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李子英 《教师》2013,(31):122-124
一、远程教育的概况 1.远程教育的概念及特点 "远程教育"一词目前世界上公认最早的使用是1892年美国威斯康星大学正式运用的"Distance Education"这一术语.远程教育是指由特定的教育组织机构,综合应用一定社会时期的技术,收集、设计、开发和利用各种教育资源、建构教育环境,并基于一定社会时期的技术、教育资源和教育环境为学生提供教育服务,以及出于教学和社会化的目的进而为学生组织一些集体会议交流活动(以传统面对面方式或者以现代电子方式进行),以帮助和促进学生远程学习为目的的所有实践活动的总称.在所有活动中,教师是以教育资源的形式或学习帮促者的身份与学生保持着一种准永久性分离的状态;而学生与教育组织机构(教师)或学生与学生之间将通过建立双向或多向通信机制保持即时会话.  相似文献   

蔡炳成 《教师》2011,(2):32-32
一、小组活动的理论基础 小组活动是合作学习的一种重要方式,它基于"人多智广"(Four heads arebetter than one)这一哲学思想。20世纪70年代初,欧美国家的专家们将合作学习理论应用于课堂(张丽丽,2006)。合作学习理论倡导在教学过程中树立以学生为中心的教育理念,倡导学生在学习过程中的交互作用,彼此互动(周敏,2006)。  相似文献   

我个人认为,开展合作学习,这是很有必要的一种学习方式。我们想想,现在的很多中小学生,他(她)们都是独生子女,他(她)们在家庭中,没有兄弟姐妹,缺乏同辈之间的合作。天长日久,他(她)们便养成了冷漠、孤癖的性格。从长远来看,这不利于未来社会对人才的要求。我们知道,现在的中小学生,是祖国未来的接班人。作为未来社会的一分子,同样人与人之间的合作是必不可少的。因此,在教育教学中,我们应提倡合作学习。这既有利于学生之间关系的融洽,又能培养学生从小合作的意识,更是养成与人合作的良好习惯的有效途径。从教学实践中…  相似文献   

一篇作文可以用来反映一个问题,表现一种现象,既反映学生的生活、思想,还能反映他们关心的问题和事物。从这次参赛作文大致表现来看,学生们对于网络这个事物,能把它放在当今的时势与生活中,结合实际,就其功用、特点来认识,这个方向是对头的。其中谈网络功用表现,以为是“方便快捷”、“资源丰富”,这自然不错;不少学生认为网络作为人的生活学习工具,以为这是“双刃剑”。但是这种认识看法是表面而过于简单的,只看到了网络的生活功用。为什么不能把背景扩大,把视线放广,把思想拓宽呢?  相似文献   

一、"学困生"的定义 20世纪60年代,美国学者柯克(S.Kirk)提出了"学习失能"(Learning Disabilities)或"学习不良"这一概念,用以标示那些智力正常但学业成绩滞后的学生,即学习困难的学生,也就是我们现在所指的学困生。  相似文献   

学生支持服务和远程学习者的满意度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
接受远程教育的学生,在学习中不仅是独立进行的,而且也是孤寂的。从事远程教学的教师与学习者彼此之间是分离状态。远程教育机构的存续主要依靠学生们对该机构的信,动和满意度。此外,它还依赖于学习者对学业的不断追求,直到成功地完成学业。由于远程学习者学习方式的特殊性,所以,对远程学习者满意度的研究应引起重视。这一研究的目的意即:在大学里学生们的各种需求和与按照学生支持服务提供给他们的学习服务来解决学习上的问题是一致的。一个详细的问卷调查表发给了文学学士学位和教育学学士学位课程班的学生们。很快,问卷调查结果…  相似文献   

成人远程教育中的学习支助服务系统,是满足远程学习者在教学信息、学习资源、人文关怀等方面的需要,指导、帮助和促进学生的自主学习,提高网络远程学习的质量和效果的重要保证。本文从学习支助服务系统的内涵和特点出发,对成人远程教育学习支助服务面临的主要问题进行了反思,从树立成人远程教育学习支助服务意识、加强网络基础设施建设,树立以"学生为中心"的服务意识、和谐的人际双向交互机制等方面探讨了成人远程教育学习支助服务体系的构建。  相似文献   

一、学习支持的目标——在高等教育机构、学生、教师的互动中实现对学生学习的帮助(一)远程教育中的学生学习支持学习支持的思想首先是在英国开放大学和远程学习实践中发生和发展起来的,它强调在远程教育系统中,为了满足学生学习的需要,应在远程教育机构和学生之间建立一种交互作用的模式。  相似文献   

