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化学教学中的情境创设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘玲 《四川教育学院学报》2011,27(4):108-109,112
化学教学情境,是指在化学教学中能够激起学生学习积极性的各种景物。教师通过创设种种有一定难度,需要学生做出一定努力才能完成的教学情境,使学生处于急切想要解决所面临的疑难问题的心理困境中,从而激起学生主动学习、积极探究的欲望。情境可以刺激人的心灵,恰当的情境可以使学生思维活跃、精力集中,学生接受知识的效率得以提高,因此课堂中创设恰当的教学情境十分必要。  相似文献   

This article provides suggestions on ways in which science process skills can be taught in a meaningful context through children’s literature. It is hoped that the following examples of how process skills can be taught using children’s books will provide a starting point from which primary teachers can create additional examples. Many possibilities exist within the world of children’s literature to develop process skills in a meaningful way.  相似文献   

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and UNESCO have proposed that the International Year of Chemistry, 2011, should make a strong educational contribution to the goals of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. This emphasis is absolutely necessary because education for sustainability remains practically absent nowadays in many high school and university chemistry curricula all over the world. Behind this lack of attention to the current situation of planetary emergency, there are several obstacles that we analyse in this paper. We firstly discuss an extended conception of “pure Chemistry”—object of chemists’ research and teaching- the object of which would just be to increase knowledge: moral problems should only appear in connection to the use of the applications of science by, generally, nonscientists. This belief that genuine scientific activity lies beyond the reach of moral judgment is logically transferred to teaching, voluntarily limited to the transmission of the corpus of knowledge. Consequently, the challenges of sustainable development, with so many social implications, are put aside. After questioning this and other obstacles, we develop the possible contribution of chemistry and chemical education to the construction of a sustainable future, in accordance with the goals of the International Year of Chemistry.  相似文献   

学生在学习化学时创造性思维的产生与发展、知识的获得、智能的提高都离不开一定的化学情景。在课堂教学中恰当的设置各种教学情景,造成问题悬念,展开矛盾冲突,能够激发学生的学习欲望,发展创造性思维和培养发现精神。  相似文献   

在对外汉语课堂教学中创设模拟情景的可行性在于学生具有关于场景、事件、角色的认知图式。操作方式可依据课文内容及对课文内容适当加以延展来实现。教学者需从有利于学生习得的角度调控好模拟情景的真实性,既应符合学习者的认知图式,又不能完全以实际交际情景的标准来衡量。  相似文献   

创设情境可以激发情感、引导兴趣,可以营造氛围、促进体验感悟,还可以发展想象。我们必须遵循创设感动情境的原则,掌握创设感动情境的策略,来实施大学生感动教育。  相似文献   

无论是言者传递信息,还是听者理解信息,都离不开具体的情景语境与文化语境。英语不是母语,教师更需要创设生动鲜活的语境,培养学生听、说、读、写诸方面的能力。从语境在词汇教学、语法教学、阅读与写作教学中的运用等几个方面展开论述,说明语境在高中英语教学中的重要性。  相似文献   

Even though several studies have reported positive attitudinal outcomes from context-based chemistry programs, methodological obstacles have prevented researchers from comparing satisfactorily the chemistry-learning outcomes between students who experience a context-based program with those who experience a content-driven program. In this narrative inquiry we are able to address the question: how do the recalled experiences of a student and her teacher in context-based and concept-based chemistry programs compare? From the student’s unique perspective of experiencing both programs with the same teacher, we have constructed our collective account around four themes; namely, the extent to which the student makes connections between chemistry concepts and real-world contexts, developing research independence through engaging in extended experimental investigations related to contexts, learning chemistry concepts through contexts, and conceptual sequencing in a context-based program. The student reported real-world connections between chemistry concepts and contexts, found her engagement in the context-driven tasks interesting and productive, and identified connected sequences of concepts across the contexts studied. Despite difficulties for teachers who are required to shift pedagogies, the student’s lived experiences and outcomes from a context-based program provide some encouragement in working through these issues.  相似文献   

