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The purpose of this article is to examine the validity of perceptions by academic staff about their past and present workload and working hours. Retrospective assessments are compared with time‐series data. The data are drawn from four mail surveys among academic staff in Norwegian universities undertaken in the period 1982–2008. The findings show that many academic staff retrospectively perceive that expectations of their work and task performance have increased and hence that they now work longer hours. In contrast, when time‐ series data are used to measure changes in time use (on an aggregate level) no empirical evidence is found in support of this claim; instead, a slight decline in the average number of weekly working hours can be observed. Two possible reasons for this disparity are discussed. First, that heavier workloads do not necessarily imply that academic staff work longer hours. Second, that younger generations of academic staff may report fewer work hours than previous counterparts.  相似文献   

文章是人类思想意识的载体,是文字的有机组合,所以写文章不是一种技巧性的活动。在编辑过程中,基于写作与发表的矛盾、理论与现实的矛盾,编辑必须对文章的学术性与实用性进行把握。学术性即在研究方面的性质或要求,实用性是文章的功能性表现。学术性是文章的灵魂,实用性是文章的生命。这作为一种编辑理念来支持学术的独立品格,并以此反对泡沫学术和学术腐败。  相似文献   

关于荀子的学术性质争议颇多,但没有一个用来划分学术性质的标准。本文认为荀子是归属儒家的,从界定儒家着手.以此为标准对荀子的思想加以比对;同时,还对认为“荀子非儒家”的观点如荀子重法、韩愈“道统论”、荀子“性恶论”等予以辩驳。  相似文献   

关于荀子的学术性质争议颇多,但没有一个用来划分学术性质的标准。本文认为荀子是归属儒家的,从界定儒家着手,以此为标准对荀子的思想加以比对;同时,还对认为“荀子非儒家”的观点如荀子重法、韩愈“道统论”、荀子“性恶论”等予以辩驳。  相似文献   

We investigate the determinants of teacher absences both within and across schools. We find that teachers generally respond to increased workload by decreasing their rate of absence. Teachers are less likely to be absent when they are teaching larger classes, have new grade assignments or have fewer years of experience. Moreover, we show that when teachers change schools, their absence rate quickly gravitates towards the mean absence rate of their new school, suggesting that school-level factors are an important determinant of absence rates. Finally, we show that the inverse relationship between workload and absence may lead researchers to underestimate the ceteris paribus effect of certain teacher inputs. We illustrate this point in the context of estimating the effect of teacher experience on test scores and show that controlling for absence rates increases the estimated returns to experience by approximately 10%.  相似文献   

中小学生课业负担过重的"课业",是指哪些课业?"减负"为什么如此艰难?我们以"考业"替代课业,遮蔽了许多课业没有负担也无须减负的事实。事实上课业负担不是过重而是失衡,失衡的重要原因之一是学业质量评价失衡,实施平衡的学业质量评价,有望能走出课业负担过重的困境。  相似文献   

学术质量是高校学报的生命.高校学报学术质量的高低与编辑意识的强弱密切相关.编辑人员所具有的编辑意识是指在学报编辑活动中,编辑从事编辑工作的主导意识,即编辑人员所具有的观念和指导思想,也就是引导编辑做好选题策划、审稿编稿、出版发行的思想行为.不断增强和优化编辑人员的编辑意识,是全面提高高校学报质量的重要途径.  相似文献   

Assessing quality in higher education makes important ethical assumptions, some of them questionable. A more satisfactory ethical view is required if assessing quality in higher education is to be sound. However, political intrusion in system‐wide assessment brings an influence which, preoccupied with market forces and technological development, goes beyond appropriate technical excellence to technicist excess. This generates a climate inimical to ethical quality and conflicts with academic work. Academic development units have a special role in regard to academic quality, but tend to be conceived of in a technicist way. A resultant managerialist‐technicist approach to their task is incompatible with ethical and epistemological virtues necessary to sound academic work and its development.  相似文献   

学报自身闭关自守的办刊观念和忽视学报作为精神产品应该体现出的特质 ,是制约学报学术质量提高的原因之一。要提高学报的学术质量 ,应牢固树立精品意识 ,以办刊的开放性、内容的科学性、创新性和特色性 ,学术研究的系统性、活跃性和现实性求质量  相似文献   

