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For educational technology integration in content disciplines to succeed, teachers and teacher educators need clear standards delineating why, how, where, and how much educational technology they should include in their teaching. This paper examines the visions offered by current science, mathematics, and educational technology standards for educational technology integration in K-12 schools. Since national assessments exert a profound influence on what teachers and students choose to teach and learn, the vision of educational technology use supported by national assessments is also examined. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards (NCTM, 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Retrieved April 6, 2002 from http://standards.nctm.org), the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council (NRC) 1996. National Science Education Standards. Available at http://books.nap.edu/catalog/4962.html), and the National Educational Technology Standards (International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 2000. National Educational Technology Standards for Students: Connecting Curriculum and Technology, ISTE, Eugene, Oregon) provide different visions of educational technology use in the classroom. In addition, the current technology use policies for national assessments in science and mathematics, in particular the college admission tests (ACT, SAT I and SAT II subject area tests), Advanced Placement (AP) course assessments, and the Praxis Series assessments indicate that while mathematics assessments often recommend or require the use of educational technology, few science assessments permit the use of educational technology by students. Recommendations are offered for science educators regarding teacher preparation for the technology-rich classrooms of the future.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the software functionality that has evolved over the past two decades of research in Computer Mediated Communications at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) to create a Virtual Classroom® to support distance education. Based upon many years of evaluating its effectiveness we also summarize our views about the software functionality needed for further improvement of this approach to distance education. This view of a future Virtual Classroom® allows the instructor complete control over the learning materials and the tools to easily to weave in the learners as co contributors to a growing web of course knowledge. Beyond the current basic tools of the Virtual Classroom® we discuss the future role for hypertext, gaming and simulation, animation and multimedia and the role of the educator as a facilitator of a collaborative learning process. Both the proper software and the proper pedagogical techniques are necessary in order to obtain maximum effectiveness in the asynchronous computer‐mediated environment  相似文献   

In order to design two distinct engineering qualification levels for an existing University of Technology programme, empirical evidence based on the current diploma is necessary to illuminate the nature of and the relationship between the contextual and conceptual elements underpinning a multidisciplinary engineering curriculum. The increasing focus on contextual application could result in decreasing opportunities to develop the conceptual disciplinary grasp required for a dynamic, emerging region at the forefront of technological innovation. Using the theoretical tools of Bernstein and Maton to analyse final year student practice, the research addresses the question of how multidisciplinary knowledge is integrated by students, and what this reveals about the nature of such knowledge. The paper presents a conceptualisation of multidisciplinary knowledge integration practices as a dynamic process along two axes simultaneously, shifting between different forms and levels of conceptual and contextual knowledge.  相似文献   

A key focus of current science education reforms involves developing inquiry-based learning materials. However, without an understanding of how working scientists actually do science, such learning materials cannot be properly developed. Until now, research on scientific reasoning has focused on cognitive studies of individual scientific fields. However, the question remains as to whether scientists in different fields fundamentally rely on different methodologies. Although many philosophers and historians of science do indeed assert that there is no single monolithic scientific method, this has never been tested empirically. We therefore approach this problem by analyzing patterns of language used by scientists in their published work. Our results demonstrate systematic variation in language use between types of science that are thought to differ in their characteristic methodologies. The features of language use that were found correspond closely to a proposed distinction between Experimental Sciences (e.g., chemistry) and Historical Sciences (e.g., paleontology); thus, different underlying rhetorical and conceptual mechanisms likely operate for scientific reasoning and communication in different contexts.
Jeff DodickEmail:

Jeff Dodick   is an Assistant Professor of Science Education at the Science Teaching Centre of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has a background in both Paleontology (M.Sc. from the University of Toronto) and Science Education (Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science). His current research focuses on how novice learners, as well as experts, solve problems and communicate findings in historical based sciences, including evolutionary biology, geology, and archeology. Shlomo Argamon   is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. He has degrees in Applied Mathematics (B.Sc. from Carnegie Mellon University) and Computer Science (M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Yale University), and has been a Fulbright Fellow at Bar-Ilan University. His current research focuses on developing computational models of textual style and interpersonal aspects of human language use, particularly on scientific and literary texts and for forensic applications. Paul Chase   is a doctoral candidate at the Illinois Institute of Technology, and is currently working for the MITRE corporation. He has a B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His doctoral research focuses on developing automated methods for style-based text categorization and segmentation.  相似文献   


