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0-1背包问题和背包问题是一类经典的NP困难问题。采用动态规划法和贪心法对该问题进行求解,分析和比较这两种算法在求解同一问题时的差异。  相似文献   

贪心算法与动态规划的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了计算机算法设计的两种常用算法思想:贪心算法与动态规划算法。通过介绍两种算法思想的基本原理,比较两种算法的联系和区别。通过背包问题对比了两种算法的使用特点和使用范围。  相似文献   

以理论研究的视角,现有面向对象程序设计语言的理论模型存在不足,如C++不支持元类,Java和C#的基本类型不是对象等.为此,设计了一种程序设计语言Shrek,将多种语言特性和语言设施统一在一个简洁、一致的模型下实现.Shrek语言是基于类的完全面向对象语言,拥有动态强类型系统,采用了与Mixin相结合的单继承机制.该语言具有协调一致的类对象结构,具备结构化计算反射能力,能够进行安全的元类程序设计.另外,它还支持多线程程序设计和自动垃圾回收,并通过本地方法机制极大地增强了自身的表达能力.该语言的原型系统已经实现,达到了预期的设计目标.  相似文献   

动态规划法是求解最优化问题的一种方法,本文主要研究其求解问题的基本思想及具体步骤,详细分析其用于矩阵链乘问题上的算法设计,并给出其算法实现.  相似文献   

化学基础实验教学方法的思考与探索实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了培养高素质创新型人才以适应新时期国家建设和社会发展的需要,高等教育正进行着全面的改革。如何进一步深化教学改革,提高教学质量,加快高等教育强国的建设步伐,高等教育教学方法的改革与创新至关重要。本文就在化学基础实验教学中对教学方法的思考和点滴实践进行了初步的总结。  相似文献   

In the academic year 2010–2011, Spain finished the process of introducing the regulatory changes derived from the Bologna Declaration and the new European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). These changes have implied the updating of university degrees’ structure as well as the inclusion of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This paper describes the process of adaptation of two basic first-semester core subjects of computer engineering to one of the basic aspects of the ESHE, the adoption of the ECTS. The process described in the paper was developed in the framework of the pilot plan undertaken by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona between 2005 and 2010. The proposed course design implies a better coordination and integration of the contents of two different subjects that students follow simultaneously, and it is based on the combination of project-based learning and cooperative learning. After the experience finished, an extended quantitative and qualitative analysis of the academic results over the five-year period has shown an improvement in the students’ learning outcomes.  相似文献   

提出了水库优化调度动态规划法通用数学模型及动态规划法通用算法,通过对实例的分析计算,验证了提出的模型和算法的通用性和合理性  相似文献   

“金字塔”模式的内涵是:点线面结合,表浅里渗透,融会贯通,螺旋式升华。具体应用中先讲授章节的知识点,然后连点成线开展生动的课堂讨论(其中穿插案例教学),再对大家讨论的结果进行整理和加工以形成知识面,最后以企业见习,实习等实践环节进行验证和强化。这种教学法具有循序渐进,从理论到实践,变被动为主动,能够解决实际问题等优点,具体实施中需要教师,学生,学校和社会协调一致的配合。  相似文献   

The results of qualitative and quantitative investigations conducted with individuals who learned algorithms in school are presented in this article. In these investigations, eye-tracking technology was used to follow the process of solving algorithmic problems. The algorithmic problems were presented in two comparable variants: in a pseudocode and flowchart. The eye-tracking data resulted in both qualitative (films registering the gaze paths) and quantitative measures, which allowed the detection and interpretation of the differences in the task-solving strategies between those who found the correct answer and those that did not. The results confirmed a hypothesis that use of the formal notation characteristic of a programming language for presenting algorithms is often a practical difficulty in the process of solving even simple tasks. This study opens a new direction of research; they show that eye-tracking technology can be used to optimise the educational process of learning programming.  相似文献   

本文按照人才培养模式改革的总体要求,在导学实践探索的基础上,对《中国现当代文学名著导读》课程教学模式改革的基本思路和基本做法作了初步的探索和思考。本文认为探索本课程的导学模式,要切实转变观念,理清思路,明确教学目的,依托教材和资源,对传统的教学方法和手段创新求变,大胆地进行课程教学模式的改革,其核心是对导学方法的创新和实践。  相似文献   

