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首先分析战略供应链内涵,然后在分析价值链和战略供应链的基础上,研究产品生命周期中不同阶段的原材料需求特征和产品市场状态,探讨与之相适应的战略供应链竞争的相关策略,以充分发挥战略供应链的竞争优势,提高产品生命周期各阶段的供应链运营与竞争水平.  相似文献   

360度反馈得到国内外企业的共同青睐,成为诸多企业绩效评估中的首选工具。为了使360度反馈更有效、更公平地进行,本文将评估对象界定为管理人员,从三个方面进行了探讨:与评估者进行有效的培训与沟通;对不同的评估主体制定不同的考核重点;合理安排各阶段评估人员及其权重。  相似文献   

This study details an innovative approach to coordinating and enhancing multiple levels of assessment and discursive feedback around an existing multi‐media curricular environment called Astronomy Village®. As part of a broader design‐based research programme, the study analysed small group interactions in feedback activities across two design cycles. The goal of this analysis is to develop an understanding of the ways that a situative approach to assessment and practise supports learning. Findings demonstrate ways that student and teacher engagement in collaborative activities support and constrain meaningful understanding, which we consider in terms of a trajectory of participation in and across conversations and written assessments, as well as individual learning gains on formal classroom examinations and standards‐oriented external tests. Analyses of complementary formulations of domain concepts—discourse practises and assessment performance—suggest that participation in social forms of scientific engagement supports both learning and subsequent performance in more formal contexts. We suggest design principles for integrating the formative functions of discursive feedback with the summative functions of traditional assessment, through participation in different forms of science discourse(s).  相似文献   

This study examines the potential of the tree diagram, a type of graphic organizer, as an assessment tool to measure students' knowledge structures in statistics education. Students' knowledge structures in statistics have not been sufficiently assessed in statistics, despite their importance. This article first presents the rationale and method for using tree diagrams as assessment tools in statistics education, followed by an empirical study examining the technical quality of tree diagram assessment. Thirty-seven university students enrolled in an introductory statistics course, and four statistics experts participated in the study. The results provide evidence of reliability and validity for the proposed function of using tree diagrams to measure knowledge structures in statistics education. As reliability evidence, the interrater reliability of tree diagram scoring is high (Pearson's r = .96); alpha coefficient of the 21 linked vertex pairs in tree diagrams is .89. As validity evidence, experts performed better than novices on the tree diagram assessment; students' performance with the tree diagram is significantly correlated with their performance on statistics achievement tests (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = .62); tree diagrams are sensitive to the discrepancies in students' knowledge structures, and most students considered tree diagrams helpful to their organization of statistics knowledge.  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业发展是动态演进的过程,财政政策是促进战略性新兴产业发展的重要政策工具,依据战略性新兴产业发展规律制定相应的财政政策已经迫在眉睫,但这方面的研究并不多见。战略性新兴产业四个生命周期阶段具有不同特征,相应业态依次表现为幼稚产业、主导产业、支柱产业和衰退产业,不同业态对经济的影响程度不同,政策需求也有所不同。为了促进战略性新兴产业发展,应根据财税政策的不同着力点以及作用方式,制定差异化的财税政策,在四个生命周期阶段依次采取财税扶持政策、财税促进政策、财税保护政策以及财税援助政策。  相似文献   

This study examines to what extent there is a sort of “political appropiation” by political parties when they seek to set a discourse about the Spanish PISA outcomes. We have consistently found that programs for assessing the competencies of students, especially PISA, have become tools of rationalization and the legitimization of education policies in both the national and territorial contexts. Furthermore, each regional government focuses its discourse on what it feels to be its strong points, that is, a clear “self-justifying reading” of PISA outcomes.  相似文献   

讨论了由四个常见热力学过程组成的四状态循环过程和任意循环过程中状态参量在不同状态时的数值关系,发现循环中状态参量在不同状态时的数值的不同次幂的乘积等于1,其次幂正好是要讨论状态参量和另一状态参量的一次幂表示的循环中相邻过程的过程方程中该状态参量次幂的差.在应用中可以直接根据这一规律写出状态参量在不同状态时的数值关系,简化推导和计算过程,为教学和实际应用提供一定的借鉴.  相似文献   

基于资源型城市生命周期理论,采用SWOT分析法分析资源型城市所处的生命周期阶段类型,采用AHP层次分析法,构建了资源型城市生命周期优化调控潜力测评方法及指标体系。并以处于成熟型资源城市发展阶段的渭南市为例,测评了其生命周期优化调控潜力,在此基础上提出了渭南市生命周期优化调控潜力的提升对策。  相似文献   

张雪 《鸡西大学学报》2008,8(3):129-130
在朦胧诗的创作中,杨炼的诗歌不仅实践了这一创作群体的宗旨,而且他把从个人情感世界走向时代广场的朦胧诗引向更为宏伟的历史的天空,进一步开拓了诗歌的表现形式,在诗歌创作中投注了强烈的生命意识。  相似文献   

A treatment group of three sections of a college art design class was given instruction that included the use of computers to complete design projects. The art design course covers the basic concepts of design and two-dimensional materials and the use of line, colour, illusion of space or mass, texture, value, shape, and size in composition. A control group of three sections completed the same assignments as the treatment group without computers. Both groups of students were then surveyed about their attitudes toward using computers in the course. Both the treatment group and the control group perceived the use of computers in a basic art design class as worthwhile. Both groups perceived the use of computers in a basic art design class as enhancing instruction. The treatment group had a more positive response to the computer as a design tool than did the control group. Survey responses by the treatment group documented that design projects used in the study needed improvement. Further studies should focus on best practices in the use of computers in art education.  相似文献   

