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《不让一个孩子掉队》法案对美国高中课程改革产生了深刻的影响。在高中教育危机和课程政策转变的背景下,美国高中课程不断出现分化,课程目标更加强调批判思维能力、问题解决能力和知识创新能力的培养,课程体系上更加注重现代核心课程和突出多元选修课程,课程管理上更加注重联邦、地方和学校的协作机制、灵活多样的课程安排和形式多样的成绩检测,这在一定程度上反映了美国高中课程改革的发展趋势。  相似文献   

大学先修课程肇始于美国大学理事会的大学先修项目,其成功经验对世界范围内的高中教育产生了深刻的影响。我国高中开设大学先修课程具有一定的思想基础,如以人为本的教育发展理念和素质教育思想;也具有一定的制度准备,如三级课程管理制度、选课制和学分制等。我国高中实施大学先修课程可以采取如下策略:重建课程结构,将大学先修课程纳入学校课程体系,在学校层面实现国家课程与校本课程的整合;由大学联合中学共同开发课程;建立由第三方参与的大学先修课程审核与评价机制。  相似文献   

后现代课程描绘出的课程愿景对当下的现代课程产生了强烈冲击,其倡导者认为该课程理想并非具有普适性,而这恰恰被许多人忽视。从我国课程改革的实际出发,注重在课堂实践中理解课程的后现代意蕴必然是理性的选择,历史上课程理论范式在转变过程中也证明了这种选择。  相似文献   

学校改进的路径分析:学校领导的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学校改进已经成为我国新时期教育改革发展的一个重要主题.学校改进关注点也从资源投入、课程设计等方面逐渐转向学校领导的过程.尽管已经有研究成果表明学校领导在改进学校以及促进学生学业成绩提高方面具有显著作用,但如何改进以及怎样做的研究还不充分.本文从学校领导视角,通过分析已有的有效学校以及成功领导模型的研究成果,归纳出四个学校领导改进的路径,期冀对我国学校改进的研究与实践有所助益.  相似文献   

教育的张力:基于幼小课程衔接的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼小课程衔接指幼儿园课程和小学课程之间的连续性、连贯性、持续性。本研究在分析国内外相关研究的基础上,选取重庆市2所小学和2所幼儿园为对象进行调查,发现幼小课程衔接在课程目标、课程内容、课程组织、课程实施及课程评价等方面均存在问题,建议当前我国幼小课程衔接中课程目标要小步子化、课程内容要生活化、课程组织要统整化、课程实施要活动化、课程评价要多元化。  相似文献   

课程改革的视野:一种新的学校文化建设的理想和追求   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基础教育课程改革推动着新一轮的学校文化建设热潮。其中,课程与教学文化成为新的学校文化建设的重要组成部分,为了每一个学生的发展成为核心价值追求。课程与教学文化的转型,在相当程度上影响和引领着学校文化建设。  相似文献   

In the wake of South Africa's first non-racial elections in 1994, the new Minister of Education launched a national process which would purge the apartheid curriculum of its most offensive racial content and outdated, inaccurate subject matter. At a first glance these essential alterations to school syllabuses sounded reasonable and timely, given the democratic non-racial ideals of the new government. However, these syllabus alterations had little to do with changing the school curriculum and much more to do with a precarious crisis of legitimacy facing the state and education in the months following the national elections. The haste with which the state pursued a superficial cleansing of the inherited curriculum is explained in terms of the political constraints, conflicts and compromises which accompanied the South African transition from apartheid.  相似文献   

教学时空变革对基础教育课程改革的发展有重要影响。在教学实践中涌现出了杜郎口中学、洋思中学等教学时空变革典型,其主要是围绕如何更有效地利用教学时间和激活教学空间、如何更有效地超越教学时间的限度和逾越教学空间的限制来开展变革的。在变革的过程中由于没有处理好工具理性、教学习惯、教学理念等方面的影响而出现了形式化、功利化等问题。  相似文献   

试论课程领导与课程发展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
随着课程改革和课程问题研究的深入,对课程领导的研究也从课程管理的研究中分离出来,成为课程理论研究的一个新领域。课程领导是指为了实现课程目标,在一定条件下对课程领域的组织和人员施加影响的过程,具有决策、组织与引导等职能,对课程的形成、实施、改革与发展都具有重要影响。课程领导方式的改革要适应世界课程变革的需要,实行课程的三级管理,实现课程领导方式的民主化和科学化;课程的发展要与世界同步,体现现代社会的价值追求和价值选择。  相似文献   

