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Inrecentyears,theideaoflifelongeducationhasincreasinglyattractedtheattentionofeducationalpolicy-makersandpractitioners.Onceitisappliedtoteacherpreparation,lifelongeducationhasadoublesignificance.Ontheonehand,theprocessofteachereducationitselfislifelong,andthedevelopmentofteachingcapacitieswillenhancelifelongeducationinschools.Ontheotherhand,theteachers'demonstrationofacapacityforlifelongleaddingmaybeavitalprerequisitefordevelopingthiscapacityintheleaxnerstheyteach.Thustheimplicationofeducation…  相似文献   

Increasingly, researchers, teacher educators and governmental agencies underline the need for early childhood professionals to be able to conduct and use relevant research in their practice. In contrast, early childhood teachers tend to draw exclusively on practical advice rather than research evidence to evaluate and develop their teaching. To address these contradictions in expectations, recently developed preservice early childhood teacher education programs have included a core research subject that aims to foster an appreciation of the value of research and its contributions to professional practice. This study examines the effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches designed to make research relevant to undergraduates at an Australian regional university by tracking students' changing views about research during a one-semester teaching period. The findings of this study show that relevant learning experiences, such as designing and conducting a simple research project, modeling research, collaborative inquiry, focused reading, and organizing a research conference, significantly changed student perceptions of the relevance of research to their teaching and their future role as early childhood professionals.  相似文献   


Staff with a limited-term appointment, whether part-time or full-time, are being used increasingly in teacher education today. This raises the question of how it is possible to offer a balanced preservice program when only a small proportion of the staff are permanent academics with a career commitment to formal theory development. In this paper we first describe a program that has attempted to resolve aspects of this problem by means of a cohort and faculty-team approach. We then report on a study we conducted with contract staff from this program on their experiences in the program and their perceived effectiveness in their role.  相似文献   

“教师学习”研究的发展及其对职前教师教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70年代以来,人们对教师学习、教师专业发展、教师在教育改革中的角色的理解有了很大的转变。教师学习与职前教师教育密不可分,是教师个人专业成长的过程。近年来,有学者对国际上有关教师学习的研究领域的相关重要概念进行了梳理和分析,并探讨了其对职前教师教育课程的设计与实施的启示,他们的研究既能丰富教师教育中的实践元素,也能适时地补充当前我国教师教育课程改革的理论空隙。  相似文献   

Research on teacher thinking has been under way now for well over a decade. Implications of this research for the education of preservice teachers have been considered by a small but growing number of writers. This material appears to have received only scant attention in the literature on reform in teacher education, even though it bears directly on the contemporary search for more effective ways of preparing teachers to be reflective professionals rather than mere technicians. The paper begins with a brief discussion of the nature of teacher thinking research and its conceptual underpinnings. The rest of the paper considers implications and reform in teacher education.  相似文献   

This article explores how art and design education can contribute to the imperative of climate change and help societies adapt to living more sustainably. Drawing on methods from arts‐based research and qualitative case study, it reports on an investigation into what can be learned from creating environmental art installations with preservice teachers (those training to be K‐12 teachers), as part of an environmental art education programme in a leading Canadian university. Findings support that preservice teachers experienced behavioural and attitudinal shifts towards sustainability after engaging in the processes of creating environmental art; involvement in the programme also provided opportunities for building community, engaging multiple domains of learning, modelling sustainable art‐making practices and prompting environmental activism. The results of this study inform a developing pedagogy for environmental art education in higher education settings.  相似文献   

This study focused on the exemplification of cultural memory banking as an ethnographic tool to understand cultural practices relevant to science teaching and learning in a rural coastal village in a central island of the Philippine archipelago. Using the collaborative action ethnography as a research methodology, 10 prospective science teachers and a science teacher educator/doctoral candidate formed a research team and documented community funds of knowledge relevant to science teaching and learning through their participation in a Community Immersion course. The study employed the use of the cultural memory banking as a meditational tool to analyze, make sense of, and represent interview, focus-group discussion, and observation data, among others, for the development of culturally relevant science lessons. Originally used as an anthropological tool to preserve cultural knowledge associated with the cultivation of indigenous plant varieties, the cultural memory banking, as adapted in science education, was used, both as a data collection and analytic tool, to locate relevant science at the intersection of community life. The research team developed a cultural memory bank exemplar, ??Ginamos: The Stinky Smell that Sells,?? to highlight the learning experiences and meaning-making process of those involved in its development. Dilemmas and insights on the development and use of cultural memory banking were discussed with respect to issues of knowledge mining and mainstreaming of indigenous/local funds of knowledge, troubling the privileged position of Western-inspired nature of science.  相似文献   

Surrounding the national emphasis on improving STEM education, effective STEM educators are required. Connected, yet often overlooked, is the need for effective preservice STEM teaching instruction for incoming educators. At a basic level, preservice STEM teacher education should include STEM content, pedagogy, and conceptualization. However, the literature suggests no leading conception of STEM education, and little is known about how preservice STEM teachers are conceptualizing STEM education. In order to explore preservice STEM teacher conceptions of STEM education, preservice teachers at a large, Midwestern research university were given an open-ended survey eliciting both textual and visual responses. Here, we report and discuss the results of employing this instrument in relation with the current STEM conceptualization literature.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

