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基于学分制的高校教学管理流程再造研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在实施学分制过程中,传统的教学管理模式面临运作模式、组织结构等方面的挑战,文章在介绍企业流程再造(BPR)的概念、本质特征、基本原理的基础上,认为运用BPR思想对高校教学管理模式进行流程再造是可行的,并探讨了运用其原理及方法对高校教学管理进行流程再造。  相似文献   

重组高校图书馆的业务流程拥有深厚的理论基础,包括业务流程再造理论知识管理理论、学习型组织理论、项目任务管理理论,为高校图书馆业务流程重组提供了科学的可参考的依据。图书馆在进行业务流程重组的过程中,需要依托先进的信息技术平台,注重业务部门和人力资源的优化配置,实行全面的绩效管理策略,才能成功实现业务流程的重组。  相似文献   

在借鉴国内外经济市场化进程评价理论研究的基础上,构建了经营市场化进程评价指标体系,并建立了相应的数学模型;运用绝对评价法得出我国经营市场化进程的绝对评价值为39%;将经营市场化进程的绝对评价值39%与顾海兵提出的市场化程度的定量与定性对应关系进行对比后,认为我国经营市场化程度目前还处于转轨中期市场化进程中。  相似文献   

分析原文、语际转换、译入语语内重构和检验这四个翻译阶段各有自己的分工,都不能缺少。虽然“对于完全称职的翻译者来说,译入语语内重组几乎是自动化的。事实上,这几乎像说母语那样脱口而出”。然而从实践上说,在完成对原文的分析和语际转换之后,译文质量的好坏完全取决于译入语语内重组的成败。张培基、庄传绎、孟庆升等人在各自编写的翻译教程中都存在不同程度的语篇翻译失误。作为学习翻译者的翻译范本,选择翻译材料和译文要做到精之又精。  相似文献   

科学评价毕业论文(设计)对于提高高校毕业生质量具有积极作用。文章运用系统论、教学评价理论与方法,提出了毕业论文(设计)答辩现场评价指标体系的依据、原则和功能,构建了毕业论文(设计)答辩现场评价表,并进行了应用,收到了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

罪责刑相适应原则作为刑法的基本原则之一,在刑法中具有全局性的指导作用。当一个行为被认定为犯罪后,罪责刑相适应原则不仅能影响量刑,使得刑罚与犯罪相适应;在一些典型案件中根据犯罪可能判处的刑罚还可能影响定罪,从而做到罪责刑相适应。只有以罪责刑相适应原则为指导,才能正确地进行刑法的适用解释,进而合理地适用刑法。  相似文献   


‘The hubris of the change agent becomes the nemesis of the implementers and others affected by the new programme’ (Fullan 1989)  相似文献   

Johnson  Addie M. 《The Urban Review》1998,30(4):309-332
An urban school district is undergoing a process of change as proposed in the educational reform agenda introduced by a new superintendent. This qualitative research study provides insight into the concerns of some elementary school principals in the district during the initial phase of the reform as they deal with the transition from a historically bureaucratic to a decentralized system, attempt to make sense of their dilemmas, and seek new ways of managing in a restructured environment. Major issues revealed in this study indicate there are some basic considerations to be addressed in initiating a districtwide process of change and eliciting site administrator support (i.e., understanding the dilemmas of managing in a different power structure, providing opportunities for sufficient input, and devising a sound professional development program for principals to assist in reconceptualizing administrative roles). Implications suggest that it is essential for top school executives initiating change processes to develop good communication processes and gain an understanding of the cultural norms of a school system to gain the commitment of school principals and school constituencies. This study, which contributes to the empirically based literature on school reform, also illustrates that initiation of structural changes needs to be clearly related to the ultimate goal of improving student achievement so that all school constituencies understand the focus of the reform agenda. Consideration of these issues in devising plans for educational change may enhance actualization of desired outcomes.  相似文献   

认知心理学把人的认知过程作为主要研究对象,运用信息加工的观点研究认知活动。编辑的审稿过程,就是一种认知过程。在审稿时如能以这种理论作为心理指导,可以使编辑尽快地读懂稿件,为恰当地修改稿件带来便利;长此以往,则能全面提高编辑的业务素质。  相似文献   

Product design and evaluation require a broad and varied set of information and analysis tools, and effective design and evaluation of a product during its design phase is critical if production costs are to be minimized. A system is described that integrates product design specifications with material and process databases, and a simulation-based analysis module. The system allows product design specifications to be evaluated in terms of economic and technical criteria. The system will serve as a training tool in the computer-integrated manufacturing courses in our undergraduate curriculum. It allows students to investigate ways to design better products through integration of design and manufacturing, and to explore trade-offs between design and manufacturing  相似文献   

