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Open Educational Resources (OER) integrated online courses provide a rich and a flexible learning environment to acquire knowledge and skills among undergraduates. A significant issue with OER-integrated online courses is the poorly addressed instructional design features. Instructionally rich online courses will have a greater impact on both teaching and learning. This study is aimed at exploring different support systems in relation to the undergraduate learning process through the design of OER-integrated online courses. It explored design features under four main Instructional Design (ID) aspects, being: Information Design, Instruction Design, Interface Design and Interaction Design. The study adopted a Design-Based Research approach through analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention in multiple phases, using mixed methodologies. This resulted in a design framework with reusable design principles for OER-integrated online learning. The outcomes of this study will contribute to enhance OER-integrated course design and to develop undergraduate education.


This article illustrates how a triangular prism model (TPM) could help researchers examine challenging and successful factors to sustaining online learning communities (OLCs) for preservice and inservice teachers. The TPM was constructed on a review of the literature on activity theory. The TPM is a conceptual framework that guides empirical examination of OLCs’ ongoing development and their connections within a relevant context. This article highlights the application of this framework to two online learning communities (preservice and inservice teachers) and reviews the potential of a TPM as an analytical tool.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the background to this study in the development of the international MSc e‐Learning Multimedia and Consultancy. The aims of the study focus on the conditions for achieving communication, interaction and collaboration in open and flexible e‐learning environments. We present our theoretical framework that has informed the design of programme as a whole which is based on a socio‐constructivist perspective on learning. Our research is placed within an action research framework and we outline our position within the critical or emancipatory tradition and also our standpoint on the use of ICT in education. We discuss the design of the programme and also our pedagogical approach and describe in detail the particular context for this study. We report on the student experience of being learners on this module, their perceptions of what they have gained most from learning from and with each other and their responses to the various ways in which ‘scaffolding’ has been designed and implemented by the tutors. Finally we offer some reflections on the conditions for achieving well‐orchestrated interdependence in open and flexible e‐learning environments.  相似文献   

We are witnessing a mad rush to pour educational content into games in an ad hoc manner in hopes that player/learners are motivated simply because the content is housed inside a game. A failure to base educational game design on well-established learning and instructional theories increases the risk of the game failing to meet its intended educational goals, and yielding students who are entertained but who have not acquired any academic skills or knowledge. Our review of standalone educational games has shown that they are not always based on sound educational principles and theories. We contend that, if academic learning is to take place, a new design paradigm must be developed. This article discusses the RETAIN design and evaluation model for educational games that was developed to aide in the evaluation of how well academic content is endogenously immersed and embedded within the game’s fantasy and story context, promoters transfer of knowledge, and encourages repetitive usage to that content becomes available for use in an automatic way.  相似文献   

New technologies afford a range of opportunities that can transform teaching techniques and offer enhanced possibilities for learning. This potential is often not grasped by the technologist or the educationalist when introducing new technologies into the learning situation and a situation arises which can be described as "New technology, no new pedagogy" This paper examines why this situation arises, before progressing to suggest a set of target areas the affordances of new technology ought to transform when introduced into the socio–cultural learning environment (Vygotsky, 1978). This set of target areas is illustrated through the presentation of a technology supported learning environment for introductory undergraduate phonetics. Each course module is discussed in relation to these targets and how the affordances of new technology are used to meet them. The student and lecturer reflections on the course indicate that the use of new technology as applied in this introductory undergraduate phonetics course was appropriate, although not always 100% successful.  相似文献   

In this quasi-experimental mixed methods study, we examined the effectiveness of a faculty-to-faculty mentoring program to increase student success rates in online courses at an American university. Over one semester, 24 faculty mentees worked with 6 faculty mentors on improving course organization and implementing student engagement techniques. Using methodological triangulation, we found positive results for two of our effectiveness measures (i.e., mentor and mentee feedback and mentors’ ratings of mentees’ courses). However, in terms of our third measure (i.e., student learning data), although institutional data showed that there was a 4.1% aggregate increase in online student success after the intervention, the intervention group made no significantly greater gains than two control groups. Our findings highlight some benefits and shortcomings of these types of university initiatives and also emphasize the importance of using triangulation to integrate participant feedback with formal measures of student success.  相似文献   


