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Historians have found it difficult to give a general account of the early medical use of X-rays in medicine. While the rays were hailed by some as a miracle technology, their early medical application was patchy, often remaining subsidiary to traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment, and was of disputed value. In this essay, I argue that the selective appropriation of the new technology needs to be understood within the wider medical practice of the period. The argument is developed around the case of orthopedic surgery in Germany, probably the first example in which doctors quickly made X-rays indispensable as a medical tool. I show that value of X-rays in this case was contingent upon an ongoing dispute, the theory and practice of surgical intervention, and the sociology of new surgical knowledge.  相似文献   

Aristotle??s account of friendship has largely withstood the test of time. Yet there are overlooked elements of his account that, when challenged by apparent threats of current and emerging communication technologies, reveal his account to be remarkably prescient. I evaluate the danger that technological advances in communication pose to the future of friendship by examining and defending Aristotle??s claim that perfect or character-friends must live together. I concede that technologically-mediated communication can aid existing character-friendships, but I argue that character-friendships cannot be created and sustained entirely through technological meditation. I examine text-based technologies, such as Facebook and email, and engage a non-text based technology that poses the greatest threat to my thesis??Skype. I then address philosophical literature on friendship and technology that has emerged in the last decade in Ethics and Information Technology to elucidate and defend my account by contrast. I engage Cocking and Matthews (2000), who argue that friendship cannot be created and sustained entirely through text-based contact, Briggle (2008), who argues that friendship can be created and sustained entirely through text-based contact, and Munn (2012), who argues that friendship cannot be created and entirely sustained through text-based contact but can be created and sustained entirely in immersive virtual worlds. My account discusses a certain kind of friendship, character-friendship, and a certain kind of technology, Skype, that these accounts do not. Examination of these essays helps to demonstrate that character friendship cannot be sustained entirely by technologically-aided communication and that character-friends must live together.  相似文献   

漆苏 《科学学研究》2013,31(8):1191-1197
 以中国企业在美国市场的专利侵权诉讼风险为研究对象,将企业专利侵权纠纷划分为默认、协商、诉讼和禁止四阶段,构建了企业专利纠纷发展动态模型。通过对中国企业在美国市场专利侵权案件实证研究,证明当两家企业处于同一、相似技术领域,发生专利侵权诉讼的可能性增加;伴随企业雇员增加、模扩大,企业之间发生专利侵权诉讼的可能性也显著增加;而主要作为被告的中资企业, R&D投入增强可能提升专利侵权诉讼发生的概率。提醒企业开展专利清查和专利侵权诉讼预警的重要性。  相似文献   

彭本红  鲁倩 《科学学研究》2018,36(1):183-192
利用多案例分析和扎根理论探讨了平台型企业开放式服务创新风险的内在机理及作用机制。研究发现了风险因素的9个主范畴,3个风险核心范畴,以及2个风险发生后果,构成了平台型企业开放式服务创新的风险成因。实证研究表明,商业环境风险、平台战略风险、管理风险这三个风险对平台创新活动影响巨大,显著影响了平台型企业客户流失以及经营绩效。商业环境风险是平台创新面临的外部风险,与平台战略风险和管理风险呈显著正向关系,战略风险会增加管理风险发生的可能性。三大风险与客户流失呈正比,与平台经营绩效呈反比。本研究拓展了传统的管理要素模型,揭示了互联网平台企业创新过程中的风险互动机制。  相似文献   

研究了投资农业高新技术项目面临的三种特殊风险,从外部环境风险、技术本身风险和企业内部风险三方面设计了企业投资农业高新技术项目的风险评估指标体系,建立了测度农业高新技术项目指标的投资风险系数的模糊决策参数模型.该方法综合考虑了专家的专业权威性和专家群体的共识性,能够得到较可靠的评估结果.  相似文献   


This article investigates how an account of hidden, internal properties of an everyday technology became a framework to interpret human action as a serious crime. Using a case study situated in the New York subway system, I examine the criminalization of a practice of New York’s poor known as “selling swipes” performed by so-called “swipers”. A high court came to classify the practice as felony forgery, interpreting it though an expert-witness account of how objects physically manipulated by swipers interact with a secretive, proprietary digital information system. Thousands of felony arrests – overwhelmingly of nonwhite men – have been legitimated under this theory, in which the crime occurs on a plane of technical interactions to which swipers have no access. Through close examination of the underlying technology (known as MetroCard), however, I show considerable problems in the authorities’ understanding of the technology, illustrating the hazards of interpreting human action through proprietary or complex systems, especially as they are represented solely through expert accounts. The case demonstrates fresh connections between technology and unequal outcomes in the U.S. criminal justice system, and suggests an emerging form of social vulnerability, to interpretations of our actions through the logic of technologies black-boxed to us.  相似文献   

