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Self-esteem and coping strategies among deaf students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research studies on the determinants of self-esteem of deaf individuals often yield inconsistent findings. The current study assessed the effects on self-esteem of factors related to deafness, such as the means of communication at home and severity of hearing loss with hearing aid, as well as the coping styles that deaf people adopt to cope with everyday life in a hearing world. Data were collected among the deaf students of California State University, Northridge. Hierarchical regression modeling showed that identification with the Deaf community significantly contributed to positive self-esteem. Results also revealed that deaf students with greater degree of hearing loss and with bicultural skills that help them function in both the hearing and the Deaf community generally have higher self-esteem. Implications for further study are discussed.  相似文献   

就业难已成为当今社会关注的热点问题。在日益激烈的就业竞争压力下,农村女大学生越来越成为就业边缘化的特殊群体,择业过程存在信心不足、主动性不够、准备不充分、灵活性欠佳、挫折承受力差等不良心理状态。本文对农村女大学生就业形势下的主要心理障碍及其诱因作了分析,并给出了行之有效的调适方法。  相似文献   

小学阶段是一个人成长的重要阶段,也为以后的成长奠定基石,而现在小学生在其成长阶段不断地受到社会不良思想的影响。学校应从加强思想品德教育工作、提高思想品德教育的实效性、转变学生心态等方面进行应对。  相似文献   

本文就我国大学英语课程中学生的学习现状进行了分析,并就如何解决提出了相关的应对策略,希望对学生学习大学英语,提高英语能力有所帮助。  相似文献   

The Technical University of Norway (NTH) in Trondheim is the key institution for the production of Chartered Engineers in Norway and has a high percentage of women students by Western European standards. This paper reports on a study of engineering students at NTH in 1982 and aims to pinpoint the factors which direct women towards becoming students at NTH. The results of the study are considered in relationship to national and international studies concerning women and work.  相似文献   

Many philosophers and sociologists of science have tried to understand the profound changes that have occurred in science, engineering and technology. In the first part of this paper, I present the work of one such scholar: Jerome Ravetz who, in collaboration with Silvio Funtowicz, has characterised what he calls ‘postnormal science’. The purpose of this theoretical part of the paper is to describe what characterises contemporary science and to formulate which competencies contemporary scientists need to act ethically. In the second part of the paper, I present and analyse the course ‘Philosophy of Science and Ethics’ that I have taught since 2005 to biochemistry, chemistry and nanotechnology students at the University of Copenhagen. The course is intended to prepare its participants for postnormal knowledge production that is scientific work that is embedded in a societal context characterised by uncertainty and conflicting values systems. With this in mind, I analyse the course by relating its content to the concepts that describe postnormal science, and I discuss how the course develops the ethics competencies that contemporary scientists need to work in postnormal science. I will also briefly discuss the relevance of the course for engineering students.  相似文献   

应对方式是心理应激过程中一种重要的中介调节因素。准确地分析判定一个人的压力应对方式,可以为压力应对技巧的学习以及心理健康教育和治疗性干预指明方向。应对方式的选择以一定的心理资源和社会支持资源为基础。高校可以从压力认知、自我效能感、情绪管理策略、问题解决能力和社会支持系统等方面着手,引导大学生形成积极的压力应对方式。  相似文献   

高校团学干部团学组织中的骨干力量之一,肩负着服务同学、服务学校中心工作、加强校园精神文明建设的重任,是高校开展学生工作的重要力量。基于笔者的工作经历与实践思考,本文将从高校团学干部培养的重要意义及存在矛盾入手,提出切实可行的应对策略。  相似文献   

90后大学生群体特征归因与应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许多研究者认为90后大学生群体相对于其他年龄段的大学生具有独特的群体特征,并表现在其人生观、价值观以及行为处事的态度中。文章参考有关这方面的研究,参照美国上世纪六七十年代由于相对主义价值观盛行而导致的当时美国大学生道德价值取向多元化现象,着重对90后大学生道德观念变迁的具体现象的原因做一分析,并提出较有针对性的教育策略。  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This study examines how students from rural areas in Bangladesh face particular challenges in adapting to university dormitories in urban areas. There has been...  相似文献   