There seems to be some confusion in the literature regarding what a collection of evidence about teaching should be called. In some instances it is referred to as a ‘profile’ (see for example, Gibbs, 1989), in others a ‘dossier’ (see for example Shore et al, 1986) or portfolio. For simplicity I use the term ‘portfolio’ to describe a collection of data on teaching. A summary of this information can then be used in conjunction with a curriculum vitae and is termed a ‘teaching profile’. This paper will examine some of the current writing on teaching portfolios, and the use of teaching portfolios at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. While they are recognized as invaluable dossiers of professional information per se, the author promotes their use, more particularly, as powerful tools for personal, professional development.  相似文献   


In 1991, the United Kingdom National Council for Educational Technology commissioned a short project to investigate some current models of developing good practice in initial teacher education with special reference to language and English. The resulting booklet, ‘Information Technology in English in Initial Teacher Training: a survey of practice’ (NCET, 1992) will be reviewed in a later issue of this journal Here Andy Goodwyn, the Project's coordinator, reports on the work.  相似文献   

The Role of the Media

In Educational Media International 1979, No 3, we mentioned in News and Views that the Scottish Council for Educational Technology was moving to larger premises in the former Notre Dame College of Education in Glasgow. They are still very occupied with settling in this very splendid old building which, as can be seen from the photograph opposite, is very attractive.  相似文献   

As institutions of Higher Education try to balance limited resources with the rising costs of technology, some institutions are turning to Open Source software for campus-wide applications such as course management systems and portals. The assumption is that Open Source will provide the flexibility to build pedagogically sound learning environments while increasing technology efficiencies. This paper outlines the current state of Open Source software deployment in US Higher Education based on a survey of 772 Chief Academic Officers and Chief Information Officers conducted in 2006. The results indicate that Carnegie classification is a critical differentiator of awareness, adoption, and perceptions of Open Source software applications, with perceived cost of ownership being the key driver of Open Source adoption. Moreover, the study shows that institutions have made little progress in the development of polices and procedures for Open Source regulatory compliance and security. The study serves as a baseline for future research into the conditions for successful use of Open Source for supporting integrated learning environments that deliver campus-wide efficiencies.
Shahron Williams van RooijEmail:

Shahron Williams van Rooij   is Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology at George Mason University with a focus on the university’s e-Learning Certificate Program. She holds a Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences from the City University of New York and has just completed a second doctorate in Instructional Technology and Software Information Systems at George Mason University. As a Certified Distance Education Professional (C.D.E.P.) credentialed by Texas A&M University, she is a frequent speaker on the development of Web-based education and has published in a variety of journals such as the WebNet Journal, the Journal of Interactive Learning Research, the Journal of Modern Business, the Marketing Research Review and the Journal of Research on Technology in Education. Prior to joining GMU, she was the Director of Marketing at Datatel, Inc., in Fairfax, VA, where she facilitated the engineering of new e-learning technology solutions.  相似文献   

At the 1997 ISPI Conference in Anaheim, Dale Brethower, Don 1'osti, and Danny Langdon presented a dialogue on “Performance Technology: The Future of Technology and the Profession.” In the July issue of Performance Improvement, we heard Danny Langdon's thoughts on this topic. This article represents Dale Brethower's contribution to the dialogue. We will hear from Don Tosti in an upcoming issue.  相似文献   

Technology is a dominant mediating factor impacting on current human behaviour and social change, which both acts on and is acted upon by other phenomena. This changing social landscape, along with new expectations and requirements, drives our educational priorities and curriculum agenda. There is no denying the prevalence of technology found in the statements and guidelines of the national Australian Curriculum. Further, the National Review of School Music Education identified the importance of technology in school music education in 2005. The curriculum guidelines illustrate an understanding of technology in Music and the Arts that is both vague and limiting. In 2015 we are at a point of curriculum stasis, an equilibrium that highlights a disconnect between music, technology and Australian music education. This article investigates current secondary school Years 7–10 (ages 11–15 years) Music and Arts curriculum statements concerning the use of technology and compares this to the general capability information and computer technology (ICT) curricula. There is wide recognition that digital technology is essential in teaching and learning, but this is not reflected in contemporary Australian Arts and Music curricula.  相似文献   


This paper supports the notion of incorporating developmental, concerns‐based models and reflective models together, to provide a suitable framework for vocational preparation. However, it emphasises the importance of the learning group as the milieu in which reflection may be most powerfully enabled (or repressed) and the need to assist people in some reframing of their concerns, through critical reflection, before these can be adequately addressed. Data from an action research study, with mature‐age, male tradespeople in an internship system of training as Technology Studies teachers in secondary schools, are drawn upon to illustrate these points. This study indicates that people become reflective when: current actions are recognised as inappropriate; conditions are created in which stress may be openly acknowledged and addressed through group support, and thinking is challenged. A reflective, developmental model for adult learners is presented, relevant to learning situations in which changes of identity are required.  相似文献   

