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文化即人化,是人的自我生长和自我组织的过程.作为民族优秀文化传递的主要手段,民族高等教育不仅担负着传递和保持自己民族独特的传统文化的功能,更重要的是要担负起对民族传统文化与国家主流文化、现代西方文化以及物质文化与精神文化的多元整合功能,在继承和发扬民族优秀传统文化的基础上体现世界文化的多元性和现代性,最终培养出具有跨文化学习能力的现代民族人才.  相似文献   

To ensure Jewish continuity, Jewish education must become minority education, heightening a Jew's sense of being different from other groups in American society. This approach runs counter to classic Jewish striving for acceptance in the majority culture, but it responds to other minorities’ relating to Jews as part of that majority. Such an approach is warranted on sociological and theological grounds and emphasizes commands and customs which reassert ethnic identity: food, festivals, fashion, and family. While this approach is likely to succeed, it runs the risk of engendering chauvinism. That risk may be reduced by a strategy of “transcending nested contradictions.”


以语言与文化的关系为切入点,对少数民族双语教育进行研究与分析,探讨少数民族双语教育在进行文化传承。保持文化多样性方面体现的多元文化的理念。同时在多元文化共存的现实中,对双语教育下的课程文化做以探索。  相似文献   

价值多元视角下的道德教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人们的行为有目的和手段之分.所谓价值多元即承认行为所指向的最终目的,如健康、财富、知识、权力等皆为合理,无论其短暂还是永恒,但对于行为手段的评价必须依赖于社会共同生活中的法律、道德和常识.目前,对个人利益的承认为价值多元化提供了条件,但它并不必然会促进价值多元的出现.虽然价值多元已成为人们熟知的名词,但是当前价值多元仍只是主流价值观的补充,同时人们对价值多元的认识还有很多误区.在价值多元的背景下,应出现多种价值观的角逐,达到个人和社会、国家和世界、物质利益和精神追求等相互对立价值之间动态的平衡.价值多元视角下的德育,更强调德育的开放性、丰富性和相关性,注重从传统文化中吸收更多的精神资源,更加强调理性和共识.  相似文献   

Louis Goldman 《Interchange》1993,24(4):397-408
Current practices of multicultural education are based on some unsound conceptions of the nature of culture. Especially unsound is the notion of cultural relativism which claims that it is inappropriate for a given culture to be judged by the standards of other cultures. But all cultures can and should be judged by the standard of how well they allow their members to adapt to the circumstances in which they exist. These circumstances include nature and, increasingly, other cultures. The core error is the belief that cultures are integrated systems, which is based on an organic metaphor which discourages piece-meal criticism and leads to a romantic embrace of the totality of a culture. Rather than fostering an identity with, and celebration of, dysfunctional cultures, multiculturalism should encourage maximum interaction of all elements of a society and the forging of an emergent pluralism.  相似文献   

少数民族非物质文化遗产的教育传承,不仅是一种被长期忽视的民族民间文化资源进入主流教育的过程,一种民族古老生命记忆的延续,同时,也是一个对民族生存精神和生存智慧及活态文化存在的认知过程,是一个更具人性发现和理性精神的民族文化整合过程。个人、家庭、社会和学校相互交融、重叠和互补,构成文化传承的教育主体,共同传承和创造着一个具有民族文化基因特色和持续发展的美好未来。  相似文献   

In order to build a harmonious society of bilingualism in ethnic regions,language planning and policy for language education should be made in accordance with both immediate need and long term interest of ethnic minorities.In other words,we should take into consideration of the tool function and social and cultural functions of language on one hand;and on the other hand,we should not neglect emotional factor and identity function of language.Efforts should be made to encourage and guarantee the application of both mother tongue and national common language,support coexistence of schools using different teaching models in ethnic regions,integrate traditional culture of ethnic minorities into economic development of modern society,balance spiritual and material needs of ethnic minorities and effectively coordinate relations between ethnic identity and national identity.  相似文献   

