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Electronic discussion tools can have several advantages over classroom discussion to support productive learning conversations in science. This paper describes how an electronic collaborative discussion tool called the Multimedia Forum Kiosk (MFK) enabled equitable learning opportunities in scientific discourse: generating explanations, revising ideas of others, and asking questions. Studies compared gender differences in participation between class discussion and MFK discussion, as well as examined three different formats for electronic discussion: anonymous, attributed, and attributed with authority participation. Results indicate that in all discussions, 78% of the students contributed in electronic discussion compared to only 15.3% participation in class discussion. Females participated more than males in electronic discussion, and less than males in classroom discussion. Girls report feeling less stifled when participating in an electronic medium where anonymity is an option. All electronic discussions were characterized by high levels of scientific conceptual content, elaborations, and question-asking. Students generated a repertoire of models for phenomena, asked content-focusing questions, and provided causal explanations using MFK. Implications for future research and design of electronic discussion tools are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to problematise how gender is being done—1. through occupational choices in two occupations that are traditionally gender divided, elderly care and police work, and 2. through the division of work assignments in police work. Interviews with care workers and police officers are analysed using a “doing gender” perspective, a post-structural notion of subjectivity inspired by Michel Foucault and positioning theory. We argue that a caring discourse operates in elderly care workers’ and police officers’ statements concerning occupational choices, while a daring discourse operates in statements concerning occupational choices within police work. Through these discourses, gender is being done in different ways; caring dispositions are constructed as totally female within the context of elderly care but as more gender-neutral in police work. At the same time, a macho or daring attitude is constructed as a male attribute in police work. Such constructions may have social consequences in terms of dividing work tasks for police, where male officers work in more prestigious and “dangerous” areas, while female officers are left with less prestigious, more caring-associated working areas.  相似文献   

工作场所学习和工作身份认同并非是成人的专利,对于职业院校学生来说,这种学习也是至关重要的.目前研究主要从这种学习方式本身出发对其重要性以及特点作了分析,其它方面的研究还没有顾及.从工作场所学习与工作身份认同的辨证关系出发,尝试分析了工作场所学习和工作身份认同发展的限制条件,并通过对相应的应对策略分析,为职业院校学生的工作场所学习策略以及工作身份的发展提供借鉴,同时也为职业院校的实习教学提供一些启示.  相似文献   

性别译者:主体性与身份建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
译者的身份和地位在传统的翻译研究中长期被忽视,表达等级体系的“忠实”概念成为译者主体性发挥的镣铐。“显形”译者和“性别”译者充分展现了一个解放了的译者形象。本文试图超越国内译界在译者主体性研究中的阐释学/接受美学范式,从女性主义翻译理论的视角来阐释译者的主体性问题,它突出地表现在译者对自我身份的寻觅和建构。通过“深度翻译”,译者充分挪用元文本空间来塑造一个具有独特身份的主体。  相似文献   

世纪之交,教育部颁布了《大学英语教学大纲》(修订本)。新大纲强调英语教学既要重视发展语言能力(Linguistic competence),也要重视发展交际能力(Communicative competence);强调既要打好扎实的语言基础,又要培养语用技能,从而使学生最终具备运用语言进行交际的能力。 从大学英语教学实践中我们看到:从总体上看,词汇量较大,语法概念较清楚的学生语用能力相对较强;听与读这两种领受性能力相对较强;说与写这  相似文献   

Interpersonal workplace interaction provides many challenges for workers with intellectual disabilities. While these workers are generally able to handle well the tasks required of them at work, the social interaction which others manage with ease often presents unexpected hurdles to such workers. This paper analyses tape-recorded workplace small talk collected in a range of New Zealand workplaces, including workplaces employing workers with intellectual disabilities. The topics, the distributional patterns, and the functions of small talk are described, and aspects of the management of small talk which may present problems to workers with intellectual disabilities are illustrated and discussed. Finally, some suggestions are provided concerning ways in which teachers and trainers may be able to assist workers acquire some of the basic sociolinguistic skills in small talk needed to operate effectively in their workplaces.  相似文献   

加强高校辅导员队伍建设是做好大学生思想道德建设的重要保证。本文在对高校辅导员队伍建设存在问题进行分析的基础上,提出辅导员队伍建设的建议。  相似文献   

语言无论是在称谓、两性话题、用词的选择上都始终存在一定两性使用的差异。以《简·爱》为样本,分析了两性话题、称谓的选择,恋人之间的冲突话语、甜蜜程度等,进而将人物之间的性别差异所表现出来的语言特点,结合各自的社会地位对于语言所产生的影响作用进行了相对应的分析,得出合理的结论。  相似文献   

吴汉全所著《话语体系初论》是近年来专门研究话语体系的代表性著作.该著以马克思主义著作的解读为学术前提,为话语体系的研究提供了理论指导.同时,该著以话语体系为研究对象,集中研究话语体系的性质、类型、结构、功能、特征、转换、社会属性、逻辑架构、基本维度、运行机制、建构原则等问题,构建了话语体系的学术系统.该著有着显著的特色...  相似文献   

