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从电影《七宗罪》看"七宗罪"与基督教传统的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基督教的罪不仅仅是一般意义上的干坏事,它有其自身特殊的含义,同时它与法律意义上的罪也是两个不同的概念,有着本质上的区别。按照美国主流文化的标准而被打造出来的电影《七宗罪》(英文名称Seven)从宗教的角度来解读当代美国社会弊病,充分展示了美国人对基督教的罪的诠释以及对基督教《圣经》的尊崇,尤其是在物欲横流的当代美国社会,其宗教反思的社会意义不言而喻。  相似文献   

采用溶剂热法合成了[Ni(en)3]2Sn2Se6单晶.单晶衍射分析结果表明,[Ni(en)3]2Sn2Se6属于正交晶系,空间群Pbca,晶胞参数a=15.2885(13),b=11.9367(10),c=19.2389(16),v=3511.0(5)3,Z=8,化合物含有SnSe4共边连接形成的[Sn2Se6]4-阴离子.  相似文献   

在我国古代乐器中,瑟是最古老的弹拨类乐器。近几十年来,学界对于瑟的关注主要集中在通过文献和文物的遗存来探讨它的起源流变、形制、瑟谱以及相关文学作品等问题。笔者在爬梳文献时,发现在弹拔乐器中,一些乐器的起源与瑟有关,且说法各异,本文从弹拨乐器中与瑟相关的起源说入手,对文献进行梳理的同时,试图厘清渊源,并由此映照出弦乐发展史中的若干问题。  相似文献   

This research means to put the emphasis on the personal cognitive interest drawn by a second grade primary school tutor (CE1) as to the help might be provided to a first grade primary school pupil (CP) who would have to achieve tasks involving space transformations. 36 children (12 6-to-7-year-old CP pupils and 24 7-to-8-year-old CE1 pupils) were distributed as follows: 12 CE1 pupils did individual work whereas the experimental group was formed by 12 dyades, each of them composed of a CE1 tutor and a CP one who was to receive some help. In the dyadic process the tutor’s part is to help the other one to manage with the exercises, without doing the other one’s task and without directly guiding his fellow worker’s way of acting. The results prove that significant progress are noticed among children set in a tutorship position with regard to children set in individual situations. Various indications as to the tutors’ ways of acting allow us to call these achieved progress by the name of tutor-effect and to consider them as the consequence of a situation in which an individual interacting with somebody else (sociocognitive) in order to explain to him or her what to do (metacognitive) will logically regard the assigned task in a different way (cognitive).  相似文献   

Résumé A partir d'un exemple, celui de la Haute-Volta, on peut penser qu'en Afrique les structures de recherche en éducation sont peu nombreuses. Les autorités ont souvent développé l'enseignement en transférant des systèmes plus ou moins adaptés. Cependant dans la période récente un mouvement de réforme de l'éducation rend nécessaire une recherche spécifique promise à un bel avenir — Celui-ci serait mieux assuré dans le cadre d'une coopération entre pays où les moyens humains, matériels et financiers seraient mis en commun dans un esprit de solidarité.
If Upper Volta were to be taken as an example, it could be assumed that few institutions for educational research exist in Africa. Governments have often developed their own educational systems by adopting and, to a lesser or greater degree, adapting others. However, a recent movement for educational reform is necessitating specific research, oriented to the future. This could be best achieved by co-operation between countries, with the sharing of human, material and financial resources in a spirit of solidarity.

Zusammenfassung Aufgrund des Beispiels von Ober-Volta ist anzunehmen, daß es in Afrika nur wenige Institutionen für Bildungsforschung gibt. Oft haben die Regierungen andere, mehr oder weniger angepaßte Systeme übernommen. In letzter Zeit hat sich jedoch eine Reformbewegung herausgebildet, die spezifische, zukunfts-orientierte Forschung erforderlich macht. Dies könnte am besten durch Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Länder und gemeinsamen Gebrauch personeller, materieller und finanzieller Mittel im Geiste der Solidarität realisiert werden.

自宋至今的《锦瑟》阐释史,是从纷歧走向融通的历史。各种主要的异说既各有其依据与优长,又各有其自身的缺陷,从而在客观上提出了互补与融通的要求。它们之间,又具有一体连枝、异派同源的性质。纷歧的异说分别认识其一枝一节,融通则将它们还原为一个艺术整体。从纷歧走向融通,反映了人们对复杂事物的认识过程。  相似文献   

以SeO2和硫脲为原料,在水热条件下制得了硒微米球;然后以硒微米球为硒源,在乙醇溶剂热条件下,通过溶解-晶化过程,获得了硒微米棒.粉体用X-射线粉末衍射(XRD)和光学显微镜(OM)进行了表征.硒微米棒的平均直径35μm,长度达毫米级.并用结晶学的观点讨论了硒微米棒的生长机制.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(82):45-61

Esta investigación pretende analizar la conducta prosocial de los niños/as de edad preescolar y algunas variables cognitivas y afectivas predictoras de la misma. La conducta prosocial se analizó mediante diversos procedimientos y técnicas de medida: evaluatión de los compañeros, evaluatión del maestro/a a través de dos cuestionarios diferentes y observación sistemática por parte de los investigadores en situaciones de juego espontáneo. En esta observación se registraron también las conductas agresivas. Las variables predictoras analizadas fueron: empatía, toma de perspectiva espacial y social y calidad del apego. Los resultados mostraron una mayor proporción de conductas prosociales en las niñas y una mayor proporción de conductas agresivas en los niños. La calidad del vínculo con la madre y la empatía se revelaron como dos importantes predictores de la conducta pro-social en esta edad.  相似文献   

Sans résumé
Expert mission to Jugoslavia

Als Pädagogischer Fachberater in Jugoslawien

On 11 June 1987, for the 30th anniversary of its foundation, INSA (National Institute of Applied Science), Lyon (France), organised a conference on the theme of The Title ‘European Engineer’. Presided over by Mr J. Valade, Minister of Research and higher education, the conference was attended by over 150 participants representing French and other European establishments of engineering science and higher technical education, industrial management, and engineer’s professional associations. The purpose of the conference was to examine the consequences of two important measures, made all the more significant by the move towards a more united Europe in 1992: first, the proposal—now virtually complete—made by FEANI (European Federation of National Associations of Engineers) for a definition of the title of the ‘European Engineer’; secondly, the preparation by the EEC authorities in Brussels of a specific text, to appear by the end of 1987, concerning the engineer and his profession in the European context. The success of the INSA conference was in itself a gauge of the interest surrounding the choice of this theme.  相似文献   

今年四月以来,“染色馒头”事件在我国闹得沸沸扬扬,各大报纸上已出现了不同版本的译文。作为新词语,它传递着独特的文化内涵,同时也加大了翻译的难度。通过分析其主要的英文表达方式,以期探讨“染色馒头”的恰当译法。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络与现代农业生产相结合为智慧农业、精准农业发展提供了技术保障。文章介绍了ZigBee无线传感器网络在智慧农业中的组网方案,给出了系统软硬件设计。该系统具有组网简单、维护方便、易于扩展等优点,适合在智慧农业中推广应用。  相似文献   

以β-环糊精为模板剂,采用水热法以L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐还原亚硒酸制备出具有枝状结构的微纳米硒,使用SEM、TEM、XRD对产物进行了表征,探讨了模板剂用量、反应温度、反应时间对硒晶生长的影响.研究表明,上述因素对产物的形貌有着显著的影响,实验确定的优化反应条件下制得的枝状微纳米硒形貌规则属于三方相t-Se0,但结晶度不高.  相似文献   

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