近代小学课程的变迁是我国小学课程从传统向现代转型的重要历史阶段。近代小学课程的变迁,不仅体现为课程门类、课程类型等的变化,还体现为课程价值取向的变化。近代小学课程在变迁过程中,拓展了小学课程的价值取向,建立了现代小学课程体系的雏形,并探索了小学课程改革的路径,但也存在课程理论研究不足、课程变迁思维简单激进等问题。回顾与反思近代小学课程的变迁历史,对今天的课程改革具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Peer bullying increases in times of school transition, influenced by changing peer and friendship groups, new schooling environments and greater stress. Covert forms of bullying, including cyberbullying, become more common in secondary school and cause considerable distress and long-term harm. The period of transition to secondary school is therefore a critical window for intervening to manage and prevent bullying. A three-year cluster randomised control trial was conducted to develop, implement and evaluate the Friendly Schools Project intervention which aimed to reduce bullying and aggression among more than 3,000 students who had recently transitioned to secondary school. Intervention schools were provided with individualised training and resources to support students’ transition and reduce bullying using a multi-level comprehensive intervention addressing classroom curriculum, school policies and procedures, the social and physical environment, pastoral care approaches and school-home-community links. Although the observed effect sizes were small, the intervention had a consistently significant positive effect across a range of outcomes, including bullying perpetration, victimisation, depression, anxiety, stress, feelings of loneliness and perceptions of school safety at the end of the students’ first year in secondary school. However, none of these differences were sustained into the students’ second year of secondary school. These findings demonstrate the immediate value of whole-school interventions to reduce bullying behaviour and associated harms among students who have recently transitioned to secondary school, as well as the need to provide strategies that continue to support students as they progress through school, to sustain these effects.  相似文献   

The positive impact of families’ higher social origin on the transition into more demanding secondary school forms can be split up into two effects: the primary effect, which is conditioned by higher achievements of children from privileged social origin, and the secondary effect, which is independent of achievement differences and can be explained by the fact that higher school curricula are less costly and promise more benefits for parents of higher social status than for parents of lower social status. It is examined how the relative size of both effects has changed in Germany between 1969 and 2007 using two comparable studies in the federal state Hesse, which measure students’ achievement and their social origin in very similar ways. The transition to the Gymnasium, the most prestigious track of the German tripartite secondary school, is investigated applying the method by Karlson et al. (2012). The primary effect has increased, specifically because of an increasing impact of achievement; and the secondary effect decreased such that school has gained more impact compared to the child’s parental home.  相似文献   

随着高校国际化的发展,留学生教育作为高校全校发展规划的一部分,越来越受到重视。在发展显性课程的同时,隐性课程建设也越来越受到关注,隐性课程是在显性课程之外而包含于学校整体教育中的诸方面,如学校环境、组织制度、教学活动、文化心理等。本文在对来华留学生教育问题上,从隐性课程的角度提出建设策略,以期创造最优化的对外汉语教育环境,使留学生们尽可能缩短来华适应期,在学习、生活、心理及文化等方面顺利过渡并全面发展。  相似文献   

The study aims to gain a better understanding of the national large-scale curriculum process in terms of the used implementation strategies, the function of the reform, and the curriculum coherence perceived by the stakeholders accountable in constructing the national core curriculum in Finland. A large body of school reform literature has shown that a central determinant for the effectiveness of curriculum reform is the way in which the reform is implemented. Accordingly, implementing curriculum reform always entails translation of the new ideas into new educational practices, which involves complex sense-making processes from those involved. Altogether, 117 stakeholders accountable in constructing the national core curriculum in Finland completed a survey. The results showed that the effect of the implementation strategy for the perceived curriculum coherence was mediated by the perceived educational impact of the reform both for the school and society. The mediated interrelation between the top-down–bottom-up implementation strategy in the curriculum process, and the estimated coherence in the written core curriculum implies that the objects of the activities, namely elaborating and focusing on the educational impact of the decisions, is a crucial determinant for achieving curriculum coherence, and further, facilitating sustainable school development at the local level.  相似文献   

