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在安徽大学生英语学习动机内在结构中,努力、焦虑、归因等因素总体上呈现以下特点:大部分学生在英语学习上较为努力,但同时又存在较高的焦虑情绪;对于英语学习的成败,同学们有着理智合理的归因。在地区差异上,城镇学生努力程度最高,城市学生努力程度最低;农村学生的焦虑水平最高,城市最低。再综合经济状况,不同群体的学生在以上3个因素上还存在以下一些差别:贫困生较非贫困生更加努力,农村地区这一差别最显著,但城市地区与总体情况相反;在农村地区,性别差异对努力程度影响明显高于其他地区。贫困生的焦虑程度强于非贫困生,这种差别在城市最为明显。  相似文献   

大学内部治理结构是大学内外多元利益相关者博弈后处于均衡状态的结果,一直处于一种动态平衡与缓慢变革当中。从变革模式的维度来看,可以将大学内部治理结构变革的模式分为内部革命型、内部演化型、外部渗透型和模式移植型四种类型;从变革动因的维度来看,影响大学内部治理结构变革的动因包括内部动因和外部动因,内部动因往往起到量的积累作用,而外部动因则起到质的飞跃作用;从变革内容的维度来看,寻找大学内部纵向权力分配的"平衡点"、横向权力的分工合作机制和最高权力主体的权限是大学内部治理结构变革的三个重点内容。研究大学内部治理结构变革的特征对于我国建设现代大学制度、更好地推进大学内部治理结构改革具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

自我控制是自我意识的重要组成部分,它是个人对自身的心理与行为的主动掌握。儿童时期形成的优良自控能力能影响其一生的发展,国内外研究者对儿童自我控制能力的研究越来越重视。本文从自我控制的结构及发生机制研究两方面进行了概括。  相似文献   

为了解决泛厌学情绪对外国文学教学的不良影响,本文提出在不废弃约束机制和外激发机制的同时,还可以利用课堂实践环节,调动包括外国文学知识自身的吸引力和羡余率在内的内激发机制,去诱导学生热爱本课程的学习,并进而养成良好的学习习惯,消解泛厌学情绪所带来的负面效应。  相似文献   

幼儿告状行为的动机指激发原告告状行为发生的内部动力。在对收集到的231个幼儿告状行为事件进行分析后,研究者把幼儿告状行为动机分为求助、求赏、求罚、试探和陈述五类。这五类动机发生的频率是存在差异的。对于5 ̄7岁幼儿来说,促使他们告状的主要动机是"求助"和"求赏"。  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the role of children's moral motivation and sympathy in prosocial behavior. Study 1 measured other-reported prosocial behavior and self- and other-reported sympathy. Moral motivation was assessed by emotion attributions and moral reasoning following hypothetical transgressions in a representative longitudinal sample of Swiss 6-year-old children ( N  =   1,273). Prosocial behavior increased with increasing sympathy, especially if children displayed low moral motivation. Moral motivation and sympathy were also independently related to prosocial behavior. Study 2 extended the findings of Study 1 with a second longitudinal sample of Swiss 6-year-old children ( N  =   175) using supplementary measures of prosocial behavior, sympathy, and moral motivation. The results are discussed in regard to the precursors of the moral self in childhood.  相似文献   

政治制度文明是人类社会创造的一切进步的政治制度成果的总和,是政治文明的核心,它是一个系统组成。根据政治制度文明各部分的不同作用,可以将它分为起主导作用的核心政治制度文明,服务于核心政治制度文明的具体政治制度文明,反映、确认、保护政治制度文明的法制运行文明,以及作为政治制度文明的必要补充的政治生活中的隐性规则文明等四个方面。  相似文献   

学习动机的研究,已经从行为主义的动机观发展到社会文化的动机观。现阶段,有学者开辟了整合研究方向,提出了动机的自我调节论。基于此,我们认为,语文学习动机是激发、维持学生学习行为,并使之朝向一定语文学习目标的一种内在过程或内部心理状态。进而,经过进一步分析可以看到,语文学习动机的基本结构,一般地包括认知内驱力(学习兴趣)、自我提高内驱力(自尊)、附属内驱力(奖励、批评)、自我效能感(成功)、意志(自觉、毅力)和成就归因(成绩)等六个维度。  相似文献   

从“外铄”到“内生”:教师专业发展的理想轨迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师专业发展轨迹对教师内生的主动谋求发展的要求越来越高。为了激发教师群体和个体谋求发展的主动性,提高教师专业发展水平,逐渐优化教师专业发展轨迹,教师需要储备知识,积淀能力,融入文化。在教师专业发展实践中,应不断完善知识,优化能力,促进文化反思,以形成教师专业发展的理想轨迹。  相似文献   

湖南侗语地名不仅记录了侗族人对其聚居地的地理环境的认知和分类,也蕴含了丰富的语言、历史、文化信息。湖南侗语地名在语言结构上采用侗语偏正式结构特有的"通名+专名"结构,在命名理据上,通名主要以自然地理实体特征、人工建筑物或设施、聚落或行政区划等命名;专名主要以动物、植物、方位、地形特点、民族、姓氏名等命名。  相似文献   


This paper reports some of the findings of the Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge in Science (PACKS) project. It documents children's ides about the reliability of experimental data, an important element of their understanding of science procedures. These ideas were elicited using a written survey instrument completed by over 1000 students aged 11, 14 and 16, chosen to be representative of the full ability range. The results show progression with age in understanding of empirical data. A range of ideas about the function of repeat measurements, how to handle repeat measurements and anomalous readings, and the significance of the spread of a set of repeated measurements emerge and are discussed.  相似文献   

