革的关键。本文得益于精品课程的建设实践,从实验内容、方法与手段、管理模式以及考核方式等方面描述了我校"计算机网络"课程建设的一些具体做法和经验。  相似文献   

This paper describes a microcomputer interfacing course for computer science students. Students build simple logic circuits to interface a microcomputer with real‐world devices, such as stepper motor and digital displays, and program the computer to monitor and control these devices. Programs are written in Pascal and assembly language. The emphasis is placed on applications rather than on theory. This course is especially designed for computer science students who are proficient in software programming but have little or no experience in electronics. The experiments described here have been developed on the Apple ft microcomputer, but they can be easily adapted to other microcomputers.  相似文献   

This case study considered the syllabus of the first and second year studies in computer science. The aim of the study was to reveal which topics covered in the syllabi were really needed during the following years of study or in working life. The program that was assessed in the study was a Masters program in computer science and engineering at a university of technology in Finland. The necessity of different subjects for the advanced studies (years 3?–?5) and for working life was assessed using four content analyses: (a) the course catalog of the institution where this study was carried out, (b) employment reports that were attached to the applications for internship credits, (c) masters theses, and (d) job advertisements in a newspaper. The results of the study imply that the necessity of physics for the advanced study and work was very low compared to the extent to which it was studied. On the other hand, the necessity for mathematics was moderate, and it had remained quite steady during the period 1989?–?2002. The most necessary computer science topic was programming. Also telecommunications and networking was needed often, whereas theoretical computer science was needed quite rarely.  相似文献   

《数据库原理》课程是计算机科学与技术专业一门实践性很强的专业必修课,在教学中占有很重要的地位。但在实际的教学中,教师往往偏向理论教学,忽视实践教学,不能很好的将理论教学与实践教学相结合,就此问题笔者提出具体的改进办法。  相似文献   

关于离散数学教学改革的思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
离散数学是计算机科学与技术专业的一门重要基础课,搞好本课程的教学,不但能为学生学好后续课程奠定坚实的数学理论基础,而且有利于培养学生的计算机数学思维,并且在进一步的学习和工作中适应本学科专业的发展。本文结合教学实践,就当前离散数学教学存在的问题以及教学改革思路作了较为深入的分析。  相似文献   

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