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Although ample literature exists regarding the effectiveness of faculty development (FD) activities, there is a gap in the literature synthesizing its outcomes. This review, using a predetermined review protocol, analyzed 22 publications on FD for teacher educators using Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation taxonomy. We found that North American universities provide the most empirical evidence about FD activities, focusing on technology integration in teaching and pedagogical skill improvement. Formal programs, such as serial workshops and developmental relationship, were reported with high frequency, compared to self-directed learning and organizational development activities. Empirical research was heavily based on self-reported, qualitative data and emphasized individual-level outcomes. There is a lack of information regarding the impact of FD activities for teacher educators on subsequent student learning or the downstream effect on school systems. Similarly, institutional involvement in FD remains largely unexplored. We conclude with robust recommendations for research and practice.  相似文献   

This article examines the rationale for an expanded definition of faculty development and reviews institutional structures and practices which support the personal and professional development of faculty through faculty and academic development, employee assistance, and health promotion programs.Glenda Hubbard is a professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling, and a practicing therapist in the Employee Assistance Service of the Hubbard Center for Faculty and Staff Support at Appalachian State University. She received her Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Miami. Her current interests include the faculty development needs of mid-career faculty and women's issues in counseling. Sally Atkins is a professor in the Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling, and a faculty/staff psychologist for the Hubbard Center at Appalachian State University. She received her Ph.D. in counselor education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her current interests include faculty quality of life, therapy and the arts, and cross-cultural psychology.  相似文献   

日本促进大学教师专业发展的FD制度及其启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
日本的大学正在实施旨在促进教师专业发展的FD制度,其目的是唤起大学对教师教学能力更多的关注,树立教师的专业发展意识,提高教师的教学能力。FD制度的实施给日本大学教育力建设带来积极的影响,对我国大学教师专业发展具有启示作用。  相似文献   

近年来,越南经济飞速发展,吸引FDI状况乐观,中国台湾地区作为越南重要的外资来源地,其投资给越南带来了诸多影响。从补充经济社会发展资金,促进经济增长、改善经济结构,创造就业岗位,改善投资环境,完善产业链,促进台越双边贸易等角度进行分析,指出近年来中国台湾地区对越投资对越南经济发展带来的影响主要是良性的。随着经济全球化的浪潮在全球各国影响的加深,世界分工的进一步细化,国际间直接投资必定会继续发展,对受资国及母国的经济发展产生影响。如何利用FDI带来的良性影响,合理规划,适度引导,让其为国民经济的发展做出更多贡献,是各主要受资国需要思考的问题。  相似文献   

浅谈越南咖啡文化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
越南是继巴西之后的世界第二大咖啡生产国,咖啡在越南人民心中具有较高的地位。越南作为中西文化的交汇口,饮食文化同越南民族的语言一样,既渗透着东方的传统烙印,又带有西方的文化色彩。喝咖啡对越南人来说不仅仅是一种消遣,还包含着对理想生活方式的追求,咖啡文化已渗透到越南人民生活的每一个角落。  相似文献   

本文强调了高职院校师资队伍建设对高职院校发展的战略地位和作用,结合深圳信息职业技术师资队伍建设的实践,对高职院校师资建设规划,“双高型”、“双师型”教师队伍建设、高层次人才和团队的引进培养、高职院校教师队伍特色建设、兼职教师队伍建设等重要问题提出理论思考和分析,探讨了战略视角下高职院校师资队伍建设必须重视和关注的问题,以期对高职院校师资建设有所借鉴。  相似文献   

入境旅游服务贸易是越南旅游服务贸易最重要组成部分。以企业外部环境为视角,立足越南旅游企业,分析指出越南入境旅游服务贸易发展现状及存在的问题,并通过对越南旅游企业外部环境影响因素的分析,进一步探讨越南旅游发展思路,即完善"三托一"发展模式,强化入境旅游服务贸易市场营销,创建入境旅游服务贸易品牌。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(2):137-143
Many developing countries are in the process of restructuring their higher education system to meet their nation's socio-economic development. As their educational budget is not unlimited, working with international educational institutions has become one of the attractive solutions to improve the quality of their education and to make it relevant to meet their nation's educational demand for economic development. This paper identifies some key issues which have prevented the Vietnamese higher education system from serving effectively its country's open-door policy and provide necessary recommendations to help Vietnam overcome its short-comings and weaknesses. The issues identified together with recommendations, on the other hand, may help some educational policy makers from developed countries select their fields of assistance or cooperation as well as to establish their long term educational strategies to deal with developing countries such as Vietnam.  相似文献   