Concept mapping is a technique that paves the way to represent knowledge schematically. In this research, concept mapping was used as an assessment method on the impulse–momentum topic. The purpose of this study was to determine teacher candidates’ knowledge about understanding of the concepts of impulse and momentum by comparing and contrasting two different methods; namely, students’ concept maps and an achievement test. The mean of teacher candidates’ concept map scores are extremely low when compared with the scores of the achievement test. In addition, it was seen that although a great number of concepts were written down, not many relationships were established between these concepts. There is a weak correlation between the achievement test and the concept map scores since concept maps assess the students’ knowledge from a conceptual perspective while the achievement tests measure the level of students’ knowledge on the topic and his/her ability to apply this knowledge on different occasions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of criteria for the production, marking and external examination of sketchbooks as research tools. The sketchbooks are developed in the Department of Education at Liverpool University in two settings: by students on a one- year Post Graduate Certificate of Education courses (PGCE), training to be primary teachers, and by practising primary teachers on Certificate of Advanced Studies in Education courses (CASE). In this setting the sketchbooks are weighted as the equivalent of a 5,000 word essay.  相似文献   

The procedure of ego‐state reframing is described, and its application to an academic setting illustrated by reference to three cases. One of these is a lecturer who used the technique to overcome his anxiety before large classes; a second is a tutor able to become closer to her students; and a third employed the technique to overcome a writing block. The efficacy of the approach is discussed in terms of the four elements essential to successful psychotherapy.  相似文献   

基于大学英语大班教学的现状, 协作性学习作为一重要手段具有特别优势, 可大量应用于大班外语教学。通过各项分组教学活动, 可以改善学生学习积极性, 加大课内课外学生练习度, 提高学生学习效果, 弥补大班语言学习组织课堂之不足。  相似文献   

The assessment of internal control is a consideration in all financial statement audits, as stressed by the Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 78. According to this statement, “the auditor should obtain an understanding of internal control sufficient to plan the audit” ( Accounting Standards Board, 1995 , p. 1). Therefore, an accounting student will progress through the auditing course with the responsibility of learning how and why internal controls are assessed. Research in expert systems applied to auditing has shown that there is strong support for the constructive dialogue used in expert systems as a means of encouraging their use in decision making ( Eining, Jones, & Loebbecke, 1997 ). The purpose of this study is to provide the student or novice auditor with a method for developing a more comprehensive understanding of internal controls and the use of internal controls in audit planning. The results of the study reinforce previous findings that novices do better when an expert system applies analogies along with declarative explanations, and clarifies the length of time in which the use of active learning in a training system can provide an improvement to declarative knowledge, but procedural knowledge must be acquired over a longer time frame.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - This paper presents findings regarding the addition of robotics education in kindergarten and elementary school as a tool for enhancing technological...  相似文献   

Although significant steps have been made to redress gender imbalances at Makerere University, Uganda's principal university, it is recognised that much remains to be done before gender is fully integrated across all aspects of university life. To date, the Department of Women and Gender Studies has acted as the gender focal point, taking the lead on the majority of gender-related initiatives. As a consequence, however, many other areas of the University have remained gender blind. The Department is now embarking on a pioneering venture to mainstream gender throughout the University. It is understood that Makerere is the first university to try the gender mainstreaming approach, not just in Africa but in the Commonwealth. This article demonstrates how the logical framework may be used to provide a structure for gender mainstreaming within organisations. Not only can it be used for planning activities but also for monitoring progress during implementation. It is cautioned that it is only a tool and the skills of the users will determine whether it provides an effective framework for gender mainstreaming.  相似文献   

"生命课堂"的本质是以生为本,教育观念是人们对于教育现象及其本质的认识与看法。价值反映的是主客体之间需要是否被满足的一种关系。教育价值,是指作为客体的教育现象的属性与作为社会实践主体的人的需要之间的一种特殊的关系。以书本、课堂、教师为中心的传统教育价值观必须改革,树立以生为本、生命教育、人文质量等新的教育价值观。  相似文献   

The United States is experiencing an obesity epidemic: A science-technology-society public health issue tied to our built environment, which is characterized by heavy dependence on automobiles and reduced opportunities to walk and bicycle for transportation. This presents an informal science education opportunity within “science in personal and social perspectives' to use pedometer technology for enhancing students' understandings about human energy balance. An exploratory study was conducted with 29 teachers to investigate how pedometers could be used for providing academic enrichment to secondary students participating in after-school Health Sciences and Technology Academy clubs. Frequency analysis revealed that the pedometer activities often investigated kilocalorie expenditure and/or incorporated hypothesis testing/experimenting. Teachers' perspectives on learning outcomes most frequently conveyed that students increased their awareness of the importance of health habits relative to kilocalorie intake and expenditure. Pedometers have considerable merit for the regular science curriculum as they allow for numerous mathematics applications and inquiry learning and target concepts such as energy and equilibrium that cut across the National Science Education Standards. Pedometers and associated resources on human energy balance are important tools that science teachers can employ in helping schools respond to the national call to prevent childhood obesity.  相似文献   

<约翰逊博士传>是西方近代传记中的"鼻祖".作者以"人"为本,张扬人的个性,展现了人勃发、鲜活的生命力;让人与上帝PK,彰显人的理性,光大了人的生命意志和智性光辉;戏剧性的谈话和流动性的场景渲染人性本色,升扬了人性的真善美.  相似文献   

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