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The State Information and Reference Center of the California State Library provides a number of special services for its partons. These services include compilation and distribution of publications such as Management Trends, a selective annotated bibliography focusing on current trends in business and management, and Special Topics, an irregular series focusing on topics of current interest such as childcare, biotechnology and illiteracy. Other services include providing patrons with direct access to the University of California's online catalog, and indirect access to hundreds of commercial databases. As a service to our very busy patrons, library staff will also gather and send library materials to the offices of patrons who request the service.  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs who would like their students' ideas represented in these pages are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Heather Dodge is a recent graduate of Long Island University's Palmer School of Library and Information Science and has completed an additional Master's degree in Humanities and Social Thought from NYU's Draper Program for Humanities and Social Thought. In this column, she discusses the effective development of chat reference competencies.

The ALA-Accredited Palmer School of Library and Information Science was established in 1959 at Long Island University's (LIU) Post campus. Palmer's mission is to empower information professionals through education, research and achievement. The Palmer School offers a Doctorate in Information Studies; the Master of Science in Library and Information Science with optional concentrations in Archives and Records Management, Rare Books and Special Collections; Advanced Certificates in both Archives and Records Management and in Public Library Administration. The School also offers a Masters in Science in School Library Media. The Archives and Records Management certificate can be taken post-Master's or concurrently as part of the MSLIS program and is now offered both face-to-face and online.  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs, who would like their students’ ideas represented in these pages, are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu

Samantha Sinanan is an MLIS candidate in the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Here she proposes that librarians should seek to understand the Net Generation searcher's perspective in order to teach information literacy most effectively.

Accredited by the American Library Association with the Canadian Library Association, SLAIS is an internationally recognized graduate school at The University of British Columbia, in beautiful Vancouver. At SLAIS we are in the business of preparing professionals to exercise leadership in planning, implementing, and promoting the preservation, organization, and effective use of society's recorded information and ideas. We offer the master's degree in Library and Information Studies (MLIS) and the master's degree in Archival Studies (MAS). In addition, we sponsor a multidisciplinary Master of Arts in Children's Literature (MACL) with five other departments. Opportunities are also available for post-master's study, including a Ph.D. program in library, archival & information studies. For more information, visit www.slais.ubc.ca  相似文献   


Academic research libraries can employ several approaches to advance the institutional mission. First, libraries can shift from goals focused on collections and traditional library services and instead align with their campus academic plan and an emphasis on supporting the institution's strategic initiatives. A second approach is for libraries to modify their organizational structures from being function-based on the tasks that traditional libraries performed (e.g., public services, technical services, collection development) and move instead toward organizational units that directly support their university's missions (e.g., undergraduate education; graduate and professional education; research, scholarship, and creative activity; and public engagement). The key is to have library staff engaged in work that contributes to vital institutional outcomes such as student success and faculty research productivity. Academic research libraries should also continue to work towards an assessment program that demonstrates the value of the academic research library in providing quality services that advance the institutional mission.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(51-52):195-208
Attempts to teach higher level critical thinking skills in library instruction classes are often undermined by students' difficulty in physically locating materials at the library. A User's Survey conducted by a Stack Maintenance Total Quality Management (TQM) Team at Oregon State University's Kerr Library provided further evidence of this difficulty. Consequently, Stack Maintenance support staff and student assistants are now trained to provide point-of-use assistance and instruction. Thus, they have become adjuncts to the Library's information and instruction services.  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, and to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs who would like their students’ ideas represented in these pages are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Matthew Baker is a recent graduate of the Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS). Here he makes the case for librarians to recognize both the strengths and limitations of technology, and to guide students toward that recognition as well.

Founded in 1902, Simmons GSLIS (http://www.simmons.edu/gslis/) is one of the country's oldest library and information science programs. With campuses in Boston and South Hadley, Mass., the school is ranked by U.S. News & World Report among the Top 10 in the nation. GSLIS offers master's and doctoral programs, along with postmaster's licensure and certificate opportunities and continuing education workshops. Master's degree students can choose concentrations in Archives Management, School Library Teacher, or Library and Information Science; doctoral students focus either on Library and Information Science or Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions.