The “melting pot” theory suggests that prolonged interethnic contact leads to the disappearance of ethnic and/or cultural differences in society. Eventually, the argument holds, such contact between minorities and other subcultural groups with the mainstream society leads, first, to the assimilation of, and, then, to the disappearance of, ethnic distinctions. Sport has been perceived as an important mechanism in this process by which ethnic group members could be assimilated into mainstream society. However, recent anthropological work indicates that the melting-pot theory does not hold. Drawing from the works of several social scientists who have analyzed and are currently studying play forms among several ethnic cultures within the United States, this article presents data which challenge the tenability of the melting-pot theory. The data indicate that adopting cultures within the United States transform the nature of typically “American” sport forms to fit their own cultural schema and that the value orientations of the ethnic minority student-athletes reflect the values of their mother culture.  相似文献   

一个国家内的民族成员既能认同本民族的文化和其他少数民族的文化,也能认同主流文化,是对这个主权国家的国家认同。对于我国而言就是对中华民族文化的认同,对中华文化几千年的历史的认同。这就需要高校的民族教育除了要引领少数民族成员的民族认同外,同时也要培养他们对中华民族的认同,应该引领高校少数民族学生形成正确的国家观,要引领其对国家政策和民族政策有正确的态度和看法。  相似文献   

文章以中华民族多元一体格局为视角,探讨了多元文化、民族文化、民族教育的关系及其重要意义。认为作为民族文化遗传方式的民族教育应当体现自己的民族性,一体多元的中华民族德育,都是应当研究的对象;强调要防止、克服任何民族歧视观念,确立多元文化、多元文化教育的理念,在教育过程中要以积极态度学习、借鉴、吸收各个民族文化中的优秀成果。  相似文献   

Recent changes in higher education have confronted education research with a conundrum: how our traditionally multidisciplinary field can refine itself as a unified discipline. In this address I sketch out what this conundrum may mean for education research, both substantively and methodologically, in the future. I propose that one starting point is for education researchers to consider what unites rather than divides us. One common, unifying conceptual concern is with the operation of culture/s in educational settings. I use the narratives of two teachers from different places and times to illustrate how culture analysis can be a fruitful tool for understanding the experience and practice of Education. In my conclusion, I extend the theme of culture to education research itself. I suggest that the challenge of disciplinary identity confronting education research requires a culture change in the modus operandi of our practice, and that this will involve an articulated focus on methodological pluralism, interdisciplinarity, and the use of new modes of communication as key unifying elements of the discipline of education research.  相似文献   

声乐是一门由多种艺术因素构成的综合艺术形式。声乐演唱的"民美结合""民通结合""美通结合""民美通结合"等演唱方法不但形成"声乐演唱跨界现象",促使声乐演唱和文化意识的多元化,而且对审美文化观念产生重大影响。这种影响主要表现在政治教化、宗教启蒙、大众消费三个方面,对构建当代传统文化,乃至物质文明与精神文明相结合的现代和谐社会有不可替代的促进作用。  相似文献   

Internationally, the simple assimilation of minority students is gradually being replaced by an emphasis on pluralism and multiculturalism, reflecting increased awareness of the value of cultural diversity. How to allow for cultural diversity, however, remains largely undetermined and controversial in various respects. Japan in particular is experiencing the challenge of cultural diversity, even though the country has often been portrayed as ethnically homogeneous. This paper focuses on the situation of Korean residents, one of several long-time minority groups in Japan, and discusses the significance of Korean ethnic schools in light of socio-historical considerations. Factors affecting the bicultural identity of Korean residents in Japan, and minorities in general, are considered. It is concluded that, although separate schooling for cultural minority students is not usually favoured in western societies, a strong case can be made for recognising the legitimacy of Korean ethnic schools in Japan.  相似文献   

体育全球化并没有形成单一体育文化认同。虽然乒乓球运动是西方文化的产物,但不同文化主体在吸收文化普遍性的基础上,在不断地重构这种文化,并赋予了不同先前文化特殊文化价值与意义。事实表明,不同文化的人们不仅具有自身文化认同的意识,而且认同的表达方式也不尽相同,他们总是在不断地与其他文化比较,不断学习、借鉴、吸收“他者”文化,从而不断塑造自身的认同。  相似文献   