教学《长方体和正方体的认识》时,我们尝试通过观察、操作引导学生经历探究过程,激活学生思维,引领学生深刻地认识长方体和正方体的特征,发展空间观念,积累图形学习经验。一、直观体验,建立体与面的联系课始,教师拿出一张A4纸。师可以把这张纸看成什么图形?(长方形)是的,这张纸很薄,如果我们只看其中的一个面,而不考虑这张纸的厚度,可以把它看成长方形。现在老师增加几张,再继续增加一些,(拿纸演示)现在它是什么形状?  相似文献   

"房子"二字在当前可是个热门词汇,你可以把它理解为一种词汇,也可以理解为一种在生活中不可缺少的重要元素,总之,它代表着一个空间,一个为人所服务的真实空间.现如今,房价依然位高不落,虽然国家对房地产业实行施压政策,但在大中型城市那些工薪层次的年轻人依然会为自己的房子奋斗上5年、10年甚至更长时间.很有可能有很多人这辈子就拥有这一套房子,那么这么来之不宜的生活空间更应该多花费点心思布置装饰一番才对.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the educational value of Facebook and specifically how it can be used in formal educational settings. As such, it provides a review of existing literature of how Facebook is used in higher education paying emphasis on the scope of its use and the outcomes achieved. As evident in existing literature, Facebook has been used mainly for social networking purposes through the establishment and collaboration of social groups in educational settings. However, a set of recent studies has exemplified how Facebook can provide an empowering means for achieving educational goals and supporting students develop crucial skills (e.g., writing, networking, collaborating) by serving as members in various learning communities. Concluding, we argue that Facebook can provide a valuable pedagogical tool that enhances student learning. Hence, future research towards further exploring Facebook’s use in educational settings is warranted for the purpose of producing scientific evidence about the ways in which Facebook could be utilized to enhance learning.  相似文献   

Building interpersonal connections in asynchronous online learning is important, but it is harder to achieve compared to face-to-face learning experiences due to its mostly text-based nature. Facebook is a popular social media platform and has been used as an outside-class communication space in formal learning contexts to supplement cognitive and affective aspects of learning. In this study, we used Facebook groups as supplemental social spaces in two asynchronous online master’s-level courses to understand if it impacted students’ perceptions of social presence (i.e., copresence, immediacy, and intimacy), learning interaction with faculty and peers, as well as sociability of the online learning environment. The results indicated that students felt more positively about social presence and learning interactions with other classmates and their instructor and perceived the course as having more sociability after they joined the class Facebook group. Findings have implications for supporting social impression formation in online learning.  相似文献   


Social technologies such as social networking sites, Wikis and blogs have gained popularity not only in social communication but also in other areas, such as in enhancing learning experience among students in tertiary education. This study investigated how blogs and Facebook scaffolded students’ learning during their internships in tertiary education. A mix-method approach was employed to examine students’ perceptions of blogs and Facebook in improving their internship learning experience. The results showed that blogs and Facebook encouraged students and facilitated their engagement in problem solving, information sharing and knowledge construction during their internships. In particular, Facebook showed more promising results, assisting students in reflecting on their experiences. Moreover, students acknowledged that Facebook was a better platform for online interaction and collaborative learning than blogs. This study provides empirical evidence for the use of social media tools in pedagogical scaffolding and collaborative learning during internships.


In the 21st century, the use of information technology in the classroom is advancing rapidly, especially in higher education. The Internet, through social networking, has made it possible for students to learn and teachers to teach outside the classroom walls. Facebook in particular has made it possible for students to interact and communicate with their teachers and among themselves about their progress and about the problems they encounter in learning. Yet, limited research exists on the use of Facebook in education in Sub‐Saharan Africa more especially in Botswana. This is in spite of the observation that Sub‐Saharan Africa is the fastest growing Internet population with a growth of more than 2500% between 2000 and 2011. This study therefore set out to examine (1) the students' interest in using Facebook to facilitate group work activities in the Advanced Oral Presentation Skills course; (2) whether the students interact and communicate using Facebook on matters relating to the Advanced Oral Presentations course; (3) whether the students benefitted from using Facebook for learning advanced oral presentation skills; and (4) what challenges the students encountered when using Facebook in the Advanced Oral Presentations course. In this trial study, students were allocated groups and assigned to conduct their group activities via Facebook. Although this was optional, more than 80% of the groups opted for Facebook and less than 20% chose to do their group work traditionally. A follow‐up evaluation of the experiment was done through a questionnaire and interviews. The findings suggest that Facebook could facilitate student communication and interaction about group assignments.  相似文献   


