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家庭教育处于整个社会教育体系的开端 ,又贯穿于教育过程的始终 ,对于每个人的成才都具有十分重要的意义 ,其独特作用是无可替代的。我家对孩子的教育抓好三个方面 :一是成才立业 ,人格为上 ;二是健康体魄 ,开朗性格 ;三是快乐学习 ,学海冲浪。  相似文献   

教育研究盲目追求理性思辨,由于脱离实践而无补于教育实践的发展,陷入迷茫境遇。受哲学启发,教育研究的思维方式需要从现成性思维方式向生成性思维方式转向,生成性思维方式的转向为迷茫中的教育研究指明了方向。叙事研究是这种思维方式转向的必然生成物,叙事研究基于实践,面向实践,忠于实践,是对具体教育问题的研究,体现了对人、对人的情感的关注。叙事研究出现的异变是由于固守原来的现成性思维方式。  相似文献   

教育研究盲目追求理性思辨,由于脱离实践而无补于教育实践的发展,陷入迷茫境遇。受哲学启发,教育研究的思维方式需要从现成性思维方式向生成性思维方式转向,生成性思维方式的转向为迷茫中的教育研究指明了方向。叙事研究是这种思维方式转向的必然生成物,叙事研究基于实践,面向实践,忠于实践,是对具体教育问题的研究,体现了对人、对人的情感的关注。叙事研究出现的异变是由于固守原来的现成性思维方式。  相似文献   

Deleuze and his colleagues, particularly Guattari, have had a profound impact on a number of fields of study. The authors argue that their work offers a range of images to help think about and write action research, a way that acknowledges and celebrates the complexities of the sites of action. The article has a divided structure, coherent with the style of Deleuze & Guattari. The authors present some Deleuzian ideas, particularly the concept of rhizomatic growth, and show how they might profitably be used to analyse and write accounts of action research, reflecting the multiplicities of practice, in this case within education. They have shown the potentialities of the ‘rhizome’ as a way to rethink the field of action research, imagining a new epistemology (in which the concepts work, rather than represent) and how the rhizome demands experimental forms of writing ourselves in action research. They show a cartography (of smooth and striated space) that is required to think rhizomatically about action research.  相似文献   

通过分析近几年家庭教育的几种误区 ,探讨如何更好地发挥家庭教育在青少年成长中的作用 ,如何树立正确的成才观和人才观 ,以科学的教育方式和方法把孩子培养成为高素质的建设人才。  相似文献   

当前的教育存在着"劳动化"的倾向,导致了教学的"劳动化"、学习的"劳动化"以及唯分数至上的考试评价。教育的"劳动化"误读了儿童劳动的本意,歪曲了教育的意涵。现实的教育活动应当回归教育的本意,以促进儿童的精神健康地成长,只有这样,才能开辟教育的新纪元,才能真正给人类带来助益,这是教育之为教育的根本,这是教育善的追寻。  相似文献   

This series of articles explores the history of Jewish Education magazine, later known as the Journal of Jewish Education, with a particular emphasis on its intersection with the history of American Jewish education and, more generally, American Jewish life. Major themes and issues that preoccupied the magazine's editors and writers are isolated and analyzed as to how their discourse sheds light on their individual aims, values, and philosophical outlooks, as well their collective efforts at educational reform. Particular attention is paid to how Benderly's disciples sought to reinterpret their mentor's vision in a changing American Jewish environment and why this vision was, at best, only partially realized.  相似文献   

This article will explore the increasing interest in the application of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Alfred North Whitehead to educational research, for example, as a conceptual underpinning for inquiry in the new materialisms, and/or educational posthumanism. The exploration of this paper is complicated by the fact that Deleuze and Guattari changed their philosophical position in their dual publications, with, for example, their last book: What is Philosophy? representing a substantial departure from their rhizomatic work in, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. This article will explain the changes in position with reference to the mapping of conceptual ecologies that Deleuze and Guattari are describing through their philosophy, and not dualism. Concept creation appears in the analysis of Western philosophy in: What is Philosophy? and as the job of philosophy. In contrast, A Thousand Plateaus presents a whole raft of interrelated concepts that help explain the connections between capitalism and schizophrenia, but do not present ‘concept creation’ as a positive task as such, even though one could impute that they are successfully doing it. This article will explain these changes in positioning of Deleuze and Guattari as a mode of sophisticated conceptual ecology, which takes into account the work that they want their concepts to perform. Transcribed to educational research, ‘concept creation’ is an importantly non-methodological task, which is augmented and expanded with reference to the metaphysics of Whitehead’s process philosophy (a non-method), and how it has been taken up, for example, by Isabelle Stengers in terms of research positioning and science.  相似文献   

This article offers an alternative model, the model of shared authority, to the traditional, authoritarian model for authority and obedience for Religious Education. This model moves away from the authoritarian model of a teacher as the authority and the students as obedient listeners in the direction of a shared authority model in which teachers and students participate in learning as partners, in other words, “to become co-authors.”  相似文献   

高等教育是一个历史的概念范畴,是社会发展到一定历史阶段的产物。随着科学技术的迅猛发展,特别是知识经济的兴起,高等教育在社会发展中的地位和作用日益突出与增强。高等教育由古代游离于社会生活之外的理性教育,一路走来,因为自身发展和社会发展的需要,其职能不断发展完善,进而走向社会的中心。这一历史的选择,通过精英型高等教育与大众型高等教育的协调发展、产学研的结合以及科学教育与人文教育的融合,而体现出历史选择的必然性。一、高等教育职能之演变高等教育在社会发展中所承担的职责和所起的作用,不是一成不变的,而是逐步扩展的。…  相似文献   

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