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卓越工程师培养质量是"卓越计划"参与高校能否培养出合格的卓越工程师的标志,是"卓越计划"的主要目标能否实现的根本。本文试图从八个部分系统地分析和研究卓越工程师培养质量保障这一重大核心专题:影响卓越工程师培养质量的因素分析、人才培养全面质量管理的核心内涵、构建卓越工程师培养质量保障体系、卓越工程师培养质量的过程监控、卓越工程师培养质量的持续改进、卓越工程师培养企业学习的质量保障、大学质量文化建设以及质量保障需要处理好的若干关系等,以期为"卓越计划"参与高校培养满足专业质量标准要求的卓越工程师提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

There is a pressing need for more efficient methods of delivering updated engineering information, especially in the workplace. Hypertext offers the author the ability to structure information in ways which are more flexible than conventional print media. The intention of presenting training material using hypertext is to develop an explorative attitude in the reader. The reader is encouraged to follow his/her own path through the material, with the option of following some topics to a greater depth than would normally be expected. Hypertext also provides a tightly integrated package of information, guidance, and often also the ability to execute programs or procedures described in the document. It can also provide concise support for experts as well as assistance—in the same document. This paper (i) outlines the concepts and facilities in typical hypertext implementations, (ii) describes the reactions that have been obtained in the use of an on-line code of practice (Australian Rainfall and Runoff), and (iii) offers some guidelines for structuring engineering documents for hypertext.  相似文献   

System design engineers are in short supply and difficult to train. On-the-job training is the principal method used today, and the universities that seek to train system engineers make use of cooperative arrangements with industry to provide such experience. This paper suggests that training emphasis incorrectly has been placed on skills that are useful in system design work, rather than on the development of certain valuable qualities (talents or personality traits). On-the-job training is often pursued without due recognition of the importance of these qualities, and academic training today seems more attuned to the teaching of skills. It is hoped that discussion of these factors will help stimulate educators and engineering managers to search for ways to shorten the long training cycle.  相似文献   

工程师技术培训网站的建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在高科技发展日新月异的今天,工程师进行技术培训势在必行.本文介绍利用ASP、Flash、FrontPage2000完成工程师再培训系统的网页设计,建立一个以WIN2000为操作系统和以IIS为管理工具的网站.网页内容主要包括计算机基础知识、网络基础知识、现代控制技术、最新应用技术和网站导航等.  相似文献   

和谐社会的构建对成人教育服务培训提出新的发展与要求,社会现实赋予了成人教育服务培训鲜明的时代特征。本文通过对成人教育服务培训功能定位的再思考,从成人教育的功能创新、成人教育的运作模式、以实用技术为重点的职业技能培训等方面,探索成人教育培训办学的规律,将以人为本、以和谐教育为理念的成人教育服务培训融入和谐社会发展之中。  相似文献   

Achievement goal theory, as an attempt to explain the factors that influence motivated behavior, has received signiticant attention from youth sport researchers, sport psychologists, and educators since its proposal in 1980. This papr reviews the basic tenets of achievement goal theory and outlines potential problems through its usage in attempting lo understand student behavior and attitudes in physical education. Specifically, I argue this reductionist and decontextualized research treats the physical education student as a motivational problem, the teacher as the solution, and the social context of physical education and sport as nonproblematic. This positivist approach to knowledge construction may indirectly act to perpetuate inequitable power relations and dominant idenlogies found in physical education. Ironically, this could dissuade certain youth from participating in sport or physical education, the antithesis of the activity promotion objectives of many achievement goal theorists. I conclude by suggesting to enhance physical education practice, research should employ critical and reflective methods of knowing and continue to seek out student and teacher voices to help create responsive leaming environments for diverse student needs.  相似文献   

以卓越土木工程师为培养目标,构建了OpenSees-OpenFresco-MTS抗震混合试验教学实践平台。结合防屈曲支撑等案例,优化了"结构检验"实践课程,开展了课外研学本科生科研训练计划(SRTP)项目以及研讨会式(Seminar)研讨课程,探索实施了面向卓越工程师培养的创新实践教学改革设想和人才培养模式。  相似文献   

