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Carl Purington Rollins became manager of the manufacturing department of Yale University Press in 1918, and over the next thirty years he designed and supervised the production of more than two thousand books for the Press. In so doing he set design standards for university press books throughout the nation. This article examines Rollin's philosophy and methodology, which developed through the creation of a partnership between handcrafts-manship and emerging technologies of mechanical book production. Megan L. Benton also directs the university's Elliott Press, where she teaches courses in fine printing, typography, and the book arts  相似文献   

杨琳  肖东发 《出版科学》2012,20(2):22-25
对商务印书馆《大学丛书》的出版背景、出版过程进行分析,指出《大学丛书》出版的历史意义在于开辟我国成功出版本土化大学教材的先河,促进我国近代高等教育的发展和近代中国学术的独立,确立大学教科书成为图书出版专门类别的地位。  相似文献   

Just as scholars now specialize, so do university presses. This article explains why university presses designate publishing lists, discusses how they determine their list-building areas, and analyzes the listbuilding designations of eighty leading American university presses. Listbuilding at university presses is heavily weighted toward the humanities and social sciences, with less emphasis on the natural sciences. Paul Parsons is R.M. Seaton Professor in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Kansas State University and author ofGetting Published: The Acquisition Process at University Press (University of Tennessee Press, 1989).  相似文献   

刘俊  张昕  颜帅 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):561-564
针对出版单位的学术期刊集群模式发展特点,根据清华大学出版社的期刊集群化建设实践,总结出学术期刊集群建设具有的普遍优势,包括办刊资源共享、人员共用、集中管理、统一制度建设、统一宣传发布平台建设等,分析大学出版社开展学术期刊集群化建设的特殊优势,包括兼具学科优势和管理优势、书刊互动、“产学研”一体化等.提出了清华大学出版社学术期刊集群的未来发展建议.  相似文献   

What happens when an author undertakes a supplementary marketing campaign to university librarians? S. S. Hanna, the author of a comic account of finding a publisher, added to the efforts of the Iowa State University Press some communications of his own. The details of his campaign, and some of its results, are offered.  相似文献   

University presses occupy a distinctive field of publishing, heavily tied to the fortunes of the universities and colleges in which they are usually situated. COVID‐19 has catalysed their adoption of digital technologies; focused their commitments to social justice; and given new impetus to business models and formats that fully leverage the Internet, especially open access. Economic pressures on higher education that seem set only to increase are also driving university presses to more interdependent approaches and an emphasis on the contributions of the university press network to knowledge infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences. This article explores how university presses have reacted to the COVID‐19 pandemic, with particular reference to the experiences of the University of Michigan Press. It concludes that the diversity of types of university presses is one of the greatest strengths of this field of publishing and makes it resilient in a time of unprecedented change.  相似文献   

The age of information has made university presses more important than ever before. The Internet has placed knowledge at our fingertips, but limited budgets and reluctance to embrace digital technologies have left many university publishers struggling to prove their worth rather than gathering and disseminating that knowledge. To demonstrate how a university publishing house can make it in this changing climate, this report will analyze the industry by using a specific publisher as an example, however this analysis can be applied to any small press. Pace University Press, an extremely small press, but one with the potential to survive and grow, can do so by implementing new practices in marketing, distribution, and digital content that will not only bring it into the twenty-first century, but ensure its continued role in the communication of scholars for years to come. These strategies can be beneficial to any university press.  相似文献   

内修外求:创办更具影响力的高校学报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玥  李明德  张行勇 《编辑学报》2016,28(2):150-152
虽然中国高校学报办刊水平在不断提高,办刊模式也在逐步优化,但仍存在影响力低下的问题.主要表现在:对内窗口功能不断弱化,已无力反映主办单位的学术水平;对外影响力徘徊不前,期刊开放性逐渐萎缩;对新兴编辑出版技术应用滞后而削弱期刊的影响力.依据教育部和国家新闻出版广电总局发布的《关于进一步加强和改进高校出版工作的意见》,提出内外兼修创办更具影响力高校学报的措施:对内密切关注主办单位的优势研究领域,创造条件增强学报的窗口功能;对外不仅要提升学报的国内影响力,也要提升国际影响力;敢于创先,积极应用新兴技术助推学报影响力的提升.  相似文献   

Print has been the most significant scholarly communication technology for over three hundred years. In the last decades of the twentieth century, technological developments have revolutionized our attitutes towards communication as well as our ability to communicate ideas and research results electronically, to a global audience. As a result university libraries have begun to redefine their traditional role as guardians and gatekeepers of our repositories of knowledge, and have entered an arena that was previously the domain of commercial and university presses. This paper surveys five library projects (Highwire Press, Internet Library of Early Journals, Project EDUCATE, Project Muse and the Scholarly Communications Project) which demonstrate different organizational models, funding sources and types of content.  相似文献   

基于辽宁师范大学文库现状实证调查,论述高校文库建设的终极目标——特色化服务。架构高校文库多元化的发展模式,即组建未刊本阅览室、本校出版机构样本库、自存储、灰色文献的征集及建立呈缴本制度等保障机制。  相似文献   