本文从创设促进学生主动学习的情境和创设促进学生对知识意义建构的情境两个方面,探讨化学建构性学习中情境的创设.  相似文献   

全面推进素质教育 ,倡导、实施创新教育工程 ,迫切要求建设一支高素质的、能自主发展的创新型教师队伍。教师成为研究者 ,是新形势下教师提高素质、发展能力、谋求自我发展的一种有效途径。教师要改变传统的“教书匠”形象 ,就要在认识教师参与科研的必要性、可能性的基础上 ,从“反思”入手 ,在与专业研究者的合作研究中 ,逐步发展和提高自己的科研能力 ,努力成为学校教育教学实践的“研究者” ,这样才能全面塑造 2 1世纪的教师新形象  相似文献   


This article addresses the significant responsibilities of teachers of trauma courses to conscientiously create a safe frame for learning, in consideration of the student, who is inevitably exposed to the intense emotional and conceptual challenges of trauma study. During their study, many students revisit earlier trauma or loss, perhaps unexpectedly, and in the context of academic demands for achievement. Learning can be deepened as students experience a safe context for the material, and for the recognition of the demands of trauma study and treatment. Curriculum inclusion of: the impact of trauma study on all students; recognition of additional demands on students with a history of trauma; a teaching process attending to class experience; addressing vicarious traumatization and encouraging enhancement of self-care, is included.  相似文献   

创建一门多媒体艺术理论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
构图、摄影、影视都有专门的艺术理论,因此可以认为,对于具有时代特点、应用广泛的多媒体艺术,尽快结束借用相关门类艺术理论的尴尬局面,已成为当务之急.多媒体艺术的特点是它对各相关门类艺术的包容,虽然这些门类艺术之间的差异较大,但其艺术规律运作的内在机理却具有共性,由此切入来创建<多媒体艺术理论>与这些门类艺术理论兼容.建立一门新理论,一般需要回答这样一些问题:命名、研究范围、理论体系、所属学科、应用领域以及与相关理论的关系.<多媒体艺术理论>均已明确地回答了这些问题.  相似文献   

介绍美国教材Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以Chemistry in Context:Applying Chemistry to Society第四版为主介绍其内容、结构、呈现方式和特色,讨论了该书对我们的启示。  相似文献   

"快乐教学"是以兴趣爱好为核心,以学生主动学习,愉悦完成学习任务为目的,吸取了多种教学方法的精华.在尝试着把快乐教学法应用于化学教学中去,营造真正属于学生自己的快乐课堂,促进学生愉悦主动的学习,谈谈自己的一点体会.  相似文献   

无机化学实验教学中学生创新能力的培养   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
在化学教学中实验创新教育,实验教学发挥着重要的作用,如何在无机化学实验教学中培养学生的创新能力。我们从创设教学情境;精设教学内容;开设课外活动;建设考核机制,这几个方面进行了教学改革与实践。  相似文献   

This article is on the culture of conversation in the studio art classroom. What can be assumed as simple pedagogical acts, talking to one another, become increasingly complex in the context of postmodernism. Breakdowns in perceived truths, agreed‐upon styles, and monoculturalism demand that conversation is looked at in a metasense — what is it? what skills, values and agendas do we bring to the process? This work includes reflections on a multiyear field study conducted in New York City studio classrooms. Exemplary professors of art, such as the ones studied, practise conversation through an awareness of their position/biases, being pluralistic and practising authenticity. A history of conversation in schools of art is included to demonstrate historical continuity of artists and art students in conversation. Finally, ways to invest in the act of conversation, such as bracketing the time and space for the act in the classroom, are suggested.  相似文献   

一、情境教学的涵义和流行文化的特征情境教学是指在教学过程中为了达到既定的教学目标,从教学需要出发引入或创设与教学内容相适应的教学环境气氛和特定的教学情景,使学生在情绪上受到感染,情感上产生共鸣,从而达到加深理解课堂教学要求,熟练掌握教学内容的目的。它以问题导入  相似文献   

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