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The popularization of massive open online courses (MOOCs) has been shrouded in promises of disruption and radical change in education. In Canada, official partnerships struck by higher education institutions with platform providers such as Coursera, Udacity and edX were publicized by dailies and professional magazines. This print coverage of MOOCs captures the contemporary ideological struggle over the meaning of both technology and higher education. By means of a thematic analysis of the English Canadian print coverage of MOOCs (2012–2014), this paper shows that both online educational technologies and higher education are constructed through an economic frame. However, this frame does not go unchallenged. Where newspapers construct MOOCs as an easy fix for an allegedly inefficient and outdated higher education system, professional magazines question the relationship between technology, higher education and money. These different representations point to the efforts of academic communities to develop alternative social imaginaries of education as public good within a dominant neoliberal framing of MOOCs and of the higher education system. In conclusion, the paper reflects on how the academic community can create alternative discursive spaces by shifting the discussion of MOOCs from economic concerns to civic goals.  相似文献   

The period since 1989 has been an extremely dynamic one in Polish highereducation. New opportunities have opened up for the academic community,along with new challenges. Suddenly, the academic profession has arrivedat a stage that combines far-reaching autonomy with rather uncertainindividual career prospects. In recent years, a number of new laws havebeen proposed that were intended to change the whole structure ofrecruitment, promotions, remuneration, working conditions, andappointments of academic faculty. All this has occurred admidst thestrains and tensions resulting from changes in the broader society. Thesudden passage from the more or less elite higher education system tomass higher education with a strong and dynamic private sector hastransformed the situation of the academic community beyond allrecognition. The transition has resulted in a new set of values andchanges in position, tasks, and roles for academe in society. Today,the future of the Polish academic profession remains undetermined. Thepositive changes were accompanied by the chronic underfunding of publichigher education. Polish academics have learned to accommodatethemselves to the permanent state of uncertainty in which they areforced to operate. The present paper analyzes the current situation fromthe perspective of global changes affecting the academic profession.  相似文献   


As calls for student-staff partnership proliferate across higher education, academic development must re-examine and reimagine its relationship to students. Students generally occupy roles with limited agency in academic development. We argue that this needs to change. We propose re-articulating the purpose of academic development toward the creation of conditions that liberate everyone involved in teaching and learning in higher education. We offer four vignettes that illustrate what is possible when students have the opportunity to embrace their essential roles. We conclude by reflecting on the human implications of student agency in academic development and higher education more broadly.  相似文献   

The community college has historically functioned as a primary access point to postsecondary education for Latino students. This study, an investigation conducted through an analysis of the Transfer and Retention of Urban Community College Students (TRUCCS) project, focuses on Latino students enrolled in urban “minority-majority” community colleges, where Latino students have a high representation. The specific interest of this research is the role and effect of the level of representation of Latino community college students on their academic outcomes. The relationship between the level of representation of Latinos, and the levels of academic success are analyzed in concert with other variables, such as, the level of representation of Latino faculty on campus, student age, attitude, academic integration, English ability and aspiration. Findings indicate a relationship between academic success of Latino community college students and the proportion of Latino students and faculty on campus. The findings thus suggest that a critical mass of Latinos may be a positive influence encouraging “minority” students to higher academic performance.  相似文献   

现代大学既是学术共同体组织,又是国家承担高等教育职能的公共机构,还是大学学术成员和行政人员的契约连结,大学内部存在双向的委托代理关系。建立大学学术系统和行政系统的双向委托代理机制,可以减少大学内部的权力冲突,降低权力运行成本,是改善大学治理结构的具体路径。  相似文献   

Scholarship matters. It allows faculty to fulfill the responsibilities of their three academic citizenships--in their institutions, in their disciplines, and in higher education in general. Current standards for community college faculty scholarship, however, have excluded faculty from exercising academic citizenship outside of their institutions. The sector claim to a unique teaching mission has been used to exempt or exclude community college faculty from the scholarly obligations and responsibilities understood elsewhere in higher education. The absence of generally accepted norms for scholarly production and validation at most community colleges continues to set them apart from other institutions, including those also serving non-traditional open admissions students. By discouraging externally validated scholarship, community colleges deny their faculty an appropriate voice in higher education and deny the rest of higher education the important voice of community college faculty. By encouraging scholarship that meets the tests of external scrutiny, community colleges can provide their faculty with legitimate higher education citizenship beyond the institution.  相似文献   