The number of contact hours, one of the important institutional context factors, was examined and compared between Dutch and Vietnamese higher education at institute and student levels in Psychology and Business and/or Economics specializations. The quantity of contact hours per credit point given by institutions was investigated in a number of Dutch and Vietnamese universities. Additionally, 104 students in Groningen, the Netherlands, and 140 students in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, participated in the survey with a self-reported and self-assessed questionnaire on their study time allocation. Beside contact hours, other learning process related factors such as study activities, motivation, quality of instruction, and generic skills were examined to provide a better insight into these two systems. Results showed that Vietnamese students had significantly higher number of contact hours than Dutch students while their generic skills, motivation and time spent on independent study were a lot lower.  相似文献   

朱子学于13世纪中叶传人越南。在陈朝(1225—1400),它是以反佛教的面貌受到越南士人的重视,并通过教育和科举在贫民百姓中传播。黎朝(1428~1784)初,以朱子学为代表的儒学在越南取得了独尊的地位,成为社会的正统思想。这时,越南出现了一批朱子学者,推动了越南朱子学的发展。阮朝前期(1802—1885),越南有许多朱子学研究著作出版,仍保持兴盛的势头。1885年,越南沦为法国殖民地,朱子学开始衰落。600多年间,朱子学对越南社会产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

随着越南经济持续快速发展,越来越多的越南人选择出国旅游。根据广西丰富的旅游资源,分析越南游客来广西旅游的现状,探讨吸引越南游客的对策,有利于促进广西与越南之间的交流合作,增强广西的国际影响力。  相似文献   

越南语中的“cung”一词可以翻译成汉语副词“也”,有时也可翻译成汉语的“都”。从母语方面来看,学生的母语越南语对学习汉语副词“也”有影响,虽然越南语中的“cung”和汉语中的“也”的用法大体相同,但两者毕竟属于不同的语言系统,这两个词在各自语言系统中的作用和用法也不可能完全相同。本文拟从句法、语义和语用等方面就汉语的“也”和越南语中的“cung”进行比较和梳理,以期为针对学生母语为越南语的汉语作为第二语言的学习和教学提供借鉴或帮助。  相似文献   

The evaluation of faculty development programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews literature pertinent to the evaluation of faculty development programs and presents data from several studies conducted at two institutions. These data were consistent with those previously reported in that faculty participants consistently expressed satisfaction with development services. In addition, one study found that most faculty members voluntarily took some action to improve their instructional effectiveness, though only a minority pursued these efforts in depth. Volunteers who worked intensively with a faculty development consultant improved more on objective measures of effectiveness than did those who were only superficially involved in improvement efforts; those who received no consultative assistance failed to improve significantly. Evidence from a final study provided a control for faculty motivation and led to the conclusion that improvement was contingent both on faculty desire to improve and on the availability of professional assistance.  相似文献   

Online education is used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are improving one's performance over time and understanding one's professional development in the context of online teaching and learning. Relying on data from online staff development courses delivered in five Spanish universities, this article explores online faculty learning through the lens of staff development theory. This theoretical perspective emphasizes the universities' quality assurance contexts and offers an empirical examination of the ways in which faculty members learn curriculum and teaching competencies (CTCs) in online staff development programmes. At the core of this analysis is the contention that faculty members understand and respond to quality teaching lessons and activities. Finally, this study highlights the points deemed important when designing, implementing, and evaluating Internet CTC training courses.  相似文献   

