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针对正在我国部分地区爆发与蔓延的非典型肺炎(严重急性呼吸道综合症,SARS),中国科学院急国家所急,已将防治SARS的相关研究作为当前全院最重大的任务之一。由路甬祥院长亲自挂帅,组成了SARS工作领导小组,在党中央、国务院统一指挥下,发挥技术资源和平台优势,动员协调全院最强的科研力量,组成跨学科、跨部门的攻关小组联合攻关。启动了SARS诊断、预防和治疗研究联合攻关项目,争取尽快形成临床应用能力和批量生产能力,为有效控制、预防和治疗SARS做贡献。该项目的目标是:获取SARS病毒的全基因组精确序列;发现SARS病毒的各种基因组…  相似文献   

More than 200 million people worldwide have diabetes. In China alone, about 60 million people are suffering from the disease.Fortunately, scientists are pushing back its boundaries. For instance, a recent study by CAS researchers may shed new light on the treatment of the disease by making cutting-edge progress on studies of the allosteric process of human glucokinase, which has been published by the latest issue of the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

北大“王铭铭事件”爆发后,引起学术界很大震动,学者们纷纷批评学术界的不诚实行为;继续开展学术界的道德纯洁活动很有必要,我也认为剽窃行为是学术界出现腐败的表现之一,北大对“王铭铭事件”的处理也是恰到好处的,起到了“惩前毖后,治病救人”的作用。北大不愧是北大。但是“王铭铭事件”经过某些媒体炒作,被作为“学术腐败”的主要甚至是唯一内容,一些科技界的官员纷纷发表讲话、文章,更是把反“学术腐败”、科技界腐败的矛头对准科学家;硬是把科技界反腐败的水搅浑了。 学术界有腐败,科技界有腐败,这个腐败主要还出在科技界  相似文献   

反学义腐败,不要反错方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The ground-breaking ceremony of China’s first P4 high bio-safety lab was held in Wuhan on June 30, 2011. The lab aims at becoming a major center for preventing and controlling infectious diseases, and will be jointly sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Ministry of Health as a second key Sino-  相似文献   

Grounded in the vast changes to work life (jobs) and home life that people are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic (hereinafter COVID), this article presents five research directions related to COVID’s impacts on jobs—i.e., job loss, job changes, job outcomes, coping, and support—and five research directions related to COVID’s impact on home life—i.e., home life changes, children, life-related outcomes, social life, and support. In addition to this, I discuss overarching possible research directions and considerations for researchers, editors, and reviewers, as we continue our scientific journey to support people through this pandemic and beyond. I organize these directions and considerations into two sets of five each: focal groups that should be studied—i.e., underprivileged populations, different countries and cultural contexts, women (vs. men), workers in healthcare (frontline workers), elderly and at-risk—and five general issues and special considerations—i.e., role of technology as the oxygen, pre- vs. mid- vs. post-COVID studies, constraints on data collection/research due to COVID, evolution of COVID, and focus on contextualization (generalizability is irrelevant).  相似文献   

Health misinformation has become an unfortunate truism of social media platforms, where lies could spread faster than truth. Despite considerable work devoted to suppressing fake news, health misinformation, including low-quality health news, persists and even increases in recent years. One promising approach to fighting bad information is studying the temporal and sentiment effects of health news stories and how they are discussed and disseminated on social media platforms like Twitter. As part of the effort of searching for innovative ways to fight health misinformation, this study analyzes a dataset of more than 1600 objectively and independently reviewed health news stories published over a 10-year span and nearly 50,000 Twitter posts responding to them. Specifically, it examines the source credibility of health news circulated on Twitter and the temporal, sentiment features of the tweets containing or responding to the health news reports. The results show that health news stories that are rated low by experts are discussed more, persist longer, and produce stronger sentiments than highly rated ones in the tweetosphere. However, the highly rated stories retained a fresh interest in the form of new tweets for a longer period. An in-depth understanding of the characteristics of health news distribution and discussion is the first step toward mitigating the surge of health misinformation. The findings provide insights into understanding the mechanism of health information dissemination on social media and practical implications to fight and mitigate health misinformation on digital media platforms.  相似文献   

