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通货膨胀政策(inflation policy)是政府有意识地增加流通中的货币量以使货币贬值、物价上涨的一种宏观经济政策。没有人否认,恶性通货膨胀会导致价格的持续大幅度上涨,破坏市场机制的正常运行,强化投机行为,直至使国民经济走向崩溃。但西方经济学家大多认为温和的通货膨胀于经济运行与发展,利多弊少。第二次世界大战之后,西方国家都奉行一定  相似文献   

In general, every system is in one of the three states: normal, abnormal, or failure state. When the system is diagnosed as abnormal state, it needs predictive maintenance. If the system fails, an identical new one will replace it. The predictive main- tenance cannot make the system “as good as new”. Under these assumptions, the reliability index and the inspection-replacement policy of a system were studied. The explicit expression of the reliability index and the average income rate (i.e., the long-run average income per unit time) are derived by using probability analysis and vector Markov process method. The criterion of feasibility for the optimal inspection-replacement policy under the maximum average income rate is obtained. The numerical example shows the optimal inspection-replacement policy can raise the average income rate when the optimal inspec- tion-replacement policy is feasible.  相似文献   

Language, language policy and curriculum issues occupy very important and strategic places in educational planning in any society. In a multilingual Nigerian society as well as in similar countries like Australia, India or even in seemingly homogenous linguistic societies like Britain, language planning, development and policies are sin qua non. In this paper, the author has tried to look from the perspectives of the provisions of the National Policy on Education (1981) and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1979), and examine the curriculum issues arising from the language and policy aspects in achieving the national educational aims, goals, objectives and development. This paper takes a cursory look at the constitutional and policy documents as well as the realities on ground in the secondary schools. It is discovered that, this sub-sector of education is characterized with language implementation crisis. The disturbing issue is that, since the language of instruction is bedeviled with crisis, the whole educational system itself becomes a failure. The paper recommends that, Nigeria should carry out a language policy reforms that will be acceptable and effective bearing in mind the role of language and language policy in education.  相似文献   

1 Introduction 1 Both economic literature and legal literature have focused a great deal of attention on the phenomenon of network effects, or network externalities: “markets in which the value that consumers place on a good increases as others use the good.”[1] Network effects have important implications for structure and competitiveness of underlying market, as well as for regulation policy making. In China, theoretical developments of the concept have been introduced, but it still remains…  相似文献   

A growing number of national and local governments view child development accounts (CDAs) as an innovative policy tool for social and economic development. This article reviews the global landscape of CDAs, presents three CDA policy cases from Asia, analyzes main themes and discusses potential implications for China.  相似文献   

This is a book on policy study in the Chinese mainland by an insider with an outsider perspective.With contemporary policies on minban schooling in Shanghai as a case study,Ding illustrates and analyzes a case of policy metamorphosis in the contemporary Chinese mainland. The book is based on a well-designed qualitative study with 65 in-depth interviews in 2001 and 2004.Ding tries to figure out the logic of policy implementation in Shanghai as an "insider" while having a clear awareness of the dilemma of studying a policy issue in her own culture.She makes the best use of her identity as an insider,not only as a Chinese but as someone who knows some "inside" stories concerning the issue interviewed.As Ding pointed out,"I had obtained some firsthand information about minban education in Shanghai,so that when I sensed that the informants were talking superficially,I let them know that I had heard some inside stories (which usually had very different versions).In this way,sensitive data emerged." (Ding,2011,p.145).This is true,since the views expressed in most interview data Ding collected cannot be found in public or official documents,and are also rarely found in the academic literature.  相似文献   

李梦辰 《海外英语》2013,(3X):272-274
Canada is a multicultural country which was mainly established by immigrants.Just because of that,Canadian government has carried out the policy of multiculturalism since1970s.However,it has encountered many problems such as policy conflicts,national identity,democracy-inquiry and racial discrimination,etc.Hence the Canadian multiculturalism has been in a dilemma.  相似文献   

唐弢 《快乐阅读》2012,(21):118-120
In recent years, because of the ’open-door’ policy and the increasing role of English as a global language, increasing numbers of English words have been absorbed into Chinese by both direct and indirect borrowing. This article is explored to discuss the way of English borrowing into Chinese and how the changes of China’s English language policy have been made.  相似文献   

It is acknowledged that bilingual educaiton, as a new way in teaching, has attracted much attention in China for several years. This language policy gains praises from supporters but also causes lots o...  相似文献   