In order for Vietnam to seek better international integration into an increasingly globalised world, the Vietnamese Government has launched educational reforms requiring teachers to adopt ‘Western’ constructivist pedagogies. This paper reports on an action research study in a Vietnamese teacher training institution which found that Vietnamese student teachers were willing to accommodate and accept change and were often very enthusiastic about the ‘Western ideas’ of teaching and learning, but that their unquestioning respect for the authority of their tutors remained firmly fixed. The data also showed that the students’ tutors had a relatively limited exposure to the ‘Western theories’ and their implications and therefore did not model or demonstrate the theories effectively. The paper draws on these findings to argue that the focus for transforming Vietnamese teachers’ practice should be on promoting the responsibility of teacher educators to introduce student teachers to new ideas about the processes of teaching and learning. This strategy is likely to be more supportive of student teachers’ development as it allows them to separate the processes of teaching from culturally dominant beliefs about roles which are part of their established identities.  相似文献   

Literature suggests that educational attainment is one of the significant factors affecting youth transition to work. The process of capital accumulation through education is suggested as the key marker of social inclusion and exclusion. This paper compares the educational attainment among youth in Vietnam with their status in employment. It uses the data from the school-to-work transition survey of the International Labour Office with 2722 youth participants aged 15–29 in different geographical areas in Vietnam. The findings indicate that Vietnamese youth have to face many challenges when negotiating their transition to work, especially when the educational attainment of the majority youth is low. A wide gap between education and learners’ needs and interests, the economic burden many young people had to bear and the low level of development of the economy with a large proportion of the informal sector are the main reasons for youth in Vietnam to leave school early and to accept low quality work to earn their living. These problems need to be solved to help youth in Vietnam approach better jobs in the market.  相似文献   

Education and Economic,Political, and Social Change in Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper provides an overview of the complex relations among history, education, political economy, and social change in Vietnam. Vietnam has a long history of education and a literate culture. The evolution of Vietnamese culture and society is characterized by both persistence and change. Social and political persistence and change have been profoundly affected by education in Vietnam. In this paper major external influences on Vietnamese education and social change are considered, including Chinese Confucian influences, French colonial influences, Soviet and US influences during the Cold War, and more contemporary international global influences as Vietnam has become part of the global economy and international regimes. The importance influence of the policy of “doi moi” (economic renovation) introduced in 1986 is seen as resulting in a major transformation in Vietnam. The paper concludes with a discussion of Vietnam’s future and its goals of developing a modern economy through a priority on the development of human capital through a distinctive Vietnamese educational system, drawing eclectically and creatively on diverse external influences.  相似文献   

From 1955 to 1975, the French and the Americans were both active in the educational field in South Vietnam, but their objectives were different. The French were concerned with preserving their influence with the Vietnamese elites and relied on the Mission Culturelle – the heir of the colonial Direction of Education – and its prestigious high schools. The Americans wanted to improve the level of education of the population and strived to reform the Vietnamese administration in order to make South Vietnam a nation strong enough to bar the advance of communism. The main operator was USAID, which coordinated and funded the activities of expert teams, and particularly of academic missions. The French deeply resented the American intrusion into what they believed to be their historical area of cultural influence, and they perceived the United States as aggressive towards them. The Americans did not oppose the French cultural presence but they did try to eliminate those parts of the French legacy – particularly the teaching methods and the administrative structures – that they considered to be obsolete and an obstacle to their reforms. The battle between those two cultural traditions was waged by their Vietnamese supporters, with long-time Francophiles on one side and US-trained educators and administrators on the other. However, this competition was partly artificial, as the French and Americans actually needed each other. Their educational missions also had to deal with the circumstances of the war in Vietnam. In the early 1970s, the French resigned themselves to the dismantling of their educational network while American reform met with substantial resistance in South Vietnamese society, which resented the Americanisation of an educational system that mixed the Confucian and the French academic traditions, as symbolised by the enduring popularity of the Baccalaureate examination that still exists today in Vietnam.  相似文献   

越南河内文庙现存的82块进士题名碑是珍贵的历史文化遗产.但越南河内文庙进士碑刻国际旅游开发存在一些问题,应积极寻求解决措施,将其融入越南文化旅游圈范畴内,促进越南文化旅游内容的丰富和完善,而且能为国际游客了解越南的文化价值观创造机会和条件.  相似文献   

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