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语用预设与规约含义形式上很相似,规约含义与预设一样都是由触发语触发,又区别于声言(assertion)。但是,二者主要的区别在于:与预设不同的是,规约含义不影响语境的真值。规约含义的特征在于:(1)规约含义是语言约定俗成的一部分,因此无法预测(unpredictability);(2)规约含义在任何语境中不变,因此无法取消(noncancelability);(3)规约含义依附在词汇上,因此可以和语句分离(detachability);(4)规约含义不必推导(non-calculability)。  相似文献   

洪瑜 《英语广场》2023,(3):23-26
话语的规约含义是指话语中的某一个或某些词语有规约意义,触发整个话语具有了规约含义。本文将结合童话《小王子》中的节选片段,具体分析其中触发规约含义的连词、副词、称呼语,了解规约含义及其推导过程,进而深入了解文章段落内容和主题。  相似文献   

规约含义最早是由格赖斯提出的。它是一种与真值无关、直接附着在特殊语词上的含义,是直义与一般含义的中间体。系统梳理规约含义研究的核心问题,并对它的特征作新的阐发,对深化规约含义理论的研究至关重要。  相似文献   

含义是Grice意义理论的核心,包括规约含义和会话含义。由于Grice在界定规约含义时语焉不详,因此如何区分规约含义和会话含义一直存在争议。文章基于Grice意义理论的基本哲学精神,并以近些年来中外含义理论研究的主要成果为依据,探讨了规约含义和会话含义的本质和特征,进而以可鉴别特征为标准区分了规约含义和会话含义,从言者意图的基本事实出发,阐释了二者的共性。  相似文献   

语义学对于预设的研究主要依据句子内的命题关系,定义了预设的规约性意义,即不可辨性。本从语用学的角度研究语义学所未能解释的非规约性预设,将预设的意义延伸到语篇中,试图反映预设行为和语境的关系,并将语用预设的功能纳入系统功能语言学的框架,揭示预设行为作为一种话语策略,在语篇的组织和经验的表达中所起的作用。  相似文献   

文化因素和外语教学的关系越来越受到广大外语教学和学习者的重视。语言学习的最终目的是为了交际,而不同的语言又代表着不同的文化,因此跨语言的交际实际上就是一种跨文化交际。整个过程要受到所用语言的文化规约和言谈规约的制约。本文将就英语和汉语中常见的文化规约和言谈规约的不同做一个简单的比较  相似文献   

刘雪英 《甘肃教育》2002,(12):29-29
不同的文化在言谈规约上存在着巨大的差异,这些差异阻碍着不同文化之间的交际。本文分析了言谈规约差异对跨文化交往造成的影响和障碍,并探讨了克服障碍的方法。  相似文献   

从语境的角度来看,教学过程是语境化的,教学过程的语境化并不是一个简单依附于语境的过程,而是一个带有规约性与认知性的语境化过程。教学过程既是规约的,也是认知与意向的。  相似文献   

课堂评价语是教学话语的重要组成部分,是师生直接交流的手段,规约性是课堂评价语的主要特征之一。生命的发展在社会规约和生命规律的双重作用下逐渐完善,生命的能量只有在规约的作用下才能更好的释放。课堂评价语蕴含着师生的生活知识,课堂教学受其规约而具有条理,富含理性。  相似文献   

以语言顺应论为理论框架,对人称指示语的非规约性使用及其传达的情境性身份进行剖析,发现:发话人为凸显某一身份,选择人称指示语是其根据交际需要顺应性选择的结果;人称指示语的非规约使用是语言结构和语境关系相互顺应的产物。语言的变异性、协商性和顺应性为人称指示语的选择奠定了表达基础,而身份的多重性和动态性特征则为其选择提供了客观平台。  相似文献   

中国古典文学中的"言外之意"同样存在于当今的新闻传播活动中。从传播活动受众的角度去关照文学中的"言外之意",可以考察"言外之意"的独特魅力,同时又为新闻传播活动中的"言外之意"提供可贵的对比参照系。在中国古典文学创造中大行其道的"言外之意"在新闻传播活动中应谨慎使用,要在规避消极影响的同时将其置于适当的语境之中。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have found that by late childhood individuals recognize conventional norms as social contrivances that are arbitrary, relative, and changeable. However, this conclusion conflicts with other evidence that children and adults "reify" social formations by apprehending them as something other than social products. For example, it is difficult to reconcile the phenomenon of ethnocentrism with the image of people who perceive their social worlds as arbitrary and relative. Most of the studies have questioned respondents about comparatively "transparent" rules, that is, those whose arbitrary human origins are evident. Moreover, the customary questions used to measure perceived conventionality are often simplistic indicators of a complex phenomenon. The result is an exaggerated portrayal of children's and adults' awareness of the conventionality of the social world.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the predictive validity of Kaufman's short form version of the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities for samples of English-speaking and Spanish-speaking Mexican-American children. Comparisons of the observed correlations between the McCarthy General Cognitive Index (GCI) and Kaufman's estimated GCI with academic achievement (as measured by the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills) showed that the conventional McCarthy and Kaufman's short form predicted achievement about equally well. Implication of this finding was discussed in light of supportive evidence for the validity of the Kaufman short form and in the context of screening of culturally diverse children.  相似文献   

