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The post mortem item-examinee sampling investigation described herein explored the feasibility of using item-examinee sampling to estimate scale values denoting degree of affect toward stimuli when measured by the method of paired-comparisons. Results indicate that such scale values can be approximated satisfactorily through item-examinee sampling. Defining one observation as the response made by one examinee to one item, the similarity between the estimated scale values and normative scale values increased generally with increases in the number of observations acquired by the sampling plan.  相似文献   

Practical use of the matrix sampling (i.e. item sampling) technique requires the assumption that an examinee's response to an item is independent of the context in which the item occurs. This assumption was tested experimentally by comparing the responses of examinees to a population of items with the responses of examinees to item samples. Matrix sampling mean and variance estimates for verbal, quantitative, and attitude tests were used as dependent variables to test for differences between the “context” and “out-of-context” groups. The estimates obtained from both treatment groups were also compared with actual population values. No significant differences were found between treatments on matrix sample parameter estimates for any of the three types of tests.  相似文献   

This study was designed to research the question of scrambling item content in the construction of achievement tests, so that very general implications could be drawn for both examinee and item populations. To achieve this generality, the methodology of multiple matrix sampling was combined with a simple two group experimental design: a random group of 8th graders responded to mathematics, science, social studies, reading, and language arts achievement items organized in a scrambled (random) test format, while another random group responded to the same items organized in a fixed (segregated by subject matter) test format. The results indicated that scrambling cognitive test items has minimal or no effect on mean examinee test performance or on any of the other parameters included in the analysis.  相似文献   

本文运用灰色系统理论中系统的关联度分析法,对我院九二级7个班级213名学生的分析化学期终考试成绩进行分析。把考试命题划分为基本概念和原理、计算能力、综合分析运用能力等三个方面来加以分析,结果可看出各个班级学生对这三个方面以及课程综合掌握情况,同时为授课教师改进教学提供参考。  相似文献   

本文给出求可逆方阵的逆矩阵和利用线性代数方程组AX=b的系数矩阵A的一个初始近似逆阵P求解方程组的迭代算法,这种算法具有迭代格式简单,能有效地控制求解过程中的舍入误差的影响,灵活确定迭代次数等特点。  相似文献   

项目教学法是以培养学生的能力和素质为根本目的,以学生为主体、以项目为载体,以小组合作为组织形式的一种新型教学方法。将其应用于《旅游市场营销》课程的教学中,是一种新型教学方法的探索和尝试,强调要加强师资培训、校企合作、调动学生参与性以及加强“互联网+”技术在教学中的应用。  相似文献   

引入了环式BCI-代数的概念,讨论了类、范畴和与环的关系等问题,并由此引入了BCI-代数上的矩阵概念.  相似文献   

Item sampling and/or multiple matrix sampling techniques have been recommended for a variety of purposes. For some of these purposes, it must be assumed that examinee performance on a set of items is unaffected by the conditions under which the items are taken (i.e., no context effect exists). In this paper factors that may lead to a context effect among high school students are discussed. The net effect of such factors on examinee scores for an English test and a mathematics test is investigated empirically. For the English test there was little support for the existence of a context effect, However, a definite context effect was found for the mathematics test.  相似文献   

For the purpose of obtaining data to use in test development, multiple matrix sampling (MMS) plans were compared to examinee sampling plans. Data were simulated for examinees, sampled from a population with a normal distribution of ability, responding to items selected from an item universe. Three item universes were considered: one that would produce a normal distribution of test scores, one a moderately platykurtic distribution, and one a very platykurtic distribution. When comparing sampling plans, total numbers of observations were held constant. No differences were found among plans in estimating item difficulty. Examinee sampling produced better estimates of item discrimination, test reliability, and test validity. As total number of observations increased, estimates improved considerably, especially for those MMS plans with larger subtest sizes. Larger numbers of observations were needed for tests designed to produce a normal distribution of test scores. With an adequate number of observations, MMS is seen as an alternative to examinee sampling in test development.  相似文献   