*****  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, in both the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs, who would like their students' ideas represented in these pages, are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Marissa K. Mason is an MSIS student specializing in archives and records management at the University at Albany's Department of Information Studies. In this essay, she discusses the opportunities and challenges of using various social media for promotional outreach of archives and special collections.

The University at Albany's Department of Information Studies, part of the College of Computing and Information, offers a broad-based Master of Science in Information Science degree accredited by the American Library Association. The program has concentrations in library and information services, archives and records administration, school library media, information management and policy, and information systems and technology. Students learn how information is created, organized, represented, stored, accessed, retrieved, managed and used. In addition, they investigate the uses and impacts of information and technology on individuals, organizations and society, including formal and informal communities, libraries, government, and business. A required internship course helps ensure that the program's graduates are ready to enter the world of information professionals. For more information, see http://www.albany.edu/informationstudies/index.php

*****  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(73):281-292

Many library directors and administrators spend a significant portion of their time attempting to market the library and its services. Getting patrons into the library and keeping their business is an integral part of the day-to-day management of the library. This mission, however, is not always effectively passed on to the front lines to the one group of people who face the patrons on a daily basis -the reference librarians.

This article will show how the library's service points can be used as marketing tools; outline what librarians and public service staff should know about their library; and discuss ways in which reference service librarians can help further the library's marketing and public relations goals.  相似文献   

The Future Voices in Public Services column is a forum for students in graduate library and information science programs to discuss key issues they see in academic library public services, to envision what they feel librarians in public service have to offer to academia, to tell us of their visions for the profession, or to tell us of research that is going on in library schools. We hope to provide fresh perspectives from those entering our field, both in the United States and other countries. Interested faculty of graduate library and information science programs, who would like their students' ideas represented in these pages, are invited to contact Nancy H. Dewald at nxd7@psu.edu.

Neda Zdravkovic is studying at The School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Here she describes the student-centered and activity-based teaching approach used in some information literacy courses, including analysis of the student feedback received.

The School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington teaches the only postgraduate library studies program in New Zealand. Students take courses on campus and by distance learning, using CD-ROM and Web-based materials, as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) conferencing. The School is a member of the WISE (Web-based Information Science Education) consortium, sharing online courses with similar programs worldwide. From 2010, the current MLIS qualification will be replaced by postgraduate Certificate, Diploma and Master's degrees in Information Studies. The broad-based program allows students to specialize in Library Studies or in Archives and Records. Students come to the school from Asia, the United States, and New Zealand.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(95-96):81-98

As digital and chat reference services become established as another way to do business, many libraries juggle the delivery of consortial and local virtual reference services. Balancing services without overtaxing staff and resources presents a number of challenges. How, for example, do libraries staff more than one chat reference service in addition to traditional services? Or more critically, how are subject specialists used to their greatest advantage in a multi-type library service? This article explores the benefits and issues of offering service at the statewide and local level based on OSU's experience and describes how OSU responded to these issues.  相似文献   

Dr. Ken Haycock directs the recently created Master of Management in Library and Information Science (MMLIS) program in the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. As the only LIS program located in a major business school, the MMLIS is focused on integrating business skills with traditional library and information science to graduate students who are prepared for leadership roles in the profession. The MMLIS program requires students to have prior work experience. Students work in teams to solve real world problems and also choose an independent project. Of particular interest is a proposed special track for experienced library and information science managers to acquire the MLIS.  相似文献   


The library staff, in conjunction with the Graduate School of Management and Technology (GSMT) and Undergraduate Programs (UGP), developed two online courses. The first, for GSMT, was an online, fee-based, self-paced, required course for all incoming graduate students at the University of Maryland, University College (UMUC). The second, LIBS 100, was an elective, for-credit course. The process of designing, testing, and delivering the graduate course is described. In addition, a comparison of the two course design processes is briefly reviewed. Finally, the initial survey data assessing the students' perception of the value of the graduate course is also included.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(48):99-113
As the world's largest online full-text resource of business, news, legal, and medical information, Mead Data Central's LEXIS®, NEXIS®, and MEDIS® services pose special implementation and instructional challenges for academic reference librarians. This paper discusses such issues as telecommunications access, printing/downloading policies, staff education, and instructional strategies necessary to consider before offering this value-added reference service in an academic library.  相似文献   

