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In many countries the need for education systems and schools to improve and innovate has become central to the education policy of governments. School inspections are expected to play an important role in promoting such continuous improvement and to help schools and education systems more generally to consider the need for change and improvement. This article aims to enhance our understanding of the connections between school inspections and their impact on school improvement, using a longitudinal survey of principals and teachers in primary and secondary education. Random effects models and a longitudinal path model suggest that school inspections in particular have an impact on principals, but less so on teachers. The results indicate that the actual impact on improved school and teaching conditions, and ultimately student achievement, is limited. Schools in different inspection categories report different mechanisms of potential impact; the lack of any correlation between accepting feedback, setting expectations and stakeholder sensitivity and improvement actions in schools suggests that the impact of school inspections is not a linear process, but operates through diffuse and cyclical processes of change.  相似文献   

This article focuses on elementary principals as instructional leaders, as well as public school initiatives and educational accountability in the United States. It presents the methodology, instrumentation, measures of academic achievement in Florida, data collection, and processing procedures. Finally, it presents data analysis, results of the study, implications, and recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

School quality care has become important in many Western countries. A number of self-evaluation instruments have been developed in response. The goal of these instruments is improving the quality of education. One such system, ZEBO, was developed for performing quality assessment in Dutch primary schools. The use of this self-evaluation instrument was studied in 79 primary schools in The Netherlands over a period of 5 years. The results of the multilevel analyses with repeated measures show that the use of the self-evaluation results had no effect on pupil achievement scores (so far). However, it did have other effects, for example, an impact on the professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

Several studies provide preliminary evidence that computer use is positively related to academic performance; however, no clear relationship has yet been established. Using a national database, we analyzed how students’ school behavior (i.e., evaluated by English and math teachers) and standardized test scores (e.g., math and reading) are related to computer use for school work or other than school work for the tenth grade student. While controlling socioeconomic status (SES), home computer access, parental involvement, and students’ academic expectation variables, the students who used a computer for one hour per day showed more positive school behaviors and higher reading and math test scores. This article concludes with implications for future study to better understand the impact of computer use on adolescent academic development.  相似文献   

学习型组织理论从自我超越、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景、团队学习和系统思考五项修炼入手,逐步引领学校走向管理创新之路。学校在进行管理创新时,应注重校园化的建设、学生能力的培养、校长作为学习的组织和领导的角色、计算机和网络的应用等方面的问题。  相似文献   

The article explores changes in the examination performance of a random sample of 500 English secondary schools between 1992 and 2001. Using econometric methods, it concludes that: there is an overall deterministic trend in school performance but it is not stable, making prediction accuracy poor; the aggregate trend does not explain improvement over time at school level, where there is very considerable variation in improvement paths; there is a degree of persistence with respect to changes in performance at school level but it is short-lived; whilst there is evidence of a general upward trend across schools, there is a large amount of year-to-year variation and little evidence of sustained improvement at school level; and the model applied has little ability to forecast the direction of change for particular schools in the following year(s).  相似文献   

新课程的评价理念、结构特点和内容都和现行高中的学生学业评价不吻合,有必要重构普通高中学生学业评价体系。新的高中学生学业评价体系分模块水平和毕业水平两个层次、采用包括过程性评价与终结性评价两种方式,简称为2×2的评价体系。过程性评价的主要作用在于促进学生及时地进行反思和展示学生学习的过程。终结性评价可根据模块的内容和类型的不同,组织书面笔试或开放式、表现式的测试。  相似文献   

礼仪素质作为中等职业学校学生综合素质的重要组成部分,是学校教育不可忽视的重要内容。诸多原因造成当代中等职业学校学生礼仪素质较差。对中等职业学校学生进行礼仪教育,有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查、访谈等方法对天津市武清区中职学校学生社团的现状,特别是学生社团存在的问题和对策做了系统的分析和研究。针对武清区中职学校学生社团存在的问题提出宏观上分类指导,微观上细致深入,完善规章,健全制度,聘请优秀指导教师,加强学生社团的投资力度和加强对学生社团的激励保障等对策。  相似文献   

国外对中小学生家庭环境影响的研究及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪60年代中期以来,国外有关中小学生家庭环境对学习成绩影响的研究成果丰硕,国外对中小学生家庭环境影响的研究大致经历了从家庭环境结构维度到家庭环境过程维度再到家庭环境资本维度的历史演变过程,梳理这些研究成果对我国目前正在进行的教育改革有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

