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This article reports on the development of online assessment tools for disengaged youth in flexible learning environments. Sociocultural theories of learning and assessment and Bourdieu's sociological concepts of capital and exchange were used to design a purpose-built content management system. This design experiment engaged participants in assessment that led to the exchange of self, peer and teacher judgements for credentialing. This collaborative approach required students and teachers to adapt and amend social networking practices for students to submit and judge their own and others' work using comments, ratings, keywords and tags. Students and teachers refined their evaluative expertise across contexts, and negotiated meanings and values of digital works, which gave rise to revised versions and emergent assessment criteria. By combining social networking tools with sociological models of capital, assessment activities related to students' digital productions were understood as valuations and judgements within an emergent, negotiable social field of exchange.  相似文献   

许多研究者对现实社会网络与虚拟计算机社会网络之间的关系有着不同的观点,这种社会学研究的争议同样也延伸至在线学习相关的领域。本研究通过对浙江省义乌市香山小学505班进行个案分析,从社会网络的角度剖析学生在线与面对面交流的差异以及这种差异与学生的性别、学业成绩等因素之间的关系。在线课程的开发需要充分考虑这些差异,并以此为据加强在线学习的协作。  相似文献   

This study sought to determine the critical elements of an authentic learning activity, design them into an applicable framework and then use this framework to guide the design, development and application of work-relevant assessment. Its purpose was to formulate an effective model of task design and assessment. The first phase of the study identified from the literature critical elements that determined assessment as being authentic, and presented these to practitioners and experts for feedback. In phase two, it codified the elements into a framework that was then applied to the redesign of assessments in an army course. Phase three involved student evaluation of the redesigned assessment activities. This led to further review and revision of elements in phase four. The study outcomes suggest that it is possible, by identifying and codifying individual elements, to determine the ways in which the authenticity of an individual assessment activity might be enhanced. The paper concludes with a literature update on the framework elements that lead to suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

Social Presence and Implications for Designing Online Learning Communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the rapid global proliferation of the Internet and telecommunication networks , online education , one form of distance education is currently becoming the fastest growing trend of domestic and international education. A major challenge to designing online learning is the development of appropriate means to facilitate the social environment that is critical for higher order learning in many disciplines. In many online learning designs, the majority of resources are channeled to web interface design and technology, while little or no resources are devoted to facilitating the teaching and learning process, the negotiation of meaning and the validation of knowledge among peers and instructors that depends on a conducive socio-cultural environment and adequate learner support.  相似文献   

真实性评价迎合了当代高职教育人才培养改革和发展的需要.真实性评价中的"真实",是要求在课程学习成果评价的任务、能力、产出、标准四个要素上同时体现真实性,是对高职能力本位教学实践的补充与衔接.通过与职场现实工作情境及评价操作的参照比对,构建高职课程真实性评价设计模型,按照评价设计过程分为六个环节:能力要求、评价任务、任务条件、学生成果、评分规则、评分情境,并在真实性评价体系设计中融入对评价信度和效度的考量,以期促进真实性评价在教学实践中的应用.  相似文献   

Blended learning is a newly emerging trend in higher education and is defined as the purposeful integration of synchronous and asynchronous learning to provide educational activities that maximize the benefits of each. This paper describes the development of a graduate social work foundation-year practice class in a blended online environment in which both asynchronous and synchronous activities transpire online. The course's underlying pedagogical principles are illustrated, and the perceptions of instructional faculty are reported in key areas, including engagement and participation, activities, and the challenges of technology, socialization, etiquette, and nonverbal cues.  相似文献   

根据社会比较理论可知,利用学习干预帮助学习者了解自己和同伴的学习情况,有助于激发学习动机、改善学习行为。基于此,文章利用滞后序列分析法,探究学习干预对高成就学习者、中成就学习者、低成就学习者学习行为的影响及其学习行为序列差异,结果发现:学习干预对问题解决行为的影响最大,对协作行为的影响最小;中成就学习者的学习行为序列受学习干预的影响最大;学习干预导致部分学习者层次发生改变,其中低成就学习者的成绩提升幅度最大。借鉴社会比较理论分析不同层次在线学习者的学习行为序列差异,旨在提供更有效的学习干预,以改善教学决策、提升学习成效。  相似文献   

