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This article provides a broad overview of the likely global/regional contextual factors and unique national characteristics that influence e-commerce diffusion in Singapore. Our analysis suggests that Singapore is likely to be a very fast adopter of e-commerce applications that have relatively proven business models in other advanced countries. In particular, advanced manufacturing clusters in Singapore with strong global supply chain links to advanced countries (especially electronics), logistics and transportation services, and other global market-oriented, business-to-business (B2B) industries are likely to be the most aggressive in adopting e-commerce applications. In contrast, we predict that Singapore will be less likely to innovate new e-commerce technologies or pioneer revolutionary e-commerce applications with radical global impacts, due to the small local market and the inadequate development of an information and communications technologies (ICT) entrepreneurial community with extensive network links to Silicon Valley and other entrepreneurial hot spots. Singapore is also unlikely to be a leader in large-scale business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce applications and mass consumer contents publishing. Our review of government policy initiatives to promote e-commerce suggests that although they are by and large in the right direction, they are unlikely to have significant impact until proven e-commerce models have emerged and competitive pressure start to be felt by companies. A possible exception is "e-government" applications. In contrast, we identify a number of areas where government policy initiatives have been a bit slow, notably in liberalizing the telecommunications services sector and in promoting technology entrepreneurship. Our review of the available empirical evidence on recent e-commerce diffusion trend and pattern in Singapore appears to be consistent with this analysis.  相似文献   

This article examines the key global, environmental and policy factors that act as determinants of e-commerce diffusion. It is based on systematic comparison of case studies from 10 countries--Brazil, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States. It finds that B2B e-commerce seems to be driven by global forces, whereas B2C seems to be more of a local phenomenon. A preliminary explanation for this difference is that B2B is driven by global competition and MNCs that "push" e-commerce to their global suppliers, customers, and subsidiaries. This in turn creates pressures on local companies to adopt e-commerce to stay competitive. In contrast, B2C is "pulled" by consumer markets, which are mainly local and therefore divergent. While all consumers desire convenience and low prices, consumer preferences and values, national culture, and distribution systems differ markedly across countries and define differences in local consumer markets. These findings support the transformation perspective about globalization and its impacts. In terms of policy, the case studies suggest that enabling policies such as trade and telecommunications liberalization are likely to have the biggest impact on e-commerce, by making ICT and Internet access more affordable to firms and consumers, and increasing pressure on firms to adopt e-commerce to compete. Specific e-commerce legislation appears not to have as big an impact, although inadequate protection for both buyers and sellers in some countries suggests that mechanisms need to be developed to ensure greater confidence in doing business online.  相似文献   

This article examines the key global, environmental and policy factors that act as determinants of e-commerce diffusion. It is based on systematic comparison of case studies from 10 countries--Brazil, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States. It finds that B2B e-commerce seems to be driven by global forces, whereas B2C seems to be more of a local phenomenon. A preliminary explanation for this difference is that B2B is driven by global competition and MNCs that "push" e-commerce to their global suppliers, customers, and subsidiaries. This in turn creates pressures on local companies to adopt e-commerce to stay competitive. In contrast, B2C is "pulled" by consumer markets, which are mainly local and therefore divergent. While all consumers desire convenience and low prices, consumer preferences and values, national culture, and distribution systems differ markedly across countries and define differences in local consumer markets. These findings support the transformation perspective about globalization and its impacts. In terms of policy, the case studies suggest that enabling policies such as trade and telecommunications liberalization are likely to have the biggest impact on e-commerce, by making ICT and Internet access more affordable to firms and consumers, and increasing pressure on firms to adopt e-commerce to compete. Specific e-commerce legislation appears not to have as big an impact, although inadequate protection for both buyers and sellers in some countries suggests that mechanisms need to be developed to ensure greater confidence in doing business online.  相似文献   

政府与社会资本合作(PPP)是我国政府的重要治理方式,基于政策创新扩散理论,从时间、空间和方向3个维度,对1995—2018年所颁布的323项政策文件进行量化分析,解释中国PPPs政策扩散的过程与特征。结果显示,我国PPPs政策创新目前正处于"S"型曲线的快速扩散期;政策空间扩散上,呈现出地区性辐射扩散的特点;政策扩散方向上,存在着中央向地方自上而下、中央内部部门由高到低的层级扩散,以及各同级政府部门间的平行扩散路径。为提升政策创新扩散效果,政府应将政策模仿经过政策学习后转化为政策创新。  相似文献   