许德惠  李刚  孙林岩 《科研管理》2013,34(6):129-137
供应链风险问题日益凸显,相关研究刚刚起步。本文基于对中国制造企业调研的176份数据,利用层析回归分析的方法,研究基于不确定性的供应链运作风险对企业竞争能力及绩效的影响。研究结果表明,基于不确定性的供应链运作风险对企业竞争能力并非完全是负面影响(供应风险负向影响产品质量、交付可靠以及流程柔性三种竞争能力,需求风险则促进企业提高产品质量和交付可靠,技术风险促使企业提升流程柔性);同时,流程柔性可以直接促进运作绩效和财务绩效,而产品质量和交付可靠则是通过运作绩效来间接提升财务绩效。  相似文献   

根据本单位在铁路、公路、市政等工程投标工作的多年积累,结合本人在工程投标报价的亲身体验及感受,对投标决策的常用方法进行了认真总结及详细的阐述,给施工单位投标决策提供一个参考的资料。  相似文献   

国防科技投资成果的转化是决定国防科研价值实现的一个关键阶段,其重要性不言而喻;国防科技投资成果转化过程中的风险是不可避免的.要搞好成果转化就必须关注风险、规避风险、化解风险;对国防科技投资成果转化中的风险的来源、风险评估以及面对风险所采取的时策进行了综述式和概要式的探讨.  相似文献   

This paper explores the risk perceptions of key stakeholders in SMEs when making decisions on technology investments. Current literature focuses on the nature of the technology from a technical perspective and its associated benefits to the SME. We seek to make a contribution that builds on the small but growing work, which views investment technology decisions as the outcome of a process of both objective and subjective risk assessment. Evidence presented in this paper suggests that subjective elements play an important part in assessing technology risks. Our empirical findings are that both e-business experience and the role of the decision-maker within the firm influences risk perception, whereas, sector differences are more modest. One implication of our findings is that policy interventions should be more sensitive and targeted at different types of stakeholders – owners, IT professionals and other individuals rather than on the sector in which the SME operates.  相似文献   

杨锐  夏彬 《科研管理》2016,37(5):103-111
企业成长受其构建的网络关系组合及所获网络资源的影响。结合资源基础观和组织间网络理论,本文构建网络关系-网络资源-集群企业成长的分析框架,基于苏州纺织业集群178家规模以上企业调查数据,建立联立方程并采用混合过程模型,实证集群内企业的成长绩效差异。研究表明,企业家认知和企业创新战略影响企业网络关系构建差异,并通过获取的网络资源影响企业成长绩效。具体说,分析型企业家和实施组合创新战略的企业有更高倾向构建企业间网络关系和非企业网络关系,且它们是互补关系组合;通过企业间网络关系获得的财务资源和信任,以及通过非企业网络关系获得的知识技术对集群企业成长有显著积极作用。  相似文献   

区域创新系统外生结构性风险的识别及其解耦分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对区域创新系统(RIS)的理论回顾,指出了忽视RIS的外生性风险管理是部分地区区域创新系统衰退的重要原因.提出了区域创新系统外生结构性风险的概念和因素构成,给出了各要素之间的耦合关系,基于管理熵进一步构建了该耦合关系的量化描述模型,为区域创新系统外生结构性风险管理走向实用化奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Public understanding of risks is likely to be informed by the media. We report a cross-national study looking at how newspapers in Sweden and the United Kingdom characterize a variety of risks, focusing on two months around the 10th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident. Approximately four times as many reports about risks were found in Sweden as in the U.K., possibly reflecting a Swedish safety culture. The Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) crisis dominated reporting in both countries, especially in the U.K. The proportion and pattern of reports on Chernobyl was similar across countries. However, in Sweden, there was an increase in reports about other nuclear hazards after the anniversary, suggesting that generalization of media concern may have occurred. Generally, BSE was discussed using a greater number of characterizations in the U.K., while Chernobyl was reported using more characterizations in Sweden. Reports about hazards tended to be alarmist rather than reassuring, and rarely used statistics to express degrees of risk.  相似文献   