University students experience stress, and how they cope with this stress affects their academic achievement. This study examined stress in teacher education students and had three objectives: to describe different degrees of stress and coping styles; to study the relationship between stress, coping strategies and academic achievement; and to examine whether increased age can moderate the effects of stress on academic achievement in 334 university-students. There were three main findings: many students experienced stress and used avoidance coping strategies; the students who were under less stress and engaged less in cognitive avoidance and more in problem-focused coping were also the students who made more academic achievement; and students under more stress performed worse, but with age stress affected performance less. In teacher education students, it is important to recognize and address the harmful effects of stress on well-being and academic achievement, to avoid long-term problems in professional and personal life.  相似文献   

大学生人格特征、社会支持对应对策略的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对316名大学生人格特征、社会支持和应对策略的分析,探讨大学生人格特征和社会支持对应对策略的影响,结果表明:(1)高社会支持水平会增加积极应对策略的使用;(2)人格特征对个体应对策略使用的影响力大于社会支持;(3)最容易受人格特征因素影响的应对策略是解决问题;(4)高行事风格人格特征会增加消极应对策略的使用,减少解决问题这种积极应对策略的使用;(5)高情绪性人格特征会增加消极应对策略的使用,同时也会增加求助应对策略的使用;(6)高外向性人格特征会增加积极应对策略的使用,减少消极应对策略的使用,这种人格特征相对于其他人格特征来说对个体应对策略的影响最大。  相似文献   

如何提高《幼儿教育学》的教学有效性?本文从学生学习现状的调查与分析入手,在学习指导教育、教学内容优化、教学方法改革等方面进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