文章探索校企联合工程教育的培养模式,突破以实验中心为实践能力培养的传统方式,丰富并扩充了实践能力培养的载体和内涵,形成一套以校企合作为生命线,以项目驱动式教学方法为重点,以校内外实训基地、实验中心为载体,以校企双向交流的实践型师资队伍为保障的,注重知识、能力、素质协调发展的,具有示范性意义的、适合相关工科专业方向的卓越工程师人才培养的创新实践教学体系。  相似文献   

In June 1990 a conference took place in the Politecnico di Torinowhich was organised by the politecnico, the Brighton Polytechnic, and the Associazione per la Scuola per Esperti delta Produzione with the sponsorship of the British Council. The aim of the conference was to discuss the results obtained after a full four years’ of activity of the school and the graduation of the first group of students. During the conference a paper was presented to illustrate the genesis and activity of the school during the first cycle of life: I think that this paper is of interest for the readers of the SEFI review

We have created the school with the purpose of facilitating the exchange of students between different countries looking ahead for Europe after 1992. The project has the aim to consider the Common Market and a unified Europe in the frame of each national culture and traditions and to give to the students an international approach to the problems. In addition, we would like to underline that the school leads to the joint awards of BSc(Hons) European Business with Technology and Diploma di Esperto della Produzione Industriale.  相似文献   

在教育部"卓越工程师教育培养计划"的建设背景下,针对目前高等工程教育的实践教学现状,规范工程实践教学内容和教学行为,建立面向卓越工程师的企业工程实践中心,在机械专业开展为期1年的企业工程实践试点工作。实践证明,企业工程实践培养的新模式显著提高了学生的工程实践能力、创新能力和就业竞争力,强化了校企合作的基础,最终实现学生毕业与就业的零距离过渡。  相似文献   

文章针对应用型工科类本科卓越工程师专业培养方案的制定和完善,围绕落实卓越工程师培养模式的教学改革、创新模式进行分析和讨论,提出了卓有成效的见解,建立了完善的专业教育过程和创新性的实践教学活动等教学改革新思路。  相似文献   

针对目前全国高校普遍存在对大学生人文素质教育以及母语教学功能重视不足的问题,对大学语文教学的改革势在必行,具体思路是通过教学内容、教学方法、评价模式的改革,加强母语文化教育,提高学生对母语文化的认识水平与运用能力,增强文化认同感,从而达到教育部提出的"卓越工程师"全面素质培养教育的目的。  相似文献   

卓越工程师人才培养计划目的是培养行业中具有专业性和领导性的工程师人才。网络平台、特色课程等新兴热点元素在卓越工程师人才培养过程中担当着新的"角色"。进一步完善实践体系是更成功地实现卓越工程师人才培养的有效途径。  相似文献   

关于培养“卓越工程师”的几点认识   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
"卓越工程师教育培养计划"是高等教育面向经济建设主战场,提高工程技术人才竞争力的战略决策。实施这一计划,必须科学把握其内涵和要求,准确定位"卓越工程师"人才培养规格,以社会需求为导向,以能力培养为核心,以校企合作为载体,以优化培养方案与改革教学方法为手段,大力创新人才培养模式,努力为社会尤其是企业培养大批能力型、创新型、复合型、高素质的工程技术专业人才。  相似文献   

“卓越工程师教育培养计划”是推进我国高等工程教育改革的重大举措。现代制药企业需要多学科交叉、综合能力强的卓越制药工程师,如何提高制药工程师的培养质量成为高校亟待解决的问题。本文从卓越工程师应有的基本素质出发,探讨了校企合作的优势,以及如何通过校企合作培养和增强学生的工程能力和实践能力,提高卓越制药工程师的教育质量。  相似文献   

“卓越工程师教育培养计划”专业培养方案研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
落实卓越工程师教育培养计划的学校方案应分为学校工作方案和专业培养方案两部分。本文在分析制定专业培养方案所应遵循的原则的基础上,具体研究专业培养方案的主要内容,包括学校培养标准的制定与实现以及企业培养方案的制订与实施,以期为高校制定和实施卓越计划专业培养方案提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

In this short paper we try to put evidence together to prove that Italian engineering schools must satisfy much more rapidly in the near future than in the past the growing demands of the production world and that they will be able to do so only with strong support from industries. The main concern is with the Italian situation, but several observations may well be valid at a European level.  相似文献   

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