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State governments are crucial actors in the nation's system of education governance. This issue of the Peabody Journal of Education underscores the wide-ranging roles that state governments play in the oversight, development, and implementation of elementary and secondary education policy in the United States. In this article, I consider these individual analyses by reflecting on the broader themes and patterns that they suggest. I argue that at the dawn of the 21st century, the 50 U.S. states face dynamic challenges that are testing their institutions of governance. States are also simultaneously crossing new frontiers that will influence future policy and opportunities for the nation's students.  相似文献   

Both in Australia and the Netherlands, the higher education system is experiencing profound changes. In this article an attempt is made to analyze these changes and to explore to what extent similarities exist between two countries who are geographically far apart and whose higher education systems are located within different traditions. The article focuses an two main themes. In the first part the change and reforms within higher education policy are explored. After presenting an overview of the Dutch higher education system and the recent policy developments which have taken place, a comparison is made with the recent changes that have occurred in Australia. In this comparison, emphasis is placed on governmental steering, control and institutional autonomy. In the second part of the paper, one of the major instruments adopted in both countries for system change is discussed, namely institutional amalgamation or merger. The objective of the article is to bring forward some broad trends apparent in both countries, not a detailed analysis. A second limitation is that attention is confined to the policy documents and actions of the Australian federal government. State governments’ responses and actions are not taken into account. Although this is a severe limitation, an incorporation of State plans and actions would exceed the scope of this article.  相似文献   

The role that governments play in higher education systems in the western world is being generally criticized. Most studies on desirable future models show that most of the experts and individuals involved favour a reduction in government influence. At the same time, however, governments are ‐ in publicly‐funded higher education systems ‐ accountable to the public for the funds allocated to the institutions, and are held responsible for a number of (political) aims and goals associated with higher education policy. This article considers which type of relationship between governments and higher education systems might be considered to be the most prominent for the future. It combines critical signals on the present methods, on the one hand, and the generally accepted responsibilities of governments, on the other, in a multi‐criteria analysis. Contrary to the general outcome of studies on governance, the participants in the study have opted for a relatively orthodox scenario in which governments remain influential actors with regard to higher education policies.  相似文献   

从欧洲的三个国家看--大学与政府关系的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近十年来,西欧的政策呈现出放松管制、组织自治和标榜对个体公民更加关切的特点。这种政策态度在欧洲的高等教育界成了主流意识形态。本文想要展示的是,是否一些欧盟政府在管理高等教育方面采取了“后退”的作法,是否将制定高等教育政策作为自己的目标。欧洲政府的高等教育政策是否真的呈现分权化的特点?本文将对三个欧洲国家的高教政策进行讨论,它们分别具有不同的政策传统:法国(非常集权的政策传统)、英国(分权的政策传统)、比利时(集权的政策传统)。本文的研究结论是:到目前为止,法国的教育政策虽然还呈现集权的特点,但并不意味着高校完全没有选择它们发展方向的空间。而英国大学虽然仍独立于政府,但不止一次地被政府直接或非直接地推向某一特定方向。1989年以前,比利时(佛兰德区)保留着明显的集权的特点。而现在,高等教育政策已经不仅仅是政府的事情了,它比以往任何时候更成了私人机构的职责。  相似文献   

Program diversity in academic systems has become an important goal of higher education policy in many countries. Policy makers assume that a diverse academic system will better satisfy public preferences and needs and lead to greater social and economic benefits for society. While these assumptions adopt a recognizably economic perspective, very little of the literature on program diversity in higher education applies economic theory or methods as a means of framing relevant research. The article suggests that an economic perspective would define and measure academic diversity in terms of program innovation in academic institutions, not only in teaching, research and public service activities, but also in the processes of production and markets served. An economic perspective can also provide valuable theoretical frameworks for exploring the important question as to whether and how markets or governments affect program innovation in higher education.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, state governments considered in excess of 100 initiatives to reorganize, restructure, or "reform" higher education governance arrangements. The recent wave of governance change has revealed an important insight about reform activity: Large-scale redesign of a state's higher education governance system occurs in a distinctively and decidedly political context--namely, at the intersection of legislative institutions, state higher education agencies, electoral cycles, and campus politics. This article describes the landscape of public higher education governance in the states and assesses recent trends, reviews the modest research literature on the politics of reform, and reports selective results from a recent national survey of higher education governance reform in the 50 states. The article concludes with suggestions for the framing of future research on the politics of governance reform.  相似文献   

