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“分布式领导“这一术语产生于2泄纪90年代中后期,它突破了单向的、静态的、线性的领导观念,从多向的、动态的、流动的角度再造了学校领导.从分布式领导实践的视角考察学校有效领导力,可以理解为在领导中采用一种针对行为的方法,在结构、状态和设计方面,将校长、教师和他们的状态互动的个体领导行为进行集合,以促进组织目标的实现.  相似文献   

学校改进中的校长领导力提升是当前学校变革与发展的诉求。要落实"教育规划纲要"成功实现学校改进,就要在校长领导力开发过程中,主动寻求新的领导理论支撑,架构一种分布式领导模式,将校长培养成一名分布式领导者,这可为解决教育管理实践中存在的问题开拓一个新视角。  相似文献   

School Leadership and School Development: reflections from research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines what two school‐based qualitative research projects have highlighted about primary school leadership and development. After discussing findings from the Primary School Staff Relationships and Whole School Curriculum Development Projects, the author reflects upon these insights in terms of: the complexity of leadership; instrumental and expressive leadership; the pace of school development; headteacher motivation; vision, ownership and community. The author concludes that primary school leadership needs to be more carefully researched and rethought.  相似文献   

学校作为开放的社会系统,外部和内部环境的互相作用使得校长领导模式也发生不同转变。不同变革模式有不同的侧重点和价值,在学校发展变革中,要根据不同学校的实际情况与固有的组织文化来选择模式。变革评估是检验变革成败以持续变革的关键一环。  相似文献   


The research on school effectiveness and school improvement lacks theoretical development. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the construction of a theory of school effectiveness and leadership. The contribution made here is in the form of a typology of school effectiveness. In the early stages of theoretical development, typologies are often useful devices for organizing what is known and for focusing attention on important questions and areas for further exploration. Within the typological framework offered here, school effectiveness is supposed to be a function of three major factors: administrative appropriateness, teacher preparedness and student readiness. While parents and community effects are important, they are assumed to be mediated by these three factors. The most ineffective schools are those in which the administration is inappropriate, the teachers are not prepared to teach and the students are not ready to learn. In the most effective schools, the opposite is the case. Schools tend to move back and forth between these two extremes in stages. It is hypothesized that there are eight stages of school effectiveness, the stages ranging from the most ineffective to the most effective school.  相似文献   


This paper contains a brief review of the research literature on superintendents’ leadership for school improvement as an introduction. Following that, the patterns of five superintendents’ leadership that evolved in five school improvement sites is reported; the activities in which the superintendents engaged in five quite different organizational settings is the focus. In addition, the strategies and events used by external assisters assigned to the sites to develop and enhance leadership behaviors are shared. The paper concludes with a short discussion of the unique conditions and influences on rural superintendents and their leadership for increasing educational effectiveness.  相似文献   

复杂性科学是21世纪的前沿科学研究,它从多学科交叉的视角专注于复杂系统的复杂性研究,且形成了基本的概念和方法论。教育系统及学校系统是典型的复杂系统,然而,人们经常习惯于对学校系统的“简单性”理解,忽视教育及学校系统自身具有的复杂性特征。有必要从复杂系统、远离平衡态、完全开放系统、自组织、序参量、不确定性和非线性等角度,进一步解读学校系统的演化,为学校的发展与变革提供新的视野、方法和路径。  相似文献   

对学校效能理论的起源及发展,学校效能的内涵、特征及功能等问题进行梳理,在此基础上提出以学校效能理论为基础,构建职校效能理论,评价职业学校效能的观点。认为将学校效能理论应用于职业学校评价,研究职业学校教育净影响所产生的增值情况,对于科学分析、评价职业学校具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章论述了建构主义教育领导观的思想基础,对建构主义领导的含义和概念进行了系统的分析,指出了建构主义领导的基本主张,这对于改善学校领导实践具有启发意义。  相似文献   

学校改进的路径分析:学校领导的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校改进已经成为我国新时期教育改革发展的一个重要主题.学校改进关注点也从资源投入、课程设计等方面逐渐转向学校领导的过程.尽管已经有研究成果表明学校领导在改进学校以及促进学生学业成绩提高方面具有显著作用,但如何改进以及怎样做的研究还不充分.本文从学校领导视角,通过分析已有的有效学校以及成功领导模型的研究成果,归纳出四个学校领导改进的路径,期冀对我国学校改进的研究与实践有所助益.  相似文献   


Collaborative school cultures have been associated with the achievement of a number of school reform objectives for both teachers and students. Little is known, however, about how such cultures develop and whether or how school administrators can facilitate that process. This study examined the practices of administrators in each of 12 schools which had developed highly collaborative professional relationships over a three year period in the context of school improvement initiatives. Results suggest the feasibility of developing more collaborative school cultures in a relatively brief period of time and clarify the role played by the larger context of school improvement for fostering collaboration. Specific strategies used by the administrators are described. These strategies are associated with a concept of leadership termed “transformational”.  相似文献   

