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A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. What an exciting day it was for Jennifer and Valeriel They had been friends since Grade Three and had 1 many of their high school experiences.Now they were driving together to their final high school event. Today was 2 day at Lamar High School.3 they were close friends,  相似文献   

nit 101.(N M ET 2003)If anybody calls,tell them Im out,and ask them totheir nam e and address.A .pass B .w rite C .take D .leave2.(N M ET 1994)—D o you need som e m ore paper?—N o,thanks.I .A .stillhave leftsom e B .have still left som eC.have som e stillleft D .stillhave som e left3.(N M ET 1994)—H ow long has this bookshop been in business?— 1982.A .In B .Since C .From D .A fter4.(M ET 1987)Finally,the thief handed everything he had stolento the police.A .after B .w hat C …  相似文献   

1.—Jane,your dress is beautiful.—A.N o,itisn t.B.Y es,it is.C.W here?D.Thank you.2.—H elp yourselfto som e fish,please.—.A.Thanks.Ive had enough B.N o,I can tC.I don tlike it D.O K3.—Im sorry I broke the window.—.A.Thats right B.N ot at allC.N ever m ind D.M y pleasure4.—ShallI close the window,M r and M rs W hite?—.A.D on tdo that B.N o,you m ustn tC.N o,please don t D.N o,you can t5.—D on t m ake any noise in the living room!M y baby is sleeping.—.A.Sorry,I won t …  相似文献   

U nit 7 1.(N M E T 1998)D r Black com es from either O xford or Cam bridge.I can trem em ber . A .where B .there C .w hich D .that 2.(N M ET 1999)Y ou should m ake it a rule to leave things you can find them again. A .when B .w here C .then D .there 3.(N M ET 1995) is a fact thatE nglish is being accepted as an in- ternationallanguage. A .There B .This C .That D .It 4.(2001春招)H ave a good rest,you need to your energy for the tennis m atch this afternoon. A .leave B .save C .hol…  相似文献   

1.K ate com es A ustralia.She s A ustralian.2.Li M ing and I go school M onday Friday.3.The m an lives Beijing,China.4.H is birthday is N ovem ber.5.M y birthday is D ecem ber23rd.6.I like going to the m ovies m y friends.7.C an you w rite m e soon?8.Please write and tell m e your schoollife.9.The bank is next the superm arket.10.I arrive school at7:00every m orning.11.The train usually arrives Shanghaiat5:00p.m..12.I often go to the park Sundays.13.—W here s the hotel?—Its C enter…  相似文献   

U nit 4 1.(2004春招)H e looked around and caught a m an his hand i the pocketofa passenger. A .put B .to be putting C.to put D .putting 2.(2004春招 )In order to change attitudes em ploying w om e the governm entis bringing in new laws. A .about B .of C .towards D .on 3.(2000上海)W hat he has done is far from . A .satisfactory B .satisfied C .satisfaction D .satisfy 4.(N M ET 1998)—N ancy is not com ing tonight. —Butshe . A .prom ises B .prom ised C.will prom ise D .had prom ised 5.(…  相似文献   

U nit151.(2004全国卷Ⅰ)I don t m ind picking up your things from the store.,the walk will do m e good.A.Sooner or later B.StillC.In tim e D.Besides2.(N M ET2002)Excuse m e for breaking in,I have som e new sooldenfor you.A.so B.and C.but D.yet3.(N M ET1995…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(15分)1.—W here is your brother?—H e is.A.in hom e B.in school C.athom e D.on school2.I think it is hat.A.K ate B.K ate s C.K ates D.K ates3.Thanks the greatphoto of your fam ily.A.for B.on C.of D.in4.Please these things to m e tom orrow.A.bring B.look C.do D.take5.There are tw o windows the w all.A.under B.in C.on D.behind6.—A re the shoes under your bed?—A.Y es,itis.B.Y es,they are.C.N o,it isn t.D.N o,they are.7.—A re you Jim?—Y es,I.M y nam e Jim.A .is,is …  相似文献   

1.—M ustI copy the new words now?—N o,you.Y ou do it after class.A.needn t,m ustn t B.m ustn t,m ayC.needn t,m ay D.m ustn t,m ust2.—M ay I go surfing alone this afternoon,D ad?—N o,you.It is dangerous.A.m ay not B.m ustn t C.needn t D.don t3.—W here s Lucy?—I am not sure.She in the schoollibrary.A.m aybe B.m ustbeC.m ay be D.willbe4.A teacher also m ake a m istake ifhe or she is notcarefulenough.A.m ust B.m ayC.should D.has to5.—M ustwe finish the work before six?—N o,you.…  相似文献   

第一卷选择题(共80分)I.听力测试(共30分,试题略)II.单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)A.从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案()1.—Excuse m e.Do you have a table fortwo?—I'm sorry,there aren't any seatsnow.W ould you m ind waitingfora while?A.but B.and C.or D.so()2.In the bookshop,a reader asked theshopkeeper W ho M oved M y Cheesewasan interestingbook.A.that B.how C.what D.if()3.—Ihaveyournam e,please?—Yes,M ichael.M-I-C-H-A-E-L.A.M ust B.W ill C.M ay D.Need()4.There is knocking at the …  相似文献   

