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蒙古族民歌是蒙古族音乐文化的重要组成部分。社会的发展和音乐文化的繁荣,促进了蒙古族民歌与不同音乐体裁和创作方式的逐步结合,孕育、产生了以蒙古族民歌为题材、具有蒙古音乐风格的器乐曲。蒙古族民歌的器乐化发展,既保持了民族音乐的内涵和普遍的表现形式,又融合了当今中西音乐的多种创作技法,对此进行深入研究,将对蒙古族音乐文化的进一步发展具有深远意义。  相似文献   

The focus of the study is the comparison between the musical abilities of 11-year-old children on the island of Martinique and in Slovenia, and finding out to what extent their development of musical abilities is influenced by musical and cultural family background, music school attendance, choral singing and playing orchestral instruments. Our analyses showed statistically significant sample differences between the two countries in the comparison of the dependent variables (melodic, rhythmic and harmonic musical ear). Irrespective of the country, the tests showed that a strong musical and cultural family background, music school, choral singing and playing an orchestral instrument further the development of melodic, rhythmic and harmonic musical ear. The study led to some discoveries which will be used to improve music teaching in Slovenia, as the 11-year-olds on the island of Martinique show much better results. The research also indicated important sample differences that will result in a more successful development of musical abilities.  相似文献   

在诸多的艺术门类中,舞蹈与音乐的关系尤为密切.舞蹈中舞者所表现出的良好的"乐感"不是与生俱来的,而是靠后天学习磨练而形成的一种能力,是人们对舞蹈音乐节奏的感觉能力和对舞蹈音乐的想象能力,以及对舞蹈音乐风格的表现能力的综合反映.随着人们对音乐素质教育的重视,舞蹈对于素质教育的重要地位得到更进一步的确立.为了顺利实现现代舞蹈素质的需要,培养学生良好的"乐感"就显得尤为重要.  相似文献   

Results from a developmental study on pitch matching ability (PMA) were used to draw conclusions on diagnostic and educational practice in music. Forty children from 3 age groups (4, 6, 8 years) participated in a cross‐sectional study with repeated measurements. The factor age was not important in the development of vocal PMA, whereas timbre of note presentation had strong effects on reproduction: Children in all age groups were more successful with vocal than with instrumental presentation. Remarkable were the large individual differences: There are 4‐year‐old children who hare higher ability than many 8‐year‐olds. Evidence is presented that actively produced music gives more valid insights into the individual's competence than the perceptually and verbally dominated traditional procedures for assessing PMA. Emphasis is thus placed on vocal activities because they are the earliest musical (and/or prosodic) expressions.  相似文献   

赵瑛 《天津教育》2021,(5):130-132
幼儿音乐教学,就是对幼儿的审美能力的培养。教学实践当中,幼儿教师可以利用现代化的教学手段,采取科学有效的“互动课堂模式”,营造良好的教学氛围,激发幼儿学习音乐的兴趣;采取灵活多样的教学方式,充分发挥城乡课程资源的优势互补,全面提高幼儿的音乐素养,为他们将来进一步发展奠定良好的基础。在欣赏音乐的过程中,幼儿教师应帮助幼儿领悟音乐所要表达的情感世界,使幼儿真正把握音乐的内涵意义,从而全面理解音乐作品。  相似文献   

在充分研究大量古代音乐文献的基础上,结合现代相关考古研究成果对楚国的器乐与乐器发展进行了比较系统的探索,认为楚国器乐与乐器的繁荣主要体现在“钟鼓之乐”“古琴音乐”,以及“八音乐器”三个方面。  相似文献   

Hemispheric laterality may be a useful concept in teaching, learning, training, and in understanding more about human development. To address this issue, a measure of hemispheric laterality was compared to musical and mathematical ability. The Human Information Processing Survey (HIPS) instrument, designed to measure hemispheric laterality, was administered to 101 participants who were then asked to provide a measure of their conceptual aptitude for mathematics and music. Scores were then compared through canonical correlation to test the hypothesis that perceived mathematical ability may be explained by left-brain hemisphere preference and musical by the right hemisphere. A relatively strong correlation was found between music ability and right-brain hemisphere preference. A relationship between math and left-brain hemisphere preference or integrated brain processing scores was found to be marginal. Ramifications to learning are discussed.  相似文献   

从1999年英国伦敦首演后,音乐剧《妈妈咪呀》有14个语言版本巡演于世界240多座城市。歌舞片《妈妈咪呀》从音乐剧改编而来,继承了音乐剧的优美旋律,发扬了电影艺术独特的视听艺术,将温馨的亲情、甜蜜的爱情、感人的友情和追求自我的目标,通过无时空的音"乐"和无极限"乐"曲展现得淋漓尽致,它们或欢快、或感伤、或兴奋、或低落,但都完美地契合了人物的情绪变化和故事的发展轨迹,使观众的情绪伴随着情节的发展和音乐的节奏而波澜起伏。从歌舞片的独特魅力出发,详尽分析音乐在影片中举足轻重的地位,将音乐与人物、情节、主题相结合,试图寻找该片成功的原因所在,并为歌舞类型片的发展提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

音乐教育从本质上来说是一项塑造"人"的工程。感受与鉴赏(即音乐欣赏)是进行音乐教育的一种重要手段,音乐欣赏可以使受教者有机会接触到更多的音乐作品,培养人的健康向上的音乐审美情感,提高人的音乐审美能力,促进人的全面和谐发展。音乐教育必须遵循"以听为中心"的原则,发展学生的音乐听觉,培养其对音乐良好的感受能力,把全部教学活动牢固地建立在听的基础上。感受与鉴赏是整个音乐学习的基础,是培养学生音乐审美能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

