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This paper develops the argument that the form in which instructional goals are specified should depend on the nature of the knowledge underlying the particular instruction being developed. It examines the two central issues of goal determination (how goals are derived) and goal specification (how they should be represented) in order to counter the assumption that one type of goal formulation (be it via behavioural objectives, work models, or cognitive objectives) is optimal for instruction.  相似文献   

The relative contribution is examined of epistemological beliefs and implicit theories of intelligence to students' adoption of mastery, performance‐approach and performance‐avoidance goals in two different academic contexts, business administration and teacher education, in the short as well as the long term. The results showed that epistemological beliefs about the speed of knowledge acquisition predicted achievement goals. Students who believed that learning occurs quickly or not at all were less likely to adopt mastery goals and more likely to adopt performance‐avoidance goals. In addition, students who believed in stable and given knowledge were less likely to adopt mastery goals. Differences in predictive patterns across the two contexts concerned the prediction of performance‐approach goals and gender differences in goal adoption. Epistemological beliefs played a more important role in goal adoption than implicit theories of intelligence.  相似文献   

Conclusion In summary, teaching with animals does not require keeping animals confined. No longer need teachers feel obligated to accept the gerbils and hamsters parents don’t want at home. No longer must they feel guilty when the third rabbit and the dozenth baby turtle dies in the classroom. By adopting respect for life as their goal, and the Golden Rule as their guide in teaching with animals, child caregivers can be liberated from their old role as animal caretakers. Teachers, children-and, certainly, the animals—all benefit from the change.  相似文献   

组织目标与员工个人目标协调的深度和广度决定了组织发展的深度和广度,也决定了个人发展的深度和广度。无论是从组织的角度或者个人的角度,做好两者的协调对双方的发展都起着关键的作用。从组织和个人两个方面分析了组织目标和个人目标不协调的原因,提出协调两个目标的对策:目标管理、个性化的激励手段、以人为本的管理理念和组织文化建设。  相似文献   

A conceptual framework of positions on women in science, engineering, and technology (SET) was developed, showing a chronological progression of the main approaches to women's underrepresentation in SET during the past 20 years. Numerous initiatives have been advocated to address women's underrepresentation in SET in higher education. This article arose out of one such initiative, Winning Women, which was intended to help higher education in Scotland move toward good practice in this field. Two members of the project team describe their key findings and experiences. They illustrate how the underrepresentation of women in SET continues to be both progressive and persistent (using an SET parity index). The conceptual framework was conceived and developed from a metaanalysis of feminist theories of the gendered politics of science and technology. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 637–661, 1999  相似文献   

目标与途径:世界一流大学与研究型大学建设   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
自江泽民同志参加北京大学百年校庆时提出建设我国的世界一流大学的倡议,围绕着这一战略目标的实现,国内一些大学进行了专题讨论和研究,并就世界一流大学的评价和建设措施提出了许多建议。几乎与此同时,高等教育界的一些学者和专家提出了建设我国研究型大学的主张,并参照  相似文献   

This meta-analysis synthesized 93 independent samples (N = 30,003) in 77 studies that reported in 78 articles examining correlations between achievement goals and achievement emotions. Achievement goals were meaningfully associated with different achievement emotions. The correlations of mastery and mastery approach goals with positive achievement emotions and those between performance avoidance goals and negative achievement emotions were large based on Cohen’s guidelines. The correlations of performance approach goals with positive and negative achievement emotions were comparable. The variation in the correlations between achievement goals and achievement emotions can be explained by achievement emotion indicators. The correlations of mastery goals with enjoyment and interest were larger than those with anxiety.  相似文献   

Students have various social reasons for doing well in school (social-academic goals). However, most studies have focused on competence-oriented achievement goals with little attention paid to social-academic goals. This study aims to examine the role of social-academic goals in students' general well-being (Study 1) and socioemotional functioning in school (Study 2). High school students from the Philippines (n = 588 for Study 1; n = 1,147 for Study 2) were invited to participate in the study. Results of Study 1 showed that social concern goals were associated with higher levels of well-being. Study 2 showed that social responsibility goals were negatively associated with withdrawal, aggression, and resistance in school. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

教学理应包含价值教学,它与知识教学是同时进行的。课堂教学中的价值教育是指伴随着知识教学而展开的价值观教育活动,它的教学目标分为两大类:预设的价值目标与生成的价值目标。  相似文献   

地处古越诸暨市的浙江富润集团公司(下简称富润),遵循“国企牌子不倒,内部机制必改,职工必须依靠”的指导思想,以坚定的信念和胆识,经过全体职工14年艰苦奋斗的风雨历程,在非公有制经济成分占很大比重的浙江,把一个县级市属的国有纺织小厂,建设成为拥有万余名职工、11亿元总资产、年创4千余万元利税、工贸交通兼营的国有大型企业集团,成为我国东南沿海地区国有企业改革发展群星中又一个耀眼的亮点.  相似文献   

We describe an elaboration of an empirical cognitive model of reflection (McAlpine, Weston, Beauchamp, Wiseman, & Beauchamp, 1999). Specifically, we explain 2 fundamental constructs in the model that were previously less well understood: goal and type of reflection.  相似文献   

学校价值观教育是学校德育工作的中心环节,是整个价值观教育体系中的主体部分。在活动与实践基础上通过合作与交往、宽容与理解促进个体在观念和活动上都获得发展是学校价值观教育的基本内涵,在目标方面强调基础性、发展性和理想性三个层次,在基本要求上遵循多样性原则、主体实践性原则和主导性原则。  相似文献   

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