In describing the Renaissance-style publisher of the 1990s, this article emphasizes the craft and skills needed to maintain quality. Ian Montagnes suggests that these skills must now be taught formally, rather than by apprenticeship. He also describes one such training program that he has conducted for editors in developing countries. Ian Montagnes is assistant director and editor-in-chief of the University of Toronto Press. He has served continuously as either associated editor or editor ofScholarly Publishing: A Journal for Authors and Editors since its inception in 1969. He has also been active in the Canadian and American associations of university presses and the Society for Scholarly Publishing  相似文献   

大学和大学出版,其目的都是为了传递知识。大学出版社以出版学术著作为己任。大学与大学出版的互动,有助于出版业的发展。近年来,中国大学出版社发展迅速,但在学术出版上有待继续努力。  相似文献   

Print Media     
Herbert S. Bailey's The Art and Science of Book Publishing (Harper & Row, $7.95).

Robert J. Glessingts The Underground Press in America (Indiana University Press, $6.50).

Ruth Kent's The Language of Journalism (Kent State University Press, $5.00/1.95)

Harold D. Lasswell and Daniel Lerner's The Prestige Press: A Comparative Study of Political Symbols (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, $12.00).  相似文献   

晋察冀军区政治部晋察冀画报社出版的《晋察冀画报》对中国共产党领导下的抗日民主根据地和解放区的新闻摄影出版事业有较大影响。晋察冀画报社不仅是期刊社,也是一家出版机构。解放战争时期晋察冀画报社出版了四种类型的文献,分别是:报纸类、期刊类、图书类、海报传单和卡片类。这些文献发挥了宣传教育作用,为我们留下了宝贵财富。  相似文献   

周逢琴 《出版科学》2012,20(1):105-108
李宣龚以诗人身份供职商务印书馆,数十年间鞠躬尽瘁,在管理经营、出版古籍、推动商务旗下杂志改革以及刊刻近代诗人别集等方面,做出了独特的贡献。他集经济文章于一身,堪称商务最重要的管理者、出版人和文化守望者之一。  相似文献   

The University of Chicago (UC) Press was a major catalyst in the rise of the University of Chicago's Department of Sociology to preeminence by 1920 in American, indeed international, sociology. The role of the UC Press in this development has been overlooked, even though a majority of books and articles written by Albion Small, W. I Thomas, their cohort, and their students in this period bore the UC Press imprint. Editorial control of theAmerican Journal of Sociology, founded by Small in 1895, was exercised within the UC Department of Sociology due to its publication by the UC Press. The University's support through its scholarly press was vital in establishing nationwide recognition and scholarly authority for “Chicago Sociology” within the fledgling discipline. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A05BB023 00003  相似文献   

在社会责任理论的形成过程中,A Free and Responsible Press是一部至关重要的学术文献。本文从报告名称的翻译、报告内容的评价、组织者的译名和委员会性质的认定等四个方面,列出了存在的诸多问题并作简要分析,以期引起国内新闻传播学者对学术话语问题的关注。  相似文献   

Book review     

Douglas, S. J. (1994). Where the girls are: Growing up female with the mass mediay. New York: Times Books. 340 pages.

Lang, A. (Ed.). (1994). Measuring psychological responses to media messages. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 244 pages.

Cosby, C. O. (1994). Television's imageable influences: The self‐perceptions of young African Americans. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 172 pages.

Kern‐Foxworth, M. (1994). Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, and Rastus: Blacks in advertising, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 205 pages.

Fiske, J. (1994). Media matters: Everyday culture and political change. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 253 pages.

Johnson, L. L. (1994). Toward competition in cable television. Cambridge, MA & Washington, DC: MIT Press & AEI Press. 214 pages.

Krattenmaker, T. G., & Powe, L. A., Jr. (1994). Regulating broadcast programming. Cambridge, MA & Washington, DC: MIT Press & AEI Press. 369 pages.

Moores, S. (1993). Interpreting audiences: The ethnography of media consumption. London: Sage. 140 pages.  相似文献   

张元济,清末民初商务印书馆最重要的领导人之一,正是他,在一系列的历史机缘中,将自己所秉承的士大夫情结,与现代商业理性成功结合,为商务印书馆发展成为那个时代具有经典意义的资本主义企业,注入了文化的力量.他所体现出来的"出版人的精神气质",成为后世出版企业核心价值观的彪炳和圭臬.  相似文献   

Print Media     
Oscar Ogg, The 26 Letters (New York: Crowell, 1971—$7.50)

Douglass McMurtrie with the assistance of John Adamson (eds) The Invention of Printing: A Bibliography (New York: Burt Franklin, 1970—price not known)

Jim Allee Hart, Views on the News: The Developing Editorial Syndrome 1500-1800 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970—$7.95)

Louis M. Lyons, Newspaper Story: One Hundred Years of the Boston Globe (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1971—$9.95)

Michael L. Johnson, The New Journalism: The Underground Press, the Artists of Nonfiction, and Changes in the Established Media (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1971—$6.95/2.95)  相似文献   

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