本文探讨了概率论与数理统计教学中的情境教学法,介绍了情境教学法的特点及其与该课程的融洽性。给出了情境教学法教学应用的两个事例,进一步说明情境教学法在教学中发挥的优势作用,即能够培养学生把理论知识应用到生活中各种情境的能力。  相似文献   

针对中学物理教法教学的特点,将潜科学思想方法引入到中学物理教法的教学之中,弥补了现有教材轻思想方法培养、轻知识形成过程、轻潜能开发、轻素质教育的缺陷,为培养学生的能力,起到很好的推动作用.  相似文献   

Investigated empirically through post mortem item-examinee sampling were the relative merits of two alternative procedures for allocating items to subtests in multiple matrix sampling and the feasibility of using the jackknife in approximating standard errors of estimate. The results indicate clearly that a partially balanced incomplete block design is preferable to random sampling in allocating items to subtests. The jackknife was found to better approximate standard errors of estimate in the latter item allocation procedure than in the former.  相似文献   

<正> 1 The problems Chinese students often have: Chinese students often have such a problem that after having learned English for several years, they can not express their ideas in English and can not understand what a native English speaker is speaking to them, either. They have get enough vocabulary, knowledge about grammar and sentence structures. They can read and understand English well. But they can not communicate with a native English speaker. Another problem is when they speak,especially to a foreigner, they feel shy. They are afraid of making mistakes.  相似文献   

本文阐述了利用杆端弯矩、杆端剪力、杆端轴力三者之间的关系来绘制内力图。这种方法不仅使用于静定结构的梁与刚架,而且也使用于超静定结构的梁与刚架,在超静定结构中它的优点更为突出,因此在工程实际中有着广泛的应用。  相似文献   

用有限棱柱单元法对采用长桩的单桩与土相互作用系统进行了三维弹塑性分析,并开发出一种可模拟半无限空间地基土边界条件的无限棱柱元.计算中考虑了承台对地基土的约束作用及桩土之间的竖向相对位移,地基土的本构模型采用修正剑桥模型.分析了集中荷载作用下摩擦长桩与土相互作用系统,得到了合理的荷载-沉降曲线及桩侧摩阻力的分布曲线,为长桩的研究与设计提供了一种有效的计算方法  相似文献   

试验选用硫酸钡植物油甘油混悬液作造影剂,对四头幼猪(10.7±0.75公斤)的全身动脉,尿路和四个离体幼猪肝内胆管及门静脉进行了灌注,并透视和拍摄了肾区动脉、头部动脉、肾盂、输尿管、肝内胆管及肝内门静脉分支和行经的X线片。结果证明该造影剂可清晰显示200微米左右的细小管腔。在造影液灌注剂量充足的情况下,固定与否以及固定期长短对管腔显影的清晰度无影响。  相似文献   

Modern neuroscientific research has substantially enhanced our understanding of the human brain. However, many challenges remain in developing a strong, brain-based theory of human learning, especially in complex environments such as educational settings. Some of the current issues and challenges in our progress toward developing comprehensive neuroscientific-based theories of human learning, particularly in the academic disciplines, are reviewed, beginning with a brief summary of the history of publications in science learning. This is followed by an analysis of some of the large-scale issues and conceptual problems that we currently face in developing a strong, middle-ground “neuroeducational theory” relevant to learning, especially in rather abstract disciplines such as mathematics and science. Finally, some perspectives on possible future strategies and challenges in reaching the goal of a neuroeducational theory are presented.  相似文献   

13世纪初,意大利数学家Fibonacci在一本题为《算盘书》的数学著作中,给出了著名的Fibonacci数列。它的许多有趣性质,引起了许多人的兴趣,由于它在数论、几何、概率、数据处理、信息检索等数学中有很多应用,因此有人说:Fibonacci以他的兔子问题猜中了大自然的奥秘,本文主要讨论Fibonacci数列在几何中的应用。  相似文献   

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