The authors define the requirements and a conceptual model for comparative evaluation research of simulation games and serious games (SGs) in a learning context. A first operationalisation of the model was used to comparatively evaluate a suite of 14 SGs on varying topics played between 2004 and 2009 in 13 institutes of higher education in the Netherlands. The questions in this research were: what is the perceived learning effectiveness of the games and what factors explain it? How can we comparatively evaluate games for learning? Data were gathered through pre- and post-game questionnaires among 1000 students, leading to 500 useful datasets and 230 complete datasets for analysis (factor analysis, scaling, t-test and correlation analysis) to give an explorative, structural model. The findings are discussed and a number of propositions for further research are formulated. The conclusion of the analysis is that the students’ motivation and attitudes towards game-based learning before the game, their actual enjoyment, their efforts during the game and the quality of the facilitator/teacher are most strongly correlated with their learning satisfaction. The degree to which the experiences during the game were translated back into the underlying theories significantly determines the students’ learning satisfaction. The quality of the virtual game environment did not matter so much. The authors reflect upon the general methodology used and offer suggestions for further research and development.  相似文献   

用高斯消去法和动态规划的知识介绍对运输问题表上作业法的另一种解法 .  相似文献   

对于以链路状态(Link state)为路由协议的大规模网络来说,根据网络流量和拓扑结构的变化来快速调整自身路由表的信息,是非常关键的问题.网络中链路状态发生变化有四种情况:链路费用的增加,链路费用的减少,节点失效,新节点的加入.回顾了以往所提出的具有关键意义的动态算法,分析了它们的创新点;其次,指出了相关文献中提出的应对网络拓扑变化的处理算法的不足之处,并提出了综合处理各种情况的思路.  相似文献   

When compared with wider social research, qualitative educational research has been relatively slow to take up online research methods (ORMs). There is some very notable research in the area but, in general, ORMs have not achieved wide applicability in qualitative educational contexts apart from research that is inherently linked to the Internet, for example, research on educational technologies or students' online behaviour. This paper demonstrates how ORMs can be useful in qualitative research projects. It describes how on-going, reflective, qualitative data were collected using a popular, community-based online tool – blogs. The research project that utilized this approach aimed to trace how a group of international students in the United Kingdom responded to their new environment over six months. This article attempts to provide a new understanding on the use of blogs as a tool for data collection.  相似文献   

为使移动小车更好地适应复杂的实际行车道路环境,实现动态障碍物环境下的路径规划,并解决传统人工势场法中的局部最小值问题,提高驾驶安全性,改进传统人工势场法中的障碍物斥力势场模型,并增加了速度斥力势场模型和道路边界约束斥力势场模型,同时将障碍物连锁网络结构与随机目标点法相结合,加入传统人工势场算法中。仿真结果证明了该改进方法的有效性,移动小车能避开局部最小值陷阱到达目标点,实现动态避障路径规划。  相似文献   

本文根据长湖水库日调节实际情况,建立洪水优化调度模型及系统计算软件,应用离散微分动态规划等优化方法求解.调度时结合遥测系统,降雨逞流模型采用逐次优化算法,利用模型连续求解与决策,有效地获得调度一场洪水的最优或较优策略.  相似文献   

提出一个求解线性规划基本可行解的旋转法。该方法不需要引入任何人工变量以及辅助规划,从任意一个基本解(即非可行解,又非正则解)出发,通过适当的旋转变换使得基本解的负分量的个数逐步减少,最后得到一个基本可行解。  相似文献   

This study presents a comparative evaluation of analytical methods to allocate individual marks from a team mark. Only the methods that use or can be converted into some form of mathematical equations are analysed. Some of these methods focus primarily on the assessment of the quality of teamwork product (product assessment) while the others put greater emphasis on the assessment of teamwork performance (process assessment). The remaining methods try to strike a balance between product assessment and process assessment. To discuss the characteristics of these methods, graphical plots generated by the mathematical equations that collectively cover all possible team learning scenarios are discussed. Finally, a typical teamwork example is used to simplify the discussions. Although each of the methods discussed has its own merits for a particular application scenario, recent methods are relatively better in terms of a number of evaluation criteria.  相似文献   

Researchers use the policy Delphi method to explore a complex topic with little historical context that requires expert opinion to fully understand underlying issues. The benefit of this research technique is the use of experts who have more timely information than can be gleamed from extant literature. Additionally, those experts place researchers in a specific moment, thus increasing the possibility of capturing change over time. One limitation of the policy Delphi is the difficulty in developing an accurate initial questionnaire to start the process. The purpose of this article is to identify benefits and limitations of this research method. Kathy K. Franklin is Associate Professor of Postsecondary and Private Sector Leadership at East Tennessee State University (ETSU), Franklin received her B.S. from the University of Alabama, M.B.A. from Middle Tennessee State University, and her Ed.D. from ETSU. Jan K. Hart is Assistant Director of the Medical Sciences Library at the University of Arkansas Medical School. Hart received her B.A. from the University of Kansas, M.L.S. from the University of Denver, and her Ed.D. from the University of Arkansas, Little Rock.Franklin and Hart study diverse research methodologies in the exploration and confirmation of theory.  相似文献   

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