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This paper considers the role of universities in the creation of a knowledge-based economy (KBE) in a developing country, Pakistan. Some developing countries have moved quickly to develop a KBE, but progress in Pakistan is much slower. Higher education plays a crucial role as part of the triple helix model for innovation. Based on the perceptions of university leaders and academic staff, the paper examines how the transformation towards a KBE in Pakistan is viewed within higher education and identifies some of the blockages and contradictions that hinder development. In particular, the paper suggests that a more integrated education system bringing together primary, secondary and tertiary education to work for a common purpose will be essential.  相似文献   

The status and context of change in mathematics education in Malawi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyses the context and status of mathematics education reform in Malawi. It describes four interrelated developments in the reform of secondary education in general, and mathematics education in particular, in Malawi. These developments are concerned with attempts to increase access to secondary education for a majority of Malawians and to provide a mathematical education that is relevant to the needs of the current society. Although these are promising developments in line with the political context of Malawi, and although they aim at developing a more suitable curriculum for Malawi, I suggest that they are limited in two ways. First, participation in these reform processes has involved only a few individuals and neglected teachers and students from distance education centres who comprise the majority of participants in secondary education in Malawi. Secondly, the reform processes have proceeded with little empirical justification and qualitative understanding of the realities of schooling in general, and mathematics education in particular, in Malawi. The analysis in this article suggests that these limitations in the reform process are a function of an inadequate understanding of the social-contextual aspects of mathematics learning and what it means to provide an education that more broadly recognizes its democratic nature.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recently introduced National Higher Education ranking system in Indonesia in order to evaluate its potential as a sustainable model to improve the quality of higher education in the country. It is a scaffold towards an established world-universities ranking system that may prove formidable for a developing country. This ranking system is based on four quality criteria, namely quality of academics, of management, of research and of students, each with its own weighting factor and scale. It is found that the actions and inactions of institutions vis á vis their continuous quality improvement may reflect their ranks. In countries where the thirst for higher education is high such as in developing countries, institutions’ ranks play a decisive competitive role. A rational, transparent, bona fide and dependable national ranking system is realistic in helping to improve the quality of higher education in the country.  相似文献   

通常认为私立学校主要为中、上等收入家庭服务,然而最近的研究发现,发展中国家大量低收入家庭选择私立学校来获得教育服务.产生这种状况的原因在于公立学校教育质量不如人意,教育开支在私立学校和公立学校之间的差距并不大,以及公立学校的高限制性入学要求等.发展中国家应致力于改善低收入群体的受教育条件加大对低收入群体的教育补偿投资;优化教育投资分配比例;规范对私立学校的管理;提高公立学校的教育质量.  相似文献   

内部动机与外部动机的关系及其对学校教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学界对内部动机与外部动机的关系研究一直存在争议,目前至少存在三种理解:传统的二分法认为内部动机与外部动机相互对抗,互相影响对任务的参与;自我决定理论认为内部动机和外部动机是一个连续体的两极,两者相互联系并转化;最近的研究则认为两种动机可以并存,个体可以同时为外部和内部动机所激发。在教育实践中,教师应正确认识和处理两者之间的关系,使学生始终保持良好的动机状态。  相似文献   

新时代大学劳动教育,旨在培养具有较强创新精神与创业能力、能够主动作为、乐于奉献、具有较强实践能力的高级专门人才。自我领导力与大学劳动教育目标具有内在一致性。大学生自我领导力的提升,是有效落实新时代大学劳动教育精神的重要保障。新时代大学劳动教育应将大学生自我领导力的培育作为重要内容,把社会责任感的培育作为劳动价值观教育的核心。着重激发学生尊重劳动、热爱劳动的内在动机,培养真挚的劳动情感;着重训练学生建设性的思维模式、努力创新的思维习惯与创造性劳动能力;着重培养学生行为聚焦力与共情力,使其形成良好的劳动技能与劳动习惯。  相似文献   

A key challenge for teachers is the on-the-fly assessment of student learning. Video-based simulations may provide a tool for measuring assessment skills and a basis for learning environments in teacher education. Based on the framework for teaching practice by Grossman et al. (2009), considerations for designing video-based simulations that balance authenticity and cognitive demand are derived. Results show that participants perceived the developed simulation as authentic, were mostly able to rank students according to their overall mathematical argumentation skills and showed potential for learning in their detailed assessment of students. Thus, results indicate the internal validity of the video-based simulation.  相似文献   

2009年9月23日上午,浙江师范大学教育科学研究院举办了"非洲及发展中国家基础教育论坛"。会议讨论了亚、非、拉三大洲基础教育发展及经验和问题,讨论了后殖民主义背景下发展中国家教育改革模式;还特别讨论了喀麦隆、南非、肯尼亚、毛里求斯的基础教育改革与发展以及中非教育合作。  相似文献   

There has been a fundamental change in health care pedagogy to address the demands and challenges posed by the present generation of millennial students. There is also a growing recognition of the role of intrinsic motivation as a catalyst in a positive learning experience. The term intrinsic motivation refers to energizing behavior that comes from within an individual and develops due to an inherent interest in the activity at hand. However, stimulating intrinsic motivation in the present generation of millennial health care students is a daunting task, considering their diverse and disparate nature. In addition, the inherent generational differences between educators and students, and an increasing emphasis on technological tools have resulted in a dichotomy in the educational environment leading to the development of a greater incidence of burnouts among students. Hence, numerous innovative techniques have been introduced in health care education to enhance the levels of intrinsic motivation in these students. Unfortunately, most of these approaches have only been moderately successful due to their limited ability to address the unique educational expectations of millennial students. The cumulative evidence suggests that specific approaches to stimulate intrinsic motivation should aim at nurturing the learning efforts of students, bridging the generational barriers between educators and students, and ameliorating the stress associated with health care education. Hence, the specific aim of this narrative review is to suggest empirically proven curricular strategies and institutional reforms to enhance intrinsic motivation in health care students belonging to the Millennial Generation.  相似文献   