Publications of the faculty of the University of Mississippi's School of Business were examined for a citation analysis. The following data were collected: journals cited, which publishers’ journals were cited, age of the citations, and the Library of Congress classification range cited. The results were analyzed by the business school as a whole and by the four major departments in the college: Finance, Management, Management Information Systems/Production Operations Management, and Marketing. The study was undertaken to gain a better understanding of the local faculty researchers’ needs, to examine how the library supports their needs, and to compare the local results with the metaresearch focused on specific subject or journal.  相似文献   

A sample of 325 students, faculty, and staff at a graduate business school completed an online survey designed to assess their knowledge and utilization of the library's e-book collection as well as their desired method of accessing various types of books. Participants were asked about their format preference for reading four different types of books: course textbooks, computer software guides, career development books, and popular business titles. The final section of the survey gave respondents an opportunity to provide free form comments and thoughts about e-books. The implications of this research for collection development are discussed.  相似文献   

Currently the literature examining formal business information literacy (BIL) instruction and graduate business students focuses on the collaborative efforts between individual librarians and business school faculty members to bring information literacy into the classroom. This article argues that all graduate business students need formal BIL instruction to succeed in their studies and as business leaders. The unique decade-long collaboration between Hofstra University's Axinn Library and Frank G. Zarb School of Business is examined.  相似文献   

This article describes the creation and implementation of focus groups to evaluate the effectiveness of a health sciences library's liaison program of the College of Pharmacy faculty and to better understand the faculty's information needs in order to design new and improved library services. The liaison services support the teaching and research needs of faculty and students through literature research, classroom teaching, and an extensive library collection of pharmacy literature. Focus group results demonstrated a high level of satisfaction with library liaison services and collections. Opportunities exist for expanded interaction with graduate students and greater marketing of library services to increase faculty awareness of specific library programs.  相似文献   

Library literature suggests that staffing and metropolitan status may affect a public library's provision of outreach efforts. Data from a 1999 survey of Arizona public library service outlets do not support the role of metropolitan status in outreach provision but reaffirms the role of staffing. In this dataset, Arizona public library service outlets had ongoing outreach efforts, with schools and preschools being the most popular venue for providing those services. Analyzing outlets' provision of outreach as a function of staffing revealed that there is a positive relationship between the number of librarians on staff and the odds that a library would conduct outreach. While metropolitan libraries were also associated with an increase in the odds of conducting outreach and making school visits, this was assumed to be a spurious correlation due to the lack of significance in models accounting for staff and metropolitan status.  相似文献   


In August, 1992, during a two-week hiatus between summer school and fall semester, Illinois State University's Milner Library suffered an arson fire. Nine days later, the library opened its doors and offered complete services. Although recovery was quick and damage minimal, staff learned the value of what may prove useful to others: revising disaster plans, taking proactive steps to secure building safety, on-going staff training, and jointly planning recovery actions with maintenance personnel.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(59):139-146

New reference desk staffing configurations are required as reference service evolves from locating in-library resources to using and teaching the use of electronic resources. The tangible and intangible benefits achieved by scheduling technical services staff to assist at the reference desk are discussed. Intangible benefits include improved library service due to technical services staff expertise, and greater flexibility for reference desk staffing. The reference staff can also learn more about the automated library system and current processing initiatives from their technical services colleagues. Technical services staff benefits from seeing the results of their work in a public services setting and experiencing the satisfaction of helping users locate needed information. A stronger sense of library service is instilled in the “back room.” Technical services staff will also enjoy more challenge, opportunity, and variety in their work. Some tangible benefits realized at the University of Minnesota's Bio-Medical Library, which are directly related to the scheduling of technical services staff at the reference desk, are also briefly described.  相似文献   

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