This article describes a study of online collaborative design in the context of teacher professional development. Twenty-five teachers from different Spanish universities participated in the online course. The aim was to understand how to support teachers in interuniversity teams to collaborate fully online throughout the learning design process of a scenario based on their discipline integrating information and communications technology (ICT), an issue scarcely tackled in the literature. The described interpretive study, using mixed methods, explores the support of online co-design provided by a novel ICT community platform named ILDE (Integrated Learning Design Environment). Lessons drawn from the results can contribute to the improvement of online collaborative design processes in the context of teacher professional development.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critique of the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning as a means of building a lifelong learning society. Literature about lifelong learning and its implications for online distance learning is reviewed. Documents, reports and research papers are examined to explore the characteristics of the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning as reflected in the prevailing understanding and debates in the field. Phenomenological analysis, deconstructive discourse analysis and internal criticism are employed, guided by a phenomenological qualitative methodology. The critique reveals that the notion of lifelong learning is to some extent obscured in meaning in the prevailing understanding of and debates about Chinese online distance learning. Furthermore, it shows that the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning paradoxically combines a sense of overenthusiasm with a sense of underestimation associated with the potential of online distance learning in promoting lifelong learning. Also identified is the emerging development of Chinese online distance learning towards its 'in-depth development', based on an increasing awareness of the necessity to enhance the quality of online distance learning through integration of educational theories with information and communication technologies (ICT). The paper calls for a new vision on ICT for learning as a necessary condition for successful incorporation of Chinese online distance learning with and into lifelong learning.  相似文献   

This paper provides a design framework for building online teacher professional development communities for preservice and inservice teachers. The framework is based on a comprehensive literature review on the latest technology and epistemology of online community and teacher professional development, comprising four major design factors and three contextual factors. The design factors include learning goals, communication tools, participant structures, and member responsibilities; the contextual factors are culture, politics, and economics. Finally, the role of universities and implications of the design framework for teacher professional development in the new culture of learning are discussed.  相似文献   

教育研究是促进教育事业发展的动力之一。教师是教育改革和发展中最基本、最活跃的因 素,掌握现代教育科学和教育技术的教师将是最先进教育生产力的代表。教师──每一个教 师应该成为科研兴教、科研兴校的直接参与者,成为教育研究的主体。教师是教育研究的参与主体。伴随全球经济一体化、国际化,国际政治、经济、文化和教 育竞争日趋激烈。中国经济高速发展和人民生活水平日益提高,对于高素质人才和高水平的 教育的需求更加旺盛。教育国际化、信息化、民主化和个性化的趋势不断改变着教师的地位 、功能和作用,教师的培养模式和发展模…  相似文献   

教师参加教育科研的基本方式是学,思,议,行,炼。即通过学提高理论水平,借鉴成功经验,再辅以车,议,进一步升华和深化,用以指导自己的教育科研实践。行即具体参加教育科研实践,在实践中总结,提高。  相似文献   

Competence as a measure of ‘fitness to practice’ and its evaluation through mechanisms of personal performance review, has led to the introduction of systems in a number of professions which link appraisal to the maintenance of professional registration (variously referred to as re-validation, re-certification, re-accreditation, etc.). This shift towards the requirement to actively maintain registration is becoming increasingly common in the teaching profession in many countries too. This paper presents an examination of the enactment of this global policy trend towards teacher re-accreditation at a national level. Here, we analyse the policy discourse and rhetoric around the introduction of professional re-accreditation of teachers in Scotland, where it is referred to as ‘Professional Update’, and track this through to the preparation of those carrying out interviews for re-accreditation in one of the three local authorities involved in piloting the initiative. In doing this we aim to show the ways in which policy serves to construct teacher subjectivities though processes of appraisal and how policy actors positions themselves and are positioned within these policy-making processes.  相似文献   

