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Within the past decade, academic libraries have seen a shift in purchasing from mostly print to mostly electronic. Although Carleton University Library (Ottawa, Canada) has experienced this shift, it had continued until recently to work within the confines of an organizational structure based on a print purchasing model. This paper will describe in detail the restructuring of the Library's collections and technical services departments to better meet growing electronic demands. Changes included dedicating more staff from print resources to e-resources, changing a librarian position to focus specifically on collections assessment, and shifting budgets to manage growing e-resources more efficiently.  相似文献   

Changing trends in library use and management of e-resources were discussed by Jane Burke from ProQuest/Serials Solutions. A paradigm shift in library collections has occurred in which e‐resources are now the major component of new library materials, requiring new ways to manage and display them. The use of e‐resource access and management services was discussed as a helpful tool, along with federated searching. Burke suggested that by spending less time processing print materials and ending bibliographic instruction, more time will be available for librarians to market and manage e-resources, which will be of greater benefit to today's library users.  相似文献   

Established in 2014, Usus (Latin for usage), supported by Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources (COUNTER), but editorially independent, is a community-run website designed to provide a space for librarians, consortia, publishers, aggregators, repository managers, and scholars to discuss all aspects of usage, including particular ways that use is measured. In this session, Usus Supervisory Board members provided an introduction to Usus, outlined the purpose of the community-run site, and discussed how librarians may utilize the site to submit ongoing and complex usage issues. In addition, the presenters engaged attendees in discussing specific e-resource usage issues they have encountered as well as report changes and additions in the recently released COUNTER Code of Practice 4.  相似文献   


As more collection dollars are allocated to the purchase of electronic content, the management of these resources continues to challenge libraries. In order to streamline this activity, and to improve compliance with license terms and conditions, libraries are exploring a number of software solutions. These range from tracking data in spreadsheets or developing local databases to buying software from commercial vendors. This article reviews the progress of e-resource software development, such as the Colorado Alliance's Gold Rush software, Innovative Interfaces' Electronic Resource Management module, EBSCO's journal management services and others, and explores what these products are designed to do.  相似文献   

Matt Goldner, the OCLC Product & Technology Advocate, delivered the keynote address at the MidSouth eResource Symposium, held at Mississippi State University, Mitchell Memorial Libraries on August 11, 2011. From a service provider's perspective, Goldner shared some emergent but critical issues that arise with the electronic revolution and how these issues might affect the future of academic libraries. The focus of this presentation is centered on how librarians should work actively and positively to seek solutions to those issues.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis and comparison of library print and online holdings are used to reduce shelf area and inform index back-file purchases. Nikki DeMoville of California Polytechnic State University’s Robert E. Kennedy Library combined Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) JR2 Access Denied usage reports, holdings information, and print circulation data to identify journals exhibiting a high desirability for online access and low print circulation. In this presentation, DeMoville shared how further combination of this data with ScienceDirect quote lists for back-file journal packages and Web of Science metrics could be used to support the efficient de-selection of print journals, allowing the library to recover the maximum amount of physical space while also acquiring backfile access to those titles most frequently needed in electronic format. The presentation detailed the workflows and comparative methodology used to reach collection management and development decisions for journal coverage, with an emphasis on before and after metrics.  相似文献   


The Russian State Children's Library (RGDB) is the largest children's library in the world and has been serving as a cultural and educational center for more than 45 years. Important aspects of RGDB's activities are the development of electronic resources and setting up the library site for distant users. The National Electronic Children's Library in Russia is a specialized digital collection of publications about children and for children. This article focuses on these aspects and the future steps of the project.  相似文献   

Academic libraries have long been trying to gain access to users through their favorite online spaces, such as social networking sites. In this article a project of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's University Libraries, which integrated library resources with the campus course management system, Blackboard, is detailed. The main objective was to push the best resources to students based on their actual needs. For years, static HTML Web pages were created, but the proliferation of these pages required tremendous maintenance. In addition it is not certain that students are able to access the most relevant resources buried deep in the Web site. Because of these challenges, the Course Resources Tool and the Library Resources Portal were created to provide high levels of customization based on information that was gathered from users as they log into Blackboard. The tools have been customized so that subject specialist liaisons can integrate library resources at the major, department, course, and course section levels. Despite some difficulties in launching and promoting these projects, there has been positive feedback. There was also an increase in usage statistics that rivals the use of the library's main Web site. This article describes the tools, documents the difficulties with each phase of the project, and discusses the lessons learned. Also, a brief overview of possible expansions of the Blackboard Course Resources Tool and the Library Resources Portal is provided.  相似文献   

This session highlighted trends in continuing resource collections and collection management throughout the 30-year period from 1985 through 2015. Electronic resources became available in the 1990s and grew in prevalence from the 2000s through the present, changing the make-up of library collections and also how libraries measure collections and collection usage. Two librarians and two vendors shared their perspectives on these changes in collection development, describing how library collections now contain a combination of older formats and older ways of collecting data, and new, electronic content and automated ways of collecting and disseminating data about collections.  相似文献   



This lecture explores changes in the medical library profession over the last fifty years, as revealed by individual word usage in a body of literature.