构建我国高等教育;模式的基本原则是推进高等教育大众化与实施精英教育并举;以社区学院为基础层次、公立四年制大学和学院为中间层次、以国立研究型大学为顶端,形成金字塔结构模式;形成与高等教育结构对应和衔接的学术中学、普通中学和职业中学中等教育结构。  相似文献   

研究大学学术组织既要熟悉相关的理论基础知识,也要熟悉当前高校的机构设置及运行机制,更要有相当丰富的大学管理经验。本文所列举的若干对关系,既有在遵循高等教育发展规律的理念上的思考,如原创性与嬗变性的关系、历史与价值的关系等;也有对当前大学学术组织运行机制的审视,如知识发展与组织演变的关系、政府与大学的关系等;也有在管理实践基础上的反思,如基层学术组织和大学内部治理的关系、服务社会与学术中立的关系等;也有对研究方法提出的建议,如方法与假设的关系、借鉴与本土化的关系等。  相似文献   

This article reports the second stage of a study examining an academic partnership in which Bangladeshi doctoral students in a western university focus their research in the grounded context of Bangladesh and investigate the processes for change. After briefly outlining the previous published stage which examined the academic trade in higher education with developing countries, the article builds on the concept of fair academic trade to critically reflect on the development of a doctoral learning community, a publication project and three specific doctoral studies. The methodological approach is one of participatory action research, with focus on critical reflection on practice.  相似文献   

作为智能化社会的学科基础要素,大数据正在驱动着高等教育系统的范式变革。美国普渡大学一体化数据科学首倡计划发起的跨学科学术组织变革,强调以跨学科学位项目与学科交叉课程、学科会聚研究计划与研究团队、服务性学习数据社区与主题工作坊、产教融合的数据科学校企合作模式构建高校数据科学教育生态系统。值此加强新时代教育科学研究的战略契机,以"数据+"引导多学科会聚和教育模式创新,打造面向真实世界的数据科学实践社区,建设校企协同产教融合共同体,加快培育大学生数据思维和校园数据文化,将有助于高等教育治理体系改革和治理能力现代化的实现。  相似文献   

学习体验是高职创业课程有效性评价的重要内容。从学习沉浸体验、学习关系体验、学习获得体验与学习活动体验四个维度编制高职创业课程学习体验量表,并采用该量表对1204名高职学生进行调查,结果发现:当前高职学生创业课程学习体验总体水平处于中等偏上,仍有较大改进空间。其中,学习关系体验最佳,学习沉浸体验最差;学习体验与创业实践、创业自我效能感之间存在正向预测关系。依据研究结果,高职创业课程模式应由知识驱动转向实践驱动、学习方式由传授式变向沉浸式、评价指标由学业结果延向学习体验、课程资源由课堂支持走向社会支持。  相似文献   

陈学忠 《成人教育》2012,32(5):35-37
高职教育是将高等学历教育与职业技能教育整合在一起,培养高素质技能型人才的一种新的高等教育类型。高等学历教育与职业技能教育不仅是高职教育两个不同的发展体系,而且还是决定这一新的教育类型不同实现形式和结果的两个最主要因素。因此,可以用高等学历教育作为纵的维度,职业技能教育作为横的维度,构建一个高等职业教育内在关系模型,来研究高职教育与高等学历教育、职业技能教育的辩证关系。  相似文献   

本文以"哈佛捐赠的数量"和"科南特的名言"为案例,初步分析了高等教育研究存在的三个问题:科学精神缺失、研究规范忽视和研究态度粗疏.作者认为,科学精神和学术规范是学科发展的根基.如果高等教育学学术共同体不注重科学精神的追求和学术规范建设,那么就不可能推动这一学科进一步走向成熟并赢得学术界应有的尊重,当然也不可能真正承担起为高等教育改革实践服务的使命.  相似文献   