视唱练耳的目的是让学生经过严格的音乐技巧训练,以达到能够及时、准确地读懂和理解乐谱实质意义的目的,通过视唱练耳所养成的训练有素的内心听觉来理解音乐、表现音乐,同时,通过视唱练耳教学也可以提升学生的音乐记忆能力、创新能力和音乐想象能力,最终达到提升学生的整体音乐素质的目的。  相似文献   

127 students at a musical high school in Cracow completed the Test of Creative Thinking of Necka and Rychlicka and filled out a questionnaire on their musical achievements. They were also rated by their music teachers. The level of creative thinking increased with the age of subjects, but correlations between creative thinking and achievement in music were not significant. Further research on this apparent lack of relationship between musical and verbal creativity is important for music education and counselling of music students.  相似文献   

音乐艺术属于与听觉有关的感性活动,只有出于审美目的,寻找与人自己的审美能力和审美趣味相适应的音乐作品,并与之发生直接的感性接触,人与音乐才构成审美关系,音乐审美有自身的特点,也有自身的规律。这些规律反映了音乐发展的内部原因,也体现着音乐审美标准的现实基础。  相似文献   

This article examines everyday musical practices and their connections to young children’s learning and development, in and through music. It begins with a discussion of music learning in early childhood as a form of participation and levels of intention in learning. Next, conceptions of child that have dominated early childhood music education discourses are discussed, along with other factors that are known to influence children’s musical lives, such as spatiality, repertoires and the politics of participation. Three illustrative vignettes that stem from the author’s experience as an early childhood music educator and researcher are presented throughout the text. Implications for early childhood education are outlined at the end.  相似文献   

儒家的音乐价值观导致了古代中国人对音乐超乎寻常的推崇,继而导致了大量呈现音乐美的诗词赋的问世。诗词赋是语言的艺术,描述音乐形象绝非书面语言所长,但这些诗词赋却又要借助书面语言来描述音乐形象,并进而令人领略音乐的美。古代诗人是如何成功地做到这一点的?阅读这些诗词赋,不难发现它们共同的策略:以某一(些)具体的艺术手法令人联想音乐形象并进而令人感受音乐美。如果熟悉当下的音乐评论,你会发现,这些艺术手法也大多为音乐评论为用。本文试图从音乐的特征、音乐的效果、音乐的来源这三个维度总领这些诗词赋呈现音乐美的十种具体的艺术手法,从而对它们及其赖以形成的原理做出全面而系统的总结。  相似文献   

传统音乐学是研究音乐与其所处文化环境共生的科学。它的研究目的首先是要阐明各民族、各地区音乐发展的规律,从各民族、各地区的现实音乐状况出发,探索它的起源、形成、繁荣、发展、演变等问题,从而达到对人类音乐文化发展规律的认知。传统音乐的实地调查作为音乐学研究(案头工作)的第一步,要求研究者在资料的搜集、整理和研究上更趋科学和系统,从而能够更加自觉、更加成熟地走向各民族丰富多彩的社会音乐生活。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代的音乐大师黎锦晖所创作的儿童歌舞音乐作品在中国近现代音乐史上意义重大,它不仅对少年儿童的身心健康发展、综合能力的培养等方面起着积极的作用,对践行新课程改革标准和促进小学素质教育的发展亦有着重要的现实积极意义。文章针对当前小学音乐教育所存在的问题现状,提出将黎锦晖儿童歌舞音乐作品应用于现行小学音乐教育中,从中探索出黎锦晖儿童歌舞音乐作品的推广教学和实践活动与音乐新课程改革的契合性及其教育价值。  相似文献   

非音乐专业学生的普通音乐教学,旨在培养学生的音乐素质和艺术修养,对这些学生的音乐教学首先应从简谱教学入手,让学生尽快的解决识谱问题,尽快的跨入音乐殿堂的大门,培养他们感知音乐的能力,开发他们的智力,陶冶他们的情操。  相似文献   

维吾尔族是我国各民族中唯一使用三种音乐体系(中国、波斯一阿拉伯、欧洲)的民族.本文围绕波斯-阿拉伯音乐体系是如何在维吾尔族民族民间音乐中产生、发展进行探究:1、维吾尔族民族文化产生的历史背景.2、地理位置、生态环境和人种语言等方面的影响.3、伊斯兰文化对维吾尔族民族文化的影响.4、阿拉伯音乐对维吾尔民族音乐的影响.从而阐明民族音乐文化的产生、存在和发展,不可能是孤立的,它不仅同该民族、社会、历史发展分不开,而且同周边的国家、民族、社会历史分不开.  相似文献   

排舞是一项时尚的群体性健身项目,习练者的节奏能力是十分重要的.节奏能力分为音乐感知能力和动作节奏能力两个方面,因此,应分别从这两个方面去培养排舞节奏能力,在音乐感知能力方面需从音乐旋律、节奏与节拍、对乐曲的领悟三个内容入手;在动作节奏能力方面需从音乐与动作配合、舞步动作方向内容入手,同时,要改进教学方法,以提高舞者的排舞节奏能力.  相似文献   

Research on musical giftedness in Poland has a long tradition. Looking back, these endeavours can be seen as a process of transformation and reorientation of the basic concepts, methods and strategies of research, and of attitudes towards the problem of the psychology of talent. This process resulted from successive discoveries of new aspects of musical giftedness and new factors influencing its development. In the light of experience until now, musical giftedness can be seen as a lifelong process of music related activity, with strong intrinsic motivation to improve both results and knowledge. Simultaneously, it is a stream, very sensitive to external and internal emotional pressures, a potential which cannot be realized without active and competent socioemotional support and tutoring – in all stages of the talented person's life. Research on this problem requires international cooperation among experienced researchers, counsellors, music teachers and parents of the musically gifted.  相似文献   

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