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(12)【中考原题】43.—Do I have to come backtomorrow?—Yes,you________.A.can B.may C.must D.should【切中题】(07步步为营3—38)—I thought she wassure to refuse your advice.—I think so.Naturally,after I gave her myadvice,she_______go and do the opposite.A.must B.should C.can D.need【对比分析】考查情态动词must的意思“必须,一定”。2.完形填空(13)【中考原题】I have a big plan for my future.I’m going to______(46)somewhere interesting.I want to go toParis very much.There are lots of exhibitions…  相似文献   

代词一、考查人称代词1.Helen and Mary are good friends______often help each other(.江苏淮安)A.Them B.Theirs C.They D.Their【解析】前面的Helen and Mary是复数,后面句中的主语应用代词they,故选C。2.Healthy food and exercise help______to study better(.湖南株洲)A.us B.we C.our【解析】help sb(to)do sth意为"帮助某人做某事",help是动词,其后的代词要用宾格形式,故选A。【考点归纳】人称代词可分为主格和宾格。主格在句中作主语,宾格在句中作动词或介词的宾语。  相似文献   

1.How beautifully she sings!I have never heard____voice. A.a better B.a best C.the better D.the best【陷阱】容易误选D,认为最高级前要用定冠词。【分析】其实此题最佳答案为A。该句可视为I  相似文献   

1.【原句】What’s the matter?【讲解】What’s the matter?常用来询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了何种麻烦。当你看到别人气色不好或面带憔悴时,可以用该句型来询问对方,意为“哪儿不舒服?”、“出什么事了?”。【真题】从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。(2006重庆市)A:Jim,you said you would not stay out lateafter school,didn’t you?B:Yes,mom,I did.A:But it’s10o’clock now.1B:Sorry.I’ve been to the hospital.A:What?2B:No.I sent Jack to the hospital.A:Oh,really?3B:He had a terrible headache on the wayhome.A:Is he better now?B:4A:Good for you,my dear!I’m very glad youcan help others.B:5【点拨】答案为:C—F—E—D—B。做此类题时,关键在于联系上下文。由I’v...  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.aid【用法】n.帮助;援助;辅助物(help;something that gives help)Aid to the Third World is at present little more than a drop in the ocean.目前对第三世界的援助不过是杯水车薪。  相似文献   

典型陷阱题分析 1. "Do you like the material? Yes, it __ very soft." A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt 【陷阱】此题容易误选D,想当然地根据“这布料摸起来很柔软”这一句意,认为“布料”应是“被摸”.所以feel选用被动语态。  相似文献   

陈辉 《海外英语》2005,(5):44-45
首先请同学们看下面两道大学英语四级考试词汇题: It__you to at least 50%off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both. A)credits B)entitles C)presents D)tips (2004年6月第37题)(答案B) There is a fully__health center on the ground floor of the main office building. A)equipped B)projected C)provided D)installed (2004年6月第39题)(答案A) 以上两道题中出现了5个表示"给"这个意思的词汇,因此正确解答这两道题的关键在于搞清它们的内在区别,也就是"给"的道理,即"给什么","怎样给"和"为什么给"。英  相似文献   

案例:《牛津小学英语》5A Unit 7 Doing housework中现在进行时的教学教法一:教师首先向学生出示并讲解现在进行时的概念,接着解释概念,出示例句:I’m doing my homework./He’s sweeping the floor./She’scleaning the windows.并强调现在进行时的句型结构"主垣be垣动(ing)";最后进行大量的巩固练习,如用动词的正确形式填空  相似文献   

高考命题者常常利用熟悉的句型结构,或者一些固定搭配来制造陷阱,让考生在非常神气的心情中快速地得出错误的答案。针对这种情况,笔者粗略归纳了常见陷阱题的类型并加以分析,希望能对同学们在解题过程中巧识陷阱有所帮助。  相似文献   

吴海波 《高中生》2010,(6):38-38
1.I forget where I read the article, or I__it to you now. A. will show B. would show C. am going to show D. am showing 【陷阱】几个干扰项均有可能误选。  相似文献   

一、重点句型解析1.what引导的主语从句【课文原句】What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us.【经典考例】____is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.(2008福建卷) A.It B.What C.As D.Which【考点解析】答案为B。句意我们都知道的事情是2008奥运会将在北京举行。  相似文献   

1.你愿意跟我一块去吗?【误】W ould you like going w ith m e芽【正】W ould you like to go w ith m e芽【析】 意为 想要 愿意 后接名词 代would like “ 、 ”, 、词或动词不定式 短语 不接动名词 ( ), 。 feel 后接动名词形式like 。2.我怎样才能帮助孩子们不为考试而烦恼?【误】H ow can I help the children not worryabout their exam s芽【正】H ow can I help the children not to worryabout their exam s芽【析】动词 之后可接不定式作宾语补足语 , hel…  相似文献   

