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我国电子期刊研究肇始于20世纪90年代,研究主题日趋多元化,并出现了一批具有一定影响力的成果,但尚未形成比较稳定的研究队伍,单打独斗现象比较明显,部分研究领域成果较少。文章提出从电子期刊的立法、共建共享、采购策略、中外比较、检索利用技术等方面加强研究,促进电子期刊的建设、开发与利用。  相似文献   

葛建平  徐晓  蔡斐 《编辑学报》2013,25(2):174-176
结合《中国航空学报》(英文版)的办刊实践,分析国际审稿的特点,提出激发国际审稿专家积极性的方法,即:注重需求分析,改善服务;利用各种方式,加大鼓励;抓住一切机会,加强联系——以期为国内英文版期刊提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   

本文以《中国兽医学报》为例,借助文献检索数据库,以吉林大学本校编委为切入点,客观分析我刊和本校编委学术发展同步性。结果显示本校编委近5年内科研成果发表于SCI期刊的数量是中文期刊的2倍,而中文期刊中仅有1/3发表于我刊。我刊发展当务之急在于重新激发编委对我刊的学术热情,充分利用吉林大学优势学科资源、专家资源、教育资源等建立适合我刊发展的专家组稿模式,加强对本校科研成果的总结和宣传,从而促进我刊与编委科研团队的协同发展。  相似文献   

李若溪 《编辑学报》2013,25(4):312-314
概述关于网络学术期刊的历来认识并阐述其概念和定义,分析我国学术期刊目前的网络化途径;对比以往对不同系统例如中国科协系统的期刊建立网站的调查资料,给出了笔者课题组最近对全国学术期刊总体的网站建设情况抽样调查结果;分析现有自主性网站的8项功能,给出了网站对于期刊的传播效率和影响力提高有明显促进作用的调查数据。在此基础上,认为网络学术期刊是进化的必然,期刊网站是进化的必由之路,纸质期刊应该尽快创办自己的网络期刊,才能赢得未来。  相似文献   

论科技期刊审稿专家的选择与管理及其审稿积极性的调动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹燕平  游滨  陈移峰  侯湘 《编辑学报》2014,26(6):572-573
欲打造精品期刊,必须多元化选取合适的审稿专家,加强审稿专家队伍的管理,增强编辑与审稿专家的协作。加强与审稿专家的沟通,提高其审稿责任心。利用审稿专家的专业优势组约稿件,采取激励措施提高他们的积极性。  相似文献   

试论网络型电子期刊   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章对我国网络型电子期刊的概况作了简要介绍,分析了我国目前网络型电子期刊的现状,提出了一种新的网络型电子期刊的分类方法,让人们对网络模型期刊有一个比较直观的了解,并对期刊上网到网络版期刊的特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

电子期刊简介   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
章论述了电子期刊的含义、类型、特点及如何在因特网上获取电子期刊信息.并介绍国内外电子期刊的发展状况。  相似文献   

网络电子期刊的书目控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
网络电子期刊的书目控制是当前电子期刊整合面临的重要挑战及未解决的问题之一。本文从网络电子期刊书目控制的现状、电子期刊联合目录的建立、注意事项及未来发展方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In spring 1997, a questionnaire was mailed to 95 major academic libraries in the United States to explore how serials librarians are responding to the boom of electronic journals (e‐journals). Fifty librarians (52.6%) answered the survey with one follow‐up. The study found that over 70% of the libraries that returned the survey had participated in e‐journal‐related activities. Questions relating to ‘access’ were consistently ranked high in explaining why librarians in major academic libraries think e‐journals are valuable, yet ‘cost’ seems to be a critical factor in determining e‐journal adoption. For most of the libraries surveyed, the figure for e‐journals appears modest, although some institutions claimed to have more than 1,100 titles in their e‐journal collections.  相似文献   

Electronic journals portend tremendous advantages to libraries. Patron access is swift and sure; these journals are never missing from the shelves, and they need not be delayed for technical processing because they can be ‘sent’ to public display and serials maintenance almost simultaneously. However, how will library users know what journals are available to them? They should be able to find electronic journals through the same means they find information in all other formats—through libraries’ online catalogs. The phrase ‘mark it and park it’ has not lost its relevance in the virtual library environment.  相似文献   

The DECOMATE project (DElivery of COpyright MATerial to End users) is a joint project of three European partners (Tilburg University, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, and the London School of Economics). The main objectives are (1) to develop a generic system that offers end users a new electronic service in the field of document delivery of scientific journals, (2) to find publishers who can provide the copyrighted material in electronic form, and (3) to start a study to examine the user's behavior related to the new service. This paper will provide an introduction to the project and a glimpse, at an abstract level, of the systems' environment and architecture, including the hardware and software that is used. This article addresses mainly the generic character of DECOMATE and the strengths and weaknesses of this type of system. It ends with an overview of general problems in this field that have yet to be solved.  相似文献   

This study describes the key findings of the Korean Electronic Site License Initiative (KESLI), established by the National Digital Science Library to develop a digital archive of electronic journals in Korea. Research and relevant activities included developing a system architecture, suggesting journal selection criteria and publisher selection criteria, choosing a set of metadata elements, and addressing stakeholders' concerns. Recommendations for further tasks have been made in order to have the system fully operating by December 2007.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the process and the lessons learned from the collaborative purchasing of electronic journals by National Health Service (NHS) libraries in the East Midlands, UK. RESULTS: The background to a successful joint purchasing initiative is described, including the methodology for selecting titles and the formula for dividing the payment. Factors that have a bearing on successful collaboration are discussed, including use of a Framework Agreement, licensing conditions and measuring impact. CONCLUSION: NHS librarians working together can leverage collective benefits for users through collaborative purchasing.  相似文献   

简析科技期刊电子稿件的证据效力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘利  任学婧  栾奕  库雪飞 《编辑学报》2009,21(3):203-204
认为应以<中华人民共和国电子签名法>法理法条规定来约束和规范科技期刊电子稿件的编辑、出版工作,探索并以期解决科技期刊电子稿件的证据效力问题.  相似文献   

论网上免费电子期刊的获取   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
论文探讨了网上免费电子期刊的获取方式。  相似文献   

简论网络电子期刊的特点与服务功能   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
网络电子期刊的出现引起现代期刊信息服务业一场重大变革.作为新生事物.它具有的一系列与传统型期刊截然不同的本质特点.使它拥有强大的生命力和发展优势。  相似文献   

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