技术许可作为重要的技术转移和成果转化方式,在中国经济从成本驱动向科技驱动转型期中的作用日益凸显。由于信息不对称在技术许可过程中的广泛存在,技术许可双方在缔约环节、支付环节、移转环节、实施环节中均可能因各种主客观因素产生违约风险。对各类违约风险进行及时动态管理成为技术许可决策者的重要需求,但现有研究和理论却缺乏对此类诉求的解决和回应。研究从技术许可关键环节的违约风险识别入手,总结了许可过程中基于信息不对称产生的主要风险因素,构建了基于风险矩阵方法的技术许可违约风险分析和量化系统,并结合风险矩阵判断提出了主要技术许可违约风险的应对策略和方式。研究结论和建议可为技术许可的相关方和决策者的违约风险管理行动提供重要参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of university exclusive versus non-exclusive licenses. We specifically focus on the effect of the characteristics of the licensed invention (i.e. stage of development, specificity and appropriability). We rely on a unique and original dataset of 91 inventions contained in 62 intellectual property licensing contracts executed in the period of 2005–2014 by two leading French research universities. We cannot find a significant relation between the characteristics of the invention and the degree of exclusivity. In particular, as opposed to theoretical predictions, embryonic inventions are not significantly linked to more exclusive licenses and generic inventions are not significantly linked to non-exclusive licenses. Furthermore, inventions that are both generic and embryonic are not significantly linked to exclusive licenses per field of use. These results, although still exploratory, contribute to feed the discussion about the performance of university-industry technology transfer since they suggest that performance might be improved by taking more into account the characteristics of the licensed invention.  相似文献   

黄健柏  孙芳  宋益 《资源科学》2020,42(8):1477-1488
全球能源结构转型是实现可持续发展的必由之路,而清洁能源技术的发展依赖于多种关键金属材料。本文选取15种清洁能源技术关键金属,从供应减少、需求增加、地缘政治和社会监管4个维度,构建10个评估指标,对清洁能源技术关键金属的供应风险进行定量评估,保障全球清洁能源技术发展和能源结构转型。研究结果表明:①清洁能源技术关键金属的供应风险均处于中风险以上等级,其中铟、镓、锗3种关键金属处于中高风险水平,锂、钴、镉、硒、钼、钯、铂、铜、铝、锌、铁、钛12种关键金属处于中风险等级。②供应减少风险维度中铟、铁、钼、锌、锗、镉6种关键金属属于中高风险,其中铟的风险最高;需求增加风险维度中铟、镓、锗3种关键金属的风险属于中高风险;地缘政治风险维度中有9种关键金属属于中高风险,其中钴的风险最高;社会监管风险维度中有11种关键金属属于中高风险,其中铟的风险最高。因此,需尽快建立关键金属供应安全常态化风险分类管理机制和二次资源回收管理体系,增进与关键金属供应国间的合作,以缓解清洁能源技术发展的关键金属约束。  相似文献   

从美国奥巴马政府"新政"看政策议题中的科技与风险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技与社会风险成为近年来被持续关注与研究的问题.科学技术既被看做为社会的风险源,又被当做应对风险的手段.对科技风险与社会发展的伴生关系、科学技术在"风险社会"中的作用等问题的认识正在被纳入政策议题,突显于政府科技政策战略的制定思路中.本文以奥巴马政府"新政"为案例,通过分析<2009年美国振兴与再投资法案>,奥巴马科技与创新计划及其在国家科学院的讲话等文献,研究奥巴马政府如何调整科技政策以应对经济和社会风险,进而分析政策议题中科技与风险之间关系的相关问题.  相似文献   

芦笛  张晓明 《科研管理》2014,35(12):120-128
已有的风险管理研究成果和企业风险管理实践,主要集中于经营风险(产品风险、价格风险等)、财务风险(支付风险等)和资本市场风险管理方面。本文独辟蹊径,从资产风险管理角度研究我国企业所面临的风险。首先,本文对资产的特性进行了辨析——收益性和风险性,其次进行了实证分析,界定了企业资产风险的概念和表现,构建了资产总风险计量模型,并阐述了该方法具体应用案例,最后有针对性地提出了资产风险规避方面的建议。  相似文献   

There has been considerable theoretical work on the role of information systems (IS) in creating competitive advantage and enhancing organizational performance. The literature identifies a consistent lack of success by organizations in achieving business benefits from their IS investments and in particular their difficulties in obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage. A great deal of debate appears to exist nowadays related to the participation of information technology (IT) risks to organizational performance. Previous research has dealt with the examination of the existing relationships between the implemented information technology and firm's performance variables. This research focuses on the IT impact on firm's non-financial IT risk. The research was conducted using questionnaires that were sent to world's five hundred largest corporations as they were published in the fortune magazine (European edition, No. 14, 2003) and to Greek companies. The results indicate that IT risk factors affect mainly coordination and partially information ability but not productivity. Furthermore, the most significant risk factors affecting business performance are management ability, information integrity, controllability and exclusivity.  相似文献   

李研 《科技管理研究》2021,41(13):35-39
中欧关系走到了"十字路口",面临着方向选择.中美竞争加剧情况下,我国应主动作为,为中欧关系发展增添新的积极因素.以博弈论为视角看待当前中欧关系,中欧双方完全有可能实现"非零和博弈",充分释放中欧关系发展潜力.科技是中欧合作的传统领域,可作为引领新一轮中欧关系发展的突破口.  相似文献   

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