本文分别从石器时代到先秦时期生活在中华大地上各个族群的文化、图腾、语言、文字等方面的逐步融合,分析华夏民族形成的历史过程,论证汉民族的先民华夏民族起源的多元性。  相似文献   

基础教育既是每一个儿童生存发展的基础,也是国家认同、国家实力及民族融合团结的基础。基础教育公共性及丰富性必须植根于少数民族文化和语言的土壤。文化和语言适宜的基础教育以国家和儿童最大利益为本,重视共同价值、共同知识在不同文化和语言背景下的有效传递和可接受性。它包括:对学生语言和文化的差异具有敏感性;尊重、理解不同语言和文化;教育内容与当地的语言和文化相适宜;教育与周边环境中的语言和文化因素协调统一;教育者能够因地、因时的选择教学语言等内容。  相似文献   

While the global ethnic revival, starting in the late 1960s, resulted in minorities' movements to maintain their ethnic identity closely connected with the revitalization of minority languages, the other ethnic identity pattern in relation to language can be identified from the perspective of a rarely discussed minority group-the Buryats. This article has found that within the Buryat minority group the assimilation strategy, widespread during the Soviet period, has been replaced by the integration strategy and a combination of strategies. In the latter case, linguistic integration is combined with the economic assimilation and marital separation. Two options have been identified regarding the language and identity link among Buryats. First, the native language is considered a salient feature of the Buryat ethnic identity, and it is actually used and maintained. However, more powerful is the trend to abandon the language as an irrelevant ethnocultural identity marker. In general, the native language has for Buryats a rather symbolic, unifying value and its abandoning does not affect the ethnic identity itself. Finally, the article explores external and internal determining factors, which have formed this identity pattern. As external factors we consider the ethnic and language policy of the Soviet Union, modernization, the Russian-dominated majority-minority configuration, and insufficient institutional support of the Buryat language restoration and development. The internal factor is the widespread attitude among the Buryats themselves consisting of a negative evaluation of the Buryat language and unwillingness to learn it and to transfer it to the next generations. The Buryat case shows that ethnic identity, in fact, can survive the loss of the indigenous group language, which has been sacrificed to the historical pressures of the last two centuries. It was the only possible ethnic identity pattern not only for the Buryat ethnic group, but also for many other minorities in Russia.  相似文献   

幼儿美术教育从某种意义上讲就是一种文化教育,在多元文化背景下的幼儿美术课程,呈现开放性和发展性特点,本着"立足民族、面向世界"的基本原则,本文试图探索一条将幼儿美术教育与幼儿因整体课程相结合途径,统整幼儿因、家庭、社会各方面的教育资源,引导幼儿与民间艺术、经典艺术、视觉文化对话,通过与多元艺术的对话,引导幼儿关注艺术与生活、艺术与社会文化背景的关系,帮助他们了解人类不同文化之间的相似性及其独特性,使他们学会分享共同的文化,容纳和接受不同的文化。  相似文献   

在社会主义和谐社会略现雏形的今天,大学生的民族认同感仍然很高,尤其在地域认同、国家认同、历史认同、文化认同、中华民族内他民族的认同、成就认同等方面。受中华传统文化、全球化浪潮以及当前时代主旋律的影响,大学生民族认同感亦呈现出明显的时代特征——和谐,具体体现在大学生思想观念多元化、行为选择多样化、富有公平正义感和理性认知代替了民族极端主义等方面。当然,大学生民族认同感也存在一些问题,必须结合高等教育的实际,通过课程教育、实践活动等途径来逐步改善和提高。  相似文献   

What kind of art education best takes up the educational opportunity of cultural diversity? This article draws on Merton's distinction between local and cosmopolitan perspectives on culture to contrast different models of art education in a multicultural society. An example is given to illustrate a local perspective on education which seeks to affirm pupils in their own culture. This model is underpinned by a particular view of culture, pluralism, art and education. Alternative views on each of these constituent elements are explored in order to make a case for an alternative model of art education - one which goes beyond culture and which can more properly be described as cosmopolitan.  相似文献   

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