美国中小学领域“教育增值评估体系”研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,美国中小学领域中的"教育增值评估体系"是在国家重视教育问责、鼓励建立新一轮绩效工资制度的背景下产生的,教育增值的计算原理和计算结果的有效性成为其立论基础。该体系的实施以增值评估的统计分析方法为前提,现实中有很多具体案例。除了评估学校与教师的工作绩效以计算绩效收入外,教育增值评估体系的内容范畴还涉及教师专业发展、职前教师培养和教师从教资格与级别的认证等方面。  相似文献   


Social-emotional learning (SEL) is gaining prominence in education practice and policy. Research shows that SEL can be improved by short-term, targeted interventions and longer-term strategies to improve school contextual factors. However, little is known about how much of the variance in SEL constructs is stable over time versus specific to a given time/context. The present study examines the stability of academic achievement relative to four SEL domains (growth mindset, self-efficacy, social awareness, and self-management). While the rank ordering of math and reading skills are highly stable over time, the four SEL domains seem to be more strongly influenced by contextual factors. Implications for school accountability systems and intervention approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

中小学教师组织气氛知觉与组织承诺:现状与关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章采用自编的"中小学教师组织气氛量表"与"中小学教师组织承诺量表",通过对433名中小学教师的问卷调查,探讨中小学教师组织气氛知觉与组织承诺的现状与关系。结果表明:(1)中小学教师组织气氛知觉较为积极,组织承诺水平较高;(2)在组织气氛与组织承诺部分分量表上,存在性别、教龄、学校地域、学校级别之间的差异;(3)中小学教师组织气氛与组织承诺之间存在相关,教师对组织气氛的知觉能部分预测其组织承诺的水平。  相似文献   

我国中小学内部组织形式和运作机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行中小学内部组织强调严格的等级分工,追求成事而忽视人的主动发展和主观创造性,这既有组织理论发展准备不足的理论原因,也有我国教育发展特殊背景的实践因素,历史的理性反思有助于形成学校组织变革的价值取向。  相似文献   

The study used learning environment variables in investigating changes occurring as students transfer from primary to secondary school, including the role of student sex and school size pathway as influencing factors in changes in learning environment perceptions. The My Class Inventory (MCI) and Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) were used in two data-gathering stages, one in the penultimate month of primary schooling and the other in the fourth month of secondary schooling. The sample comprised 1500 students from 47 feeder primary schools and 16 linked secondary schools. The primary schools ranged from very small isolated country schools to larger city schools with hundreds of students. Five different school size transition pathways were defined for analysis: small-to-medium, medium-to-medium, small-to-large, medium-to-large and ‘within-school’ (involving schools with a K-10 structure, but with separate primary and secondary school sites within the same campus). Although the classroom climate in secondary schools was perceived more favourably than in primary schools (especially in terms of less friction and competitiveness), the quality of teacher-student interaction was perceived to deteriorate on most dimensions assessed by the QTI (e.g. a reduction in teachers' leadership, helping/friendly, understanding and student responsibility/freedom behaviours). But changes in environment perceptions across transition varied with student sex and school size pathway. For example, perceptions of class satisfaction across transition deteriorated for girls, but improved for the boys. The findings have implications for administrators and teachers, particularly those with a role within the ‘middle school’ years. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

合作学习的应用对职业教育改革具有推动作用,对于教师水平优化、学生人格发展、学习方法的转变均有积极意义,因此被广泛推广。但实际应用中存在诸多问题,最为突出的是学生的合作与探究缺乏实质性,尽管看起来讨论热烈,却只是流于表面,效率并不高。本文目的在于探讨提升合作学习效率的具体方法,分析中职数学教学中合作学习的有效应用。  相似文献   

现代学徒制是在保留传统手工学徒制的优点的基础上进一步丰富发展起来的。对于中职院校而言,推广现代学徒制最普遍的做法就是"校企联合"。文章分析现代学徒制的起源、发展及其特征,指出现代学徒制在中职院校校企合作中的应用问题,探索优化校企合作中现代学徒制应用的有效路径。  相似文献   

在美国的中小学教育(尤其是在科学教育)中,合作学习已经成为一种重要学习方式,且形成了一套较为完整的实施操作方略。对美国中小学教育(主要以科学教育为主要分析对象)中的合作学习及其操作策略的了解,能为我国中小学教育推进合作学习提供一些启迪。  相似文献   

广州市中等职业教育发展水平在全国省会城市中仅处于中等发展水平,这种现状与其经济与社会发展水平很不相称.在教师数量方面,由于"十五"期间学生人数的持续增长,生师比已经远远超过国家标准,成为制约广州中等职业教育发展的首要问题.对此,要创新中等职业学校教师队伍建设新思路;落实《广州市中等职业教育调整与改革实施意见》,加快中等职业教育改革步伐;保证师资培养培训经费,在数量和质量上满足职业教育发展的需要;构建新型职业学校教师教育体系.  相似文献   

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