Growing pressure on educational resources and the intensification of the work of teachers has strengthened claims that teaching is a labour process and that teachers are being proletarianised. At the same time, the education system is being subjected to concerted attempts to subordinate it to the interests of capital and national competitiveness, appearing to reinforce those perspectives viewing education as part of the capitalist state apparatus and teachers as agents of capital. This article examines these claims and attempts to resolve the contradictory emphases through an analysis of class relations which stresses the significance of teaching as state employment, the growth of hierarchies within schools and the contradictory functions of education.  相似文献   

为解决集成电路设计后可测试和功能升级的需求,提出了一种基于代码重构的可扩展设计方案。在集成电路设计过程中,通过在硬件描述语言层对设计功能进行重构,以通用标准化的功能结构分解和替换原有的复杂功能。在芯片设计过程中,确定重构的层次。重点设计了芯片设计过程中的一些常用基本功能模块,以这些基本功能模块不同组合实现特定功能的重构。  相似文献   

就当前工科学生的毕业设计过程进行了研究.根据社会目前的需求情况、学生所学知识情况以及学生与社会的对接问题进行了相关分析.认为目前的毕业设计过程难以起到从学生向社会工作过渡的衔接作用,不太适应社会现状的要求.在毕业设计过程中需要注重实践环节,增加实践教学内容,以适应用人单位的要求.此外,分析了现有部分院校毕业设计现状,探讨了提高毕业设计质量的方法.  相似文献   

<正>近日,学术圈撤稿事件引起了社会舆论的广泛关注。南京大学青年长江学者梁莹在过去几年里,陆续从中国知网、万方、维普等网络主要学术期刊数据库中删除了她自己的100多篇中文论文,这一事件一经曝光,引起了人们对学者学术不端、学术道德、学术诚信和现行学术评价体系等问题的热议,而这些都是中国高等教育研究发展中学术生态建设面临的一些突出问题。  相似文献   

Restructuring of the existing school system is proposed at the elementary, secondary, and university levels; the specific directions that such restructuring might take are delineated, especially for the secondary school level. Reasons are presented for postulating radical changes in our present patterns of schooling, and the overall objectives of the restructuring plan are described. These objectives emphasize developing in youth the commitment and skills necessary for collective solution of complex social problems. Plans are outlined for a hypothetical implementation (within OISE) of the job assignment aspect of the restructuring plan, and also for long-range introduction of the plan to the larger educational community.
Résumé Cette étude propose la restructuration du système scolaire actuel aux niveaux élémentaire, secondaire et universitaire; elle esquisse les orientations particulières que pourrait adopter une telle restructuration, notamment au niveau du secondaire. Elle explique les raisons qui militent en faveur des modifications radicales à apporter à nos actuelles méthodes de formation scolaire et décrit les objectifs d'ensemble de la restructuration proposée. Ces objectifs soulignent la nécessité de développer chez les jeunes le sens de l'engagement et les connaissances nécessaires à une solution collective de problèmes sociaux complexes. L'auteur ébauche les plans d'une application éventuelle de l'aspect affectation des tâches (au sein de l'OISE) du plan de restructuration proprement dit, ainsi que les étapes d'introduction à longue portée du plan en question à l'ensemble de la collectivité enseignante.


The author would like to thank Mrs. Judy Spigel for her extensive editorial assistance, which helped substantially in the refinement of this paper.  相似文献   

按照逻辑芯片设计特点,将芯片工作时的信号分为4种:时钟信号、输入信号、组合输出信号和寄存器输出信号。分析了每一种信号的特征,提出并设计了逻辑芯片重构设计中信号类型识别算法。算法以引脚间输入与输出信号之间的延时——判别时间窗作为识别的重要参数,设计了详细的信号识别算法。测试表明,算法的识别平均识别率达到80%左右。  相似文献   

艺术设计专业基础课程改革教学的目标应着重把握三个方向:第一,培养视觉反映力,增强视觉接受信息的能力即感悟能力;第二,开发想象能力,特别是能动性地对未知领域自觉探索的能力;第三,培养分析、思维能力及创新能力,锻炼学生对事物的把握能力,努力使基础课程教学适应专业课的需要.为此,可将基础课程教学设计为五大教学模块:基础造型模块,归纳造型模块,色彩情感训练模块,形态解析训练与表现力训练模块,图形联想模块.  相似文献   

数据查询的效率是影响数据库应用系统整体性能的其中一项重要指标,本文着重探讨了索引在优化数据库系统性能方面的作用及具体的实现原则,并通过对查询语句效率的对比,介绍了在SQL Sever中的查询语句性能测定的方法。  相似文献   

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