<正>In a study published in Cell Research on August 23,researchers from the CAS Wuhan Institute of Virology/Center for Biosafety Mega-Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,together with their collaborator from State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity discovered a new talent for two molecules of calcium channel blockers (CCBs),a group of widely  相似文献   

乳酸处理麦麸对蛋鸡生产性能影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将 1 44只黄金褐 2 5周龄蛋鸡随机分为 4组 ,对照组日粮中添加未经乳酸处理的麦麸 ,试验1组、试验 2组和试验 3组日粮中分别添加乳酸处理麦麸 3%、7%和 1 0 %。饲养试验结果表明 :各试验组和对照组在采食量和蛋重方面差异不显著 ( P>0 .0 5 )。试验 1组和试验 2组在破蛋率、死淘率、料蛋比方面都比对照组低 ,但产蛋率差异不显著 ( P>0 .0 5 ) ;试验 3组与对照组、试验 1组、2组在料蛋比、破蛋率和产蛋率上存在着显著差异 ( P<0 .0 5 )。代谢试验结果表明 :粗蛋白质和钙磷代谢率随着乳酸处理麦麸在日粮中的添加比例增高 ,呈明显下降趋势 ;而粗脂肪、粗纤维代谢率呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

分析了垃圾邮件产生的原因以及由此带来的危害,介绍了图书馆网络用户防范垃圾邮件常用的方法。  相似文献   

The microbicidal capacity of polymorphonuclear (PMN) leukocytes of normal human subjects was evaluated by estimating the release of lysosomal enzymes from normal cells and cells rendered incapable of ingesting particles by treatment with cytochalasin B, on exposure to a particulate stimulus-serum treated zymosan (STZ). The release of lysosomal enzymes namely beta-glucuronidase, lysozyme, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase was found to be 16.28%, 27.84%, 20.54%, 15.40% respectively. The cells rendered incapable of ingesting particles showed enhanced response. The percentage release of beta-glucuronidase, lysozyme, acid and alkaline phosphatase was increased to 20.58%, 37.95%, 25.87% and 33.04% respectively. This type of response in cytochalasin B treated PMN leukocytes is due to the conversion of these cells into “secretory cells”, which release lysosomal enzymes outside the cell, by the process of reverse endocytosis.  相似文献   

防止论文剽窃是学术期刊自身发展的需要,也是著作权法相关规定的要求。学术期刊要防止论文剽窃,可以采取某些措施来尽到合理注意义务,如制定《稿约》、严格审稿、签订版权转让协议,并妥善保存相关资料,在遭遇侵权起诉时,可以减轻或免除学术期刊的法律责任。  相似文献   

高校学生管理中的法律问题,是高等教育发展中的新问题.近年来,高校在学生管理过程中产生的法律问题日益突出,本文从依法治校的角度分析了高校在学生管理中存在的法律风险并提出了相关解决途径.  相似文献   

随着我国参与金融全球化的程度越来越深,要从战略上重视外资银行,确保引进外资银行的步骤与我国经济、金融发展战略和发展阶段相一致。通过优惠或其它措施,鼓励设立中外合资银行,促进其对国内金融深化的作用。积极引导外资银行支持我国的有关政策和发展战略,逐步完善我国对外资银行的监管体系,以充分发挥其积极作用,减少或消除其消极作用,实现扬利避害的目的。  相似文献   

文章介绍了在线检测英文文献原创性的反剽窃工具CrossCheck,具体分析和评述了<浙江大学学报(英文版)>使用CrossCheck检测时所遇到种种不合理的学术现象,如重复发表、自我抄袭、搬来主义、东抄西凑和随意摘用等,同时探讨了不同论文体裁和时滞效应问题.  相似文献   

Recent studies of a team led by Prof. TIAN Zhigang from the CAS affiliated University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) have shed new light on the treatment and prevention of hepatitis with their discovery that the pretreatment with polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly I:C), an artificial mimic of viral RNA, could significantly block the invasion of liver by pathogens.  相似文献   

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