长期以来,高等教育质量保障有赖于学术自治与自律机制的建立,受同行评议机制与声誉机制的控制。然而,受高等教育规模扩张与国家政治经济体制变革的影响,这种传统的学术自我规制体系能否保障与提高高等教育质量开始受到广泛的质疑。以学术界利益为旨归的私人规制体制、风险与标准导向的市场型规制体制以及基于绩效责任逻辑的政府规制体制三种类型的高等教育质量保障规制体制先后确立。三种规制体制在规制标准的制定、信息搜集以及行为矫正机制等规制要素方面具有迥异的规制逻辑与特征。规制实践的经验表明,倾向于自我规制与国家规制的规制体制均存在缺陷。基于学术自由与公共利益辩证统一的诉求,三种规制体制均开始强调自治与法治、自律与他律的有机整合,并呈现出合作规制的变革趋势。中国高等教育质量保障规制体制的变革应立足于法治的原则、思维和方式,增强政府公权力的法治规约,以实现国家监督与大学自主之间的合作与平衡。  相似文献   

The policies of the Australian federal government are clearly intended to bring about a fundamental transformation of the country's higher education system. The Australian case, however, presents several paradoxes. Policy changes are being initiated by a federal government that has no legislative control over state chartered higher education institutions. While the federal government wishes to see a more diversified and adaptive higher education system, it seems to be implementing a reward structure for individual institutions and academics which encourages imitation of the elite universities. Although government claims that its new policy initiatives are designed to debureaucratize the system, a significant proportion of the Australian academic community claims that government is centralizing control. This article explores these and other issues facing Australian higher education, not for the purpose of resolving the seeming paradoxes, but to suggest a particular research agenda for investigating change in higher education.  相似文献   

美国社区学院作为其高等教育体系中极具特色的教育形态,在高等教育大众化、普及化的历史进程中发挥了重要作用.社区学院是以转学教育和职业教育为主,其授予的学位以副学士学位为主.随着经济和科技的迅速发展,美国当代社会对高层次、高学历人才的需求不断加大.美国部分社区学院开始在其校内通过各种方式实施学士学位课程并授予学士学位,此举在改善和提升社区学院的学术质量、自身形象和地位上初见成效,为社区学院的未来发展探索出了一条新路.  相似文献   

The current preoccupation in British higher education with quality assessment, quality assurance and the monitoring of academic standards is traceable to a set of government policies which constitute an agenda for the radical overhaul of the ideals by which higher education has operated in Britain hitherto. Intent on overturning the collegial ethos of British higher education, and determined to replace the notion of a self-justifying and self-regulating academic community with a system in which universities operate primarily as pan of the national wealth-creating process, the Conservative government has used the quality debate to impose upon the universities a culture of compliance with norms of its own choosing. The net result of this process has been a deliberate undermining of academic autonomy.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2000,13(3):319-324
We review the recent and growing discussions on the internationalization of higher education and the equally recent and growing practice of world wide connectivity of academic environments through computer networks, mainly the Internet. We argue that developing sophisticated networks and facilitating its widespread use by the academic community is a powerful strategy to achieve the internationalization of higher education. The paper contains some recommendations.  相似文献   

创业型大学有四个不同于以往大学的典型特征:学术立业的组织结构、不断创新的创业文化、学术资本的师生共识、协同创新的契约关系。作为仍处于发展中的全球高等教育变革的当代现象,创业型大学已成为知识社会的心脏,围绕学术创业,它的知识逻辑、使命和功能皆发生了深刻变化。中国从变革高等教育结构、建设专业学位、创建自主创新的高科技园区等方面积极回应了这一高等教育的伟大变革,但是囿于旧的大学观念、体制和文化的局限,向创业型大学的转型仍然存在诸多困难,面临着巨大的挑战。  相似文献   

This paper presents an evidence-based model (the I3E model) for embedding education for sustainability (EfS) within a higher education institution. This model emerged from a doctoral research that examined organisational learning and change processes at the University of Southampton to build EfS into the university curriculum. The researcher aimed to learn from real practice through acting as a facilitator for curriculum development in EfS within an interdisciplinary group of academic staff members. A critical friend position was also acquired within a community of practice to implement a programme which attempted to embed sustainability within the student experience. The I3E model identifies four overarching components that can support universities in their aim to embed EfS within the undergraduate curriculum. These integrated components are: Inform the university community about sustainability; Engage the different university stakeholders in the change process towards sustainability; Empower individuals and groups to make change happen within their sphere of influence and action; and Embed sustainability within existing university structures.  相似文献   

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