1. Introduction Among the many aspects of China's reform and opening-door policy, this paper focuses on foreign direct investment. China's role as the world's second largest recipient of FDI, ranking behind only the United States, and is the biggest host country of FDI as a developing country. On the other hand, Korean overseas investment increased at a rapid speed with the recovery and devel- opment of its economy. Due to the two countries are geographically very close and have a long his…  相似文献   

In the framework of an overlapping generations model, forward-looking monetary policy roles and backward-looking monetary policy rules were investigated. It is shown that the monetary steady state is more likely to be indeterminate under an active forwardlooking rule than under the corresponding backward-looking rule. It is also shown that backward-looking roles can render the monetary steady state unstable.  相似文献   

领导干部任期经济责任审计是推进干部管理制度改革的一项重要措施,同时也是一项政策性很强的工作,必须严格依法开展。首先,要依据具体审计对象明确适用的法律依据;其次,要严格按法律法规规定的程序组织和开展审计工作。  相似文献   

通货膨胀目标制是一种以保持较低且稳定的通货膨胀率为目标的货币制度或政策框架,代表观点主要有:货币政策框架、货币政策目标规则及货币政策的制度性框架。考量我国现实经济现状,对通货膨胀目标制进行适用性分析,结果发现:通货膨胀已成为我国宏观调控中重要的考量因素,其在我国的实行是一个渐进式过程,随着金融体制的进一步改革,通货膨胀目标制必将成为我国宏观调控的首要目标。  相似文献   

DAD-DAS模型是由美国经济学家曼昆提出来的,它反映的是通货膨胀与产量缺口之间的联系。该模型含有预期、货币政策规则、产量缺口、通货膨胀目标和随机冲击等因素,说明的经济波动方式和机理与传统的AD-AS模型不同。货币政策在短期内有效,长期无效,古典二分法成立,并且存在着产量易变性和通货膨胀易变性的交替。中央银行在实施货币政策时,必须按照泰勒原则抉择才能更好地稳定通货膨胀。本文首先对模型作了简要的介绍,然后重点对其优点和缺点进行了评价。  相似文献   

文章应用平稳性检验、协整检验和因果检验,就我国货币政策对经济增长与物价变动的影响,进行了货币政策有效性的检验。实证结果表明,金融变量与经济增长、物价水平之间无论在长期还是短期都存在着稳定的因果关系。  相似文献   

全面实施素质教育的关键是加强管理,章提出了五项基本管理原则:动态性和协调性相结合原则,目标性和“三全性”相结合原则,整体性和合力性相结合原则,主民性和创造性相结合原则,导向性素质教育 力性素质教育相结合原则。  相似文献   

法律规范不可能包罗万象,而社会生活却是变幻莫测的,欲以有限的规范把握无限的社会就不可能将法律设定为一个封闭的体系。法律条文中一般规定与特殊规定的设置既可以满足实在法对法的稳定性与可预见性的需求,又可以达至法律灵活适用的境界。旨在实现普遍正义的一般规定与意在增加法律弹性、为个案正义留出余地的特殊规定在实现普遍正义与个案正义进而实现法治理想的追求中有着关键的作用。  相似文献   

探讨货币政策与宏观调控之间的内在关系﹔从货币政策长期效应以及货币供需结构、传导机制三方面分析导致近年来我国稳健货币政策运行中出现调控弱化倾向的原因;提出以积极财政政策密切配合宏观政策,以货币、资本市场为导向,以深化金融体制改革、畅通货币传导机制为动力,建立动态的稳健货币政策体系等几点对策。  相似文献   

提出了一种分类规则的蚁群挖掘算法.算法首先对所有的连续属性值离散化,得到相应的离散属性,然后让各只蚂蚁按照某种策略选择相关属性,对所选属性再选择理想的属性值,循环地构造单个规则,接着更新训练集,最终形成各类规则集.最后用新规则约简算法进行约简操作.对两个公用数据的实验及其与Ant-Miner和C4.5的对比表明,算法能够发现更好的分类规则.实验同时表明该算法是有效的.  相似文献   

把综合测评规则界定为学校与学院指导下的研究生自治规则,既可以体现对研究生主体地位的尊重,又能为学校与学院的指导、监督提供依据。综合测评规则是测评周期内评价研究生客观表现的依据,承载着引导、认知、衡量三个基础功能。研究生综合测评的主要问题包括规则缺位引发的矛盾、规则不明引起的冲突、解决方式导致的纷争。解决问题的总体思路是确立综合测评规则的权威,通过正当程序优化规则的修订和运行机制,探索外在权威转化为规则权威的方法,畅通诉求表达渠道。基于实践的探索和研究,为研究生综合素质评价体系的科学化、规范化构建贡献了个案智慧。  相似文献   

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