两道中考题是这样的:①Jim is an Am erican he can speak very good Chinese.(湖南)A.if B.so C.but D.because②—Excuse m e.Do you have a table fortwo?—I’m sorry,there aren’t any seats now.W ould you m ind waiting for awhile?(北京东城区)A.but B.and C.or D.so  相似文献   

1.M y parents gave______a nice toy dog form y birthday.(2006年北京市)A.I B.m e C.m y D.m ine【点拨】选B。give sb.sth.给某人某物,代词用宾格。2.—D o you know the w om an overthere?—Y es.She’s______aunt.(2004年济南市)A.Lily and Lucy B.Lily’sand Lucy’sC.Lily’sand Lucy D.Lily and Lucy’s【点拨】选D。题干中的aunt是一个人,是莉莉和露西两人的姨妈。3.M ore and m ore people in Shanghaiare ableto talk and w rite______English these days.(2004年上海市)A.for B.w ith C.in D.to【点拨】选C。“…  相似文献   

Unit 211.(2005浙江)I couldn t .The line was busy. A .go by B .go around C.get in D .getthrough 2.(N M ET 1998)—C an I get you a cup oftea? — . A .Thats very nice ofyou B .W ith pleasure C.Y ou can,please D .Thank you for the tea 3.(2004湖北 )W hat surprised m e w as not w hat he said but he said it. A .the way B .in the way that C.in the way D .the way which 4.(1998上海) m ost students,she was always w ell prepared and never cam e to class late. A .Like B .A s C .For D .To 5.(200…  相似文献   

Since the time Confucianism was generally accepted by the Chinese populace in the Han Dynasty(2nd century B.C.), it has become an integral part of Chinese society and what it means to be Chinese. Three aspects of traditional Chinese family under the influence of Confucianism are observed: the family and the state, positional role behavior and ancestor worship.  相似文献   

1.听力(略)11.单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) 根据句意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填人空白处的最佳答案。21.Jaek,good boy!Please Pass_the glasses.1 want to rea己the newspaPer· A·youB‘me C.him D.her22.This morninglhad_egg and a bottle of milk formy breakfast. A.an B.aC.the D.不填23.一How many__ean you seein the fi)llowing pietures? 一Three.2829A .NO SMOKINGB.NO PARKINGC .NO PHOTOS D.NO FOOD一Can you Play football?一Yes,1 ean,_1 ean’t Pl叮it ve砂 well.A .or B.and C.50 D.…  相似文献   

N ew Y ork City is the largest city in A m erica today.But in the18thcentury it w as sm aller than Philadelphia and Boston.In early A m ericanhistory,Boston w as the m ost im portant city in the country.Later,Phi-ladelphia grew and becam e m ore im portant.In the early years of the19thcentury B oston,Philadelphia and N ew Y ork rem ained m ore or less equalin size and im portance.Finally,in1823,an event took place that gaveN ew Y ork C ity,once and for all,its leading position.This even…  相似文献   

一、but作为连词but作为连词连接同等成分或句子,表示转折时,有以下几种情况。(一)but连接两个并列分句,多译为“但是”。如:M aryisanicegirl,butshehasoneshortcom ing.玛丽是一个好姑娘,但她有一个缺点。【考题展示】1.Thechangesin thecitywillcostquitealot,____theywillsaveusm oneyin thelongrun.A.or B.since C.for D.but2.There are m any kinds of sports,____m y favorite isswim m ing.A.as B.then C.so D.but3.—Idon’tlikechicken____fish.—Idon’tlikechicken,____Ilikefish verym uch.A.and;and B.and;butC.or;but…  相似文献   

1.The boy and the girl each—their owntextbooks.A.buys B.has C.have D.doesn’tbuy2.The singer and the dancer—popular withyoung or oldA.is B.are C.has D.have3.The headmaster and maths teacher—gone to Beijing.A.has B.have C.was D.were4.Both rice and wheat—in this part of  相似文献   

根据图画所示完成下列对话,每空限填一词。1.A:you like som e bottlesofm ilk,please?B:O K.A:w ould you like?B:Five,please.2.A:H ow m anyin Picture Two?B:Four.A:A re they in the?B:No.Three ofthem are in C lassO ne.The otherone is in ClassTwo.3.A:you m end the bike?B:N o,I can t.A:W hat is he doing?B:H e s his.4.A:W hat are they doing?B:They re their.A:W here are they going?B:They re going to.5.A:C an I borrow your eraser?B:C ertainly,are.A:Thank you very m uch!B:Y ou re.6.A:you an…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.选择填空。1.The little girl has____uncle and____aunt.A.a;a B.an;a C.a;an D.an;an2.____your brother____fruit?A.Is;like B.Does;like C.Do;likes D.Does;likes3.I think this kind of movies is interesting,____my pen pal doesn9tlike it.A.but B.so C.and D.or4.——The sweater is beautiful.____is it?——It9s120yuan.A.How B.How much C.How many D.How old5.This is Susan and that is Mary.____my____.A.She9s;friend B.They9re;friendC.They9re;friends D.They;friends6.They like____books and we lik…  相似文献   

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