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The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) identifies students who reason well mathematically and/or verbally and offers summer and academic year programs of rigorous academic course work. Gender differences in test performance, even though not as large as previously reported, are noticeable, particularly among the highest test scores. The majority of students benefit from summer program participation, and have increased access to more advanced course work. No differences were found between 1982 and 1991 male and female populations in class ranking, liking of mathematics, or perception of support from peers, family members, and teachers. However, the lack of support from the peer group underscores the academic isolation of this group of students.  相似文献   

In identification and improvement of talent for athletics, training practice is hindered by considerable errors of estimation. Sports sciences must wrestle with the problem of lack of an established theory to guide the search for talented people. Nevertheless, a theoretically and practically effective system was used in the former German Democratic Republic for 15 years. The existing elements of this system were integrated with pedagogical experience and other data from the literature in an attempt to outline a system to be used in athletics in the search for talented performers. In this novel concept the main means of identification of athletic talent is competition itself, the main indicator is competitive performance, and the most important stimulator of interest in a discipline is success in competition. Competitive performances, however, can be of prognostic value only if they are evaluated together with the factors of trainability, biological age, training age and psychobiological, physiological, anthropometrical and social characteristics.  相似文献   

Dynamics of competitive performance represents an integrated indicator of both the ability of athletes and the efficacy of training. It provides information in all phases of selection and talent improvement. A study of the performance of male 100 metre sprinters showed that the internationally outstanding athletes achieved significantly better results than less successful competitors, even at the age of 15 to 18. Those whose development was faster from the point of view of performance (but not of biological maturity) were significantly more successful even in youth and adolescence. These tendencies could be demonstrated not only in the 100 metre sprint, but in other athletic events as well. Thus, the comparative analysis of performance dynamics may contribute considerably to the identification of the talent of internationally outstanding athletes.  相似文献   

Usually special factors thought to correlate with music are taken as tools for measuring musical ability: pitch, rhythm, musical intelligence. It is expected that these tests will differentiate between people. Here elements of an approach to using the unity of music itself for differentation are offered, based on the hypothesis that a musical composition might, in a later stage of development, not only correlate highly with validated ability tests but, because of its closeness to real life, make a positive contribution to the further development of musical ability tests.  相似文献   

Specific outstanding abilities are found at all levels of general cognitive functioning, and are independent of it Furthermore, people who are gifted in a particular area but differ widely in general intelligence nevertheless seem to utilise similar mental processes and structures. Thus idiot‐savant musicians remember, as well as generate, musical patterns derived from familiar musical rules, and their ability is not based on rote memory. Calendri‐cal calculators use the rules and structures on which the Gregorian Calendar is based to calculate dates rapidly. Children with low intelligence but outstanding drawing ability need less visual information for the identification of pictures than those who cannot draw but have high IQ's.  相似文献   

企业的发展依靠核心竞争力,核心竞争力来自于技术,技术来自于管理,而管理靠的是企业文化。所以说企业文化是企业成长的关键因素。  相似文献   

本文立足于巢湖学院应用型人才培养定位,提出数学学科的专业改造转型要优先于其他学科专业的改造转型。而数学学科专业的转型必须依托地方经济特色及学校内部强势专业,走"数学+优势专业"的联合培养道路,进而促进学校的全面转型。  相似文献   

Fifteen pianists were asked to study the same piano piece for a period of time. They were then interviewed about motivation to pursue musical performance and factors which influence the generation of performance. Participants were encouraged to raise their own issues or refute the ones presented. The data were then subjected to a content analysis. It was assumed that emotion plays an important part in motivating a performer over a long period of time and also influences actual playing. Four main components common to the participants emerged as influencing performance generation. There also appeared to be four main components describing motives for pursuing music. The results suggest that emotion is intertwined with both performance generation and motivation for musical performance. Findings may have a bearing on the nurturing of musical talent, and imply that competitiveness could be detrimental rather than beneficial to an artistic endeavour.  相似文献   

艺术的特征与其本质密切关系,本质体现特征的内在规律,本质的外在表现即为特征,音乐艺术作为一种特殊的精神生产,一种特殊的社会意识形态,具有创造模仿性,语言表情性,象征暗示及表象流动性等方面的特点。  相似文献   