基于ARCS动机模型构建在线学习系统   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Keller认为学生的学习动机由四部分组成 :注意 (Attention)、相关 (Relevance)、自信 (Confi dence)和满意 (Satisfaction) ,简称ARCS模型。我们将这个模型细化后 ,总结出近 40多条指导性意见 ,并以此为理论框架 ,设计实现了《数据结构》在线学习系统。我们发现 ,随着计算机网络技术的发展 ,基于计算机网络的学习系统不但不能代替教师 ,而且更需要教师的参与。一个完整的在线学习系统 ,教师是其中不可缺少的组成部分。没有教师参与的计算机在线系统将不是一个完整的学习系统。  相似文献   

教育部颁发的《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》首次正式将学生的情感态度确定为五大课程目标之一,而在实际英语课堂教学中,学生的情感因素并未得到足够的重视。针对两者之间的反差,文章从认知心理学和人本主义心理学两大角度阐述了情感的教育意义,然后以任务型教学为基点,提出了培养学生积极、健康情感的三大途径:创设安全的心理环境、开展小组合作学习、采用真实评价方式,以完善当前英语教学,促进学生“知”、“情”的平衡发展。  相似文献   

语言教师如今广泛运用戏剧活动来促进学生的语言学习。学生使用目的语制作视频或短片,实现了语言学习与艺术、流行文化的有效结合。戏剧活动亦有助于为学生创设真实语言学习情境,即真实世界成为教育体验的组成部分,学生使用真实语言。  相似文献   

The growing popularity of Social Networking Sites (SNS) that are embedded with networked infrastructures serves as an ideal platform for developing a networked learning environment connecting geographically dispersed learners. Unlike the traditional learning systems which provide only limited sources of data, the learners engaged in virtual networked social environments tend to produce huge volumes of digital footprints that cannot be analyzed using conventional analytical techniques. Two new branches of analytical sciences – Educational Data Mining (EDM) and Learning Analytics (LA) – are being employed for processing digital data derived from online educational platforms in order to obtain meaningful inferences and data-driven insights.

Hence, the present experimental study involving a small group of geographically dispersed learners intend to examine the engagement level and interaction patterns that occur within a feminist networked learning environment created in Facebook using popular EDM and learning analytical techniques such as K-means Clustering, Social network analysis and correlation mining. Upon analysis, it was found that the peer network influence played a vital role in activating passive learners, eventually leading to the development of a closely bound networked learning community over time.  相似文献   

文章介绍了社会建构主义知识论,并借鉴其中一些观点从学习情境设计、学习活动设计、交互设计、协作学习等方面阐述社会建构主义知识观对我国在线教学设计的启示。  相似文献   

参与式学习和网络教学法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们对新学习机会的需求持续增长以及新的信息系统和通讯技术不断涌现,使得在线学习成为了教育实践中的中心话题。我们有必要建立一个框架,使那些有着不同文化、语言背景的远程学生产生有意义参与学习的经验。我们使用新术语“Cybergogy“来描述建立在线参与式学习所采用的策略,描述了为不同背景的远程学生创设认知、社会和情感三方面的学习经验。Cybergogy的核心是参与式学习,在参与式学习中学生自己确立学习目标、探索适当的资源、与其他人进行小组协作并以有意义的方式建构知识。我们所建立的“参与式学习的cybergogy模型“包括三个相互重叠/交叉的域:认知域、情感域和社会域。这一模型综合了当前的思想、观念和理论框架,它们是关于学生参与在线学习的这三个域上的程度和性质的。教师可以利用这一模型来描述每个学习者,然后设计针对每个人的策略,我们称这一过程为“customized engagement“。这样,学生不仅有机会实现自己的学习目标,而且将积极地参与学习过程。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the development, validation and use of the Constructivist Multimedia Learning Environment Survey (CMLES). This questionnaire assesses teachers' and students' perceptions of the learning environment when students use online multimedia programs while teachers use constructivism as a referent for their teaching. The design of the questionnaire was based on a constructivist approach to learning and focused on the process of learning with the multimedia program and on the nature of that program. Before the use of the CMLES becomes widespread, it was important to determine whether it is valid and reliable. Therefore, a study involving 221 students in 12 high school classrooms into statistical validation and interpretive validation of the questionnaire was undertaken. For this sample of Grade 10 and 11 students who completed the actual and preferred forms of the questionnaire, the CMLES scales demonstrated a high degree of internal consistency reliability (with alpha reliability coefficients ranging from .73 to .82), as well as satisfactory factorial validity and discriminant validity. Therefore, the study supports the reliability and validity of the CMLES for assessing students' and teachers' perceptions of one important aspect in evaluating learning environments which promote the use of multimedia programs and constructivist learning approaches.  相似文献   