科学客观地评价教学质量是提高教学效果的重要保障。当前高校的教学质量考核存在着设计理念上的偏差:比较重视教师的奖惩,不够重视教师发展;侧重简单量化,忽视内涵质量;重考核形式,轻学业收获;偏重考核人员的数量,不讲究其素质等。以学业成绩进行的教学质量考核,能够反映考核的科学性和客观性。  相似文献   

高职院校各项教学工作的协调、高效和最优化都与教务管理工作质量的提升有着密切的关系,但教务管理往往刚性有余,柔性不足,质量的提升往往遭遇"瓶颈"。本文通过就教务管理如何提升的一些关键问题进行探析和阐述,以期提高高校教务管理工作水平,促进高校的发展与建设。  相似文献   

高等院校学报的稿源结构主要由单位信息、学历信息、职称信息和课题信息构成,学报稿源结构优良与否与学报学术质量的高低有很大关系。文章随机选择了部分财经类高校学报进行稿源结构对比研究,结果证实,稿源结构好的学报,其学术质量必然高;而稿源结构差的学报,其学术质量相对较低。  相似文献   

学报编辑与学术质量三题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在学报编辑过程中,编辑工作者通过自身艰辛的、富有创造性的劳动,切实做好选题、审稿、加工三个方面的工作,是保证和提升学术质量的重要前提、关键环节和必要条件。  相似文献   

学术发展素质是指一所大学为其学术发展活动所选择的道路的综合品质,科学发展观为阐明这一概念的内涵提供了充盈的智慧。提升大学的学术发展素质就是努力培育其学术活动的四种品质,即伦理性、生态性、安全性与共生性。大学学术风气是大学学术发展素质的直接观测点和直观标尺。  相似文献   

闻一多现代学术品格论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文深入研究了作为学者的闻一多学术品格形成的中外学术渊源,探讨了闻一多学术品格的现代性问题。闻一多把现代思维方式、现代学术观念和科学研究方法与中国传统学术研究方法相融合,形成了将东方和西方、科学性和诗性、传统学问和近现代自然科学、社会科学完善结合的学术思想。在具体研究中,闻一多注重多学科的综合运用、微观的严谨与宏观的开阔,讲求研究的时代性与人民性,获得了鲜明的现代学术品格,他在我国学术走向现代的历  相似文献   

Some Guidelines for Academic Quality Rankings   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
While rankings are a popular method for comparing the relative quality of higher education institutions, there is much confusion and debate over which indicators to use and how to present the information in ranked format. This article offers some guidelines in both areas as well as questions to consider at each stage of the ranking process.  相似文献   

Academic Engagement and Perceptions of Quality in Distance Education   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The development of e-education has enabled distance education to overcome the lack of interactivity inherent in earlier forms of distance education based on correspondence and mass media, but it looks as if it is also pushing up the costs of distance education. In the 1960s and 1970s, the cost structure of distance education, and its ability to lower educational costs, was seen as a distinct advantage in the face of the need to expand educational provision. With the world population forecast to grow by over three billions in the next 50 years, the need for cheap ways of educating people must be paramount. This article asks just how relevant it is to global educational needs to develop more expensive forms of distance education that, in the absence of public funding, place increased financial burdens on the students.  相似文献   

建设高品质的“学术生态”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"学术生态"是指学术与学术、学术与其环境之间相互作用而形成的复杂统一体。它具有自然和社会的双重属性。现实社会中,学术生态系统经常出现违背人们愿望的"失衡"与"变异",即"学术生态危机"。提升学术生态理念,加强学术个体的道德自律、学术群体的制度他律、社会全体的行为法律,以实现学术个体、共同群体与社会全体的联动机制,才能真正形成高品质的学术生态。  相似文献   

在相互制约的众多影响学报学术质量的因素中,编辑素质是一个直接且重要的因素。文章分析了成人高校(以卞简称“成高”)学报编辑素质偏低的现状,探索编辑素质与学报学术质量的关系,并提出了提高成高学报编辑素质的对策,以促进成高学报的科学发展。  相似文献   

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