学校发展的现实困境与可持续学校领导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前中小学的发展已经陷入可持续性不足的困境中,主要表现为学生的浅表性学习与厌学情绪弥散,校长、教师的应付性工作与教育热情隐退,学校之间的过度竞争与发展能量消耗,标准化要求与学校种群单一。突破这一困境需要我们确立一种可持续学校领导观。可持续学校领导观强调学习的深入性,追求领导的广泛性,关注领导的延续性,坚持领导的正义性,珍视教育生态的多样性。要将可持续领导从观念落到实践,需要我们构建起可持续学校领导系统,形成学校领导共同体,做好学校领导更替工作,并关注学校领导在纵向时间上的关联。  相似文献   

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education (1954), recent global immigration to the U.S. interior compels local education systems that are relatively inexperienced with immigration to address new integrating and segmenting tendencies expressed by the growing and diversifying number of immigrants from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The authors discern 4 patterns of integrating and segmenting tendencies from self-proclaimed education needs expressed in focus groups by African, Asian, and Latin American immigrant residents of Nashville, Tennessee. Integrating tendencies were expressed more frequently than segmenting tendencies by group participants. Results suggest further integration of immigrants into the Nashville education system can be achieved with policies that overcome economic, linguistic, child care, scheduling, and discriminatory barriers to adult and children's education.  相似文献   

按英格索的划分,教师领导可以在三个大的领域发挥影响:教师在教室的自主;影响学校政策与实践的能力(即组织层面);对专业组织的控制(如执照,证书等)。在欧美国家,有关教师领导的研究进行了20多年,积累了较为丰厚的文献。回顾在中国大陆出版的教师领导研究,大多限于心理学的角度和在班级层面的讨论,至于有关教师领导在学校组织和专业系统层面的研究却不多见,对该理论的系统地整理也颇匮乏。有鉴于此,我们特从组织层面来论述教师领导的文献,从而阐明其产生的背景、理念与实践以及对中国教育改革的启示。一、产生背景教师领导在美国、澳大利亚、…  相似文献   

课程领导理论的深入发展和课程改革的需要产生了以校长为首的课程领导模式、校长与中层领导同步共治模式和能动分享式领导模式等三种主要的学校课程领导模式,并呈现出细分课程权力并建立其保障机制、学校人力资源的开发与利用、提升学校效能以拓展课程领导空间等趋势。这些为我国课程领导模式的构建提供了如下的思路:以校长专业化推动学校课程领导实践;实施学校知识管理;建立学校的冲突管理机制等。  相似文献   

The Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) has accomplished much to elevate the status of school leadership, particularly the principalship. Standards have been developed for school leaders that have broadly impacted the performance expectations most states are setting for the licensure of their beginning principals. The School Leaders Licensure Assessment has been developed to screen candidates with respect to the ISLLC standards. My intent in this piece is to extend our discussion of the work of ISLLC by focusing on four issues. The most important of these is, What do we need to do to advance the reform of school leadership with respect to the ISLLC Standards? I contend that, unless a concerted effort is made to change the public's image of the principal, it will be difficult to obtain the resources necessary for the meaningful reform of school leadership.  相似文献   

中国自20世纪90年代开始推行素质教育改革,改革的重点逐步由宏观教育体制落实到学校层面。素质教育改革客观上要求学校改变传统组织文化和结构,注重人的全面发展。变革型领导理论已被证实为推动学校变革和发展的主要模式。这一领导模式通过促进教师的专业发展,实现学校文化的重塑和教育质量的提升。本文对变革领导理论的核心内容和研究进展进行了阐述,旨在了解并掌握西方“学校领导引领变革”的知识基础,以期对中国学校改革有所助益。  相似文献   

学校领导的研究已有100余年的历史,20世纪80年代后出现了两种占主导地位的领导范式:教学领导和转型领导。前者强调自上而下的控制;后者强调自下至上的参与式改革,是一种分享式的领导范式。教学领导凭借管理与控制组织成员导向既定的目标;转型领导则通过提升组织成员的期望值来憧憬、创造未来。鉴于两者的优点与不足,未来的领导范式将是两者的有机整合。  相似文献   

目前,法国远程教育产业面临发展前景的挑战,不断缩减的财政预算、技术的匮乏、越来越高的学习需求,以及不断增加的全球竞争,使远程教育机构不仅要考虑他们的经济模式,而且要寻求在法国高等教育转型中的新的发展道路。其中,不容忽视的是领导力在国家远程教育改革中的作用。在领导力理论视野下,法国远程教育进行了系列的变革:由“独白”走向“对话”,由控制走向引领,由集权走向自治,提升大学校长的领导力,以共同的愿景引领远程教育的变革。由此引发我们对于中国在市场经济转型中,开放大学领导力建设的深层思考。  相似文献   

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