Governance is currently a key issue not only for higher education institutions but for society as a whole. The way organizations are managed, the directions they take and the values they hold send clear signals about their role and functions in society. For this reason, the governance structures of universities were unquestioned for most of the twentieth century. Yet in the final decades of that century significant changes were starting to be felt. The most important of these changes related to the way universities were viewed by governments. In particular, the role of universities in contributing to national economies was being recognized. Greater accountability and more intense scrutiny from the outside meant that the traditional values of universities were being challenged. The task of universities, and for society as a whole, is to develop strategies that will retain the best of what universities have traditionally stood for while responding positively to new pressures and priorities. This paper advances the concept of `deliberative partnerships' as one way to reconstruct university governance in a positive way for the future. Key Words: accountability, education policy, higher education, management, organizational efficiency, public sector, university governance  相似文献   

伴随系统规模的扩张,如何驱动高校迈向预定和有利的多样化成为各国面临的普遍议题。国外一般从高等教育系统或院校外部层面理解高校多样化,并从政府与市场两个维度解析其驱动因素。从院校分化的观念、分化进程中院校假设和环境因素的作用范畴等层面来看,两种观点存在一定共性和冲突,这反映出相关研究的片面和院校分化现象的动态化、持续性和多维性。借鉴国外研究经验,当前高等教育普及化进程要求高等教育部门尽早启动院校结构布局规划,应树立正确的分类发展观,平衡院校分化中政府与市场的作用力,处理好系统分化与规模扩张的关系,增进高校外部环境和内部办学要素的多样性。  相似文献   

Concluding Observations From the presentations of the survey outcomes is has become clear that substantial differences exist between both types of institutions as well as between countries. To a large extent, the results for the universities in particular still reflect the dominant notion of professional expertise, especially where the primary processes of teaching and research are concerned. At the same time, it also has become clear that the role of the central institutional administration is a non-negligible factor in higher education, especially for what we can call the ‘non-primary processes’ issues. With respect to differences between countries, the study shows substantial variation between the countries. This alone appears to provide sufficient basis to question the general assumption of the continental model. On the European continent clearly different institutional governance systems exist, and it would appear logical to relate these to the different ways in which national governments in these systems have changed their policies and policy priorities over the years. However, to shed further light on these differences, a more detailed analysis of the data will have to be performed, for example relating the survey out-comes to differences in governmental steering paradigms.  相似文献   

Tristan McCowan 《Compare》2016,46(4):645-665
Concerns over equity of access to higher education are widespread, but there is significant disagreement over what should constitute a fair system. This article assesses diverse conceptualisations of equity and explores the ways in which they embody themselves in the policies of three systems, those of England, Brazil and Kenya. While showing significant disparities of income level and enrolment ratio, all three have made concerted efforts to expand higher education access, accompanied by increasing stratification in terms of the quality and prestige of institutions. Analysis of policy options and outcomes leads to a proposal of three principles for understanding equity of access: availability, accessibility and horizontality. The third of these principles addresses the little-acknowledged safeguard that disadvantaged students should not be confined to lower-quality institutions, while at the same time allowing for diversity of ethos and disciplinary focus.  相似文献   

Continuity and Change in the Collegial Tradition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article has four main purposes: to explore the meaning of the idea of collegiality, to consider its importance in the governance of British institutions of higher education, to examine the pressures for change that have been exerted upon both the collegiate model of the university as well as upon the idea of collegiality, and to ascertain what relevance – if any – the idea of collegiality has in the context of a system of mass higher education. The article is a report upon ongoing research, of which interviews with some fifty Oxford academics and officials form the core of its empirical base. Naturally we welcome feedback. An important subtheme is our attempt to understand the process of change in British higher education. Our analysis suggests that the change process is best understood through an analysis of the interaction between state pressure for change and developments within the character of the academic profession.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the public-private dynamics in the context of eight Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia). This article examines whether and to what extent these governments “level the playing field” between private and public higher education providers, not in the sense that they have equal chances to succeed, but that they all play by the same set of rules and are able to compete fairly. The article first addresses the emergence of a private higher education sector and the access of this sector to public resources. Next, it discusses the extent of “privatization” of public higher education institutions and whether these are prompted to be more market oriented. We find that the boundaries between the public and private sectors are blurred and the relations aggravated while each of the sectors is faced with its own set of challenges to legitimacy and long-term financial sustainability.  相似文献   