One of the more persuasive arguments for school sector differences in students' educational performance is the role of the senior school curriculum, which is stratified, socially selective, and has an important bearing on educational outcomes. In addition, the stratified curriculum may also contribute to socioeconomic inequalities in education by directing students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds to the most beneficial aspects of the curriculum. This paper finds that course taken has strong effects on university entrance performance and participation, but its effects are largely independent of school sector and socioeconomic background. Only about 10% of the effect of attending an independent school on tertiary entrance performance can be attributed to course type (net of other factors) and about 14% of the effect of socioeconomic background. This suggests that curriculum stratification plays only a minor role in mediating the influences of school sector and socioeconomic background on educational outcomes.  相似文献   

Using a sample of youth who graduated from high school in the late 1990s and early 2000s, this paper examines the impact of high school math curriculum on the decision to go to college. Results that control for unobserved differences between students and their families suggest that a more rigorous high school math curriculum is associated with a higher probability of attending college and of attending a 4-year college. The household fixed effect results imply that students who take an advanced academic math curriculum in high school (algebra II or precalculus, trigonometry, or calculus) are about 17 percentage points more likely to go to college and 20 percentage points more likely to start college at a 4-year school by age 21 compared to those students whose highest math class was algebra I or geometry.  相似文献   

Schools have a considerable influence on children's development, through proximal factors such as teachers and curriculum, but also through indirect effects of school policies. Although some policies and programs have the potential to increase stress and burden on students, educators, as well as the broader educational context, several programs have demonstrated a positive impact on the school environment. This article considers the role of some educational policies, programs, and activities related to discipline and teacher behavior, which together influence the school environment. Programs that set high expectations for student performance, healthy social-emotional learning, and positive behavior support are highlighted, due in part to rigorous research demonstrating both their broad reach and their impact on a range of learning and positive behavioral outcomes. Despite the potential significance of policies on the learning environment, there has been limited systematic research documenting the impact of policies on the school environment more broadly. This article concludes by identifying some areas for future study.  相似文献   

This study is designed to investigate the impact of school‐based curriculum development teams on teacher development within the tradition of school‐based curriculum development in a primary school in Hong Kong. Teacher interviews were used to evaluate the extent that teacher engagement in curriculum decision‐making processes within two school‐based curriculum development teams has led to teacher professional development which were triangulated with the videotaped meetings and tryout lessons. Qualitative evidence has revealed positively that participating teachers have developed themselves professionally through the process of planning, experimenting and reflecting (PER model) upon curriculum practice and innovation under certain conditions. However, the complexity of the structures and processes that were established for involving teachers in curriculum decision‐making processes needs further empirical and theoretical work. This paper only looks at data relating to teacher development in curriculum leadership collected in the second action cycle of the project from January to June 2005.  相似文献   

Market forces and diversity: Some evidence from the 14-19 curriculum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using an economic analysis of market forces in schooling, this paper investigates change and diversity in the 14-19 curriculum of 16 schools in three local education authorities in England. Using qualitative data from interviews with several teachers in each school, it focuses on changes in the schools' curriculum for modern foreign languages, economics, and business studies. During the period studied, schools had some freedom to choose the courses they offered in these subjects. The interaction between the policies of promotion of competition through comparison (i.e. league tables) and the promotion of competition through specialization is considered. Evidence is found of the influence of local schoolingmarket hierarchies on curriculum change in these schools, and this operated chiefly through changes in school enrolment. Some evidence was found of schools' curricula being influenced by trends set by key schools and the occupation of niches pre-empting choices by other schools. These processes were slowly developing and deepening as market changes exert stronger constraints on school behaviour over time. It is concluded that the impact of quasi-markets on schools' curricula may only be apparent when these processes have had the opportunity to develop more fully.  相似文献   

This paper reports preliminary survey findings of Western Australian and South Australian teacher perceptions of the impact of NAPLAN on curriculum and pedagogy in their classroom and school. The paper examines how teachers perceive the effects of NAPLAN on curriculum and pedagogy and whether these perceptions mediated by the teacher’s gender, the socioeconomics of the school, the State and the school system in which the teacher works. Teachers report that they are either choosing or being instructed to teach to the test, that this results in less time being spent on other curriculum areas and that these effects contribute in a negative way to the class environment and the engagement of students. This largely agrees with a body of international research that suggests that high-stakes literacy and numeracy tests often results in unintended consequences such as a narrow curriculum focus, a return to teacher-centred instruction and a decrease in motivation. Analysis suggests there is a relationship between participant responses to the effect of NAPLAN on curriculum based on the characteristics of which State the teacher taught in, the socioeconomic status of the school and the school system in which they were employed (State, Catholic, and Independent).  相似文献   

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