This paper discusses writing as a social practice and speculates on how wikis might be used to promote higher quality academic writing and support collaborative learning. This study of undergraduate teacher trainees’ online learning activities focuses on how shared spaces – wikis – might be used to communicate ideas and generate course‐specific content. The study also explored how students, through such activities, were able to improve their academic writing skills and engage more critically in learning. Data captured from student discussion boards and a post‐module email questionnaire (n = 35) were used to map student perceptions of the usefulness of wikis in support of their academic studies. The data indicate that most students raised their skill level in writing directly to the publicly viewable wiki space, in sharp contrast to the more informal content they posted on the discussion boards. The scope of collaborative writing was limited due to students’ reluctance to edit each others’ work, but students appreciated the shared environment as a means of discussing their work and the content of the course. Students reported that their academic writing skills had improved through their formal participation in the wiki.  相似文献   

The considerable increase in web-based knowledge networks in the past two decades is strongly influencing learning environments. Learning entails information retrieval, use, communication, and production, and is strongly enriched by socially mediated discussions, debates, and collaborative activities. It is becoming critical for educators to better understand and become skilled at utilizing online networks and their affordances to improve the quality of learning experiences for their students. Along the same lines, networked learning could be seen as an effort to respond to the advances in electronic networks by putting the focus on the students and paying close attention to their educational needs, learning preferences, and social interactions. The aim of this paper is to review and synthesize empirical research on networked learning for online higher education courses and offer suggestions for future studies based on the gaps found in the literature. Implications of networked learning for instructional design are also discussed.  相似文献   

The benefits of using digital games in the curriculum are well documented in literature. Most teachers who use digital games use short-form drill-and-practice learning games rather than the kinds of games most students would choose to play in their free time. The use of more interactive, immersive digital games (IDGs) in classrooms tends to be sporadic, dependent upon the enthusiasm and ingenuity of individual teachers. Previous studies have indicated that many teachers have concerns about using digital games in classrooms and have difficulties knowing how to best use digital games. This qualitative study presents a professional development model for teachers that was inductively derived through analysing in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 13 educators who have used digital games in the classroom. Implementing this model can help teachers develop attitudes and skills necessary to meaningfully use interactive, IDGs in their classrooms. Evidence suggests that a mentor should have a strong understanding of how to use digital games effectively in classrooms, work with small cohorts of teachers to collegially plan the use of digital games within a unit of class work, trial the unit of work with a small number of enthusiastic teachers, and then implement it with the remaining teachers. This approach is based on interviews with educators who have successfully mentored teachers in their schools to use interactive, IDGs in their classrooms. These educators encountered little resistance from their teaching colleagues. Their approach further supported teachers who were open to the possibilities of using digital games in their classrooms.  相似文献   

Blended learning (BL) is a popular e-Learning model in higher education that has the potential to take advantage of learning analytics (LA) to support student learning. This study utilized LA to investigate fourth-year undergraduates' (n = 157) use of self-regulated learning (SRL) within the online components of a previously unexamined BL discipline, Music Teacher Education. SRL behaviors were captured unobtrusively in real time through students' interaction with course materials in Moodle. Categorized by function: (1) activating—online access location, day-of-the-week, time-of-day; (2) sustaining—online frequency; and (3) structuring—online regularity and exam review patterns, all six SRL behaviors were revealed to have weak to moderate significant relationships with academic achievement. Results indicated access day-of-the-week and access frequency as the strongest predictors for student success. Findings regarding access regularity when viewed through results from previous SRL-LA research may suggest the importance of this SRL behavior for successful students within several BL discipline areas. In addition, the role of learning design (eg, flipped instruction) in potentially scaffolding students' choices toward specific SRL behaviors, was revealed as an important context for future researchers' consideration.  相似文献   

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