Facebook is social media that is ubiquitously used in higher education contexts by both staff and students. It provides a platform for student networking and expression. The authors illuminate how pre-service teachers in an Australian university, undertaking undergraduate units, use Facebook as a student-initiated social media community. Although an increasing number of research studies have investigated student use of social media in higher education, this is an under-theorised area. In particular, little has been written about the student-initiated use of Facebook as a commentary on the activities running simultaneously to formal online learning programmes in universities. Data drawn from 15 semi-structured interviews support an investigation into student Facebook use. Findings highlight that student-driven Facebook sites have a range of purposes and offer ever-present access to a relational community online, although this can sometimes be problematic. When emotional support is not forthcoming from academics or there is disenfranchisement in formal learning spaces, membership in student-initiated learning communities can afford immediacy, informality, influence and shared emotional connections.  相似文献   

Social media open up multiple options to add a new dimension to learning and knowledge processes. Particularly, social networking sites allow students to connect formal and informal learning settings. Students can find like-minded people and organize informal knowledge exchange for educational purposes. However, little is known about in which way students use social networking sites for informal learning and about characteristics of these students. In this paper, three studies examined the study-related knowledge exchange via StudiVZ, the German equivalent of Facebook. Results indicated that about one fifth of participants exchange study-related knowledge through StudiVZ and that these students are especially freshers seeking contact with other students and orientation. Consistent with previous research, it is shown that students use social networking sites mainly for social interaction and integration. However, results also imply that communication about social issues on social networking sites goes hand in hand with study-related knowledge exchange.  相似文献   

Extensive use of social networking sites by students and teachers makes educators and researchers to think whether they can be incorporated in instructional process to facilitate students’ learning. This survey-based study records and examines Pakistani pre-service teachers’ and teacher-educators’ current uses of Facebook, and their attitudes toward using Facebook for collaborative learning, and to see if there is a significant relationship between participants’ intensity of Facebook use and their attitude toward instructional use of Facebook. Results of the study indicated that pre-service teachers’ and teacher-educators’ motives for their current Facebook use are mainly limited for social purposes. Pre-service teachers’ use of Facebook is more intensified than the use of Facebook by teacher-educators. Further, pre-service teachers showed more positive attitudes toward using Facebook for collaborative learning than the attitudes of their faculty. Findings also indicated a positive relationship between participants’ Facebook intensity and their attitudes toward its use for collaborative learning.  相似文献   

阿萨巴斯卡大学是加拿大最著名的开放与远程教育大学,近年来开展了一系列卓有成效的改革:从传统远程教育模式向在线课程与服务模式转变;推进移动图书馆建设;开发和利用开放教育资源;对多种学习管理系统进行评估与整合;减少与信息交流技术相关的温室气体排放,向低碳型远程教育大学转化,这些改革推动了该校开放与远程教育的高水平发展。  相似文献   

With the advancement of technology, writing in English is no longer confined to the classroom as nowadays students are exposed to various forms of writing on the Internet. Specifically with Generation Y in mind, online writing is a new method that needs to be implemented to enhance Malaysian students’ writing skills. This article aims at identifying what motivates English as a Second Language students to write in English on Facebook. Ten Chinese-speaking students from a private urban school were selected for this study. These students had just started secondary education after being educated in Chinese-vernacular elementary schools for six years. The students were required to participate in an ongoing discussion on their Facebook class page in order to complete a writing task. Data for this study comprised both online discussions and interviews. The findings suggest that peer influence and school surroundings motivated the students to write better in English on Facebook. The findings also imply that the use of technology in writing tasks made students write better in English owing to the exchanges of feedback and ideas that took place through this social networking site.  相似文献   

In a time of change, higher education is in the position of having to adapt to external conditions created by widespread adoption of popular technologies such as social media, social networking services and mobile devices. For faculty members, there must be opportunities for concrete experiences capable of generating a personal conviction that a given technology is worth using and an understanding of the contexts in which it is best used. The paper examines approaches to educational professional development at The Open University, including recent initiatives related to faculty development in relation to mobile learning. The paper reflects on what can be learnt from these experiences and proposes a lifelong learning perspective which can help the higher education workforce to adapt. Faculty members have to commit to lifelong learning, remembering that ‘professional role model’ to students is one of the main roles of the teacher.  相似文献   

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