This article investigates the issue of the governance of higher education institutions and argues that governance by Senates is more appropriate than governance by stakeholders for such institutions. It discusses the ambiguous democratic credentials of stakeholder politics and argues against this mode of politics in the governance of higher education institutions, especially in respect to their ‘transformation’. In terms of distinctions between convergent and shared interests, service and constitutive institutions and the essential lack of transparency of academic practices, it argues that higher education institutions should be governed by the body of accomplished academics. The conclusion is not that Senates cannot be corrupt, but that to substitute governance by stakeholders for governance by Senates cannot solve that problem.  相似文献   

在国家政策与地区发展需求的双重作用下,我国县域高校数量不断增多,成为我国现代高等教育体系中的重要组成部分。县域高校内部治理结构复杂,外部治理关系多重,治理体系与治理能力尚未成熟。在CAS系统理论的指导下,借助刺激-反应模型,建立符合县域高校组织内部系统逻辑的高效治理模式;根据回声模型,构建县域高校与政府、社会等多重外部力量协同发展的外部治理模式。本文探讨县域高校协同治理机理,提出县域高校协同治理能力的对策建议,着力打造新时代县域高校内外协同高质量发展的新局面。  相似文献   


This article reviews recent progress in the reform of initial teacher education in England and Wales. The first part outlines the development of government policy, with particular emphasis on changes announced in the speech of Kenneth Clarke, Secretary of State for Education, to the North of England Education Conference in January 1992. The second part presents an analysis of the policy, identifying its roots and some conceptual and practical difficulties. Part three surveys ways in which provision of initial teacher education in institutions of higher education has been responding to internal and external pressures for change, with emphasis on developments since 1989. The final part makes proposals about the future direction of policy, arguing that there remain key questions to be addressed about the nature of teacher education, the process of change, and the relationship of teacher education to higher education.  相似文献   

Creating a common grammar for European higher education governance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses the interaction between European Union policies and national higher education sectors in the countries involved in the TRUE project (England, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Switzerland) making the case for European governance. Relevant for this matter is the role of political processes that evolve at European level shaping political discourses and practices, thus creating a common grammar for European higher education governance. By empirically focusing on evaluation and funding policies the paper argues that European governance reflects in how this common grammar is being created and reconfiguring the environment within which European higher education systems and institutions are developing.  相似文献   


In the rapid development of Chinese higher vocational education, large gaps have appeared in the scale of development and resource generation among the provinces, among regions in the provinces, and among higher education institutions in the provinces. Balanced regional development and provincial-level coordination have become policy focal points, but a discussion of the relationship between the two has been lacking in the academic world. Based on 2009 data on vocational colleges in China, the quantitative analysis in this paper shows that there is a tension between the governance models of higher vocational education and balanced development of vocational colleges within provinces. Research findings show that school affiliation is related to the ability to attract public funding, appropriations for public schools are significantly higher than for private schools, and tuition for private schools is significantly higher than for public schools; school affiliation is related to output, and the new student registration rate and number of cooperating enterprises is higher for public schools than private schools; and there is a significant positive correlation between the ratio of prefecture-level city schools and the average number of cooperating enterprises for schools in a province, and a significant positive correlation between the ratio of private schools and the average tuition of schools in a province. This paper suggests that to achieve the dual objectives of balance and development, provincial-level governments should adjust their administrations and financing for higher vocational education and decentralize their authority to local governments, in order to build a diverse and flexible new model for higher vocational education governance.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, higher education governance and university management have become increasingly complex worldwide in a context of unprecedented expansion and diversification. Driven by both external and internal pressures, higher education reforms in different nations have often been reported to follow a similar pattern: shifting from the control model to the supervisory model in nearly all aspects of their relationship with universities. While such a trend in Chinese societies has been well documented in the literature, few people have been able to identify the sticking point of higher education governance there. As a result, the concept of a doomed cycle continues to linger obstinately, viewing power delegation as leading to market disorder which, in turn, leads to tighter control. This article points out the neglect of Confucian political culture and its importance for studies of higher education governance reforms in Chinese societies. It aims to demonstrate that Western theories of and approaches to governance and autonomy in higher education cannot be simply applied to other societies of highly different historical and cultural traditions. By so doing, it attempts to shed some light on debates over governance and autonomy in higher education in a much wider context.  相似文献   

部分OECD国家高校财务危机与治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着规模扩大、社会角色增多、政府补贴减少,世界范围内许多高校可持续发展能力正经受着日益严峻的考验,甚至面临财务危机.对此,部分OECD国家进行了积极的应对,并在完善政府拨款方式、引导高校拓宽资金来源渠道、重新定位政府与高校的关系等方面开展了卓有成效的工作.  相似文献   

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