I downloaded articles published in the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association and Journal of the Medical Library Association between 1961 and 2000 to create an electronic corpus and tracked annual frequency of individual word usage. I used frequency sparklines of words, matching one of four archetypal shapes (level, rise, fall, and rise-and-fall) to identify significant words.


Most significant words fell into the categories of environment, management, technology, and research. Based on word usage changes, the following trends are revealed: Compared to 1961, today''s medical librarians are more concerned with digital information, not physical packages. We prefer information to be evidence-based. We focus more on health than medicine. We are reaching out to new constituents, sometimes leaving our building to do so. Teaching has become important for us. We run our libraries more like businesses, using constantly changing technology. We are publishing more research articles.


Although these words were chosen by individual authors to tell their particular stories, in the aggregate, our words reveal our story of change in our profession.The Janet Doe Lecture on the history or philosophy of medical librarianship: I will warn you right now that you will get very little philosophy out of me today, for two reasons. First, my predecessor T. Scott Plutchak, AHIP, was a philosophy major, and I knew that a zoology major like myself could not compete with that. Second, “philosophy” in many Janet Doe lectures is actually a strong personal viewpoint of medical librarianship—what it is or what it should be. I do collection development, where things change so much and so rapidly that I have not had time to develop a strong viewpoint like many of my Doe predecessors. Like most of my collection development colleagues, I''m just trying to survive day to day. That tends to create a very pragmatic attitude. If I believe in anything strongly, it is that I believe I''ll have another cookie.Without philosophy, I am left with history. And here I will echo the complaint of many Doe lecturers by stating that I have a severe lack of historical research skills. I became painfully aware of this lack as I read previous Doe Lectures, such as David Kronick''s 1980 lecture 1. Kronick was a true scholar, with a doctorate in librarianship. We honor him to this day with the Medical Library Association''s (MLA''s) David A. Kronick Traveling Fellowship. In his Doe Lecture, Kronick quoted H. Curtis Wright''s “The Oral Antecedents of Greek Librarianship,” Francis Bacon, and the fifteenth-century Abbot Johannes Trimethius. In contrast, later in this speech, I will quote the Talking Heads.While I am totally unqualified for traditional historical research, that still leaves informal, or personal, history. Although I am old enough to be in my anecdotage, I just do not have many interesting stories to tell. And as Thomas Basler, FMLA, told us in his 2008 Doe Lecture, there are no more giants. While I met some of those giants, I did not know them, and I certainly do not have any stories to tell about them. I suppose I could tell stories about some of the taller than average individuals I have met in my career, but that does not sound very exciting.  相似文献   


The emergence of rich and diverse digital resources requires re-visualization of traditional law library space design and usage patterns. The structure and form of extant libraries-architectural edifices that house our beloved information artifacts-serve our pedagogic purposes less well. The use of digital straw men to justify outmoded library space design impedes the timely arrival of the law library of the future. (Professor Hazelton posits that only 13% of her collection is available on Lexis and Westlaw as justification for a request for 50% of a projected new facility.) Building larger library space merely to house physical material should be reconsidered and a course of action planned and implemented that acknowledges technology's import today.  相似文献   

The article describes the development and implementation of the Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) shared catalog and patron-initiated online borrowing process. Procedures for providing materials to patrons along with OhioLINK's experience with missing and lost materials are detailed, including lessons learned regarding lost materials and billing. Details of the usage of OhioLINK services and the growth into electronic resources are included. The article summarizes the success of this unmediated borrowing process.  相似文献   