Children in child-centered preschools and kindergartens were compared to children in didactic, highly academic programs in terms of their basic skills achievement and a set of motivation variables. The study included 227 poor, minority, and middle-class children between the ages of 4 and 6 years. Children in didactic programs that stressed basic skills had significantly higher scores on a letters/reading achievement test but not on a numbers achievement test. Being enrolled in a didactic early childhood education program was associated with relatively negative outcomes on most of the motivation measures. Compared to children in child-centered programs, children in didactic programs rated their abilities significantly lower, had lower expectations for success on academic tasks, showed more dependency on adults for permission and approval, evidenced less pride in their accomplishments, and claimed to worry more about school. Program effects were the same for economically disadvantaged and middle-class children, and for preschoolers and kindergartners.  相似文献   

网络游戏对青少年有很强的吸引力,同时也具有一定的教育启发功能;这一吸引力与学习过程的结合将有效促进游戏与教育的双赢.本文以动机为研究视角,运用主成分分析与典型相关分析方法,深入研究网络游戏参与动机与学习动机的匹配关系.结果显示,社会学习、自我肯定的游戏参与动机与求知成就、个人前途的学习动机存在正相关关系;娱乐猎奇、逃避归属则与外部期望、物质激励存在相关关系.  相似文献   

内部治理结构去行政化是推进公立高校健康发展的必然选择,是权力结构关系与利益关系的重大调整,必然会遭遇"官本位"行政文化、行政化高等教育管理体制、内部行政化管理惯性、既得利益集团及高等教育政策治理思维等各种阻力,但其也具有政府治理方式转型、高等教育治理发展趋向、高等教育去行政化国家战略、师生内在需要等基本动力支持。当前,从宏观层面来看,由于阻力大于动力,我国公立高校内部治理结构去行政化应采取以强制性变迁为主、诱致性为辅的制度变迁模式,通过重塑大学精神、破除政府行政化管理模式、改革内部权力配置机制,健全民主管理制度和推进高校教育法治等基本策略推进改革。  相似文献   

Little is known about the flexibility of children's prosocial motivation. Here, 2‐ and 3‐year‐old children's (= 128) internal arousal, as measured via changes in pupil dilation, was increased after they accidentally harmed a victim but were unable to repair the harm. If they were able to repair (or if they themselves did not cause the harm and the help was provided by someone else) their arousal subsided. This suggests that children are especially motivated to help those whom they have harmed, perhaps out of a sense of guilt and a desire to reconcile with them. Young children care not only about the well‐being of others but also about the relationship they have with those who depend on their help.  相似文献   

The influences of the social environment and affective factors on academic achievement were identified as early as the 1970s. This line of research continued in the following decades, but the relationship between social competence and academic achievement remained a neglected issue. The aim of the empirical research presented in this paper was to define those components of social competence that influence learning motivation and academic achievement. The following components of social competence were selected for analysis: dynamism, dominance, cooperativeness, politeness, scrupulousness, perseverance, emotional control, impulse control, openness, external-internal control attitude and attachments. Four questionnaires were administered to a sample of 6th and 10th grade students (altogether 438 subjects). The results show that the assessed social factors are not affected considerably by age. The correlation analyses reveal the importance of intrinsic motivation within learning motivation, manifested in its strong relationship to the variables representing the social factors of personality except for emotional stability. The results of the regression analysis indicate that friendliness and openness have the largest impact on each other among social factors extraversion. The results show that conscientiousness, openness and academic self-concept explains most of the variance in intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation seems to exert considerable effect on these three variables.  相似文献   

广西产业结构及第三产业结构的灰色关联分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
良好的产业结构有利于一个地区的快速发展,不断优化产业结构是促进经济又好又快发展的重要举措.广西自治区的第三产业已成为地区三次产业的领头羊,但是,第三产业在数量上的领先并不意味着对地区经济总量的影响一定最大,也不能说明三次产业的内部结构一定合理.通过对广西与长三角两省一市的三次产业对地区生产总值分析,第三产业内部各部门和第三产业以及地区生产总值之间的灰色关联分析,我们认为广西的产业结构仍需进一步调整优化,尤其是第三产业内部.  相似文献   

内部控制审计制度安排动因的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部控制审计作为新的制度的产生一定有其理论渊源。内部控制审计制度在强制性制度变迁与诱导性制度变迁共同的作用下形成;是伴随着新的受托经济责任关系而产生的,从客观上保障公司所有者和广大股东的权益;从根本上解决了管理层与公司所有者的信息不对称,能有效防止管理层在内部控制信息方面对公司所有者的欺骗行为的发生。  相似文献   

《High Ability Studies》1996,7(2):119-127
What is the relationship between the motivation system of research workers (the main motives for scientific work) and temperament? The answer to the question was sought using a hierarchical factor analysis of scores on the Researcher's Work Inventory of Kocowski and the Strelau Temperament Inventory (STI) of a sample of young scientific workers. One secondary and three primary factors were obtained. The secondary factor was identified as self‐actualization or power motivation. This was a composite of intrinsic cognitive or achievement motivation (primary factor I), and will or conscientiousness (primary factor II). The factor will or conscientiousness was positively connected with mobility and strength of excitation (STI scales). A strong nervous system seems to be necessary for successful scientific work combining efficiency and creativity.  相似文献   

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