Two cohorts of teacher education students provided information on their teaching practicum concerns and the strategies they used to cope with these concerns. Data were analysed to: (1) test the psychometric properties of the survey instrument; (2) identify aspects of the practicum that concern students most and least; (3) examine students' experiences of stress in relation to gender, age, and degree status; (4) define strategies that students report help them cope with practicum stresses; and, (5) investigate the relationship between stress and teaching performance. The data yielded a consistent finding of significant reduction in stress from the first to the second practicum. The critical importance of the student/supervising teacher relationship for student success in the practicum emerged both from the students' reports that seeking support from the teacher was their principal coping strategy, and from the strong link found between stress in the relationship and teachers' poorer rating of the students' performance. Deux groupes d'étudiants en éducation ont fourni des informations sur les préoccupations relatives à leur stage pratique ainsi que sur les stratégies adoptées pour y faire face. Ces données ont été analysées dans le but de: (1) tester les propriétés psychométriques de l'instrument de l'étude; (2) identifier les aspects du stage pratique qui préoccupent le plus et le moins les étudiants; (3) étudier les expériences de stress éprouvées par les étudiants en fonction de leur sexe, âge, et niveau d'éducation; (4) définir les stratégies qui, selon les étudiants, les aident à faire face au stress engendré par les stages pratiques; (5) examiner la relation entre le stress et la qualité de l'enseignement. Les données ont clairement montré une réduction des niveaux de stress entre les premier et second stages pratiques. L'importance critique de la relation étudiant-professeur d'encadrement sur le succès des stages pratiques est ressortie tant des commentaires des étudiants, selon lesquels l'appui du professeur était leur principale stratégie d'adaptation, que du lien étroit existant entre une relation tendue et l'appréciation négative des résultats des étudiants par les professeurs. Dos grupos de estudiantes de magisterio proporcionaron información sobre sus preocupaciones respecto a la práctica de la enseñanza, y las estrategias que usaban para hacer frente a esas preocupaciones. Se analizó la información para: (1) probar las propiedades psicométricas del instrumento de encuesta; (2) identificar los aspectos de la práctica que preocupaban más a los estudiantes y los que los preocupaban menos; (3) examinar las experiencias de los estudiantes relacionadas con la tensión, en cuanto a su sexo, edad, y condición con respecto a su graduación; (4) definir las estrategias que, según los estudiantes, les ayudan a hacer frente a la tensión ocasionada por la práctica; y (5) investigar la relación que existe entre la tensión y el rendimiento en la enseñanza. Los datos indicaron consistentemente que existe una reducción importante de la tensión entre la primera y la segunda práctica. La importancia crítica de la relación estudiante/profesor supervisor para que el estudiante tuviera éxito en la práctica se hizo evidente tanto en los informes de los estudiantes, de que la estrategia principal para hacer frente a la tensión era pedir apoyo al profesor, como del marcado vínculo que existe entre la tensión en la relación y las malas calificaciones que los profesores dan al rendimiento de los estudiantes. Zwei Gruppen von Pädagogikstudenten gaben Informationen über Probleme, die während des Lehrpraktikums auftraten, und über Strategien, die sie zur Bewältigung dieser Probleme benutzten. Die Daten wurden anhand folgender Gesichtspunkte analysiert: (1) Prüfung der psychometrischen Eigenschaften des Untersuchungsinstruments; (2) Identifikation der wichtigsten und unwichtigsten Probleme von Studenten im Lehrpraktikum; (3) Untersuchung der Stresserfahrungen der Studenten in Bezug auf Geschlecht, Alter und Studienfortschritt; (4) Definition der Strategien, die laut Angaben der Studenten bei der Bewältigung von Praktikumsstress behilflich sind; (5) Untersuchung der Beziehung zwischen Stress und Lehrleistung. Die Daten zeigten eindeutig eine signifikante Verringerung des Stressvolumens im zweiten Lehrpraktikum verglichen mit dem ersten Lehrpraktikum. Die entscheidende Bedeutung der Beziehung zwischen Studenten und praktikumsleitendem Lehrer für den Praktikumserfolg wurde sowohl aus den Angaben der Studenten, in denen die Bitte um Unterstützung durch den Lehrer als wichtigste Bewältigungsstrategie genannt wurde, als auch aus der eindeutig festgestellten Verbindung zwischen Stress in dieser Beziehung und der schlechteren Bewertung der Studentenleistung durch die Lehrer deutlich.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish the nature and extent of maltreatment experiences, coping strategies, and behavioral/emotional problems, and their relationships, in a sample of Palestinian adolescents. METHOD: A study of 97 male adolescents aged 15-19 years, and attending a vocational training center based in the Gaza Strip. Adolescents completed the Child Maltreatment Schedule and the Ways of Coping Scale (WAYS). The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was completed by adolescents and by their teachers. RESULTS: Findings revealed high rates of emotional and physical maltreatment. Reliance on emotion-focused or avoidant coping strategies was associated with exposure to maltreatment. Use of maladaptive coping also predicted emotional difficulties in the respondents. CONCLUSIONS: Coping strategies are an important indicator of psychosocial functioning in adolescents who have experienced maltreatment. Identification of coping styles can augment the assessment of at-risk adolescents. Emotion-focused strategies, in particular, appear to be widely used by young people from non-Western cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

在国际贸易领域,随着数量限制的取消和关税的降低,为了限制进口,保护本国产业,少数发达国家将技术贸易壁垒(TBT)当成保护贸易的主要手段。为促进我国对外贸易的健康发展,我国政府、企业及行业组织都必须从不同的角度积极做好跨越TBT的工作,制定出相应对策。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to identify Medical Leadership Competences among medical students at Hashemite University, and analyze the significant differences in the university participants based on their academic level, gender and GPA. Data collection randomly selected from medical students, the response rate for were (260) students. A 40 items survey covered the five areas of Medical Leadership Competences were used. The responses indicated that the most leadership competences for medical students ascending by means were: ‘Demonstrating personal qualities’, ‘Working with others’, ‘Managing services’, ’Setting direction’, an ‘Improving services’, all of these competencies were in high level. There were no significant differences at the 0.05 level among medical leadership competences of medical students’ at Hashemite University related to their academic year, gender, and GPA.  相似文献   

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