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The follow-up application of underwater wireless sensor network is influenced by accuracy of self-localization of nodes. The self-localization of nodes is discussed in this paper. First of all, nodes of underwater wireless sensor network are classified into several levels according to the accuracy of position of nodes and the levels are from the first to the fifth in accordance with accuracy of nodes from high to low respectively. Secondly, the level of anchor nodes can be known by those unknown nodes from the information given by the anchor nodes themselves, At the same time the unknown nodes are able to be located in the area controlled by the first level of anchor nodes that are as the aggregation. Then the positioning algorithm is designed correspondingly in accordance with the accuracy level of nodes. Finally, the positioning algorithm is simulated and analyzed. The result shows that the unknown nodes can be located effectively by hierarchical control.  相似文献   

利用窄带通信(frequency divided multiple access,FDMA)技术在远距离通信上的优势,设计了基于DPMR(digital private mobile radio)数字对讲无线通信协议的无线传感器节点。采用C8051F120为主控微处理器,DPMR通信部分选用数字基带处理器SCT3252F及士康公司SRT3500系列套片组成的射频单元,软件上可实现多点分时上传传感器数据。节点最大发射功率为4W,接收灵敏度小于0.2μV,在城市较空旷环境下实测有效通信距离可达3.4km,适合于较大范围内无线传感器网络的应用需要。  相似文献   

针对分簇无线传感器网络提出了一种基于虚拟天线阵列的协作算法.该算法通过节点间的协作来提高网络连通性,所有节点均按照泊松Voronoj网格模型进行分簇,簇首根据通信链路决定是否激活节点协作;若节点协作算法被激活,簇首从其成员中选择适合的节点作为协作节点共同组成虚拟天线阵列.通过协作,可扩展簇间的通信范围从而与远方节点直接...  相似文献   

为提高火灾报警准确度和精度,解构火灾探测技术的模型,讨论满足火灾报警要求的多维探测分层决策模型和拓扑结构,给出一种满足自组织要求的基于无线传感器网络的信息传输策略和数据融合方法。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络节点的物理层设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较和分析了无线传感器网络节点物理层设计的各种无线通信技术、现有的成熟标准、重要的射频参数以及不同的处理器方案,对节点物理层设计的各个主要方面进行了较为全面的研究.介绍了无线传感器网络节点的一种实现,给出了相关的测试数据以及一种“单处理器双工作频率”的新节能策略.分析了符合传感器网络MAC算法中节点周期性侦听要求的节点寿命估算问题.指出无线传感器网络节点物理层设计的关键考虑因素为:RF启动时间(决定MAC协议可以实现的最佳节点睡眠时间比例和最小的退避时间颗粒)、RF载波频率和调制方式(决定射频收发功耗)以及处理器工作在2个频率的片上系统的总体功耗.  相似文献   

介绍了应用于环境参数监测的无线传感器网络采集节点的设计要点。系统以nRF24L01无线射频芯片和MSP430F1232单片机为核心,实时采集并上传节点周围环境的温度、湿度、光照强度和可燃性气体浓度等信息。节点采用电池供电和无线传输方式,具有体积小、成本低、功耗低、性能稳定和便于携带等优点。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络遭受病毒攻击安全问题,结合无线传感器网络媒体访问控制层的休眠/监听机制,使用SIR病毒传播模型分析病毒传播的动态过程。研究表明,在无线传感器网络中媒体访问控制机制能在客观上对病毒传播起到抑制作用,降低网络病毒传播速度,减少网络病毒感染节点数。仿真发现,在媒体访问控制机制下,通过增大节点通信半径,增多网络活跃节点数,以及增加节点平均度等方法来改变网络结构,都能够有效抑制病毒在无线传感器网络中的传播,降低病毒感染规模。该文的实验结果与理论分析一致,研究成果能够应用于"计算机网络与信息安全"和"物联网概论"相关课程实验中,有助于学生理解信息病毒的传播过程,为制定病毒免疫机制解决网络病毒攻击隐患提供理论依据。  相似文献   

介绍了游梁式抽油机的工作原理,设计了一套基于无线传感器网络的抽油机监控实验平台。该实验平台基于无线传感器节点Imote2和施耐德电气公司的可编程控制器,实现对抽油机工作状态进行远程监控。该实验平台涵盖了抽油机的信息采集、信息传输(包括串口通信和无线通信)、信息处理以及电机转速控制等内容,有助于学生深入学习和理解无线传感器网络技术在石油领域中的应用和设计方法、掌握抽油机的工作原理,有利于培养和提高学生的创新能力和工程实践能力。  相似文献   