文章针对河南民营科技企业在投资环境、融资、服务体系、产权关系、企业管理、技术创新能力、人才等方面存在的问题,提出了充分发挥政府作用、营造良好的投资环境、拓宽融资渠道、健全和完善民营科技企业服务体系、推进现代企业制度建设、健全和完善技术创新机制,提高企业技术创新能力等促进河南民营科技企业快速发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

21世纪发展中国家的贸易战略选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
步入 2 1世纪 ,知识经济的兴起与全球化的发展成为世界经济的两大趋势 ,这将使世界经济的状况发生很大变化。这些变化对发展中国家参与国际分工及发展对外贸易提出了挑战和机遇。如何顺应和利用这种趋势 ,积极发展对外经济关系以带动国内经济发展 ,成为发展中国家所面临的一个迫切问题。因此发展中国家有必要加强对各种贸易保护措施的研究 ,有效的利用贸易保护措施来维护自己的利益  相似文献   

Many developed and developing countries are seeking to systematically transform their education processes through Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The aim of this paper is to present findings from one aspect of a larger ICT study in a particular location in a developing country, with the specific focus presented here being ICT professional development and impacts. Research methods in the study included teacher and school leader surveys, targeted interviews and also case studies. Findings at a systems level generally indicated insufficient coordination of training and minimal follow-up occurring. In case study situations in which the school leader ensured a schoolwide approach to the professional learning of teachers, ICT was more embedded into student learning processes in classrooms. Considering ICT and other professional learning relevant to education, this paper has relevance for policy developers and school leaders in developed and developing world contexts. The need exists for using coordinated professional development processes, with more centralised ‘one-off’ training supplemented by schools and districts. The establishment of peer learning groups or mentors to support skill-building over time is also needed. Through these ongoing processes, teachers can more effectively make changes in their teaching practices, with potential impacts on student learning.  相似文献   

世界现代化历史上三次后进国追赶先进国的成功范例表明 :人力资本积累是经济快速发展的先导。 2 1世纪前 2 0年 ,既是我国经济发展的重要战略机遇期 ,也是我国教育与人力资源开发的重大战略机遇期。未来 5 0年中国教育与人力资源开发战略构想是 :坚持“人力资源是中国持续发展的第一资源”的战略选择 ,通过制度创新 ,分三个阶段实现教育的“三步跨越”和人力资源的“两次提升”的战略目标 ,将我国从人口大国建设成为人力资源强国  相似文献   

The study explored the culturally inclusive behavior of Filipino teachers using information culled from interviews of six Filipino teachers in international schools on their perception of international education, and how it translates into their pedagogy. The findings of the study reveal inherent patterns of behavior the teachers manifest in handling a multicultural classroom, the factors that affect them as well as the unique dynamics that play out in the interactivity between teachers from a developing country and foreign students from a more economically affluent nation. The study brings to the fore an underlying challenge in the handling of international education by non-western developing countries such as the Philippines and at the same time contributes further to the context of established theories on international education such as the Diversity Pedagogy Theory of Sheets (2005).  相似文献   

高等教育财政危机:发展中国家解决途径述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从发展中国家的大学都遇到了不同程度的财政危机的情形出发,分析解决此危机的各种办法:提高学费、实行高等教育私有化、吸引留学生、降低学生规模、毕业生税和延迟费制度、征收教育税、加强大学和企业之间的联系、大学实行公司化营运、人才外流的补偿、鼓励大学生参加社会服务、改变人们的观念、寻求国际援助等。但无论如何,高等教育发展的主要责任在政府。  相似文献   

发达国家继续教育发展的动因与特征探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方发达国家的继续教育无论在理论上还是在实践上都高度发达,了解它、研究它,可以为我国发展继续教育提供有益的借鉴。本文主要就发达国家继续教育发展的动因与特征做初步的探讨。  相似文献   

The Free Primary Education programme in Lesotho has enabled nearly all children to attend primary school, but the prevailing pedagogy denies or restricts the opportunities of these children for effective learning. This paper focuses on the theme of the inaccessibility of learning in the key subjects of English and Mathematics, reporting recent research. Some of the major problems identified are specific to each subject, while others are common to both. Referring to previous theoretical and empirical work on primary education in developing countries, the paper identifies the major factors shaping restrictive pedagogy in Lesotho.  相似文献   

In this study, the reciprocity between educational reforms and the role of teachers is examined. A social-discursive approach to sense-making provides a theoretical framework for understanding how teachers position themselves within the context of a reform. To illustrate the utility of such an approach, the specific case of a teacher involved in reforms is presented. The results show an ongoing positioning process and this process to constitute both the input and output for the interaction between teacher and reforms. The development of sensitivity to this positioning process appears to be a necessary prerequisite for successful reforms.  相似文献   

“十五”期间电大教育在自身发展中,优势日益明显,特色充分展示,发展能力显著增强,但同时电大教育的发展还面临一系列的制约因素,从外部来讲是环境制约,集中表现为战略的虚化、体制的缺陷、评价的失范。电大教育要在“十一五”期间实现新一轮的快速发展,为经济社会发展做出新的贡献,必须着力于解决这些制约因素,建立友好型的发展环境。  相似文献   

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