France's early adoption of Minitel and EDI in the 1980s was both a stimulus and an inhibitor to Internet-based e-commerce. It hindered the adoption of the Internet, but it also created the conditions for a rapid catch up when France switched to the Internet in 1997. The French were already open to the use of IT, a dense network of online specialists and information service providers already existed, and many investments required to go digital were already made. On the other hand, by mid-2001 France was still far behind the early adopters of e-commerce over the Internet. This is because the French catch-up was checked by the implosion of the Internet financial bubble in 2000. Second, many Internet-based business models did not fit the French distribution channels. These differences suggest that e-commerce paths of development can be differentiated among nations, because both needs and solutions differ. This conclusion goes against the conventional wisdom that e-commerce will lead to the emergence of an integrated global marketplace in which common commercial practices will be implemented.  相似文献   

戴少杰  何隽 《科技管理研究》2020,40(18):120-125
国防科技重点实验室技术转移存在"被动转移""不愿转移""不能转移"等典型问题。在大量调研的基础上,归纳国防科技重点实验室技术转移的制约因素,深入分析制约技术转移的体制性障碍、结构性矛盾和政策性问题。在此基础上提出破解制约因素的对策建议:完善政策体系,优化技术转移生态系统;健全组织体系,建立技术转移基础架构;构建信息平台,促进技术转移供需对接;加强机制创新,拓宽技术转移扩散通道。  相似文献   

随着网络社区理论研究不断深入,越来越多学者发现网络社区对于电子商务平台发展会产生至关重要的影响。在研究网络社区对企业网络直销电子商务平台品牌忠诚影响机理理论模型的基础上,通过对企业网络直销电子商务平台进行实证研究,对所提出的假设进行了验证,同时对所提出的理论模型进行了修正。通过相关分析、回归分析、中介效应分析找出自变量、中介变量与结果变量之间的相互联系,并通过结构方程模型对结论进行了再检验,所得出的结论与之前的分析所得出的结论基本一致,寻找到网络社区对企业网络直销电子商务平台品牌忠诚的影响因素并发现了其传导机理。最后根据研究结果,对企业网络直销电子商务平台社区建设实践提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

新加坡是亚洲乃至全球重要的科技创新中心,逐步确立以创新驱动为主要动力的经济发展模式,在技术、人才、资本、文化等领域出台系列创新战略规划和政策措施,已成功转型为以知识经济为基础的创新型国家。广东作为中国沿海省份和改革开放的前沿阵地,可借鉴新加坡经验,更好地发挥政府引导作用和市场决定性作用,不断完善科技创新治理体系和开放型区域创新体系,进一步利用全球科技创新资源,充分调动全社会创新力量,加快建设创新驱动发展先行省和国家科技产业创新中心。  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, Brazilian IT policy has changed substantially from greenhouse protectionism in selected segments of the market to a more liberal regime. This article analyses the impact of liberalization on IT equipment production, diffusion, employment, and foreign trade. There were both benefits and setbacks, depending on the aspect analyzed. Users benefited from greater access to imported equipment, which could eventually contribute to productivity growth in the overall economy.On the negative side, there was a loss of local linkages with internal sources of components, technology, and employment. The article concludes that the future of the Brazilian IT industry does not seem to be in commodity hardware production. Rather, it lies in design- and engineering-intensive applications. Such "production close to use" can spur domestic use as well as create business opportunities for domestically owned companies in markets not dominated by foreign multinationals.  相似文献   

Journal and conference publications are well-known measures of scientific and academic research productivity. Prior research on scientific productivity that studies dimensions such as research culture, technological support, and researcher collaboration focuses on Western world contexts. Asian countries, such as Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan have received attention recently for the quality of their educational institutions, which have increasingly emphasized research productivity. With a large number of established and funded public universities, these countries show a strong potential for future scientific research. Consequently, it is crucial to understand the factors that influence the research productivity of scholars in these countries. In this paper the focus is specifically on the research productivity of students and faculty members in three countries: Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. We investigate an important factor that influences research productivity: technology usage, which we conceptualize as the summation of mobile phone and computer usage. In addition, we analyze the relationship between technology usage and international collaboration.  相似文献   

以技术转移效率理论作为分析框架,分析当前国家实验室技术转移研究的进展,对国家实验室技术转移的各个模式进行分类及评价;在现有文献综述的基础上,分析可能影响国家实验室技术转移的因素,并梳理不同影响因素与转移模式之间存在的关联,为指导下一步研究奠定基础。最后指出价值网络扩散会是国家实验室技术转移模式的未来发展方向,需要进一步关注。  相似文献   

