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Most text, because of its arrangement, implies a sequential order. Despite efforts to convey content structure, readers access most text in serial order. Because cognitive principles of learning suggest that we all construct knowledge differently, hypertext breaks the sequential processing tendency by allowing readers to modify the sequence as well as the appearance of the text they are reading. Readers may decide what information is relevant to them and what sequence produces the most meaningful learning. In this article, hypertext is defined and types and examples of both print and electronic hypertext are described. A rationale, based on web learning and generative learning hypotheses, is presented. Finally, three levels for implementing hypertext are described, with emphasis on electronic (especially microcomputer) applications.  相似文献   

There is a pressing need for more efficient methods of delivering updated engineering information, especially in the workplace. Hypertext offers the author the ability to structure information in ways which are more flexible than conventional print media. The intention of presenting training material using hypertext is to develop an explorative attitude in the reader. The reader is encouraged to follow his/her own path through the material, with the option of following some topics to a greater depth than would normally be expected. Hypertext also provides a tightly integrated package of information, guidance, and often also the ability to execute programs or procedures described in the document. It can also provide concise support for experts as well as assistance—in the same document. This paper (i) outlines the concepts and facilities in typical hypertext implementations, (ii) describes the reactions that have been obtained in the use of an on-line code of practice (Australian Rainfall and Runoff), and (iii) offers some guidelines for structuring engineering documents for hypertext.  相似文献   

针对传统文本—图像对抗模型中,由于反卷积网络参数过多容易产生过拟合现象,导致生成图像质量较差,而线性分解方法无法解决文本—图像对抗模型中输入单一的问题,提出一种在线性分解基础上加入流形插值的算法,并对传统 DCGAN 模型进行改进,以提高图像的鲁棒性。仿真实验结果表明,生成花卉图像的 FID分数降低了 4.73%,生成鸟类的 FID 分数降低了 4.11%,在 Oxford-102 和 CUB 两个数据集上生成图像的人类评估分数分别降低了 75.64%和 58.95%,初始分数分别提高 14.88%和 14.39%,说明新模型生成的图片更符合人类视角,图片特征更为丰富。  相似文献   

It is a challenge to attract undergraduate students into the gerontology field. Many do not believe the aging field is exciting and at the cutting edge. Students, however, can be convinced of the timeliness, relevance, and excitement of the field by, literally, bringing up today's headlines in class. The author collected over 250 articles during the first nine months of 2007 and incorporated the content into his Health and Aging course. Gerontology faculty members who make the connection between current news events and course material, as well as incorporate that connection into their recruitment efforts, will discover an opportunity to promote their discipline.  相似文献   

以网络为载体,以超文本技术为支撑的超文本文学是一种新型文学,它有着明显的非线性,非中心化和互文性等特点。超文本版《喧嚣与躁动》,作为经典文本的超文本再次创作典范,契合了超文本文学的特点,以网络的形式肢解并充实了原文本。  相似文献   

网络学习的基本功——超文本阅读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阅读是人类获得知识和信息的重要手段。随着以计算机和以Internet为代表的现代信息技术的普及和运用,一种新的阅读方式——超文本阅读已越来越多地介入到网络时代的学习和生活中。超文本阅读与传统阅读相比,显示了它的新特征和优越性。为了在网络学习中发挥更有效的作用,学习者需要掌握超文本阅读的目的性、快速性、判断性和主动性。  相似文献   

Reading is a multi‐sensory activity, entailing perceptual, cognitive and motor interactions with whatever is being read. With digital technology, reading manifests itself as being extensively multi‐sensory – both in more explicit and more complex ways than ever before. In different ways from traditional reading technologies such as the codex, digital technology illustrates how the act of reading is intimately connected with and intricately dependent on the fact that we are both body and mind – a fact carrying important implications for even such an apparently intellectual activity as reading, whether recreational, educational or occupational. This article addresses some important and hitherto neglected issues concerning digital reading, with special emphasis on the vital role of our bodies, and in particular our fingers and hands, for the immersive fiction reading experience.  相似文献   