在对在职教师进行教学、教研困难以及接受继续教育愿望以及现行教师教育体制进行的调查研究的基础上 ,笔者构建了全程教师教育体制的基本框架。全程教师教育是指师范院校、成人教育学院、继续教育学院和各级各类教研部门分工协作 ,按照教师成长规律 ,实施教师职前培养和在职培训 ,以促成其综合素质在整个教育教学生涯中实现阶段性突破并得以持续发展。全程教师教育包括准教师、新教师、合格教师、优秀教师四个阶段  相似文献   

作为经合组织成员国的芬兰和加拿大两国的中小学学生在PISA测试中连续取得骄人的成绩而引起国际社会的广泛关注,也引起了研究者对两国的职前教师教育的研究兴趣。芬兰和加拿大虽位居两大洲,但其职前教师教育的一些举措却有着惊人的相似之处。两国的职前教师教育均有着严格的师范生选拔程序、合理的教师教育课程体系和全面的教学实习等措施,从而保证了职前教师教育的质量。比较两国的教师教育举措,揭示其规律,可以给中国的教师教育以一定的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

大学生就业问题一直是社会关注的热点话题,曾经处于就业优势的高师院校毕业生的就业也面临空前的压力.本文从分析高师院校传统职前教师教育培养模式入手,提出建立旨在适应基础教育改革的现代职前教师教育培养新模式,指出高师院校应更加注重对职前教师进行现代教学技能素质的全面培养,从根本上改变未来毕业生就业难的局面.  相似文献   

Virtually every adult we met in China was a parent with a child in school. Thus, while the number of households we visited was small, we had many conversations centering on parenthood, the role of elders, and the problems associated with raising children. Although our discussions revealed that parents, grandparents, and members of the community all play a large part in the overall education of China's children, we were interested in the fact that these same individuals do not have a significant influence on the formal education their children receive inside the classroom. That is to say that members of families and communities govern students' informal, social education as it occurs whenever children are away from school; but their influence on such matters as curriculum, textbook and material selections, and teaching methodology is minimal. Our observations in the areas we toured and of the people we met led us to conclude that parental and community involvement is enlisted by the school system only to the extent this involvement supports the political and moral objectives of the system and that it is not allowed to present suggestions that contradict or attempt to modify what actually goes on in the classroom.  相似文献   

As experts on the nature and needs of young children, early childhood educators are in prime positions to advocate for the health and well-being of young children. Advocacy can take the form of personal, public, or private-sector endeavors. Personal advocacy is usually informal and involves educating others on an issue about early childhood education. Similarly, public advocacy involves educating policy makers, and private-sector advocacy is directed toward businesses. The project described here is a course assignment for undergraduate teacher candidates in which they learn about advocacy strategies and design and implement authentic advocacy projects. Sample projects are discussed. Engaging in this project has raised awareness for teacher candidates about the importance of and strategies for being advocates. The response from early childhood teacher candidates has been positive.  相似文献   

ThereexistsanincreasingtendencyintheELTfieldthatteachingisreferredasaprofession,whichisratherprestigiousandencounying.Ontheotherban4ifapersonchoosestobeaEnglishlanguageteacher,she/hemustmeetthechallengeOfbeingprofessional.Inotherwords,she/heneedstotakeeveryOPPOrtunitytOdevelopprofessionally.Inthispaper,IwilldiscussanapProaCh,inwhichrefleCtioniSinvolved,aswadasitssignificanceinpromotingteacher'sprofessionalism.Inourworkingsetting,we,asEnglishteachers,tendtotakethreelayersofrolesatthesame…  相似文献   

传统的教师职前实践教学具有"理论之应用"取向。20世纪80年代以来国际范围内的教师职前实践教学改革推行"实践中之理论"取向。在新的取向之下,教师职前实践教学得到重新的规划与组织,呈现出一些不同于传统实践教学的基本要素,主要表现为:以培养实践智慧作为教师职前实践教学的目标,并以探究现场经验作为教师职前实践教学的核心。本文以加拿大卡尔加里大学的教师职前实践教学为例对此加以说明。  相似文献   

教师教育课程是教师专业化发展中的重要组成部分,教师职前培养是教师教育的重要环节。合理的教师教育课程设置能够推动教师专业发展,但是目前我国的教师教育课程设置还存在着许多亟待解决的问题。在分析当前教师教育专业课程设置所存在的问题的基础上,从培养目标、课程体系、课程机构和课程内容四个方面对教师教育课程的设置提出一些改革建议。  相似文献   

Teacher educators have long recognized the importance of adequately preparing preservice teachers for their work with families. Preservice teachers express many concerns that they believe may impact the development of comfortable and collaborative relationships with members of children's families. In a previous study, the authors found that preservice teachers expressed concerns about the quality of the teacher–family relationship, meeting children's basic needs in school, and the role of parents in education. These concerns, along with some recommendations for incorporating family involvement across the teacher education curriculum, are the focus of this article.  相似文献   

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