模糊蕴涵代数是取值于[0,1]区间上的模糊逻辑系统的一种代数抽象。通过引入模糊广义正则蕴涵代数的概念,对其性质进行了讨论,并给出了广义正则模糊蕴涵代数的一些等价刻画。  相似文献   

语言虽然是在个人的话语交际行为中实现其交际功能的,但个人对语言材料选择与组合的个己性并不能改变语言的社会属性;同时语音音素的自然性基础和语言符号的任意性,并未使语言丧失社会性本质和规约性的理据学依据,这一理据学依据虽不是逻辑的,但却是约定的,因之它对使用者具有优先性、强制性,这种优先性既是语言的社会性本质,也是语言的社会性规约.  相似文献   

Children's social reasoning is multifaceted. Moral judgments of justice, welfare, and rights are an important aspect of domains of social reasoning that are not merely the arbitrary and relative products of social formations. In defining all social formations as conventions that are either reified or accurately perceived as arbitrary and relative human inventions, Gabennesch relegates the moral concepts of many philosophers, moral leaders, and laypersons to ethnocentrism and reification. In the process, he fails to distinguish between metaethics relating to the source of knowledge and the form of knowledge. He also fails to account for distinctions between conventionality and moral concepts that do not constitute realism or reification. His review of the evidence of moral realism in children is selective in that isolated findings are taken out of the context of a particular study and of the entire body of evidence. Moreover, he has incorrectly interpreted many of the findings he cites in support of childhood realism. We present a summary of 48 studies demonstrating that children distinguish morality and convention. Gabennesch's perceptual metaphors hinge on an exaggerated role for conventionality in social formations at the expense of other complex social phenomena.  相似文献   

为了探讨自我能力否定倾向(Imposter Phenomenon,IP)的跨文化适用性,及其与归因方式的关系,本研究采用问卷法对232名大学生进行了调查。相关分析结果表明,自我能力否定倾向与外归因之间呈现显著正相关(r=0.43,p<0.01)。回归分析结果表明,外归因对自我能力否定倾向有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

This study compared Rorschach protocols of Japanese five- and six-year-olds with norms of CA comparable Americans, as reported by Exner. Japanese location responses profiles were characteristic of rapid mental development: fewer whole responses, and a higher proportion of major and minor details. Moreover, the Japanese provided more responses and over a greater breadth of content categories. Relatively small differences obtained with respect to developmental quality (DQ), which measures complexity and flexibility employed in responding to blots; Japanese scores on form quality (FQ), associated with conventionality, were significantly lower. However, Exner's FQ scoring format is based on conventionality of Americans' responses; the lower Japanese indices on this measure may be associated with cultural factors that influence perceptual responses and that may affect cross-cultural understandings.  相似文献   

历来人们津津乐道于苏轼对宋人尚意书风的开创性贡献,却相对忽略了苏轼书法艺术观的守成性特征,这是不全面的。苏轼书法的守成性是儒家入世思想对他的主导性影响的必然结果。苏轼秉持“书为小道”、“学书为乐”的习书观,书如其人、人书并重的品评观,同时缺少书法艺术创作所必需的创作激情。这些因素是苏轼书法守成性特点形成的主要原因。苏轼对书法艺术的贡献,以及居“宋四家”首席的突出地位,更多的是一种天才的文艺才华和人格气节的综合体现。  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to examine the sources of differences in motivation and other psychological characteristics, specifically the role of childhood environments, in engendering or promoting adult creative productive achievement. A model is presented in which it is proposed that the environmental conditions of creative producers result in responses that include the development of several key personality characteristics or coping strategies such as a preference for time alone, an ability to cope with high levels of anxiety or tension, freedom from conventionality, and the use of intellectual activities to fulfill emotional needs. The conditions in the environment often result from some kind of stress within the family, which is in part, a function of characteristics of the family, the broader context surrounding the family, and characteristics of the child.  相似文献   

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