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Because the very early development of abilities is vitally affected by personal relationships, research emphasis has shifted away from the quasi‐experimental situation to the more natural home context. This has resulted in the rejection of some limiting ideas of very early potential, and particulary appropriate for the highly able, concern with young children's own awareness of what they do. The educational conclusions are that infants who develop and learn with speed and ease need a wide variety of activities, with parents who are aware and responsive, especially in play and verbal interaction. They also need both the appropriate material provision and facilities for practice to develop specific skills.  相似文献   

The present study focused on children (N=55) with a 12 point or greater difference between verbal IQ (VIQ) and performance IQ (PIQ) on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), with either value being higher than 120. There was a particular focus on those with 24 points or more difference. The control group included children with IQ over 110, but with less than 9 points difference between VIQ and PIQ (N=33). Relatively low VIQs were found in the group with very large discrepancies, and their school performance was in accordance with this result. The problem with the VIQ of this group seemed to be one of maturity. The findings also showed that the subscales are important in diagnosis; the Object Assembly subscale of the WAIS, for instance, has a particular function in the characterisation of hemispheric connections. It was concluded that the group of gifted children displayed right hemispheric dominance, and that differences in the direction of intelligence might influence cognitive style, field of interest and choice of profession. Caution is needed when using VIQ‐PIQ differences for diagnostic purposes, particularly in the case of children with high intelligence.


The typical Jewish child's Jewish education ends with his or her Bar or Bat Mitzvah which, more than likely, focused on the acquisition of practical synagogue skills. As they grow older, these young Jewish adults will more than likely learn far more about Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other religious traditions in the course of their college and university educations whereas they will still only have a simplistic, child's understanding of their own religious tradition. As a result, most young Jews today possess only a superficial understanding of Judaism which cannot possibly compete for their spiritual loyalty or serve as a focus for future study.  相似文献   

创造性思维是一种有开创意义的高智能思维活动。英语教学应注重学生的创造性思维的培养。本文从多角度探讨了在英语教学中培养学生的创造性思维的诸多途径和方法。  相似文献   

A test was constructed which enabled a maturity score to be assigned to students in a women's college of education. Factor analysis of the test data indicated that the three factors which accounted for most of the variance were: the capacity for realistic thought and self‐appraisal, an ability to take a long‐term view, and independence and self‐control under stress.

Scores of first‐ and third‐year students were examined by analysis of variance. It was found that the type of course pursued in college had no significant effect on maturity but that, in the final college year, students from co‐educational secondary schools obtained higher ratings on the maturity scale than those from single‐sex girls’ schools.  相似文献   

该文通过对反证法的逻辑分析,探讨反证法教学的逻辑功能和思维价值,改善和发展学生的素质元素。  相似文献   

In this paper psychometric data are presented which show that the distribution of highly able Israeli students across the various fields in the sciences is uneven. Most highly able students are attracted to the natural sciences, engineering and computer sciences. Only few are attracted to the social sciences, humanities, arts and education. Assuming that future scientific leaders will emerge from this elite group, the implications that the uneven distribution may have for predicted progress in the sciences are discussed.  相似文献   

Giftedness is commonly regarded as potential for extraordinary performance within a given area, e.g. academic, artistic, or manual, that develops in a field of interacting internal and external factors and unfolds in individual stages. Gender related and culturally dependent influences affect the dynamic processes through which a child acquires and expands its competence. Admittedly, a particular talent for a special intellectual activity, e.g. mathematics and sciences, is essential, but such a talent alone is not necessarily sufficient to explain why young students devote themselves to particular subject matter, thereby acquiring a high level of ability.


本文联系数学教学实例,探讨在数学教学中克服思维定势,培养学生思维的灵活性问题.  相似文献   

在英语课堂教学中,一方面应总结经验,找出差距;另一方面要强化学生课堂参与意识,注重课堂效果及学生能力的提高,在实践中探索出适合自己特点的,且行之有效的教学模式。  相似文献   

Current research demonstrates that maladjusted children can be treated successfully if skilled and timely help is brought to bear on their needs. The methods used to assist in this programme of rehabilitation and sometimes prevention of maladjustment are delineated in the paper. Of the 100 children treated to date, 90% achieved higher levels of performance in school and later in society and, most especially, vocationally. Of the 100 able children who acted as a control group, only 20% achieved such success. Many became maladjusted adults and in some areas also suffered from difficulties with personal relationships, including a lack of success in their marriage and in parenting.  相似文献   

本文根据漆画教学经验,着重对漆画语言的探索,加强对漆画的局限性与表现力、工艺美与艺术美、质材美与技艺美的表现,融古贯今,推陈出新,创造出具强大张力及引力,富时代气息与民族特色的现代漆画艺术。  相似文献   

The article reports on a single case study involving neuropsychological treatment of a highly gifted dyslexic boy. First the relationship between cerebral lateralization and reading (dis)ability is outlined. Remedial perspectives for weak readers on the basis of the amenability of hemispheric control by external factors are illustrated with this case. The experimental phases, method, materials and design of the treatment, as well as the result of pre‐ and posttesting, including a pre‐ and post‐BEAM, are reported. One of the results discussed is that the neuropsychological changes during the treatment period appear to parallel, to a large extent, improvement in reading strategy and level.


生物实验课教学对于培养合格的中学生物学教师起到积极的重要作用.从潜科学的新角度出发,对生物学实验课教学进行总结探讨,就实验课的指导思想、意义、操作与评价提出较为合理的改进建议  相似文献   

Over 1,200 children receiving remedial teaching in reading were studied on ten main variables: IQ, chronological age, mental age, initial reading age, reading age after treatment, treatment length, number of attendances, percentage attendance, size of teaching group, and improvement. Sex distribution and laterality patterns were also examined.

The findings of many previous smaller studies were in general borne out. In particular, little relationship was found between lateral dominance and reading disability or between intelligence as measured and reading improvement. Only when groups contained more than six children did group size affect progress adversely. Further studies are in hand.  相似文献   

当发现家中闯进了盗贼的时候,大多数美国人在本能的驱使下开了枪,可这也让他们面临着控告。对此,产生了种种争议,面对盗贼,究竟该不该开枪,我们又该如何保卫自己的家呢?  相似文献   

实践教学环节是网络教育教学过程中不可缺少的重要组成部分,本文从网络教育教学实践环节的现状分析入手,探讨了建构主义学习理论在网络教育教学实践环节中的运用,提出网络教育教学实践环节环境的完善和网络教育教学实践环节开展的建议。  相似文献   

This article represents a plea by its author for the medical education establishments of the world to concentrate more fully on the teaching of the theories and methodologies of community health. It is no longer sufficient to train physicians to deal on a one‐to‐one basis with patients; rather, the physician must become a community health leader. Only in this way will the vast numbers of persons who will never come into direct contact with a doctor learn about and be able to benefit from such life‐saving advances in medical science as the low‐cost methods for preventing such scourges as diarrheal diseases, measles, tetanus, whooping cough, and acute respiratory infection, aliments which account for more than two‐thirds of the 14 million recorded child deaths per year. Only through physician‐led community health programmes will it be possible to generalize such life‐saving and low‐cost techniques as oral rehydration. In short, the doctor must become a community health educator. For this to happen requires a revolution in medical education.


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