The superconductor sample had periodic distribution of pinned region (with length ofL p) and unpinned region (with length ofL−L p) along the driving force direction. Numerical study on the influence of the distribution of pinning centers on pinning of the two-dimensional vortex system showed that the critical depinning forceF c, beyond which the vortex system begins to depin, increases with increase ofL p, indicating that the homogeneity of pinning centers helps to enhance the critical electric current of a superconductor. We found that the critical depinning forceF c depends logarithmically onL/L p. Project supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (NKBRSF-G19990646) and Zhejiang Proviace Foundation (199031).  相似文献   

The following are segments from three other recent evaluations performed in the Center for Adaptive Technology at Southern CT State University. These students were similar in that they have some type of neurological deficit which affects their ability to handwrite. They are easily overstimulated by sound and visual stimuli. They all experienced a dramatic change in their behavior and their ability to produce writing when introduced to Write:OutLoud and given a choice of voice and color. I think this may be a pattern; I am planning to try to replicate this with other, similar children at a local private school.

For the sake of brevity, I have omitted some parts of the evaluation narrative, and have left off the recommendation part (in which Write:Out Loud was certainly recommended for these students!).  相似文献   

Biodiversity is a key resource as it provides both goods and services to society. However, humans value these resources differently, especially when biodiversity is exploited for its economic potential; a destruction on a scale rarely seen before. In order to decrease the threats that biodiversity is facing due to human activity, globally (climate change) and locally (economic development), individuals must have fundamental knowledge and exhibit appropriate behaviour towards biodiversity and its values.

Nevertheless, the effect of human's knowledge, policies and attitudes towards biodiversity's protection are often limited by insufficient education and public support. A balance between the use of resources and technology, reconciling economic development and the need to maintain biodiversity is a challenge.

The current paper looks into the knowledge level, attitudes and behaviour of university students of the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at the Cyprus University of Technology towards biodiversity. The investigation was carried out using a closed format questionnaire on a sample of first- and second-year university students (n?=?44), in order to access their perceptions and attitudes towards environmental issues regarding biodiversity. The questionnaire was derived from relevant literature. The test results showed that there are significant differences with regard to the level of knowledge about biodiversity between the two groups. However, no significant differences were found on attitudes and behaviour towards biodiversity. The results have also shown that all students have a positive attitude towards biodiversity, while on the other hand, they find themselves, most of the time, unwilling to engage in environmental behaviour.  相似文献   


Women are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects with more girls leaving these subjects at every stage in education. The current research used a scenario methodology to examine the impact of teacher feedback on girls’ and boys’ choices to study a specific science subject, engineering. British participants aged 13 (N?=?479) were given scenarios where a new teacher encouraged them to take engineering using person feedback which focussed on their abilities, process feedback which focussed on their effort levels or gave them no reason. Results suggested that both boys and girls were more likely to select to study engineering when they received person feedback rather than process or no feedback. Young people also thought that ability was more important to being successful in science than in non-science subjects.This suggests young people feel that ability is needed to succeed in science subjects and person feedback can lead them to believe that they have this ability. Therefore, teacher feedback which gives ability attributions for possible success could be used to encourage more young people to persist in science. However, the potentially negative longer term outcomes of ability attributions and how they may be negated are also discussed.  相似文献   

The European Co‐operation in Science and Technology Research Network supported European research on learning to write effectively from 2008 to 2011. This book outlines the results—with eight editors presenting over ninety contributions from people in a dozen or more European countries. There are four sections: writing development; learning and teaching writing; document design; and tools for studying writing. Thus the coverage is broad, but thin. It's probably best to order this text for the library unless you are personally involved in research on writing. James Hartley  相似文献   


The staff of teacher education institutions in Scotland are under increasing pressure to ensure that teachers in training acquire a range of Information and Communications Technology skills. This paper reports a study of current skills and attitudes of some Scottish training institutions and students' related experiences. Ways of ensuring effective development of skills are discussed.  相似文献   

The decades following the Second World War saw strong technological development and economic growth. They also saw ‘the advent of technology education’, a period of extensive curriculum development in this field. But what was done and why? In order to obtain a better understanding of the historical roots of technology education, in this study the mid-century school reforms in Sweden are examined and, more specifically, the birth of the new subject of Technology (Teknik) in compulsory schools. In this article, the political forces driving the introduction and shaping of this new subject are emphasised. In a time of rapid transformations of educational systems and labour markets, the term Teknik proved to be a useful concept for policy-makers and reform technocrats. However, the subject came to re-create the inequalities of the earlier differentiated school system, despite its presence within the framework of a school ‘for all’.  相似文献   

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