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制度自信是制度优势转化为制度效能的精神基础,为制度方向定航、制度韧性强化及制度自信教育提供了观念支撑。基于明确话语概念、话语条件和话语逻辑的基本前提,加强中国制度话语认同是中国制度自信话语体系构建的基本诉求。新时代,党通过制度人民性的理念表达、制度自信的认知表达和制度效能的实践表达,构建了话语理念、话语范畴和话语策略相统一的制度自信话语体系。在“两个大局”的背景下,中国特色社会主义制度自信话语体系构建应在明确社会主义话语属性的前提下,坚持坚定“四个自信”与发挥历史主动精神相结合的原则,注重主体类型拓展、表达能力提升、传播力量强化和实践基础巩固等方面的发展路径。  相似文献   

伴随网络信息技术飞速发展,爱国主义教育实践场域逐渐向网络延展,爱国主义话语表达也呈现表达主体多元化、表达方式生活化、表达载体多样化等新特征,对传统的爱国主义教育话语体系形成巨大冲击。直面网络时代爱国主义教育的新变化,亟须生成网络爱国主义教育话语魅力,针对性地巧设话语议题、凝练话语内容、创新话语表达方式,增强网络爱国主义教育话语的议题魅力、内容魅力和表达魅力。  相似文献   

一、传统课堂教学中话语主体的话语权力特点 1.学生失语,教师拥有话语"霸权" 教师讲、学生听,这是传统课堂的写真.学生是课堂教学的主体,是课堂教学的直接参与者,其主体意识更理应在学习过程中不断加强,并在这过程中根据自己的学习动机、兴趣、需要等对各种教育影响进行筛选、加工、吸收.  相似文献   

失语与喧哗——教师评价实践中的话语现象分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从解释学角度看,教师评价活动就是衡量和判定教师工作价值时,不同评价主体建构评价话语以及对评价话语进行解释、使用的过程。由于话语和权力的特珠关系,教师评价话语建构的过程同时也是内在权力秩序建构的过程。在现实的教师评价话语世界,行政管理者和教师之间由于控制性的话语关系,话语系统呈现出表达的单向性、内容的单一性、形式的刻板性等特点,从而使教师评价话语与教师真实的价值世界疏离,既不利于学校的发展,也无助于教师的发展。  相似文献   

新时代中国话语体系的构建有着清晰的逻辑理路。首先,新时代中国话语体系的构建有诸多的困境,具有构建的必要性。如话语环境尚不安全、话语主体责任感与创新性略显不足、话语国际传播力与国际引领力相对较弱等。其次,新时代中国话语体系的构建有坚实的基础,具有构建的可能性。如鲜明的实践基础、宏大的历史视野与深厚的价值基础。最后,新时代中国话语体系的构建有着实现的路径,具有构建的现实性。构建的基本思路是优化话语环境,提高话语地位;打造话语队伍,创新话语表达;打造国际舞台,加强国际传播。  相似文献   

课堂话语在教育实践场域中是教师表达个人知识常用的载体,以课堂提问、课堂评价等形式时刻影响着师生交往。透过教师课堂话语可以透视当下课堂生活中师生交往存在的问题,以此为切入点转变教师与学生交往的观念和形式,探讨关注学生个性发展的交往方式。  相似文献   

在新时代背景下,高校思政课教学话语体系与课堂教学氛围创建、课堂教学质量提升等有着直接的相关性,是保障思政教学有效推进的一个重要因素。从现实角度来看,广大思政教师必须要注重理论文化等的培养,并整合话语表达内容实际,为增强思维引导与表达能力带来帮助与支持。需要改变的是教师主体性与思维更新保证话语的主导,从教材话语转向教学话语,以社会话语加强实效性。  相似文献   

高校意识形态话语权面临全球化背景下西方话语霸权的强势渗透、马列基础理论研究创新滞后、主流意识形态话语主体责任缺失等严峻问题,同时新出现的自媒体话语传播模式更削弱了传统马克思主义话语体系的权威性。为此,高校要积极发挥党委作用,坚持高校意识形态话语的政治性;全面提升教师队伍思想觉悟,增强高校意识形态话语的实践性;与时俱进理论创新,增强高校意识形态话语阐释力;全方位构建符合大学生特点的自媒体表达平台,增强高校意识形态话语的传播有效性。  相似文献   

新课程背景下课堂教学话语权的回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、传统课堂教学中话语主体的话语权力特点1.学生失语,教师拥有话语"霸权"教师讲、学生听,这是传统课堂的写真。学生是课  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断进步,网络逐渐成为意识形态发展的新场域,网络意识形态话语权问题越来越突出,也在话语主体、话语体系、话语载体、话语环境四个方面给意识形态话语权带来了挑战.建构网络意识形态话语权,应对挑战,需要加强队伍建设与资本优化,增强话语主体在场感;塑造切实内容与亲民表达,开启话语体系新篇章;推动媒体融合与技术突破,提升话语载体可靠性;强化经济基础和法律保障,优化话语环境宜居性,全方位立体化应对挑战,牢牢掌握意识形态话语权.  相似文献   

走向专业化的教师形象既是教师作为专业者的时代诉求,又是对传统教师形象的反思和重构。要真正领会教师专业形象的意蕴,需要在形象专业和专业形象、政策形象和自主形象、理想形象和现实形象等相关范畴中进行正确的抉择。教师专业形象的深入阐释在认同教师作为教学专业者身份、凸显教师专业形象现实性和规范教师专业发展路径等方面将发挥举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

