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Local data analysis for eliminating end restraint of triaxial specimen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A data processing method was proposed for eliminating the end restraint in triaxial tests of soil. A digital image processing method was used to calculate the local deformations and local stresses for any region on the surface of triaxial soil specimens. The principle and implementation of this digital image processing method were introduced as well as the calculation method for local mechanical properties of soil specimens. Comparisons were made between the test results calculated by the data from both the entire specimen and local regions, and it was found that the deformations were more uniform in the middle region compared with the entire specimen. In order to quantify the nonuniform characteristic of deformation, the non-uniformity coefficients of strain were defined and calculated. Traditional and end-lubricated triaxial tests were conducted under the same condition to investigate the effects of using local region data for deformation calculation on eliminating the end restraint of specimens. After the statistical analysis of all test results, it was concluded that for the tested soil specimen with the size of 39.1 mm × 80 ram, the utilization of the middle 35 mm region of traditional specimens in data processing had a better effect on eliminating end restraint compared with end lubrication. Furthermore, the local data analysis in this paper was validated through the comparisons with the test results from other researchers.  相似文献   

最小二乘法在岩土三轴剪切实验中数据处理的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用最小二乘法处理岩土三轴剪切实验数据。利用Excel电子表格软件自动绘图、输出结果。实验结果证明,此法不仅数据可靠有效,而且可应用于实际工程中。  相似文献   

石灰岩扩容过程中的物理参数实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用三轴实验对石灰岩扩容过程中物理参数的实验结果进行分析表明:岩石存在裂纹稳定性传播与裂纹的非稳定性传播和宏观破裂过程;在前期研究三轴实验中横波速度极大值作为岩石应力门槛值的基础上,增添了横波的衰减系数的最小值,即品质因子的最大值作为新的判据;提出了裂纹稳定性传播阶段与裂纹的非稳定性传播阶段分界的特征是:横波的衰减系数、横波损伤因子、泊松比、体积应变曲线在该分界处出现拐点。将其归属于裂纹从局部微裂到宏观贯通时破裂的特征,该分界点处在岩石的应力门槛值与抗压强度之间。此项研究结果具有其广泛的应用价值。  相似文献   

为了分析不同倾角结构面对裂隙岩体强度及变形性质的影响,本文通过数值模拟的方法,分析了0°、15°、30°、45°、60°、75°、90°7种典型倾角结构面岩体在三轴压缩条件下的应力应变响应,并从微观角度分析了结构面的变形性质.研究结果表明:在相同围压条件下,随着结构面倾角的增大,不同倾角结构面岩石试件抗压强度呈先减小后增大趋势;含有90°倾角结构面的岩石试件的抗压强度与含有0°倾角结构面岩石试件的相等;随着结构面倾角的增大,结构面上的剪应力的变化趋势是由中部向结构面倾向方向的两侧扩展,并且逐渐趋于集中.  相似文献   

针对实验室现有非金属声波检测仪在使用中存在的问题,研究了实现岩石声波数据高速传输的方法,探讨了实现对岩石试样进行多点声波测试所需装置的设计思路,结果表明,该方法与装置可实现对围岩或岩石声波测试实验数据的高速传输,并可对围岩或岩石多点位的声波进行监测。  相似文献   

运用信息熵的概念和其测不准关系对光场和原子的压缩效应进行研究。在此过程中要优于海森堡测不准关系,克服了海森堡测不准关系的一些局限性。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对河南省第七届青少年定向越野锦标赛16岁组、18岁组、21岁组的各项目成绩进行了统计分析和研究.探讨了河南省定向运动实际发展水平,分析了河南省青少年定向越野锦标赛存在的主要问题,并提出了合理的解决对策,为更好开展定向运动竞赛,进一步推广、普及定向运动提供理论指导和参考依据.  相似文献   

While the use of inferential statistics is a nearly universal practice in the social sciences, there are instances where its application is unnecessary and potentially misleading. This is true for a portion of research using administrative data in educational research in the United States. Surveying all research articles using administrative data published in Educational Researcher and American Educational Research Journal between 2011 and 2013, we find that over half use inferential techniques to help interpret results despite the use of population data. To the extent that these practices and findings are replicated and interpreted in the United States and elsewhere, this can lead to the undervaluing of potentially meaningful patterns and trends.  相似文献   

硬质岩持力层埋藏较深的地区,大直径超长灌注桩在嵌入相对较浅的软质(破碎)岩后,再进行后压浆处理,可以明显提高承载力并减少沉降量。文章通过工程实例测试了在同一个工程场地上两种不同施工工艺的两组试验桩,对其测试数据和试验资料进行分析研究,优化设计方案,缩短工期,节省造价,并得到一些有价值的结论,避免今后类似工程盲目增加桩长、加大嵌入硬质岩深度而造成的工程经济损失。  相似文献   

管理人员心理品质测验与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了了解河北省管理干部的心理品质状况,为管理人员的培训和提高提供科学依据,笔者对河北省的部分管理千部进行了心理测验。结果表明:不同类型、不同职务、不同文化程度的管理人员其心理品质存在差异。管理人员应该进一步提高科学文化水准以及思维能力和创造能力。  相似文献   

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