目前中国大学中以知识传授和能力培养为目标的文艺学教学并没有真正实现这两个目标的协调与平衡,而是知识传授压倒了能力培养。这种现象背后有学科制度、学科研究和学科规训等学科体系方面的原因。解决这个问题的方法是将文艺学的教学目标改变为话语空间的拓展和话语秩序的建构,并以此带动文艺学学科体系的整体变革。  相似文献   

This study traces the ways in which an Arabic-speaking immigrant girl in Cyprus positions herself towards the different gender ideologies that she encounters at home and in school. Through Nadia's linguistic choices and discursive strategies we come to see how competing gender codes, meeting at the crossroads of geographic, linguistic, and cultural transition, lead to the emergence of a hybrid cultural identity. The data also reveal that "passing" is not always the goal of speakers who enter a new culture; instead, social categories such as gender mediate between the ability and the willingness to pass. These findings suggest that L2 users, through their daily linguistic and cultural practices across and within discourse sites, become agents of multiple, dynamic, and flexible identities. The study demonstrates the particular implications of second language learning and use and gender ideologies in the process of identity construction and highlights the complexities of identity work in today's multilingual and multitextual social settings.  相似文献   

This thesis intends to explore the process of identity construction of an ELF teacher. After analysis of his words, the following three findings are summarized: First, middle school teachers can enjoy high social reputation but low economic status. Second, teachers should treat students equally and become their friends and guiders. Third, to be responsible for students, teachers need to keep charging themselves and strive to teach students some knowledge beyond the textbook.  相似文献   


Many schools in recent years have implemented curricular projects to 'deal with' homophobia and sexism as problems that affect adolescent students and make schools unsafe. The ways in which we, as teachers and researchers, confront such problems, however, depends upon how we view their power within schools. When viewed as discursive elements of a generally heteronormative school environment, gender and sexuality norms become more complicated and subtle, as they are a part of systems of language, actions, and expectations that can be difficult to problematize with students and teachers. Drawing on feminist post-structuralist theory related to normativity and discourse analysis, our research looks at two middle-school projects aimed at interrupting heteronormative thinking by including students in the process of analyzing and re-creating school discourse. In one project, a whole class looks at gender identity formation through analyzing collective memory works collaboratively with the teacher. In the second project, a smaller group of girls works to re-think ways that the science/math curriculum could be more responsive to girls, in the end also analyzing the work that comes out of the collaboration. Together, the projects raise important questions about the effectiveness of such curricular projects, the power of school language around 'adolescence', and the potential for addressing gender normativity on the level of discourse, especially in the face of such powerful ideas of gender/sexuality in the middle grades.  相似文献   

The Dominican Republic has a substantial history of transnational movement to the US that affects more than one generation of transnationals, whose lives, as described by Smith (1994), are ‘neither “here” nor “there” but at one both “here” and “there”’(p. 17). While the Dominican transnational narrative has often been described as transnationalism from below (Smith and Guarnizo, 1998), the following case studies of transnational, but relatively privileged, youth require rethinking that framework. Participants describe a semi-cosmopolitan identity that has been shaped by their comparative experiences in more than one locale.  相似文献   

浅析电视谈话节目的互动话语结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从语言学的角度,通过搜集的语料对电视谈话节目互动话语进行分析,描述其互动话语中有规律的形式特征。一个成功的电视谈话节目应该充分利用参与者之间的互动结构,调动大家说话的积极性,从而挖掘话题深度,最终揭示主题。  相似文献   

This article explores the figured world of learning at urban Oakcity High School, describing the learner identities that were available to students amid the practices, categories, discourses and interactions of this world. My aims are 2-fold and interconnected: (1) to reframe a taken-for-granted phenomenon—that students tend to do poorly at urban high schools serving low income students of color, and (2) to apply a situated perspective and the concepts of figured worlds and positional identities to the study of learning and identity at an urban high school, expanding the use of these concepts in educational research. Beth C. Rubin is an Assistant Professor in Graduate School of Education, Rutgers The State University of New Jersey 10 Seminary Place New Brunswick NJ 08901 USA  相似文献   

多学科视角下的语篇和性别研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,语言性别研究已逐渐成为对语篇性别差异的探讨。国外研究者们从多学科的角度对语篇和性别两者关系的内在规律、受制条件和互动模式进行了深入的探讨。但作为一种常见和复杂的社会现象,语篇和性别关系不是现存的一些理论框架和分析模式能够彻底诠释的。因此我们要学会使用新的理论模式来分析新环境下的性别对语篇的影响作用,正确理解语篇、性别身份和语境的含义和范畴,这对语篇和性别自身理论和分析模式的发展更加有益。  相似文献   

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