本期,本刊记者兵分儿处,采访产业的研究机构、政策的制定机关,火热的一线企业,记者们颇多感慨,借用那句流行的话,国家正在下一盘很大的棋。我们如果天天只是看着眼前一点事,常常觉得不是难,就是愁,最大的愁当然是毕业求职难了。看看本期我们报道的这盘国家发展、个人成才的大棋,不信你看不到机会。  相似文献   

川江号子是船工在奔腾的川江上航行时传唱的民歌。本文从川江号子的旋律、节奏、歌词等方面作了较全面的论述。并对船工演唱号子时的内心情感作了心理分析,旨在传承历史文化遗产,弘扬民族音乐文化。  相似文献   

“莱青”是内蒙古东部地区类似于巫师的宗教中介人称谓。其主要职能为驱魔医病,基本活动方式与蒙古博相仿。主要流行于内蒙古科尔沁及周边地区。“莱青”有蒙古博、“喇嘛博”、衰退的“古尔塔木”等不同解释。笔者释其为藏传佛教传入蒙古地区后,在与原有蒙古博教作斗争过程中,为取代其功能和作用而形成的一种“特殊喇嘛”,是藏传佛教与蒙古博教整合形成的复合文化体。其乐舞也就具备了两种文化的相关因素。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAnAdeno associatedvirus(AAV)particleiscomposedofthreestructuralproteinsandalin ear ,single strandedDNA (ssDNA)genomeofapproximately 4 .7kb .AAVisadefectivehu manparvovirusthatnormallyreplicatesproduc tivelyonlyinthepresenceofhelperfunctionsprovide…  相似文献   

For many years, the author has been thinking about the problem of how to combine continuing education courses in universities with efforts to promote the dissemination of culture in the broadest sense. He begins his article with two definitions, one of the concept of continuing education itself, the other of the concept of culture. He indicates that increasingly a popular demand is being manifested for courses combining both objectives, particularly on the part of those who had to interrupt their studies prematurely or who completed them some time ago. He cites two seminars currently being offered at the University oE Athens, one an interdisciplinary seminar in philosophy, organized eight years ago, the other, a seminar in the philosophy of art. Both of them have opened their doors to all interested persons. They have been extremely popular, despite the fact that enrol‐lecs earn no credit for attending them. With the aid of the appropriate national authorities, similar programmes could be created in other universities in the countries belonging to Unesco so as to respond to a genuine social need.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the possible relationship between a subject's musical style preference and other variables: religious preference, age, sex, marital status, health, education, previous musical experience, and residence category. One hundred four persons aged 55 and older were seen at area nutrition centers. A questionnaire and musical preference test were administered to each subject. The latter consisted of 28 pairs of musical excerpts. Eight styles of music were included, distributed equally between vocal and instrumental examples. Each style was paired with every other style. Respondents were asked to state a preference for one of the two excerpts of each pair. Educational level and past musical experience most influenced choice of style, although there was some relationship between musical preferences and the majority of the other variables under consideration.  相似文献   

文化软实力是综合国力的一个重要组成部分。提升文化软实力可以为中国梦的实现提供物质基础、精神支撑、安全保障以及人才来源。我们必须在塑造本国文化形象、维护国家文化安全、建设社会主义核心价值体系、发展基层文化和大力培养人才等方面进行不懈地努力,不断提升国家的文化软实力,才能在日益激烈的综合国力竞争中立于不败之地,从而实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。  相似文献   

在元代多民族文化交流的大背景下,元散曲受到了蒙古民族及其文化的影响。其中蒙古族及北方其他少数民族的音乐文化对元散曲的形成以及繁荣兴盛曾产生过一定的促进与影响作用。具体如元散曲的声韵、句法、修辞等,由于受壮伟狠戾、嘈杂凄紧的蒙古族音乐之影响,体现出了与其前唐诗、宋词等韵文作品明显不同的特点。故从蒙汉文学文化交流的角度来研究元散曲的形成以及繁荣兴盛,将对研究此问题提供一个实用的新视角。  相似文献   

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