This paper uses Frank Lloyd Wright's (1867‐1959) organic architecture as a metaphor to define the relationship between a part and the whole, whether the focus is on a building and its surroundings or information delivered via hypertext. It reviews and discusses effective strategies for designing text information via hypertext and incorporates three levels of information design: the foundation, the room, and the roof level. In the foundation level, the nature of hypertext and issues concerning the use of hypertext as an appropriate information delivery technology are presented. In the room level, specifics on effective typography and content design that enhance information processing and comprehension are reviewed. In the roof level, the learner's experience performing a task and his or her identified information needs are discussed. Finally, recommendations for future research are provided  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Claudia Mills is the author of many novels for children and young adults, includingDynamite Dinah, After Fifth Grade, the World!, and Cally's Enterprise.  相似文献   

Hypertext is a nonlinear way of presenting content consisting of nodes and links that a person can access using a variety of search and browsing strategies. In this article, we focus on the use of hypertext as an instructional tool. We compare hypertext instruction with traditional instructional formats. We offer some initial guidelines relating to guidance and control, development and implementation, multiuser management, user interface, and content representation. The paper concludes with a discussion of limitations of learner control as an instructional strategy, and the need for careful instructional design of hypertext instructional programs.  相似文献   

The research reported here contributes to understanding how student engineers on an engineering campus in the US mid-continent not only talked about the kinds of people recognized as engineers on campus, but also juxtaposes their talk about “campus engineer identities” with two students' ways of presenting themselves as engineers through engineering project teamwork to argue that campus engineer identities framed on-campus interpretations of actions, and ultimately that identity production was a complicated process through which campus engineer identities (cultural knowledge learned on campus) provided a lens of meaning through which to “recognize” (or not) performances of engineer selves as engineers. This research adds to conversations about identity in practice, especially identity production in science education, by suggesting the importance of cultural forms for belonging, especially at an obdurate site of science practice like the campus studied.  相似文献   

The increasingly diverse set of learners in colleges and universities poses considerable challenges for educators. Dorothy A. Osterholt and Sophie Lampard Dennis explain the four domains of learning they have identified and suggest ways to apply them to help students overcome a variety of obstacles to learning.  相似文献   

幸福现教育,作为一种新兴的教育理念和行动正逐渐引起人们的关注和研究.本文从阐述"幸福"的内涵入手,揭示幸福的定义,说明正确的幸福观是人们幸福的重要源泉,而正确的幸福观的形成需要教育.  相似文献   

本文对日本文学理论中的作品论到文本论、超文本论的发展作了梳理与阐述,有助于了解日本文论发展的新情况。关于文本论、超文本论的研究,对我国文学界也会有所裨益。  相似文献   

超文本理念与现代文学理论的聚合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超文本是一种全局性的信息结构和文本模式,它以自身超链接、多向和非线性的特性改变着传统的阅读方式和理念。依据改变阅读理论的三个重要因素"作者之死"、意义的不确定性、文本的片断化对超文本理论进行分析,可以看出,超文本理论并未完全脱离传统的文学理论,相反,它的雏形早已显现在传统的文学理论中。  相似文献   


In a departure from the view that characterizes hypertext as a new writing paradigm based on old associationist ideas, Edward Barrett has proposed a model for hypertext that rejects cognitive and associationist language as both unnecessary and inaccurate. In this view, knowledge, reality, and even facts are community generated, “linguistic entities,” and hypertext supports the “social interface” rather than the “deep structure” of thought. This essay considers some of the premises of Barrett's proposal. A central issue is the rejection of the “authorial imperative” of structured information in favor of a view of writing as an open‐ended ever‐changing conversation in which readers and writers collaborate to discover—or generate—reality.  相似文献   

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