1.他们经常踢足球。【误】They often play the football.【正】They often play football.【析】在表示球类的名词前不能用定冠词the,但乐器名称前常用定冠词,例如:play thepiano弹钢琴。2.让我们帮助他们。【误】Let us to help them.  相似文献   

1. The road is designed for only m otorvehicles,so once ,bicycles are not al-low ed to go along it.A .opens B .having openedC.opening D .opened【答案】D【解析】the road 与 open 构成被动关系,用过去分词表示。2.—W hy are you looking so sad,Tom ?—The football gam e for tom or-row w ill not be help.A .planned B .planningC.to plan D .to be planed【答案】A【解析】依照句意,应是计划好的球赛,用过去分词表示完成。3. If you talk to these senior students,you will find that they have m uch greaterknowl…  相似文献   

1.【原句】What are you doing for va-cation?【讲解】句子时态是现在进行时,但表示的却是将来的意义。现代英语中,用现在进行时来表示将来,意味着动作马上就要发生。表示位移的动词,如go,come,leave,begin,start等都有这种用法。【真题】—Jim,can you help me to wash the dish-es?—Sorry,Dad.I______to the shop.(2006江西省)A.go B.wentC.am going D.have been【点拨】选C。按逻辑来推理,吉姆当时不能帮他爸爸洗碗的原因是他正在或将要去干某事,C选项表示“将要”,故选C。2.【原句】When are you going?【讲解】本句中的when是疑问副词,用来对时间进行提问,意为“什么时候”。【真题】—______did you see a cat run from be-hind the door?—As soon as I entered the room.(2006山东省临沂市)A.What B.WhenC.Where D.Why【点拨】选B。As soon a...  相似文献   

一、重点句型1.分词的逻辑主语的省略【教材例句】However,when forming teams to com-plete tasks at school,we are often hardlyaware of this.【高考链接】(划画部分为答案)When help,one often says“Thank you.”or“It’s kind of you.”(2005福建)A.offering B.to offerC.to be offered D.offered【句型解读】当分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致时,可以省略。但要注意,如果分词所表示的动作与逻辑主语之间是主谓关系,要用doing,若为动宾关系,则用done。例如:When asked about his mother,he keptsilence.When crossing the road,…  相似文献   

动词是句子的核心, 是构成句子的“骨干”, 又因为短语动词多而杂, 词义丰富, 用法灵活, 给考生造成困难。因此, 本文下面简单分析其考查特点, 并提出相应的复习对策。一、2006 短语动词考查题大回放:(有下划线的选项为答案)【考题 1】Most of us know we shouldcut down on fat, but knowing such thingsisn’t much help when it shoppingand eating. (2006 天津)A. refers to B. speaks ofC. focuses on D. comes to【考题 2】—How are you managing todo your work without an assistantF(2006 重庆)—Well. I somehow.A. get alon…  相似文献   

How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

1.【原句】I study by m aking flashcards.(U nit1)【真题】I study for a testworking with a group.(2005北京海淀区)A.in B.by C.at D.to【解析】选B。by是介词,意为“通过……”。by doing sth.表示“通过……方式(方法)”或“借助某种手段做某事”。2.【原句】I thought m y classm ates m ightlaugh at m e.(U nit1)【真题】W e are often told atpeople in trouble.(2005天津市)A.not to sm ile B.to sm ileC.not to laugh D.to laugh【解析】选C。laugh一般作不及物动词,后接宾语时,要用laugh at,意思是“嘲笑……”。该题…  相似文献   

一、词汇过关1.aid【用法】用作名词,意为“help,the act orresult of helping帮助”。例如:She came quickly to his aid.她急忙来帮他。【搭配】in aid of(to)用来帮助,起……作用aid还可表示“帮助者;有帮助的事物”。例如:An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning English.英汉词典是学习英语的重要工具。用作动词,意为“to help帮助;援助”。例如:I aided him with m oney.我资助了他。【辨析】aid表示在经济或其他方面给予的帮助或援助,多指强者(或足够者)援助弱者,多用于团体。help指给人精神或物质上的帮助,强调受助者的需要,最常用,可代替其他同义词。assistance多指个人给予道义、知识、物质等方面的帮助,所提供的帮助往往只起辅助作用。例如:W e help each other and learn from eachother.我们互相帮助,互相学习。W hen all assist,the job can be d...  相似文献   

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