Emergence and development of the National Innovation Systems concept   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Adopting a science and technology studies (S&TS) perspective and organized around eight major themes, this paper analyzes the development of the National Innovation Systems (NIS) concept, examining how the formal body of codified NIS knowledge was produced, developed and spread, and how it is used. In order to trace its history, I interviewed major advocates of the NIS concept to understand how and why it has become so widespread in academic and policymaking circles. The eight themes serve as ‘missing pieces’ to explain the early history of the NIS concept.  相似文献   

党的十九大报告中强调,要坚定实施军民融合发展战略,而如何破解技术转移难题关系军民融合深度发展格局的形成。当前我国军民融合技术转移在制度设计、机构设置以及运行机制等方面仍然存在顶层设计和配套落地政策不健全、统筹管理和具体实施机构不完善、技术转移效率低下以及市场化需求不匹配等障碍。应当逐步探索建立符合技术转移客观发展规律以及市场需求的军民技术转移管理制度,形成科学有效的制度体系、协同完善的管理机构,实现技术转移在军民双方等参与主体之间的良性循环,使国防科技工业创新服务于国家创新体系建设和经济发展。  相似文献   


The management of our households and the way we spend our leisure time has been greatly influenced by the introduction of various household technologies in the 1980s and 1990s. This paper compares the extent and rate of adoption of selected household products in Australian households. The diffusion of colour television sets, video cassette recorders, compact disc players, microwave ovens and personal computers into various types of households during the 1980s and 1990s was examined. This study found that different types of Australian households adopted new technology at different rates. The levels of ownership of various household technologies were highest for households with children. In general, one-adult households were slower to adopt new household technology when compared to other types of households. This paper speculates as to why one-person households are slower to purchase the latest in cooking and entertainment technology.  相似文献   

国家关键技术创新过程如何实施,成为摆在我国决策者面前的一个重大问题.然而,我国包括国家关键技术在内的技术发展活动处于一个复杂和特殊的国际环境中,国外技术强国由于各种原因,对向我国的技术出口设置了严格的限制政策.目前,国内对技术强国技术出口限制因素下的国家关键技术创新模式研究,在理论和方法上还存在着空白点和诸多难点.本文把技术强国对我国技术出口限制因素作为我国国家关键技术发展与创新考虑的重要因素之一,运用NPV方法、实物期权理论方法、外部效应理论方法、连续序贯投资决策理论等理论方法,研究了我国基于技术受限的国家关键技术自主创新投资价值模型.  相似文献   

The ideologies of technological utopianism and national competitiveness are two common strands of twentieth century technology policy in developed nations. The former is the tendency to paint an unrealistic picture of schedule or benefits for a planned technological shift, while the latter is the use of a (real or imagined) advantage held by another nation as a justification for domestic policies. Both are techniques that can and have been used to sell technology policies to government, industry, and the public at large. This theoretical framework is used to analyze the emergence of the 'multimedia'/information infrastructure boomlet in Japan in the mid 1990s, and, in the context of the country's history and institutions, is used to explain the policy distortions that resulted.  相似文献   

指出由于缺乏全国统一的国家财政科技投入体系信息库,导致许多弊端的产生。提出了以财政资助的各类科技项目及其成果和相关专家等信息为主要内容创建全国统一的国家科学技术信息库的构想及其建设管理方案。认为国家科学技术信息库的创建有助于弥补中国现行科技信息体系所存在的严重缺陷并克服其所导致的诸多弊端。  相似文献   

基于国家农业科技园区的创新过程和战略定位,提出一个包括5个一级指标的创新能力综合评价体系。并依据华东地区六省市42个国家农业科技园区的调查数据,利用AHP-TOPSIS模型对华东地区国家农业科技园区的综合创新能力及其一级分项指标进行了评价和排名。在K均值聚类分析基础上,将42个园区划分为创新引领区、创新示范区和创新稳健区3个类别。并使用障碍度模型分析不同类别园区的关键制约因素,给出三类园区创新能力改善的针对性建议,为国家农业科技园区创新能力建设提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

孙雨生  张晨  任洁  朱礼军 《现代情报》2017,37(5):151-156
本文介绍了电子商务个性化推荐内涵、核心内容和研究框架,并从推荐模型与机理、典型应用与技术实践两方面阐述了国内电子商务个性化推荐研究进展。  相似文献   

王喆  陈伟伟 《科技管理研究》2020,40(13):171-177
在实地调研和访谈的基础上,系统梳理我国各类实验室在创建国家实验室过程中的探索与实践经验,从实验室的建设模式与行政隶属关系、资源配置机制、激励机制、考核评估机制、成果转化与知识产权保护等方面深入剖析体制机制问题及成因,并进一步根据存在的问题和原因提出总体思路和针对性的建议,以期为"十四五"时期国家实验室建设和科技资源优化整合提供基础性参考和强有力的支撑。  相似文献   

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