The advantages of bundling e-journals together into publisher collections include increased access to information for the subscribing institution's clients, purchasing cost-effectiveness, and streamlined workflows. Although cataloging a consortial e-journal collection has its advantages, there are also various pitfalls and the author outlines efforts by the CAUL (Council of Australian University Libraries) Consortium libraries to further streamline this process, working in conjunction with major publishers. Despite the advantages that publisher collections provide, pressures to unbundle existing packages continue to build, fueled by an ever-increasing selection of available electronic resources; decreases in, and competing demands on, library budgets; the impact of currency fluctuations; and poor usage for an alarmingly high proportion of collection titles. Consortial perspectives on bundling and unbundling titles are discussed, including options for managing the addition of new titles to the bundle and why customizing consortial collections currently does not work. Unbundling analyses carried out at Queensland University of Technology from 2006 to 2008, prior to the renewal of several major publisher collections, are presented as further case studies that illustrate why the “Big Deal” continues to persist.  相似文献   

Use of dynamic links from subject-based finding aids to records for electronic resources in the OPAC is suggested as one method for by-passing the OPAC search interface, thus making the library's electronic resources more accessible. This method simplifies maintenance of links to electronic resources and aids instruction by providing a single, consistent access point to them. Results of a usage study from before and after this project was completed show a consistent, often dramatic increase in use of the library's electronic resources.  相似文献   

Library automation, in rudimentary form, began in the late 1960s and since 1990 has been the main focus of Pakistani librarianship. The generous financial assistance provided by the Netherlands Library Development Project (Pakistan) further accelerated the pace in this regard. However, the libraries in Pakistan have not registered any significant progress. Automated systems are lacking in large university libraries, as well as in college and public libraries. The largest group using this technology is specialist libraries. These libraries use automation primarily for a few selected operations. Some private sector universities have taken steps towards the planning and implementation of integrated library systems, but these are still in the trial stages. The National Library in Pakistan has also just made similar steps. The UNESCO sponsored CDS/ISIS is the most commonly used software; other popular packages used include ORACLE and INMAGIC. Some indigenous systems have also been developed, but without much success. IBM 386 and IBM 486 compatibles are used by the vast majority of libraries. Computer application education is yet to be introduced to schools by the country's library. The major constraints on library automation include: absence of planning, non-availability of software, import restriction on choice of hardware, lack of competent manpower, non existence of standard, absence of co-operation etc.  相似文献   

This article shares the experience and lessons learned by Information Training and Outreach Center for Africa (ITOCA) in rolling out an on-line distance learning course. Key objectives were to explore the efficacy of online courses in increasing skills and awareness of electronic resources access initiatives. This is in the context of responding to limited funding alongside low awareness and usage of the resources. The initiative involved several stake-holders including ITOCA, Research 4 Life (R4Life), and the World Health Organization (WHO). The process used to set up the course and the results are described. Challenges and lessons learned are highlighted. Various recommendations for improving future courses are proposed. It is concluded that on-line learning is the fastest, least expensive, and most convenient mode of training and outreach, especially when compared with face-to-face delivery. It should be acknowledged that this mode of training requires much time, planning, and effective communication between the different parties.  相似文献   

The University of Wollongong (UOW) in New South Wales, Australia, has undertaken an innovative and collaborative research project to demonstrate the value that can be provided by academic libraries through a tool called the “library cube”. The library cube consists of two major components: a backend system containing a multidimensional data warehouse linking student borrowing and use of electronic resources to students' academic marks (grades); and a frontend system that allows users to quickly and easily create cross tabulated data views, such as average student marks by frequency of library resource usage and gender. The project is different from the efforts of other institutions to link usage to student outcomes, in that the library cube is not an isolated research project, but is now an ongoing part of UOW's systems and performance reporting. The library cube represents a fundamental shift in evaluating the student experience through the integration of discrete systems and datasets. It has revealed a very strong relationship between student library usage and academic performance. This information will improve UOW library's ability to demonstrate value to clients and stakeholders. The library cube has also delivered some anticipated and unexpected findings on the relationship between social variables, such as gender, age, and citizenship, and library usage behaviors; and in doing so has also identified potential target audiences for library promotions and engagement strategies.  相似文献   

Every college or university has resources on career development available somewhere, and frequently in more than one place. Too often, however, students do not know where those resources are located. Even more often, once they have found the resources, students do not know how to use them effectively in either career planning or the job search. The Career Center Library (CCL) at Indiana State University has proved to be an innovative solution to this problem. Located in the Career Center, one block from the University's main library, the CCL is considered to be a satellite of the ISU Libraries system. The Career Center librarian is a member of the library faculty who has been funded by and assigned to the Student Services Division of the University to provide both reference and collection development services for the Division. Support is available through ISU Libraries and therefore, access to information resources is enhanced. CCL resources are easily accessible through ISU Libraries' online catalog. This chapter will discuss the development of the Career Center Library at ISU and will illustrate special developments which arose during the process of its organization.  相似文献   

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