Owing to the break-out of the COVID-19 pandemic, students have to take more online learning than offline, and large-scale education assessment programs have to be suspended or postponed. How could education assessment adapt to large-scale online learning? How could the effect and safety of online assessment be improved? What role should formative assessment play in student admissions? How could different assessment results be linked? Reflections on and trends of the Chinese experiences are presented in this article. Based on cross-cultural comparison research, measures to be recommended are as follows: reviewing previous theories, improving existing methods continuously, and developing assessment techniques innovatively according to new application scenarios.  相似文献   

网络教学平台的发展已成为大学英语课堂教学及评价的有益辅助,以Unipus、iTest、WE Learn和超星泛雅为代表的网络教学平台,将线上多元智能评价机制逐渐建全并完善.现代信息技术全面引入大学英语学习的形成性评价和终结性评价,越来越展示出评价的客观性、公平性、全面性、发展性和动态性.借助网络教学平台,开展好、衔接好...  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the key features of flexible learning environments (FLEs). Key principles associated with FLEs are explained. Underlying tenets and support mechanisms necessary for the implementation of FLEs are described. Similarities and differences in traditional learning and FLEs are explored. Finally, strategies and techniques for becoming a successful learner and facilitator in FLEs are presented.Initial ideas for this paper were generated after viewing a presentation created by Marie Jasinski, MindMedia, Douglas Mawson Institute, Adelaide, Australia ().Janette Hill is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology at The University of Georgia, Athens. She received her Ph.D. from The Florida State University in Instructional Systems. Dr. Hill's research focuses on online learning with adults, specifically exploring issues related to building community and connections with others in virtual environments. Dr. Hill can be reached at janette@uga.edu.  相似文献   

为实现网络学习中的有效学习,文章在了解国内外反思性学习研究的基础上,从哲学的角度对反思及反思性学习做了重新认识:反思是一个过程,更是一种能力,是支撑整个反思迭代循环过程的能力集合体;反思性学习是一种内在内容不变,外在形式随时代不断变迁的传统学习策略。其次,以班杜拉三元交互决定论为理论基础,通过对网络学习与传统课堂学习进行比较分析,对影响网络学习中反思性学习的因素做了初步探究,并尝试构建了网络学习中反思性学习模型。  相似文献   

美国的真实评定理论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
真实评定既是一种具体评价方法,更是一种现代评价理念,主要由四个要素构成。它不仅追求全面而又真实地评价学生的学习过程和结果,而且还将学生评定整合于教师的教和学生的学的过程中。  相似文献   

社会化学习,是人类与生俱来的一种本能.其集中体现就是人类从一出生开始就处于社会化环境中,并不断通过模仿、交流等途径进行学习,由于社会性媒体的不断应用,社会化学习的方式与内涵都发生了改变.本文从知识管理中SECI知识转化模型出发,在知识管理与E-learning相互融合的趋势下,提出一种基于SECI模型的社会化学习框架.  相似文献   

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