为解决无线传感器网络(WSN)内节点与网关及网关与终端之间的数据安全传输问题,针对WSN节点受到严格时空资源限制的特点,提出了一种在WSN节点之间、节点与网关之间利用时间隐蔽通信来进行身份认证的算法,被认证方可通过调整发送的数据包间隔特征来携带认证信息,认证方则从接收的数据包间隔特征中提取认证信息以进行验证。仿真结果表明,在阈值选取适当的情况下,基于时间隐蔽通信的认证算法能在WSN环境下稳定地工作,获得正确可靠的编解码结果,可以以较低的时空开销保证WSN节点之间、节点与网关之间数据传输的安全性。  相似文献   

By using hyper-graph theory,this paper proposes a QoS adaptive topology configuration(QATC) algorithm to effectively control large-scale topology and achieve robust data transmitting in synchronous wireless sensor networks.Firstly,a concise hyper-graph model is abstracted to analyze the large-scale and high-connectivity network.Secondly,based on the control theory of biologic "Cell Mergence",a novel self-adaptive topology configuration algorithm is used to build homologous perceptive data logic sub-network ...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a connected dominating set (CDS) based mobility management algorithm, CMMA, to solve the problems of node entering, exiting and movement in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), which ensures the connectivity and efficiency of the CDS. Compared with Wu's algorithm, the proposed algorithm can make full use of present network conditions and involves fewer nodes. Also it has better performance with regard to the approximation factor, message complexity, and time complexity.  相似文献   

The expectations for sensor networks are growing. The performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is greatly influenced by their network topology. In this paper, we consider four patterned topologies that best support connectivity among these deployed sensor nodes in two-tiered WSNs. The theoretical and simulation results show that the triangle-based topology has smaller cell number, shorter maximum hop length, less total energy consumption, and better performance than other topologies. The analysis carried out in this paper could provide the guidelines for network deployment and protocol design in the future applications.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络的SPIN协议研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无线传感器网络是计算机科学技术的一个新的研究领域,是传感器技术、嵌入式计算技术、分布式信息处理技术和无线通信技术相结合的产物,具有广阔的理论研究和应用前景。本文对一种无线传感器网络路由协议SPIN-PP作了分析,并针对无线传感器网络的特点对其进行了一些改进工作,经NS2上的仿真结果表明这是一种有效的改进方案。  相似文献   

为研究无线传感器网对能耗的要求,提出一种无线传感器网媒体接入控制协议.通过分析各类MAC典型协议特点,归纳其设计原则和分类方法,比较各协议间的性能差异,给出MAC协议的设计策略.  相似文献   

介绍了无线传感器网络的特点及应用前景和研究的关注点;阐述了无线传感器网络的体系结构,同时进行了典型无线传感器网络路由协议的研究和比较;最后提出了在不断深入研究无线传感器网络路由协议的同时也要关注网络拓扑控制、网络安全、定位技术等关键技术。  相似文献   

Sensor localization is crucial for the configuration and applications of wireless sensor network (WSN). A novel distributed localization algorithm, MDS-DC was proposed for wireless sensor network based on multidimensional scaling (MDS) and the shortest path distance correction. In MDS-DC, several local positioning regions with reasonable distribution were firstly constructed by an adaptive search algorithm, which ensures the mergence between the local relative maps of the adjacent local position regions and can reduce the number of common nodes in the network. Then, based on the relationships between the estimated distances and actual distances of anchors, the distance estimation vectors of sensors around anchors were corrected in each local positioning region. During the computations of the local relative coordinates, an iterative process, which is the combination of classical MDS algorithm and SMACOF algorithm, was applied. Finally, the global relative positions or absolute positions of sensors were obtained through merging the relative maps of all local positioning regions. Simulation results show that MDS-DC has better performances in positioning precision, energy efficiency and robustness to range error, which can meet the requirements of applications for sensor localization in WSN.  相似文献   

针对坑道内的人员和设备定位,提出了一种适用于锚节点固定,未知节点自由移动的移动传感器网络定位算法。基于MonteCarlo算法,采用牛顿插值法对未知节点的运动路径进行预测,并确立其位置的预测模型,根据提出的一种自适应无线电射程计算方法对预测位置进行滤波。减小了无线电射程的不稳定性对预测结果的影响。仿真结果表明:与其它几种具有代表性的移动传感器网络定位算法相比,本算法定位精度更高、对锚节点密度的要求更低。  相似文献   

本文针对无线传感网络在智能农业低消息延迟、低占空比要求的应用场景下,对几种信道访问控制技术进行了研究,着重分析了分布式MD协议对于此场景下作为无线传感网络信道访问控制协议的可行性。  相似文献   

结合定向扩散路由协议提出了一种新的分簇路由算法(CDD).该算法在无线传感器定向扩算路由协议的基础上,引入分簇的概念,在大规模部署的传感器网络中,针对事件只发生在某一个局部检测区域的情况对传统的定向扩散路由协议进行改进,仿真证明了改进算法的有效性.  相似文献   

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