随着现代文学史写作主体的不断反思和实践 ,建立在 80年代新启蒙主义基础上的现代文学史观的诸理念受到质疑 ,将发生一场从哲学思维和方法论基础到叙事话语的范式转换 ,即过去现代文学史写作与研究在整体上受意识哲学思维方式束缚 ,将向以语言学为基础的哲学思维方式转移。因而 ,对现代文学研究而言 ,一个重要任务就是梳理现代文学研究的话语系统 ,检讨它们之于现代文学史研究与写作的支配作用和叙事功能的有效性程度。  相似文献   

叙事学中,"心理性"人物观与"功能性"人物观的矛盾由来已久,对二者背景的分析将触及深刻的文化神经.二者的分歧在于文本之叙事动力问题.性格逻辑对文本的驱动不过是一种表象,其力量正来自话语强制力的馈赠,这种复杂的理论调和对于解决现代叙事学中两种人物观的对立或许是一种出路.  相似文献   

教师服饰承载着丰富的象征意蕴,其款式、风格在表达着一种教育语言,传递着一种教育话语。教师服饰通过意指实践变革着教师的教育行为方式,推动着教师的专业发展。教师服饰文化建设的目的是要实现合宜与标新之间的对话,努力构建一种和谐的教育意象,实现主流教育话语与教师服饰间的互塑与平衡。  相似文献   

社会的快速发展,对现代教师的要求在不断提高。现代教师不但要有先进的教育理念、扎实的专业知识、灵活的专业技能,还要有良好的外在形象。基于此,通过分析幼儿心中好教师的特点,结合当前幼儿教师素质的现状,提出提高幼儿教师素质的具体策略,从而使幼儿教师真正成为幼儿心中的好教师。  相似文献   

This is one of X commentaries on Wu’s ‘Interpretation, autonomy, and transformation: Chinese pedagogic discourse in a cross-cultural perspective’ (JCS, 43(5), 569-590). It highlights the paper’s demystification of Western pedagogic discourse and recovery of the meaning of Chinese traditional pedagogic discourse as a response to the long-lasting debates on the Chinese–Western/traditional–modern dichotomies seen in China’s modernization. However, the paper overlooks the complexity of Chinese pedagogic discourse: it over-emphasizes the formal or linguistic dimension of pedagogic discourse, and presumes the dichotomy of Chinese–Western discourses and the discontinuity of traditional–modern cultures. After elaborating the ends, substances, methods, and teacher roles found in Chinese pedagogic discourses, this study argues that contemporary pedagogic discourses are essentially inhabited in indigenous traditions, and actively entangled with Western discourse. The meaning of Confucian traditional pedagogy should not (and cannot) be ‘recovered’ from the past, but be ‘found’ in the present.  相似文献   

国际教师教育范式转移及其哲学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,国际教师教育研究与实践出现了一种话语上的转向,这种转向实际是教师教育范式的转移。新的教师教育范式在目标确定、组织管理和课程教学等方面都呈现出新特征。与建立在客观主义哲学基础上的传统教师教育范式不同,新的教师教育范式以主观主义哲学为基础,两种哲学对知识与人性的不同看法是两种教师教育范式差异的根源。  相似文献   

Amy Smail 《Compare》2014,44(4):613-633
The Child-Centred Approach (CCA) is increasingly promoted within India and internationally as a response to the challenge of delivering quality education. From identifying and examining Indian indigenous and global concepts of CCA within traditional and contemporary child-centred pedagogic discourse, this paper reveals the complexities of underlying agendas within the domestic and international setting and the implications of this for the integration of CCA and the ‘child-centred’ teacher in India. Based on empirical analysis of teachers’ interviews, the findings demonstrate that the role of the teacher continues to be largely overlooked in spite of a willingness from teachers to engage within the child-centred pedagogic discourse. Disempowerment, a lack of autonomy and limited professional status are highlighted. Therefore, this paper calls for the rediscovery of the ‘child-centred’ teacher to advance from within the nation. Without this, it is asserted that the authenticity of the CCA model will continue to be compromised, and with it, any indigenous expressions of a similar epistemology will be fundamentally restricted.  相似文献   

This research explored the practices of one science teacher, expert in her field, as she worked to enact science discourse that incorporated language in naturalistic and rigorous ways. Difficulties in mastering the language of science contribute to troubling and persistent achievement gaps across demographic and gender groups. Science learning is based in discourse, with knowledge built by asking questions, exploring, revising views and asking new questions. But all too often students are not able to participate fully in these opportunities for discourse that is engaging and exploration due to the difficulty of science language. Qualitative analysis of this teacher's use of science discourse to establish clear links between essential science language and concepts and pre/post analysis of a science language assessment reveal important ways that teachers and researchers can work together to design and deliver instruction and assessment that supports students' mastery of sophisticated language and concepts. Results have implications for theory regarding science discourse; language learning, and conceptual development; and provide a model for teacher–researcher partnerships exploring important problems of teaching practice.  相似文献   

The current cult of the personality of the teacher and personal development as an official goal in education policy documents are problematic as they make it difficult to distinguish a teacher from a seducer, thus blurring the distinction between education and therapy. In order to describe the pedagogical bond proper the article draws on Lacanian psychoanalytic concepts such as identification, suggestion, and transference. Lacan's distinction between the discourse of the university and the discourse of the master is presented in order to clarify, firstly, the formal characteristics of a pedagogical social bond, and secondly, the difference between being authoritative and being authoritarian. Furthermore, the psychoanalytic concept of the unconscious serves to point towards the fundamental unpredictability of pedagogical praxis. As teachers we are dealing with subjects and not with the individuals, persons or egos of psychology.  相似文献   

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